
Journals Refereed:
- 2013 Operations Management Salary Survey”, with Janicki, T. N. and Gebaeur, J.
Production and Inventory Management, Vol. 49 (No. 1) to appear Spring 2014
- “2011 Operations Management Salary Survey”, with Janicki, T. N. and Mahar, S. C.
Production and Inventory Management, Vol. 48 (No. 1) 70-74, Fall 2012
- “Survey Results on the State of the Operations Management Profession for 2010”.
With Mahar, S. C., Janicki, T. N. Production and Inventory Management, Vol. 47
(No. 2), 79-87, Fall 2011.
- “A Comparison of PMI AND IPMA Approaches: Analysis to Support the Project
Management Standards and Certification System Selection”. Projektmanagement
Aktuell, No. 4(2011), 31-34.
-“Quality Control Methods at a Hospital” with C. Canel, S. Mahar and J. Taylor,
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 59-71,
-“Aggregate Production Planning - A Multiple Objective Approach” with Cem Canel,
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, Vol.12, No. 2, March 2009.
-“A Comparison of Mathematical Programming Techniques for Aggregate Production
Planning” with Cem Canel, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Vol. 11, No 2,
pp. 265-274, April 2008.
-“Service Quality Measurement and the Disconfirmation Model: Taking Care In
Interpretation”, Total Quality Management, Vol.14, No.1, 2003, pp. 3-14, with K.R.
Karwan and L. L. Scribner
-“Part-Time MBA Programs: Full Time Change: A Working Approach to Curriculum
Changes” MBA Roundtable Journal, October/November, 2001, pp. 19-32.
-“ JIT is Not Just For Manufacturing: A Service Perspective.” Industrial Management
& Data Systems”, with C. Canel, Vol. 100, Number 2, 2000, pp.51-60
-“ Service: The Next Frontier”, Hospital Material Management Quarterly, Vol. 19,
No. 3, February 1998, pp.29-34.
-“ Service: Manufacturing’s New Frontier”, National Productivity Review, Autumn
1997, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.1-3
-"Prioritizing the Dimensions of Service Quality: An Empirical Investigation and
Strategic Operations Assessment”, with K. R. Karwan, International Journal of
Service Industry Management, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1994, pp. 40-54.
-"Measuring Service Quality in Restaurants", with D. C. Bojanic, Hospitality
Research Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1., 1994, pp. 3-14.
-"Single Machine Scheduling to Minimize Absolute Lateness: A Heuristic Solution",
with T. D. Fry and R. D. Armstrong, Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 17, No.
1, January, 1990. pp. 105-112
-Study Guide to Accompany Operations Management: Concepts in
Manufacturing and Services, with L. W. Shell, West Publishing Company, St.
Paul, MN. 11-94.
-Test Bank to Accompany Operations Management: Concepts in
Manufacturing and Services, with L. W. Shell, West Publishing Company, St.
Paul, MN. 11-94.
Chapters and Articles in Books:
-“Cultural and Socio-Economic Assessment: An Application for Marine Protected
Areas” with M.P Crosby, D. McGregor, J.W. Milon and D.O. Suman, published in
Alternative Access Management Strategies for Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: A
Reference manual for their Development and Assessment, Publication of the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program,
-“Service: The Next Frontier” published in Selected Readings in Service Excellence, an
APICS, The Educational Society for Resource Management Publication, September,
Technical Reports:
Rosen, L. D., Janicki, T. N., Gebauer, J. (2013). Operations Management
Employment Outlook. Chicago, IL: APICS.
Rosen, L. D., Janicki, T. N., Gebauer, J. (2012). Operations Management
Employment Outlook. Chicago, IL: APICS.
Rosen, L. D., Mahar, S. C., Janicki, T. N. (2011). Operations Management
Employment Outlook. Chicago, IL: APICS.
Rosen, L. D., Mahar, S. C., Janicki, T. N. (2011). Operations Management
Employment Outlook. Chicago, IL: APICS.
Rosen, L. D., Mahar, S. C., Janicki, T. N. (2010). Operations Management
Employment Outlook. Chicago, IL: APICS.
Rosen, L. D., Janicki, T. N., Mahar, S. C. (2010) Operations Management
Employment Outlook. Chicago, IL: APICS.
Rosen, L. D., Mahar, S. C., Janicki, T. N. (2010). Operations Management
Employment Outlook. Chicago, IL: APICS.
Rosen, L. D., Mahar, S. C., Janicki, T. N. (2009). Operations Management
Employment Outlook. Chicago, IL: APICS.
Proceedings Refereed:
- “2013 Operations Management Employments Outlook and Salary Survey”
International APICS Conference, Orlando, FL, October 2013.
- “A Comparison of PMI AND IPMA Approaches: Analysis to Support the Project
Management Standards and Certification System Selection”, National Decision
Sciences Institute, Nov. 2010.
- "System Analysis of an Assurance of Learning System" with Kline, D. M., Reinicke,
B. A., Peck, S., Porterfield, R. I., Rosen, L. D., Simmonds, D. M., ISECON 2010, AITP,
Nashville, TN, , October, 2010
-“A Cross Cultural Investigation of Variables Influencing Perceived Service Quality”
National Decision Sciences Annual Conference, San Antonio Texas, November, 2005
- “Service’s Future in the New Experience Economy” National Decision Sciences
Annual Conference, Boston Mass. November 20, 2004.
- “Service: The Next Frontier” Atlantic Coast Symposium, Myrtle Beach, South
Carolina, April 2004
-“The Role of Customer Service in Logistics” APICS International Conference, Las
Vegas, Nevada, October 2003
-“The Integration of Service Components within Manufacturing: An ERP Perspective”,
Southeast Decision Sciences Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA. February, 2003.
-“Measuring and Interpreting Customer Satisfaction in Services”, National Decision
Sciences Annual meeting, San Diego, CA. November 2002
-“The Value of An Applied/Practitioner Organization Partnering with Higher
Education: The APICS Example” National Production and Operations Management
Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. April 6, 2002.
-"Service: Manufacturing's New Frontier." National Production and Operations
Management Society Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, NM. March 29, 1998.
-"Quality Measurement in the Hospitality Industry: A Dining Experience." National
Production and Operations Management Society Annual Meeting, Miami, FL. April 13,
-"Determining the Competitive Priorities for Services." National INFORMS Annual
Meeting, Atlanta, GA. November 4, 1996.
-"Quality Function Deployment in Services: Differences & Difficulties." with K. R.
Karwan. National INFORMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. November 4,1996.
Model for Reengineering the Traditional Evening MBA Program into an Integrated,
Application-Oriented Program” with S. Harper and R. Porterfield, ", National Decision
Sciences Institute Proceedings, Orlando Florida, November, 1996.
-"A Methodology for the Determination of the 'Voice of the Customer: A SERVQUAL
Application." National Production and Operations Management Society Annual
Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. March 31, 1996.
-"The APICS Service Initiative: Doing Business in the New Service Economy." APICS
38th International Conference, Orlando, FL. October 25, 1995.
-“Quality Function Deployment: An Essential Element in Developing Successful
Service Operations Strategies." National Production and Operations Management
Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. October 7, 1995
-“Quality Function Deployment: An Essential Element in Developing Successful
Service Operations Strategies", National Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings,
Honolulu, HI., November, 1994.
-“JIT Is Not Just For Manufacturing: A Service Perspective", with Cem Canel, National
Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, `Washington, DC. November 1993.
-“The Quest For High Quality Services: Are Marketing and Operations Striving For the
Same Goal?" National Academy of Management Proceedings, Atlanta, GA. August
-"Discriminating Among Services Using Empirically Derived Classification Variables",
with K. R. Karwan, National Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, San Francisco,
CA. November 1992.
-"A Methodology for the Measurement of Quality in Professional Service Firms", with
D. C. Bojanic, Southeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, Savannah, GA.
February 1992.
-"An Empirical Investigation of the Relationships Between Service Quality and
Operating Characteristics", with K. R. Karwan, National Decision Sciences Institute
Proceedings, Miami Beach, FL. November 1991.
-"Methodologies For Comparative Analysis in Service Firms", with K. R. Karwan,
Southeast Institute of Management Science Proceedings, Myrtle Beach, SC. October
-"Quality Measurement and Customer Satisfaction: Maintaining Competitiveness in the
Service Sector", with K. R. Karwan, Southeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings,
Washington, DC. February 1991.
-"The Marketing/Operations Interface in Services: Who's Responsible For Quality",
with K. R. Karwan, Southeast Institute of Management Science Proceedings, Myrtle
Beach, SC. October 1990.
-"Taxonomical Considerations for Gaining Strategic Insight in Service Organizations",
with K. R. Karwan, National Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, New
Orleans,LA. November 1989.
-"The Importance of Taxonomy Development for Service Operations Strategies", with
K. R. Karwan, Southeast Institute of Management Sciences Proceedings, Myrtle Beach,
SC. October 1989.
-"Quality Measurement and Operations Strategy in Service Operations", with K. R.
Karwan, National Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, Las Vegas NV. November
-"Implications For Distributed Data Processing in the International Environment", with
P.C. Deans, Southeast Institute of Management Sciences Proceedings, Myrtle Beach
SC. October 1988.
-"A Methodology For Comparative Analysis Of Quality In Services", with K.
R.Karwan, 1988 Southeast Institute of Management Sciences Proceedings, Myrtle
Beach, SC. October 1988.
-"An Assessment of the Factors Affecting the Quality of Service Operations", with K.
R.Karwan, 1988 Southeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, Winston-Salem,
NC. February 1988.
-"Location Justification For Robotics In A Multistage Job-Shop", with T. W. Butler,
1987 Southeast Institute of Management Sciences Proceedings, Myrtle Beach, SC.
October 1987.
-"A Comparison of Mathematical Programming Techniques for Aggregate Planning",
with M. D. Oliff, Southeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, Richmond, VA.
February 1987.
-"Aggregate Production Planning-A Multiple Objective Approach", with M. D. Oliff
and G. Reeves, National Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, Honolulu, HI.
November 1986.
-"Computer Integrated Manufacturing: A Distributed Network Approach", Southeast
Institute of Management Sciences Proceedings, Myrtle Beach, SC. October 1986.
Training Manuals:
Total Quality University: Team Process Training Manual, with S. Connally, B. Dineen,
R. Engdahl, and R. Porterfield, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington,
September, 1993.
Non-Referred Publications:
-“A Solid foundation Secures Future of APICS Education”, Membership Matters, The
APICS Newsletter for Volunteer Leaders, March/April 2000.
-“Promoting APICS to Nontraditional Markets” Membership Matters, The APICS
Newsletter for Volunteer Leaders, October 1998.
-“Dimensions of Quality”, with K. R. Karwan, Incentive Managing and Marketing
Through Motivation, Vol. 163, No. 5, May, 1989. pp. 20-24.
Research Agenda 2014 – 2016
Research in process:
“The Dimensions of Quality in Urgent Care Facilities” with Stacy Mitchell, Manuscript
completed and submitted to Special issue on the “Role of Quality in Services and Standards”, for
the International Journal of Services and Standards.
“Facilitating Value Co-Creation in New Service Development: A QFD/SERVQUAL Approach”
With Vince Howe and Steve Mahar, paper completed, preparing to submit, submission slated
Spring 2014.
Continued survey documentation of current salary’s and hiring trends in Operations
Management, with Tom Janicki and Judith Gebauer, this will result in at least one technical
paper and one publication each year.
Data collected for a paper on the Dimensions of Quality in the Retail Sector, writing to begin