Devi Ruslani ITEC 830, Fall 2008, Final Project Instructor: Dr. K. Foreman Topic: Scavenger Hunt @ SFSU SECTION 1: BACKGROUND INFORMATION Introduction From the State of California. Department of Finance. California Public K-12 Enrollment and High School (Graduate Projections by County, 2007 Series. October 2007), it said that more than 370,000 California high school seniors are projected to graduate in 2008. California ranks 40th among states in the rate of high school graduates going directly to college. (Institute for Higher Educational Leadership and Policy. State of Decline? Gaps in College Access and Achievement Call for Renewed Commitment to Educating Californians. October 2006.) In Fall 2007, San Francisco State University admitted 18,370 first time freshman, 144 lower division transfers, 7922 upper division transfers. Among those 92.7% are Californian resident, 1.3% are from another state, 4.8% are from foreign countries and 1.3 are exception (faculty, staff and other exception). I’ve looked back and wonder what I’ve could have done differently when I started at SFSU. My only goal was to achieve a bachelor in Business. I was only blinding by taking my GEs and business classes. I was limited to a few options of classes to take and rarely went to all of the buildings at SFSU. One day, I was exploring the SFSU campus and went to a building call Fine Arts Building. I saw a really interesting Department that caught my eye. It was with the Department of Design and Industry (DAI). They had a lot of graphic design assignments on display along the hallway. Very creative and seems like a fun major. I decided to take a class and love it so much that I wanted to minor in DAI. Unfortunately, I’ve found this major towards the end of my completion of my 2 Business major. If I had knew that this major exsist, I would have started early on. In my opinion, education never stops me from wanting to learn more so I continued on to major DAI as my third major despite the set back to graduation. My ITEC 830 class has shown me great twenty-first century education tools that can give us opportunities to explore different way of teaching. My goal is to provide a fun and creative collaboration that will give student the opportunity to learn about SFSU and a few cool Web 2.0 tools. I wanted to find an effective ways to integrate an activity base method of teaching with new instructional technology and the Internet. I choice Scavenger hunt at SFSU because I want to teach students that there is a lot of opportunities out there for you that you do not want to miss out on. This paper documents the development of a prototype use of Web 2.0 technologies (primarily Wikis, multimedia, and graphic) as a final project for my ITEC 830 class. 1.1 Background The project of Scavenger Hunt @ SFSU was to design hands on experience for students who wants to explore a new method of teaching and learning environment using Web 2.0 technologies. This will give students opportunities to find what they are looking for, develop class management and a fun way to learn the life at SFSU. The use of the internet in education for research and learning can be turn into a collaboration between teams and everyone in the class. Everyone can learn from each other and we can share our findings. 1.2 Purpose The intent of this project was to teach an effective and fun methods using scavenger hunt by collecting materials and posting them online on wiki site. This project was designed to explore how a student can work as a team in researching, exploring, Collaborating and others methods. This will benefit student’s creative in using an online method to collaborate with Web 2.0 technologies, such as wiki, slide, flickr, etc. 1.2 Significance My project was to develop an instruction using Web 2.0 technologies to collaborate their assignments. For this purpose, I used my personal experience of exploring SFSU campus online and by observation. The Internet resources had a lot of information but sometimes you need to actually look at the facts to really get a feel of what you are reaching about. My project addressed the problem of how to use wiki to collaboration their assignments so other students can learn from each other. This class will be a beginning class and no 21st century learners’ backgrounds, skill in technical levels needed. I use the scavenger hunt method to establish and real world interaction rather than virtual. This method is a combination of the 21st century learning as well as the traditional learning methods. SECTION 2: FRONT END ANALYSIS 2.1 Introduction and Literature Review Different department at SFSU uses technology differently. At SFSU ilearn is a big success in term of collaboration materials with students in my opinion. Ilearn has been a great tool in managing courses outline, assignments, quizzes, etc. At SFSU School of Social Work, we use ilearn to post vital information and resources to our students in order to accomplish their education experience. Current, we post assignments such as internship agency’s evaluation. These agency’s evaluation are use to create a database of different agency that are in our internship database. The development of ilearn has become more popular in the School of Social Work; a community base department can benefit the use of today’s new way of learning. My goal was to find effective and efficient ways individual students can be motivated to learn about their College environment. I believe that the use of play such as scavenger hunting in learning can be effective and can motivate the students to learn more about the subject matter. Web 2.0 tools are an added bonus to collaborate with their projects with everyone in the class. I wanted to develop a basic prototype of a scavenger hunt class. I choice to what could be done with the use of Web technologies such as a wiki to extend learning beyond the classroom. 2.2 Needs Assessment The Scavenger Hunt @ SFSU is target to freshman or incoming student who has never been at SFSU. Student will work in teams in collaborating a learning and exciting experience. Teams will be assessed by teacher or peer observation on * teamwork; * clarity of information and pictures; * appropriateness of pictures to meet criteria; and * their information researched. 2.3 Content / Task Analysis Students will * work together to find items listed in a scavenger hunt. Items must be in the school or on school grounds. (see SFSU map) * teams will collaborate in the pbwiki site * team up to take digital photos of each item and return to the classroom within a 50-minute time frame. * display photos using flickr and/or slide * optional :display video using any media as long as it support pbwiki 2.4 Learner Analysis To complete this activity, students need to know how to operate a digital camera and how to create a wiki site. If students do not know how to do those things, there are video clips on the wiki site to help students how to use it. 2.5 Goals and Objectives The following goals and objectives are listed for the course: Course Objectives ITEC 803 • Use of web 2.0 technologies such as wiki, and • Team Building • Use of Digital camera and/or video camera • Exploration of direction such as maps Once the students have complete this course they are able to know some of the historical background of SFSU, team building experience, the use of technology to collaborate. The primary goal was to test different way of teaching that are fun and can benefit. 2.6 Media Selection Web 2.0 technologies are powerful tool that can provide us a manageable course in delivering a course that everyone can contribute to the assignments. Using wikis, video and digital media can create a community of learning for both the students and teacher. We are here to learn and the use of technology can be an effective way to collaborate different learning process. SECTION 3: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Instructional Goals and Objectives The project targets the course objectives Scavenger hunt is a cool way to learn by HUNTING your topic in researching, observing, capturing and evaluating your findings. Each team members will be given an assignment of what to hunt for. You will have an hour to explore and 20 minutes to do research. After you gather your entire finding then each team will post their findings (pictures, videos, etc) on our wiki sites. Then, the other teams will be comments on your findings. Weekly assignment is base on these structure topics. S is for our Sutro modern Library and Resources C is for the different Colleges at SFSU A is for Art at SFSU V is for Venues at SFSU E is for Evaluating our thoughts N is for New students, New experiences and New ideas G is for Gold and Purple SFSU colors E is for the Ending Halls R is for Rewarding our knowledge Overall goal was to initiate student to learn about SFSU and ways of collaborating their information or findings.