Name: Cell, Protist and Microscope Study Guide Across 6. Protist

Name: ___________________________________________________________
Cell, Protist and Microscope Study Guide
6. Protist that moves and eats by using a pseudopod.
7. Amoeba use this "false foot" to move and to engulf food.
9. An organism that must find its food to survive and cannot photosynthesize.
12. Powerhouse of the cell.
13. Transports materials around the cell.
15. Controls what goes in and out of the cell.
16. Controls the activities of the cell and contains DNA.
17. The lenses that you move on a microscope to change the power of magnification.
22. Stores water for the cell.
24. Pumps water out of the cell so it doesn't explode.
25. The clean-up crew. Digests molecules.
1. Whip-like structure that helps euglena and volvox move.
2. The paramecium use this to move.
3. Euglena use this feature to detect light.
4. Protein factories for the cell.
5. What you get when you multiply the power of the eye piece of a microscope with the power of the objective lens you are using.
7. Protist that uses cilia to move and has an oral groove.
8. Many cells that live in a colony, using flagella to roll it through the water.
10. Protist that moves using a flagellum and is both an autotroph and a heterotroph.
11. Jelly-like substance in the cell that contains the organelles.
14. An organism that can create its own food through photosynthesis.
18. Building block of all living things.
19. All of the parts that make up the cell.
20. Rigid layer that surrounds the plant cell.
21. Protects the nucleus.
23. Stores and delivers materials around the cell.
24. Allows photosynthesis to occur in plan cells.
26. The part of the microscope you look through.
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Cell, Protist and Microscope Study Guide
Protists, Cells and Microscopes
Study Guide