us supreme court exhibit list

US Supreme Court Habeas Corpus Exhibit List
Exhibit list
1. Oregon State Appeal attorney Jed Peterson’s brief to Oregon Appeal court, arguing that I have
stated a valid claim and am a victim and that Habeas Corpus hearing should be granted and that
lower courts erroneously dismissed the petition 12/2/2014.
2. DVD1 videos: 1. My friend in Eugene, USIS employee, came forward to tell me I was on to
something, that the technology existed, and that I knew about it as she saw it on classified
documents at USIS, she thought it important enough to tell me, in the context it sounded like
weapons/psych experimentation that which they know never to do. 2. CIA operative Mark
Phillips and Dr. Robert Duncan CIA system architect confirms weapons use on Americans. 3. Dr.
Robert Duncan interview Coast to Coast AM Dec 5th 2006. 5 Documentary, Who Is Elisa Lam –
Energy Weapons Part 1. 4. Dr. Fred Bell, DOD physicist confirms technology being used to
target/abuse Americans. 6. President Bill Clinton’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation
Experiments, CIA Mind Control victims testify in 1995 about being victimized while being young
children, raped, kept in cages, dosed with drugs, radiation, trained as CIA spy assassins,
molested by their psychiatrist captures/others with Licensed Social Worker Valerie Wolf. 7.
President Bill Clinton apologizes to the victims of the Human Radiation Experiments and
recommends compensation and new safe guards be put into place. 8. 2011, victims of electronic
assault, directed energy, and mind control today pack a room to testify to President Barack
Obama’s BioEthics Committee, which was created as a result of Bill Clinton’s recommendations
after the Human Radiation Experiments were investigated in 1995. The victims like me were
denied help, Obama was fully informed, based on a letter the BioEthics committee send out
afterwards. 9. Mind Control Facts w/ Dr. Colin Ross & Corrina Rachel. 10. Voice to skull military
technologies video, methods to beam sound and voices into a targets head demo’d (civilian level
tech). 11. CBS Reading your Mind documents how FMRI today is good enough to extract
memories and thoughts, and one interviewee discusses a military version that can be aimed at a
persons head from long range for memory/thought extraction. 12. Another voice to skull video.
13. ABC News Report on CIA project MK Ultra from 1979, “Mission Mind Control,” cut version.
3. DVD2 videos: 1. My Elf Weapon, more proof that the Navy Ship Yard Shooter was targeted by
Melissa Melton news reporter. 2. FBI comes out to my house to harass me, targeting me,
protecting my family and the guys involved in abusing me, threaten me etc. 3. FBI phone call
recorded, dudes afraid I’m catching them in a cover up, question if I’m recording the call after
making statements that make him look bad. 4. Oregon State Hospital, Bonita Tucker scandal, me
and witness Donald Stewart. 5. Death Ray Conspiracy Theory episode of Jesse Ventura, featuring
Dr. Fred Bell and Dr. Judy Wood and other experts who confirm the death ray was built and can
kill people remotely and do more. 6. Brain Invaders Conspiracy Theory episode with Dr. Robert
Duncan, CIA operative Mark Phillips, Jesse Ventura, and ‘other victims.’. 7. Where Did the
Towers Go? Evidence of directed free energy on 9/11, with physicist Dr. Judy Wood,
whistleblower, discusses ‘mass deception’ and use of weapon by the US military on 9/11. More
info on and in her book. 8. NSA whistleblower Russ Tice, confirms satellites
and space capability are being used to target Americans and individuals July 2013. 9. NSA
collects word for word, content of all communications, per NSA whistleblowers Russ Tice and
Bill Binney, PBS August 2013. 10. Whistleblower NSA Russ Tice, SAPs, black world, space
US Supreme Court Habeas Corpus Exhibit List
capability specialist, comes forward with new revelations. June 2013. 11. Russ Tice interviewed
in 2006, after first blowing the whistle on NSA violations including illegal use of satellites to spy
on Americans. 12. NSA whistleblower Russ Tice talks about why he decided to blow the whistle,
as the first NSA whistleblower. Interview from 2014, he talks about us needing to ‘kill the NSA’
as they are a “medusa” .. etc. 13. NSA whistleblower Bill Binney discussing invasive NSA
surveillance, New York Times, 2012. 14. William Binney discusses NSA surveillance violations in
2012, confirms Obama’s administration is not doing anything to curb it, will not be assisting
anyone. 15. NSA whistleblower Russ Tice on MSNBC in 2009, NSA tapping all media, using high
tech methods far above just low tech telephone and internet tapping, according to NSA
whistleblower Russ Tice. 16. Russ Tice NSA whistleblower on MSNBC in 2013 to discuss new
abuses. 17. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s 2013 Christmas Message, “a child born today
will have no conception of privacy,” and this inhibits people’s ability to develop who they are,
and who they want to be, and they will not have a single unanalyzed thought. 18. NSA Echelon,
global surveillance on all people, w/ confirmation by NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake and the
NSA whistleblower’s attorney Jesselyn Raddack. 19. Jesse Ventura’s Off the Grid interview with
NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, confirming the US constitution is fully subverted, that the US
government continues to run under a stealth warfare mode. 20. Barack Obama in 2007 prior to
being elected calls for curbing warrantless surveillance, a lie, of course, because surveillance was
increased several times fold under his administration and continues to be done in a warrantless
‘get everything’ fashion. 21. Colbert Report from Comedy Central, exposes NSA surveillance, and
lie by Barack Obama who claims there is no surveillance program targeting Americans on Jay
Leno. Clapper’s lie also aired. Colbert comments on, “the President has heard all your calls,”. ;)
22. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden interview on TED Talks 2014, discussing NSA
surveillance methods.
DVD3 videos: 1. Me and Dr. Seth Farber Ph.D. on the radio a Sacramento show called
Paranormal Connections, discussing my targeting and abuse by the government. 2. CIA/DOD/US
DOJ/NASA whistleblower Dr. Robert Duncan, NSA whistleblower William Binney, and CIA
whistleblower John Kiriakou discussing government torture, surveillance, targeting, and abuse
of citizens. 3. NSA William Binney highlights the methods of targeting of citizens at the Covert
Harassment Conference in Brussels Germany, mostly talking about NSA surveillance systems
including satellites and how local officials have access and are getting into citizens information
with no warrant including phone calls and upstream data collected from the internet and more.
Evaluation and letter to the courts on my behalf by Dr. Seth Farber, PhD. A psychologist /
political psychologist and book author. August 2014.
Follow up letter by Dr. Seth Farber Ph.D on my behalf. Explains his line of thinking that the
government is targeting and torturing people and that the victims are not suffering mental
illness at least not all of them. 11/05/2014
Evaluation of me by Cathy Meadows MA psychology, expert in whistleblower retaliation.
Eval w/ Diagnosis of PTSD from government abuse and trauma by Dr. Misty Getrich. 10/2014
Eval w/ Diagnosis of PTSD by Ron Under LCSW regarding my abuse by government and while
growing up. 2/2014
US Supreme Court Habeas Corpus Exhibit List
10. Treatment plan of Cheryl Haun MA psychology and Tracy Wise showing we worked on trying to
build my legal case and getting medical care after being traumatized and tortured by the
government 06/2013-09/2013.
11. Letter by Dr. Stefan Harold neurologist regarding diagnostic impressions and treatment
recommendations, diagnostic impressions of “symptoms of CTE/chronic traumatic
encephalopathy from repetitive injuries.” 02/2014.
12. Dr. Colin Ross psychiatrist expert in military mind control impressions on government targeting
people with directed energy + an email between me and him, he offers to be hired for the case
if my attorney contacts him. 03/2014.
13. Biography of Dr. Robert Duncan, BA, MS, MBA, PHD, Harvard and Dartmouth College, provided
by Coast to Coast AM radio show which he appeared on. Plus emails where he discusses me
being tortured by ruthless people and software and that my biggest challenge will be facing
them trying to get me to kill myself and others. In the second email he discusses how victims are
having their bodies impinged with signals intelligence, like radar and satellites frequencies.
14. Dr. Robert Duncan put together this table of projects he’s worked on, a partial list for
government and government contractors and other companies. 10/2014.
15. Dr. Robert Duncan wrote a book called The Matrix Deciphered. It can be downloaded off my
website for free, this exhibit has the excerpts on the mind control which reads and alters
brainwaves from a distance. 2006
16. Document from Dr. Robert Duncan’s site highlighting the information, government torturing
citizens, he interviewed the citizens and compiled info on their symptoms. He mentions there
being 10,000 victims estimated. The sample size is of 250 victims symptoms. 2008.
17. United States patent Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring brainwaves. Mentioned in
exhibit 15, this patent from 1974 discusses using traditional military radar systems to read and
analyze brainwaves. According to Duncan the capability was retro-fitted into all satellites and
radar by 1976. It’s used to assault and spy on people and do remote interrogations. August 5th,
18. Affidavit by Ted Gunderson previous head of FBI Los Angeles, confirming citizens are being
targeted by a group of CIA, FBI, military and local officials with surveillance, stalking, and other
abuses. 2011.
19. An article called Remote Mind Control Technology from the internet. Discusses CIA operation
Pique, in the 1970s they used a weapon to beam radio frequencies into the sky to bounce down
the signals into European citizens to effect their mental health. Confirming we do have the
20. The Mind Has No Firewall, a military article discussing how humans are susceptible to electronic
system invasion. 1997.
21. Covert Operations of the US National Security Agency article, Nexus Magazine 1996. Discloses
NSA Remote Neural Monitoring and air gap technologies being used domestically by the NSA
and other agencies.
22. Exclusive Report: NSA whistleblower: Snowden Never Had Access to the JUICIEST DOCUMENTS
… Far more damning. NSA whistleblower Russell Tice interview. June 7th 2014. Also contains a
new paper article called Is the NSA conducting electronic warfare on Americans written about
the NSA revelations stemming from Russell Tice, NSA whistleblower, 2005 New York Times
US Supreme Court Habeas Corpus Exhibit List
leaker with information on NSA Remote Neural Monitoring and Electronic Brain Link and
electronic warfare black world spying. Tice indicated in many reports that he knew about
something bigger than telephone and internet tapping, in the black world and special access
programs. On MSNBC he referred to this as the high tech side, while the telephone and internet
spying were the low tech side.
23. Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance letter on behalf of victims nationwide,
written for me Dec 2013 by Derrick Robinson the director of the group.
24. Presidential Commission for the Study of the BioEthical Issues. The committee was set up by
William Clinton to prevent these types of abuses in 1995 after the Advisory Committee On
Human Radiation Experiments investigated previous abuses. March 1st 2011 and May 18th 2011
hearings were held by the commission and these transcripts were provided, collecting victims
testimony for President Barack Obama. A letter was sent out July 27 2011 telling victims that
they would not be investigating it further or doing any further work, but that they would only
pass the existing information and complaints onto President Barack Obama. All three items in
this exhibit, the July 27th 2011 letter on top. They completely failed to protect any of the victims
and to date nothing has been done to stop any of our abuse. The July 27th 2011 letter indicates
they possessed a full understanding of our complaints and what we were going through and
indicates failures to act to an unknown reason by top officials who have been informed and
have seen this information.
25. Exhibits of information from the Oregon State Hospital. Showing that I was approved for release
in December 2005. That I did report being sexually abused by staff in 2006. That the women
accused Bonita Tucker was in the newspaper for committing serious crimes and acts at the
Oregon State Hospital and that serious security problems were discovered at OSH including her
involvement with patients romantically. That she was later convicted for similar crimes that I
had reported but my case was hidden and no mention of my name. An email is provided June
13th 2008 between me and top hospital administrator Bob Nikkel, he is promising an
investigation after I provided him a date / time log of events including capturing staff on security
equipment recorded hallways with cameras and mics of discussions pertaining to my abuse, and
the state cover up, including them spying on me illegally and discussing technology being used
to spy on me from outside of the building. Staff would repeat conversations and things I did on
multiple days that they could not find out otherwise without using NSA technology at the
hospital. I was assaulted during episodes by staff and include letters indicating I was given
medications improperly for long durations, during these assaultive episodes. I include Dr.
Suckow’s eval finding me competent, without psychosis, able to make my own decisions, clearly
demonstrating my sound mind. I believe this technology was used as part of a spying process, by
the US DOJ during their CRIPA investigation (US DOJ uses NSA technology during surveillance
and investigative processes). I provide the first 12 pages of the CRIPA report showing that in fact
the US DOJ was investigating the facility. It’s my theory that they used NSA warrantless
surveillance to audit the facility and to conduct their investigation, and similar behavior is well
documented thanks to Edward Snowden’s and others NSA leaks. The technology might have
also been used heavily due to hospital security issues, but staff were not being investigated, the
patients were being spied on, and staff knew about it. This leads up to them trying to murder
me by directing radio frequencies into my body in my hospital bed, to “set me up to look
psychotic.” We know today that local governments, the state police, and US Department of
US Supreme Court Habeas Corpus Exhibit List
Justice are illegally and covertly using NSA surveillance all around us, giving each other access to
it and participating in operations. This lends total credibility to my story that this was used at the
facility. The state might even try to murder a person to cover it up, if details of the operation
had been caught on hospital security equipment. Staff were even caught discussing the states
lack of liability insurance as a motive for hiding my case and abusing me, recording by hospital
security equipment demonstrated by the June 13th 2008 email.. A history of crime at this facility
is evident by attached recording showing child sex abuse scandal and abuse by managers,
resulting in the closure of the kids unit in 2004. Other records discuss patient deaths at Fairview
hospital which was shutdown after a US DOJ investigation. Dammasch hospital was shutdown
after five improper patient deaths which were covered up or conducted by staff. The Oregon
State Hospital is the last remaining peg of this death machine, and staff from these closed
facilities remain to work at OSH today (the climate of abuse is the same across the board, really).
Included: 1. PSRB order finding me fit for discharge from OSH. 2. Email between OSH and my
community placement provided finding I am ready for discharge and we are seeking placement.
Indicates no further permission is necessary for me to be discharged, just need an open bed. 3.
Abuse report indicating that I did complain about being sexually abused and abused by staffers
and that by August 2006 I was still not discharged as planned because I was still at OSH for this
report to be generated. 4. Article from the newspaper Statesman Journal, ‘Security slips at
hospital still a problem.’ Discusses Bonita Tucker aiding her patient lover in escape plots at the
facility and being at the get-away house, with staff throughout the hospital participating
including a nurse paid $1000 and security members who routed packages w/o patients names
on them. An ex-staff drove the get-away car. 5. Bonita Tucker was finally sentenced after a year
of protection by the state fell through, she got caught smuggling in morphine and amphetamine
to OSH to her husband patient. 6. Email between me and Oregon State Hospital administrators
(one of several I sent; FBI, Governors Office, and State Police also got copies). 7. US Department
of Justice 12 page report of the 49+ page CRIPA report after they investigated the facility. Note,
the US DOJ investigation is open and not closed today and the US DOJ continues to release
updated information and the settlement they entered into with the state (the latest indicates
the state is not in compliance with the settlement terms, Jan 2014). 8. Letter from Disability
Rights Oregon documenting that I was administered medications with force outside of the law,
an assault and battery by OSH staff – psychotropic weapon administration to hurt me. 9. Dr.
Suckow’s eval w/ diagnosis ADHD/depression, also documents OSH’s failed attempt to push
drugs by force that were not medically appropriate for me and highlights the hospitals wanton
misdiagnosis of me in attempt to prescribe these drugs legally to assault me. 10. In August 2008
I was attacked by electronic warfare in my room, radiation pulsated and flooded my body.. It
sent me into shock, causing calcium efflux, which led to tachycardia for months as my pulse flew
was seen as high as 170+ and 150 in this Salem Hospital cardiac unit report. I worse this heart
monitor after staff emergently pulled me off my ADHD drugs and sent me to the ER thinking I
was about to die from this weapon being used on me. In DVD1 exhibit 2 video 4 of that DVD Dr.
Fred Bell a DOD physicist tells the symptoms of electronic assault is calcium efflux, rapid
tachycardia, loss of control of vocal cords, muscle convulsions, etc (all symptoms I also had). 11.
Articles on the state’s mental hospital operations including Rape and Abuse at the Oregon State
Hospital which documents the decades of sex abuse crime of children patients, Five Deaths at
Dammasch Hospital is a print out of an article that links to a report on the improper deaths of
US Supreme Court Habeas Corpus Exhibit List
patients at the hospital, Erasing Fairview’s horrors documents the severe crime and conditions
of Oregon’s Fairview facility before it was shutdown leaving Oregon State Hospital, Update
2/21/2015 has info on patient murders and deaths and other abuse and the public’s knowledge
of the abuse happening for decades and decades before anything was done dating back to the
1940s, Another article Family of man dead at OSH threatens to sue covers the retaliation went
through for reporting a staff having sex with a patient repeatedly, resulting in the patient
reporters death and abuse with medication which killed him. 12. Pictures of my face after staff
assaulted me which was on video and audio recorded hallways. Staff Jeff Hodson now union
President at the hospital with another male staff jumped on top of me in a fit of retaliation that
had been going on along time, both held me down while Jeff Hodson punched me in my face
repeatedly to produce this. He then took a towel and covered my mouth and twisted my head
hard, holding the towel to suffocate me and prevent me breathing while I was rolled down a
hallway to a restraint bed. Even though the staff did assault me, they covered it up and denied
an investigation into all events that were being complained about. The emails with dates and
times June 13th 2008 included. They won’t provide the video and audio for a reason obviously,
to hide the lie and cover up. While staff say I wasn’t assaulted by Jeff Hodson, the pictures
clearly show I was suffering injuries indicative of an assault. He and other staff got together to
lie and cover it up, and no one’s been punished to date. This is good evidence of conspiracy
against me.
Raytheon patent for multi-functional radio frequency directed energy system, mentions
targeting biological targets with radio frequencies to kill and hit them. Also tracks targets. It’s a
unified radar system for tracking and directing frequencies from one apparatus into targets. This
is electronic warfare to target human beings and other objects all in one apparatus. Granted:
Dec 8th 2009.
US Air Force patent for directing radar and satellite frequencies into target to create voices in
their skull. Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing
effect. Beam voices into the cochlea of targets where the vibrations are converted to nerve
signals. Granted: July 1th 2003.
Failed United States bill killed by an unfavorable executive comment by the US Department of
Defense, Space Preservation Act of 2001. Why would the DOD and Congress not want this bill to
protect human life on the books when all these technologies are real and there are victims
complaining of the devices use on them? Could it be Congress and top officials wanted to keep
this weapon system going for some purpose, for their own profit and use?
Washington Post article Mind Games, indicates victims network of people targeted with
directed energy technologies, surveillance, warfare systems, and stalked by the government
(surveillance tactic really) – Sharon Weinberger interviews them for the Post. Headline: Is it
Paranoia or the Pentagon? January 2007..
Dr. Robert Duncan wrote a new report 4/2015 titled Executive Summary: Neuropsychological
and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report, exhibited here. It compiles a summary of techniques,
torture methods not covered by the Senate Intelligence committee’s report on CIA torture.
These techniques are in use on American’s covertly today.
Wikipedia article on Electronic Warfare.
Wikipedia article on Signals Intelligence.