What Data is Available?

Bill Ratcliff
Director, Region 3
Vera Sharoff
MGA Staff
Region 1 Meeting
Albany, NY USA
July 2008
With the launch of the new Business
Management System, the vehicle for
accessing SAMIEEE was changed to Siebel
SAMIEEE - Basics
What is it?
– SAMIEEE is a web based ad-hoc query tool
that provides IEEE volunteers with access to
IEEE membership data.
SAMIEEE - Basics
Who can access it?
– Automatic access is granted to:
 Region Directors, Society Officers, Section Officers,
Chapter Chairs and Student Branch Chairs &
– Designated
What is included?
Data included in your view is data for your
organizational unit only
– IEEE members: Active, Arrears or Inactive
– Society Affiliates: Active, Arrears or Inactive
– IEEE Society memberships: Active or Inactive
(up to three years)
What Data is Available?
Member Name
Contact Info
– Home
– Work/School
Do Not Contact Flags
– Postal Mail
– Email
Email Address
Education History
IEEE Member Status
IEEE Member Dates
– Join Date (IEEE
Membership creation date)
– IEEE (membership) Last
Paid Through Date
– IEEE (membership) Years
Of Active Service
What Data is Available?
IEEE Member Current
Grade & Grade History
Geographic Assignment
Volunteer information
and position history
Society Memberships
Dates: Join Date,
Cancel Date, Reinstate
Date, Last Paid Through
Society Years of Active
Society Membership
Current Grade
What Data is Available?
Other Memberships
– Standards Association
– Women in Engineering
Member is a Graduate Of the Last Decade Y/N
What Data is Available?
Publication Subscriptions
Media type
Subscription's Current
– Active / Inactive for past 3
Technical Interest Profile
Member's Line of
Business (BPA)
– Member's Job Function
– Member's Job
– Member's Job Title
Explain the basic process
The IEEE Business Management System (BMS) is located in
Piscataway, NJ.
Data is stored in a data warehouse that has been made
available for your use and refreshed every two days
IEEE uses Siebel Analytics to query and access the data
Connect to the IEEE site, formulate a question or query and
retrieve only the information that you need.
The result of your query can be printed or downloaded directly
into an Excel spreadsheet or saved as a comma separated
value file or html
The query can be saved and can be run again at a later time.
Reference Materials
List of all available information in SAMIEEE XLS
List of all Sections and Geocdes in IEEE by Region
Audit Information (BPA) PDF
Current TIP Listing PDF
List of all Volunteer Position Codes XLS
List of Society Position Codes and Descriptions PDF
List of Society Acronyms and Descriptions PDF
Shared Reports
We have created reports for you – based on user
When run, these reports will produce results based
on your access.
These queries can be modified to meet your
individual requirements.
System Availability
24 X 7
Refresh every two days
– Tuesday 1:00 AM
– Thursday 1:00 AM
– Sunday 12:00 midnight
A simple query should take 1 -2 minutes
A complex query could take longer
Conditions of Availability and Use
What can you use it for?
Can I create an email list?
IEEE Privacy Policy
Direct Link to Terms of Condition and Use can be
found on the SAMIEEE home page.
Next Steps
Tune and Improve
We need your input
– Where are we after one year?
– What information is needed to complete the
360 degree of the member?
Next Steps
– Learn Analytics Capabilities
 Reporting/Charting/Charting
– Training & Communication
– Geographic Dashboard
Use the SAMIEEE Online Community as
communication vehicle
– https://www.ieeecommunities.org/samieee
– Helen Shiminsky (primary)
 Email: h.shiminksy@ieee.org; X5517
– Vera Sharoff (alternate)
 Email: v.sharoff@ieee.org; X5509
URL: http://www.ieee.org/samieee