BACKUP Health – Application Form – Project Mode Please note: The contracting partner must be registered as a legal entity. A completed self-disclosure form must be attached to your application together with the required documents/certificates. If not, the application will not be further processed. Download: Self-disclosure for the commercial suitability review (docx, 96 KB) Name of applicant: Institution/organisation: Address: Phone: Email: Are you a: CCM Principal Recipient Health sector body Other If you are a CCM and not registered as a legal entity, please indicate a CCM member organisation registered as a legal entity as a contracting partner for the proposed project: CCM member organisation: Name: Address: Phone: Email: If you are a Global Fund Principal Recipient, please detail which grant(s) you have received. Grant reference number Disease component (HIV, TB, malaria) Which constituency do you represent? academic/training institution international civil society organisation national civil society organisation multilateral organisation HSS/ strengthening civil society Most recent grant performance rating national government institution private sector organisation regional initiative Country or region covered: Time frame of the intervention: Start: (Please enter specific date or month) End: (Please enter specific date or month) Period: (Please enter number of days or months) Intervention area (Please tick one of the three headings below.): Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Health System Strengthening (HSS) Grant Management (GM) Have you requested technical support from another provider for a related matter? If so, please specify which technical support provider you have contacted and briefly describe the support you have requested as well as the status of the request. Page 1/6 BACKUP Health – Application Form – Project Mode Date: Attachments to this application Completed self-disclosure form Registration documents Detailed budget Applicant’s signature (name, organisation) Endorsement Please note: In general, all applications should be endorsed by the CCM Chair or the CCM Vice Chair. Please indicate who has endorsed the application. Date: Signature (name, organisation) CCM Chair or CCM Vice Chair For GIZ Country Office use only Date: Quality checklist completed Commercial suitability review completed Country Director (name, signature) For BACKUP Health use only Date: Committee approval Application approved by: BACKUP team (name, signature) Page 2/6 BACKUP Health – Application Form – Project Mode Proposal title Applicant (Organisation, person responsible, contact details) Budget (in EUR) Country or region covered Please note: The narrative part of the application (sections 1 to 7) should not exceed 10 pages excluding the monitoring and evaluation tables. 1. Background information 1.1 Information about the applicant (Short description of the organisation, mission, office and steering structure; indicate staff responsible for the proposed project in the table below) Name Role in project (project manager, coordinator, trainer, accountant, etc.) Describe work experience / required profile Time spent on project (in % FTE1) 1.2 Country context (Provide a brief overview of the current situation – population, socioeconomic situation, health indicators, disease burden, gender aspects – that requires technical support and, where possible, support this with evidence such as Global Fund recommendations, conditions precedent, TRP recommendations, management letters, etc.) 1.3 Relevance of the applicant and the proposed project to national policies and Global Fund mechanisms (Relationship to CCM and/or Principal Recipient, role in implementing Global Fund grants and/or national programmes, involvement in national policy development or activities) 2. Project information 2.1 Areas of support (Please outline the project focus and how presumed impacts (the intervention logic) correspond to the defined intervention areas described in the Downloads ‘General orientation and guidelines for Project Mode application’ and the corresponding guidelines for each intervention area provided on the BACKUP website ( 2.2 Beneficiaries Direct beneficiaries (Indicate the people and groups of people who will directly benefit from the project activities, specifying type and number. Where direct beneficiaries are organisations, indicate their involvement in developing the project. Indirect beneficiaries (Indicate the people and groups of people not directly associated with the intervention who will indirectly benefit from the project, specifying their type and estimating their number, where possible. 3. 1 Methodology (Please describe which approaches and methods will be applied. Which partners will be involved?) Full-time equivalent Page 3/6 BACKUP Health – Application Form – Project Mode 4 Monitoring and evaluation 4.1 Monitoring and evaluation matrix (This matrix will help to define the indicators required to measure your project’s achievements. Please define outcome, outputs, milestones and activities and elaborate on the indicators. Examples for indicators and activities are described in the guidelines for each intervention area.) Level Indicators Milestones Means of verification Assumptions/risks Outcome Output 1 Major activities Output 2 Major activities Output 3 Major activities Definitions for ‘outcome,’ ‘output’ and ‘indicator’ are provided in the following downloads published by OECD, Development Assistance Committee: 2002: Glossary of key terms in evaluation and results based management (0.6 MB pdf, in English, French and Spanish) 1991: DAC - Principles for Evaluation of development assistance (1.19 MB pdf) Page 4/6 BACKUP Health – Application Form – Project Mode 4.2 Schedule of activities (Please list the activities indicated in the monitoring and evaluation matrix in section 4.1 of the application. Q = quarter.) Year 1 Activities (including evaluation) Q1 Page 5/6 Q2 Q3 Year 2 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 BACKUP Health – Application Form – Project Mode 5. Special consideration of cross-cutting topics (Please describe how the proposed project addresses the needs of key affected populations or considers gender equality. Alternatively, if the project will not impact on cross-cutting topics, please explain why.) 6. Continuity and sustainability (Indicate to what extent the benefits of the project will continue once the project activities have come to an end and the conditions ensuring that the results of the activities are sustainable.) 7. Budget (Please note: A completed budget must be attached to your application. If not, the application will not be further processed.) Download: Detailed budget – Project Mode (xlsx, 20 KB) Please note, if your application is successful: All contracting partners shall be obligated to send a report in electronic format to every six months during the project period and a final report upon completion of the project. Reporting forms are available on the BACKUP website ( or can be forwarded upon request. For further information, please see the Downloads ‘General orientation and guidelines for Project Mode application’ and the corresponding guidelines for each intervention area provided on the BACKUP website ( Page 6/6