toxic fat the burden on the human conditoin - Meta

Much of this information that follows
was derived from Dr. Sears book,
Toxic Fat Syndrome. Thomas Nelson Publishers
The toxic (soluble) fat that we will talk
tonight about is Arachidonic Acid (AA)
• AA Can kill in high enough concentrations.
• AA dramatically increases silent inflammation
which is the cause of most disease AND
chronic illness resulting in premature
disability and death!!!
Statins (cholesterol drugs) are the only drugs known to increase Toxic
Arachidonic Acid.
Toxic fat Syndrome is an EPIDEMIC
today primarily from a combination of
three issues
• Increased dietary Bad fat consumption
(trans and high omega 6)
• Increased High glycemic carbohydrate
consumption (simple and starchy)
• Decreased dietary omega 3 consumption
Toxic Fat is Arachidonic Acid
Connection between Toxic Fat
Syndrome, inflammation and
premature disability / death
Toxic Fat produces silent
(deadly) inflammation
Importance of detox
• In the last 70 yrs we have been hit with more
synthetic chemicals than our bodies are
capable of processing.
• Pesticides PCB’s dioxins plasticizers and so on
not to mention hormones from foods and
the internal hormones (Estrogen
Dominance) we excessively produce.
Lipotoxicity leads to CHD, TTDM, Fatty Liver. So the
body absorbs toxic fat in adipose tissue
You can run but you can’t hide
• AA or toxic fat stimulates stem cells to
produce new fat cells.
• When there are fat soluble toxins, the body
needs to dilute the toxicity.
• More toxins = more fat cells
Eric rim associate professor of nutrition at Harvard Medical
School “We don’t have an obesity epidemic; we have an
inflammation epidemic.” 2007
Recently the US decreased its fish oil
consumption by 90-95%
Fish Oils Have an Enormous Impact on
Achieving 5.5% – 10.9% of long-chain
unsaturated fatty acids reduces the risk of
cardiac arrest by 90%
Anti-depression associated with
Omega lll consumption
It is unnatural for us to consume so little
omega 3 fatty acids in a normal diet
Extreme Toxic Fat in the typical
Standard American Diet
Bottomline: Eating high levels of omega-6 fat (linoleic acid)
increases the risk of developing breast cancer nearly 2-fold in
genetically susceptible women. Last month Swedish
researchers found a similar risk. Linoleic acid is the most
common polyunsaturated fat in the American diet.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev October 1, 2008(17): 2748-2754
Background: Omega-6 fatty acids have a strong promoting effect on
breast cancer development in animal studies. The omega-6 fatty acids
exert their cancer-promoting effects, when they are turned into
inflammatory compounds by enzymes commonly found in the body, COX
and LOX.
The LOX enzyme converts the potent omega-6 fat, arachidonic acid, into
leukotrienes, which are inflammatory mediators in diseases such as
asthma, cardiovascular diseases, and have been implicated in several
types of cancers in different tissues and organs (including lung, colon,
kidney, bladder and esophagus). Therefore, researchers explored the
association of dietary omega-6 fat and the role of genetics related to the
LOX enzyme and breast cancer.
In 2007 we paid 20 billion
dollars in subsidy money
for HIGH omega 6
containing corn and
soybeans (GMO) and ZERO
support for healthy omega
3 containing fruits and
The Best Marker for Inflammation
• The AA/EPA ratio is a maker for the proinflammatory potential of your cells.
• The greater the ratio, the greater the amount
of silent inflammation in your organs which
moves you along the chronic illness continuum.
What is your Inflammatory potential?
• AA/EPA ratio good = 3, ideal is < than 1.5
• Japan on average have the longest health span
(longevity minus years of disability) and their average
AA/EPA is from 1.5 – 3.
• Average European is between 6 – 9
• Average “healthy” American has a ratio of AA/EPA
greater than 12
• People with chronic disease have a ratio of greater
than 20
Waist to Hip biometric
One of the most significant for inflammation
Omega-3 and Healthy Body Composition
• Fish oil concentrates not only caused weight reduction in
the mice but also appeared to stop the animals from
gaining weight when given free access to food
• Additionally, omega-3 concentrates reduced the number
of fat cells, especially in the abdominal region
• Researchers showed that concentrated fish oil increased
oxidation of fat by activating genes that break down fat
in the mitochondria and peroxisomes
Lipids, Vol. 39, no. 12 (2004)
Other markers for Inflammation
• TG/HDL ratio greater than 4 = Toxic Fat
Syndrome as well as Insulin Resistance
• Elevated Insulin Response = AA in adipose
tissue is already leaking into your blood
stream and initiating an inflammatory
Omega 6 fats leads to DGLA then to AA
only if Delta 5 desaturase is activated by
high insulin. (Can be inhibited by EPA!)
Reveal and Reverse Toxic Fat Syndrome
in 30 days
with three VERY simple steps
• Reduce consumption of omega 6 fats
(mostly cheap vegetable oils and grains)
• Eat a modified Mediterranean (low glycemic
load diet)
• Supplement with the appropriate amount and
ratio of EPA to DHA from PURE fish oils
from pure clean waters. (dosage
depandant on EPA/AA ratio)
What You Do Not Know About Fish Oil
Supplements Will Hurt You
A group of three plaintiffs very recently filed a suit against eight supplement
companies for violating California Proposition 65, which mandates that consumers
must be warned on product labels of dangerous toxins beyond established "safe
harbor" limits. The plaintiffs intend to prove that the eight supplement
manufacturers knowingly passed on PCB contaminated fish oils without Prop 65's
required warnings.
The three plaintiffs in the suit, which includes the Mateel Justice Foundation, are
sifting through other fish oil products to find more Prop 65 violations of knowingly
passing on excessive PCB contaminants in their products.
Currently, the fish oil providers accused of violating Prop 65 with PCB
contamination are: CVS Pharmacy, Inc.; General Nutrition Corp. (GNC); Now
Health Group, Inc.; Omega Protein, Inc. (which is the largest bulk provider of fish
oil to other distributors); Pharmavite LLC (Nature Made brand); Rite Aid Corp.;
Solgar, Inc.; and TwinLab Corp. by Paul Fassa, citizen journalist
Omega-3 Formulas
Should Be Purity Guaranteed
Free of:
• Mercury
• Lead
• Dioxins
• PCBs
• Yeasts, molds, and bacteria
Terms You Hear:
Pharmaceutical-grade, Ultra-pure,
There is no unified definition for these terms
Metagenics Oils:
•Produced in Norway
•Manufacturing plant is pharmaceutical drug licensed by the Norweigian
Medicines Agency (equivalent to FDA)
•One of three pharmaceutical licensed omega-3 manufacturing facilities in
the world
•Is approved by the Global Organization for EPA DHA (GOED)
•International, not for profit trade association committed to increasing
regulatory approvals for EPA / DHA
•GOED was formed out of the dissolution of the Council for Responsible
Nutrition’s working group and founded by experts in the field of omega-3
fatty acids
Omega lll supplementation
typical recommendations
(See us for specific recommendations)
• Wellness: 2-3 grams per day
• Over weight, obese, TTDM, CHD, and BEFORE
any aggressive weight loss: 5 grams
• Chronic pain: 7.5 grams
• Neurological disorders: 10 grams
“I have fought the good fight, I have
finished the race, and I have
remained faithful”
The apostle Paul in a letter to his
good friend Timothy
2 Timothy 4:7