1 Pink Fluffy Bunnies FARM BATTLES DESIGN DOCUMENT Shonna Walton Christopher Bradley Aleksandr Atayan Tucker Apy Johnathan Portella 1 2 Table Of Contents FARM BATTLES .......................................................................................................................... 1 Table Of Contents ........................................................................................................................ 2 Design History ............................................................................................................................ 3 Version 1.00 ........................................................................................................................... 3 Version 1.10 ........................................................................................................................... 3 Version 2.00 ........................................................................................................................... 4 Version 2.10 ........................................................................................................................... 4 Version 2.20 ........................................................................................................................... 4 Version 2.30 ........................................................................................................................... 4 Version 2.40 ........................................................................................................................... 5 Version 2.50 ........................................................................................................................... 5 Version 3.00 ........................................................................................................................... 5 Version 3.10 ........................................................................................................................... 5 Game Overview ......................................................................................................................... 6 Where does the game take place? ............................................................................................. 6 What is the story? .................................................................................................................... 6 What is the main focus? ........................................................................................................... 6 How many characters/units/pieces does the player control?..................................................... 6 Game Theory ........................................................................................................................... 7 Feature Set ................................................................................................................................ 8 General Features ..................................................................................................................... 8 Game Components................................................................................................................... 8 Rules & Mechanics .................................................................................................................... 9 Game Setup ............................................................................................................................. 9 Turn Sequence ........................................................................................................................ 9 General Rules .........................................................................................................................10 Detailed Rules for Specific Pieces ............................................................................................10 Flowcharts .............................................................................................................................13 Game Setup Flow Chart.....................................................................................................13 Turn Flow Chart .................................................................................................................13 Battle Phase Flow Chart ....................................................................................................14 Power Card Flow Chart ......................................................................................................14 End Game Conditions..............................................................................................................15 Rules and Questions ...............................................................................................................15 2 3 Design History The history of our design project started when we were just messing around, meeting each other and trying to think of ideas. A few of us were playing different card games at the time and we figured we should make a card based game. The idea started as a joke but we started coming up with some creative ideas for cards and elements of the game and soon, our joke became our project. Since most of us have experience with card games like Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic The Gathering and Hearthstone, we knew what would be a good idea and what wouldn’t. We would think of what makes those games great and create our own spin on it. Version 1.00 This is what our game started out as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name of the game started as ‘Bunny Attack’. Premise of the game was going to be a bunny tribe vs. bunny tribe. Each player started with a deck of thirty cards. The deck included bunnies and spells cards. The starting hand for each player was five cards. The maximum amount of cards a player can hold is ten. If a player has more than ten cards, then they must discard until exactly ten cards are in hand. The player that rolled the highest number goes first. If they both rolled the same number, then they must roll again until someone is determined to go first. In order to play a card, it would cost you ‘mana’. The more powerful the card, the more mana it would cost to play that card. Our main mechanic to our game was instead of increasing your ‘mana storage’ by one each turn, we would have the players roll a dice which would determine how much mana they could use that turn. The goal of the game is for each of the players to have their opponents base health reduced to zero. The player’s base health was set at ten. In order to lose health, players have their minions attack the opponents directly. Your minions can attack your enemy freely despite if they have minions on the field or not. Version 1.10 This version is when we add some tweaks and small changes to the game: 1. We added a timer to the game to increase its challenge. 2. We felt that the game would be too fast so we changed the base health from 10 to 15 to make the game go a little longer. 3. Mana was changed to ‘food’. 3 4 Version 2.00 This version is when we add many new changes to our game: 1. The biggest change to the game was the entire premise of the game. Instead of bunny tribe vs. bunny tribe, we decided to make it forest animals vs. farm protectors. 2. The animals we decided for forest animals were bunnies, birds, and mice. 3. The farm protectors were cats, dogs and snakes. We decided to use snakes even though they are forest animals, the farmers use them to help get rid of mice. 4. We updated the Minion title to now be called Animal cards. 5. We updated the Spells title to now be called Power cards. 6. We changed that animals can only attack the player’s base if they have no animals to defend themselves. 7. We gave a definition to what the bases were. Forest animals have a forest as their base and the farm protectors have a barn as their base. Version 2.10 This version is when we add more base rule changes as well as additional tools: 1. We created new cards for each side. 2. We changed the number of cards from 30 to 35 per deck. 3. We added the idea of putting clear glass counter on the animal cards to represent the health of the animal. Each time the animal takes damage; you remove the respective amount of clear glass counter. 4. We added the idea of putting red glass counter for base health. 5. We added the idea of putting green glass counter for food storage. 6. We changed the name from ‘Bunny Attack’ to ‘Farm Battles’. Version 2.20 This version is when we added more creative changes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Added special cards for each side, Pink Bunny and Tractor. Created the design for the playing field. (To be determined at a later time.) Balanced the deck better. Each team has a set amount of power and animal cards. There will be 23 animal cards and 12 power cards per team. Version 2.30 We modified the story here: 1. We added a more fantasy aspect to the game. 2. We added a wizard card to the forest animal side to give them a special card. 4 5 Version 2.40 Here we decided, after a 20-minute debate, to change the story back: 1. We removed the fantasy aspect from the game. 2. The new setting for the game has been updated to. Version 2.50 After reading the document, we did some slight changes: 1. We edited the cards, changing some features to balance it better. 2. Got rid of the hourglass timer. Version 3.00 After some deliberation, we decided to update the food system: 1. At the start of the game, each player starts with 3 food. 2. We changed the way that the player gets food. You get food by attacking the enemy base. Each time you attack the base you get +1 food. 3. Got rid of the ‘Re-roll the dice’ cards 4. Added some ‘food’ power card 5. Removed the dice roll for food at the beginning of each turn. 6. Touched up some places and fine-tuned the turn sequence. Version 3.10 After our first few playtests, we made some changes to the game. 1. Changed the name of some of the abilities 2. Changed the starting amount of food from 3 to 4 3. Changed the food costs of some cards 4. Changed the attack and defense of some cards 5. Changed the ‘Tractor’ ability and transferred that to the Fuel card 6. Changed the ‘Large Fluffy Bunny’s’ and transferred that to the Pink Dye card 7. Made it so power cards and abilities that deal damage, don’t allow the player to gain food. 8. Made animal abilities that let other animals gain atk and def permanent and power cards that let animals gain atk and def last only one turn. 9. Changed the die to a six-sided die as it was only used for who goes first and power cards. 10. If your animal attacks an enemy animal, the animal you used to attack loses health respective to the other animals attack. 5 6 Game Overview Where does the game take place? The farm is placed near a lush forest on the edge of town. The forest size is declining, but still rather large and full of wildlife. The farmhouse itself is small but the land is pretty big, which includes silos and a large, red barn housing horses. What is the story? Due to deforestation, the animals in the forest have been running low on food resources. The land that used to be their homes are now turning into farming areas. The animals, in an effort of retaliation and hunger, started stealing food from the farm. This worked for a bit until the farmer noticed that some of his crops have been disappearing. He sat out, guarding his crops and noticed that the animals from the forest have been eating his crops. He has worked hard on growing and maintaining his fields and the thought that his hard work is being taken away by mice, birds and bunnies angered him. He tried ways of stopping their attack. First he would set out traps and that worked until the animals started learning about how to avoid them. In an effort to expand his defenses, he got a few pets to help defend his area. He got some cats to scare off the birds, snakes to attack the mice and dogs to ward off the bunnies. This worked until the forest animals started to unite. The forest animals worked together as a team to try to win against the farm pack. The forest animals trained and with that training, some of them gain special abilities. With this advantage on their side, the forest animals were winning. The farm animals, to not be outdone, trained themselves and gained abilities too. Now with the forest animals fighting for food and the farm animals defending the farmers hard work, the player must now choose which side to fight for. What is the main focus? The main focus of the game is to defeat your opponent. There are multiple ways in doing this. You can either get their base health to zero, force your opponent to surrender, or get your opponent to have no more cards that they can draw. You try to reach that point in the game by playing a mixture of animal cards, some with special abilities, power cards, and cards that buff your animals or deal damage to your opponent and their animals. How many characters/units/pieces does the player control? The player controls what cards to play with what food they rolled at the beginning of the turn. The players also have to choose their cards wisely because if they do not, then their opponent can counter and potentially win the game. The player will be working with playing cards and different colored glass counters 6 7 Game Theory Symmetry Farm Battles will be an asymmetric style game. The reason why Farm Battles is an asymmetric style is because each deck is different. Each deck has different animals that have special abilities. Players do have the same amount of items from cards in decks to the same amount health for their base. Players also have certain power cards that can be used with their deck. This game has some slight symmetric gameplay in the aspect that both sides start with the same amount of health, food and cards. Play Style The play style for Farm Battles will be non-cooperative. This is due to the fact that there are no alliances that can be created, and the game is played in a 1 versus 1 scenario. This is a competitive game as the two players fight each other using pre-set up decks. Summation This is a non-zero-sum game. The available resources within the game are expended. The gaining of a resource within the game does not affect the other player. You can gain food by attacking the enemy base; you can gain cards from card abilities or with power cards; you can also gain and restore health to both your animals and your base by using power cards and animal abilities. Perfect/Imperfect Information Farm Battles will be an imperfect information game. Neither player will know what the other has in their hand or will draw from their deck. The only known information is what the player has already played on the field. 7 8 Feature Set General Features ● ● ● ● ● ● 2-player play. Conflict. You will have conflict throughout the game of cards v. cards. Strategy. Our game has a strategy feature in it where the players have to figure out what their best move is each turn. Forest animals and. farm animals. This game involves having specific decks. One deck that is based around animals you might find on a farm and the other deck is based around animals that could be found in the forest. Fast gameplay optional: each card-set package box order place thing will come with a 1minute timer that can be used for fast gameplay. You can spectate games and matches without having to play yourself. By doing this, you can learn new strategies. Game Components ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 70 game cards split into two preset decks. 40 Red glass counters representing base health (10 extra pieces in case any get lost) 60 clear glass counters representing animal health (10 extra pieces in case any get lost) 20 Green glass counters representing food storage (4 extra pieces in case any get lost) Rule Book 6-sided die Minute timer (if you want a fast paced game) Diagram of what the card playing space looks like 8 9 Rules & Mechanics Game Setup The set up for this game is quite simple. There will be two separate, 35 card decks one deck for the farm animals and one deck for the forest animals. The farm animals deck has a red back and the forest animal deck has a green back so it will be easy to know what cards go to which deck. You then gather 15 red-glass counters and place them between you and the board in a line. Your opponent will do the same, and this will represent how much health your base has. You will then collect a pile of 3 green-glass counters and put that on your left side and 25 clear-glass counters on your right side. The green-glass counters will represent how much food you are allotted each turn. Each time you attack the enemy base, you will add 1 green-glass counter, next to your health, so you can easily keep track of how much you can spend each turn. At the beginning of each turn, your food restores to what number it was at the end of your previous turn. The clear-glass counter will be put on each animal you choose to play. The amount of clear-glass counters that respective animal has is equal to it’s health. As the animal loses health, you will remove the counters. Once you have your deck and have the glass counters set-up, both players will draw 5 cards and each player will roll the 8-sided die. The player with the highest number goes first. Turn Sequence 1. Draw a card from the deck a. If you have no more cards in your deck, you lose. b. If you have more cards in your deck to draw, continue to 2. (You can do steps 2 and 3 in whichever order you want) 2. You pick which cards you want to play. You can play as many cards as your ‘food’ allows you to. If you do not wish to play a card, proceed to step 3. a. If you play an Animal Card i. If the animal card played has an ability, you follow what the ability does. Repeat step 2 or continue to step 3. ii. If the animal card played does not have an ability, repeat step 2 or continue to step 2. b. If you play a Power Card i. The effect of the Power Card is immediately used. Repeat step 2 or continue to step 3. 3. You attack the animal that your enemy has on the field. a. All animals have to wait a turn before they can attack. b. If your animal attacks an enemy animal, the enemy animal loses that amount of defense that is of the attacking animal's respective attack. i. If your animal attacks an enemy animal and reduces their defense to 0, destroy that animal. ii. The animal you attacked with loses health respective to the attack of the animal you attacked. c. If no enemy animals remain on the field and the attacking player still has animals able to attack, proceed to step 4. 9 10 4. You attack your enemy while no enemy animals are on the field a. Remove health from the enemy base equal to the amount of attack of each animal used to attack directly. b. If the enemy base still has remaining health after all attacks are completed, proceed to step 5. c. If the enemy base has no health remaining at any point during the attack, proceed to step 5. 5. Check enemy base health. a. If enemy base health is > 0, proceed to step 6. b. If enemy base health is < 0, the enemy player loses. 6. Your turn is over and it is the other player’s turn. a. If you have 11 or more cards in your hand, you must discard until you have 10 cards. General Rules ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Your starting base health is 15 You start with 5 cards in your hand, these are drawn during setup You don’t keep unused food from previous turns Each person starts with 3 food There is a max of 9 'food' for each player You gain +1 food each time you attack the enemy base You can have a maximum of 5 animals on your side of the field at once Animals with ‘Protect’ have to be attacked firs t, for one turn, before they can attack other animals Animals with ‘Strike’ can attack the turn they are played Animals with ‘Lash’ deal damage to an enemy of the player's choice. Animals with ‘Medic’ heal a friendly animal or your base. The player gets to choose which one. Power cards only last one turn unless specified differently. Detailed Rules for Specific Pieces The way we have the cards set up are “name of the animal (food cost) attack/defense.” By having it set up that way, we can easily determine if a card is underpowered or overpowered. Some cards have special abilities while others are just simple playing cards. The abilities are Protect; you must attack this animal before you can attack the others. You can still attack other animals with power cards though. Strike means that that animal can immediately attack. Other cards have abilities that are easier to understand like Deal 2 damage to any enemy character or Draw 1 card. Forest Animal Cards ● Animals ○ Simple ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Old bunny (2)“1/3” Young Sparrow (1) “2/1” Deaf mouse (1) “ 1/2” White bunny (3) “2/3” Brown bunny (5) “4/5 ” 10 11 ○ ○ ● ■ Bluebird (2) “2/2” ■ Deer mouse (4) “3/4 ” ■ Brave mouse (3) “4/1” Have an ability ■ Bunny Leader (6) “4/5 Give your animals +1 attack” ■ Long Eared Bunny (2) “1/4 Protect” ■ Bunny Warrior (4) “3/2 Lash 2 Damage” ■ House Mouse (3) “2/2 When played, Deal 1 damage to the enemy base” ■ Humming bird (2) “1/1 Strike” ■ Blue Jay (3) “2/2 Lash 1 Damage” ■ Crow (4) “3/3 Protect” ■ Fat mouse (3) “2/3 Protect” ■ Long Toothed Mouse (2) “1/2 Strike” ■ Messenger Mouse (2) “1/2 Draw 1 card” ■ Healing Dove (4) 2/3 Medic 2” ■ Mockingbird (3) “? /? Pick any card on the field. It copies the atk and def of that card. Can’t copy Tractor or Large Fluffy Bunny/Pink Fluffy Bunny.” ■ Delivery Bunny (3) “4/3 When played, your opponent draws a card.” Special Card ■ Large Fluffy Bunny (7) “7/7” ■ Pink Dye (2) “Can only be added to ‘Large Fluffy Bunny’. Makes the Pink Fluffy Bunny. Allows the bunny to attack the enemy base directly” Powers ○ Buffs ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ○ ○ Sharpened Claws (2) “Your animals receive +1 attack” Thick Wool (2) “Your animals receive +1 defense” Crown (3) “Give an animal +1 attack and defense and a Protect” Getting fat (2) “Gain 1 food” Rabies (4) “ Lowers one of your animals attack by 1, but allows them to attack the enemy base directly for one turn. Once that turn is over, the animals attack goes back to normal and it can’t attack the enemy base directly.” Damage ■ Bee Sting (2)“Deal 2 damage to an enemy character ■ Swipe (1) “Deal 1 damage to the enemy house” ■ To the pound (4) “Destroy an enemy's card. Doesn’t affect Tractor.” ■ Stray Animal (2) “Your opponent discards 1 card, then draws 1 card from their deck” Protective ■ Trip (2) “Next turn, before each attack, the other player has to roll a die. If it is odd, they miss their attack and then continue their turn” ■ Healing aid (3) “Restore the health of an animal and give it +1 defense” ■ Thick grass (2) “Restore 2 health to the forest” 11 12 Farm Animal Cards ● Animals ○ Simple ■ Toy Dog (1) 1/2 ■ Lap Dog (2) 2/2 ■ Old Dog (3) 3/2 ■ Garden Snake (1) 2/1 ■ Tree Snake (2) 2/3 ■ Queen Snake (4) 3/3 ■ Siamese cat (2) 2/3 ■ Tabby Kitten (1) 1/2 ○ Have an ability ■ Loyal Dog (5) 4/4 “Give your other animals +1 attack” ■ Stray Cat (3) 2/2 “If the only animal on the field then can attack twice” ■ Rescue Dog (3) 2/2 “Medic 1” ■ Hunting Dog (2) 3/1 “This animal ignores the “Protect” ability” ■ Rat Snake (2) 2/1 “Strike” ■ Cat-Eyed Snake (3) 1/2 “Receives +1 attack for each friendly cat or kitten on the field” ■ King Cobra (2) 2/2 “Protect” ■ Striped Cat (4) 3/3 “When this cat is destroyed on the field then you can add one animal card from deck that cost 2 food or less to your hand. Shuffle your deck after.” ■ Fat Cat (4) 1/5 “Protect” ■ Guard Dog (3) 2/3 “Protect” ■ Tom Cat (2) 2/1 “Lash 1 Damage” ■ Rattlesnake (4) “2/3 Lash 2 Damage” ■ Sheep Herding Dog (4) 2/4 “Give your animals +1 Defense” ○ ● Special Card ■ Tractor (7) “0/10” ■ Fuel (3) “Can only be applied to Tractor. Give the tractor +3 attack. When played, destroy all animals on the field” Powers ○ Buff ■ ■ ■ ■ Lightning strike (2) “All friendly animals can attack immediately this turn” Whistle (3) “Give an animal +2 attack” Getting fat (2) “Gain 1 food” Harvest (4) “Draw 3 cards” 12 13 ○ ○ Damage ■ Fleas (3) “Deal 1 damage to all enemy animals on the field” ■ Bite (2) “Deal 2 damage to an enemy animal” ■ Scarecrow (3) “Immediately destroys an enemy animal with 3 or less attack. If there are more than one enemy animals with 3 or less attack, the attacking player chooses one” ■ Scratch (1) “Deal 1 damage to an enemy animal” ■ Snake Bite (4) “Pick an enemy animal, that animal loses 1 defense at the end of each turn until it is destroyed.” Protective ■ Fence (2) “Give your base +2 health” ■ Milk (2) “Heal an animal +1 and give it Protect” ■ Pet Cage (3) “Choose one enemy animal. That animal cannot attack during their next turn” Flowcharts Game Setup Flow Chart Turn Flow Chart 13 14 Battle Phase Flow Chart Power Card Flow Chart 14 15 End Game Conditions There are two ways that this game can end. In the most classic card game structure, you can win if you reduce your opponent's health to 0. Another ending condition is if you run out of cards. The first person that runs out of cards, loses the game. Rules and Questions Q. What are these numbers on my card? A. The numbers on each card represent the animal’s attack, defense and food. Q. Where are the animal’s attack, defense and food located? A. The numbers on the cards represent its attack, defense and food cost. The top right number is food cost, the attack is on the bottom left and the defense is on the bottom right. Q. How do I get food? A. You gain food by either using a power card that dictates you gaining food or by attacking your enemy base. Each time you attack an enemy base you gain +1 food. Q. What can I do with the ‘food’? A. Each card in the game has a ‘food’ amount that is needed to play the card. Q. I just drew a card. How do I play it? A. Depending on how much food the card costs and how much food you currently have, you may or may not play the card on your current turn. See food rolls. Q. I just played a card. Does my ‘food’ amount go down? A. Yes, the food cost for each card deducts from your total food. Q. I don’t have any more food to spend this turn. What can I do? A. You can attack with the animal cards you have placed, if any. If you have no available animal cards for attack, then you may end your turn. Q. Do I get my food back? A. Each turn, you get the same amount of food back that you had at the end of your previous turn. Q. How many cards are included in each player’s deck? A. Each player’s deck houses 35 cards. 23 animal cards and 12 power cards. Q. Do I need to have prior knowledge of strategy card games before playing this game? A. No, prior knowledge is not necessary to play this game. However, experience with strategy card games can aid the player. Q. What are the “best” cards? A. We have balanced the game where cards are all equal to the amount of food they cost. We have also balanced the abilities as well. Q. What are the most “powerful” cards? A. Each team has their own ‘Special’ card. What this card is, is a powerful card that has a strong ability but costs a lot of food to play. Each special card has a power card that is specific to that special card. Q. What is my starting health? A. Base health starts at 15 points. Q. How many cards do I start with? A. Each player starts with 5 cards. 15 16 Q. How many cards can I hold in my hand at any given time? A. Players are allowed to hold up to 10 cards at the end of their turn. If a player has more than 10 cards during the end of their turn, they must discard cards until they have 10 cards in their hand. 16