C14-EC- 405 Model question paper-I BOARD DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, (C-14) DECE-IV Semester EXAMINATION Microprocessor & Microcontroller Programming Time 3 Hours] [TOTAL MARKS:80 PART-A Instructions: (1) Answer allquestions. (2) Each question carries three marks. (3) Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall not exceed five simple sentences. 1. Define operation code, operand with examples 2 Give the function of status flags 3.List the features of 8051micro controller 4.Compare Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 5.Give the instruction format of 8051 6.Define the terms machine language, assembly language 7.Define stack and stack pointer 8.Explain the term debugging a program 9.List RS232 pins of DB 25 connectors 10.Explain MAX 232 interfacing PART-B Instructions: (1) Answer any five questions. (2) Each question carries ten marks. (3) Answers should be comprehensive and the criterion for valuation is the content but not the length of the answers. 11. Draw the block diagram of a 8085 microprocessor and explain the function of each block. 10 12.(a)Explain about the IN instruction along with the timing diagram of 8085 microprocessor (b)Explain PUSH and POP instructions of 8051 microcontroller 5 5 13.Explain the momory organization of 8051 microcontroller 10 14.a) Draw the pin out diagram of 8051 and label the names. 5 b)Explain interrupts in 8051 5 15. Explain the timing diagrams for memory read operations of 8051 10 16. Explain the various addressing modes of 8051 with examples 10 17a).Explain different types of subroutine techniques. 5 b) Write a program to multiply two 8bit numbers stored in the locations 2400H and 2401H.Store the result in the locations2402H and 2403H 18.Write a program to generate a square wave of any frequency 5 10 C14-EC- 405 Model question paper-2 BOARD DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, (C-14) DECE-IV Semester EXAMINATION Microprocessor & Microcontroller Programming Time 3 Hours] [TOTAL MARKS:80 PART-A Instructions: (1) Answer allquestions. (2) Each question carries three marks. (3) Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall not exceed five simple sentences. 1. List the features of micro processors 2. List the latest processors used in Desktop/laptop computers. 3. Explain I/O ports of 8051 4.Give any six Special Function Register’s of 8051 5.State the need for an instruction set 6.Define machine cycle and T-state. 7.List and draw the various symbols used in drawing flow charts 8. Write a program to add any two 8-bit numbers. 9. List RS232 pins of DB9 connectors 10. Explain MAX 233 interfacing [Contd…. PART-B Instructions: (1) Answer any five questions. (2) Each question carries ten marks. (3) Answers should be comprehensive and the criterion for valuation is the content but not the length of the answers. 11.Explain execution of STA instruction with the help of timing diagrams 10 12.(a) Define fetch cycle, execution cycle and instruction cycle of 8085 5 (b)Write a program to generate the time delay using a register of 8051 baed system .Assume that the crystal frequency of the system is 25MHZ. 13.Give the pin diagram of 8051 micro controller and specify the purpose of each pin 5 10 14.Explain the memory organization of 8051 10 15.Explain any five data transfer instructions of 8051 with examples 10 16.Explain unconditional and conditional jump instructions 10 17.(a)Explain about different debugging techniques. 5 (b)Write a program to multiply two 8 bit numbers 5 18.Write a program to generate a square wave of 50%duty cycle with timer1 in Mode1 on the port pin 2.6 using subroutine technique. Determine the time delay generated by the timer for the value of the count 1009H.Assume that crystal frequency of the system is 12MHZ 10