October 25th, 2012 Request for Proposal # 01 Who it may concern, The USAID Regional Economic Cooperation (REC) Project is issuing a tender to identify the most suitable project partner to support the implementation of Uzbek focus activities to increase export capacity, improve trade policies, procedures and regulations and increase firms’ sales in Uzbekistan. The attached Request for Proposals (RFP) document contains all the necessary information for interested bidders. Companies or organizations should indicate their interest in bidding on this subcontract by writing to Dmitriy Andreyev by November 9th, 2012. We realize that you may have additional questions after reading the attached RFP tender documents. You are invited to submit questions in writing to dandreyev@chemonics.kz by October 31st, 2012. We look forward to your proposal and hope we will be able to work together in Uzbekistan. Sincerely, Viktor Prodedovich Chief of Party Page 1 of 35 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL USAID REC PROJECT PARTNER IN UZBEKISTAN USAID REGIONAL ECONOMIC COOPERATION PROJECT Task Order No. AID-176-TO-11-00001 Page 2 of 35 SECTION I INTRODUCTION A. Background of USAID-funded USAID Regional Economic Cooperation project The Central Asian Republics Regional Economic Cooperation (REC) project is a three and a half-year Task Order under USAID/CAR’s Macroeconomic Foundations for Growth Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC). The purpose of REC is to improve the environment for cross-border trade among Central-Asian countries, Afghanistan, and larger trading partners of these countries such as China and Russia through implementing activities such as adoption, refinement and implementation of best practices, international agreements, conventions and standards that govern trade. The REC project implements activities in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, but also includes beneficiaries from Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan as part of the Export Partnership Initiative. The project will undertake a range of trade facilitation activities, specifically the following: Help Export Partnership Groups (EPGs) developed under legacy projects, facilitate and support new EPGs, and strengthen women-owned textile businesses in the region. Evaluate export potential of Kazakh and Uzbek firms and industries through market research. Test the barriers to export through facilitating sales to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) for use in Afghanistan. Organize regional workshop for returnees of the Department of State summer 2012 Voluntary Visitors Program and provide and managed business-related grants. Support Tajikistan in its accession to the World Trade Organization. Assist in the development and implementation of pro-trade policies, regulations, and processes in Central Asian countries. B. Purpose of the Bid The purpose of this bidding process is to select an existing organization to serve as the USAID REC project partner in Uzbekistan. The objective of the subcontract is to establish a formal REC project presence in Uzbekistan and facilitate the implementation of the activities in country. The subcontract will specifically help increase the export capacity of Uzbek firms through the facilitation of EPGs; strength Uzbekistan trade promotion agencies by provding targeted market research and technical assistance; support local firms to become local suppliers to the DOD; and implement pro-trade policies regulations and processes in Uzbekistan. In addition, the local partner will support key cross-cutting activities such as communications and monitoring and evaluation. The subcontract will be signed for a six month period with a possibility of extension. Bidders’ organizations likely provide a narrow range of the proposed services. Hence, REC will assess the possibility to partner with more than one organization depending on the available applications. The bidders must show creativity, vision, and demonstrate the best ability to carry out the subcontract’s scope of work or specific components. Page 3 of 35 C. Scope of Work of the Subcontract The scope of work is divided into three areas: Administrative, Cross-cutting activities and Technical assistance. These are described below. 1) Administrative Management: Operation of the the REC Local Partner in Uzbekistan. The organization that is awarded the subcontract should be responsible for providing the necessary administrative support (one full-time staff), office space, and appropriate business infrastructure to support the efficient and effective operation of the REC project in Uzbekistan. In cases where the organization requires to improve its operational capacity— such as procuring computers, equipment, office space, etc.—the extent and cost of this support should be indicated in the bidder’s Technical and Financial Proposals including the appropriate justification. Ideally our local representative would have had prior experience working with USAID and familiarity with USAID administrative practices in Uzbekistan. 2) Cross-cutting activities: Monitor and Evaluation and Communications Support for the REC activities in Uzbekistan. The subcontractor will collect the Uzbek related performance monitoring data, process it and submit it to the REC office in Almaty. This data will be collected following REC’s Performance and Evaluation Monitoring Plan (PMEP) and performance indicators reference sheets details. In addition, the subcontractor, in collaboration with the Communications Manager in Almaty, will develop and implement a communications plan focused on icreasing visibility of our project in Uzbekistan under the Uzbek government boundries and promoting the results of the REC project. Ideally our local partner would have had prior experience working with USAID and familiarity with USAID branding and marking regulations. 3) Provision of Technical Assistance. The organization that is awarded the subcontract shall be capable of channeling local professional consulting services in REC’s specific activities and of collaborating with the REC office in Almaty, the project management unit in the home office and USAID when appropriate. The local partner is expected to deeply understand Uzbekistan political, economical and operational environement to facilitate the implementation of REC activities in country. Ideally, the subcontractor will provide the full range of services required for the REC project implementation in Uzbekistan, but if this is not feasible, we will select multiple organizations to collaborate with. The bidders must be capable to provide the full support at least for one of the components described below. a) Help increase the export capacity of Uzbek firms through the facilitation of EPGs. Organize the logistics of a two-day workshop on how to export to Russian retailers and conduct focus group to design an action plan for the Exporting to the Russian Federation EPG. The number of participants is 20 people approximately. Organize the logistics of a two-day workshop logistics topic TBD and conduct focus group to design an action plan for the Trading with Afghanistan EPG. The number of participants is 20 people approximately. Page 4 of 35 Organize a 3 hour seminar on “Foreign Trade Regulations” for local UZ companies and organizations (30 people), which will cover customs regulations, management accounting in export, legal aspects in export and tax issues. Organize the logistics of a day and a half progress meeting with existent EPG Selling from Uzbekistan to Customs Union. The number of participants is 20 people approximately. Implement the internship program with EPI training participants and university students in Uzbekistan. Support the implementation of the Exporting from Uzbekistan to the Customs Union EPG action plan by providing two (2) targeted technical assistance on international marketing and trade, standards and certifications, among other key topics. This assignment will include 20 days of LOE per assignment. b) Organize the III Central Asian Trade Forum for 300 participants from the region and Afghanistan. Invitation and work with Uzbek speakers and participants Input to logistical support to speakers and participants Provide informational support/work with mass-media Work with sponsors Conduct the contest "Best Exporters of Central Asia 2013" Conduct a Trade Fair Input to the Agenda Developing, printing and publishing of promotional materials Rent of conference rooms and premises for the Trade Fair and Reception. Organize translation services during the event Support during the event (e.g. registration, assistance to participants, organizing business meetings) Organize photo/video coverage Organize a survey on the results of the Forum c) Strength Uzbekistan trade promotion agencies by provding targeted market research and technical assistance. Establish and maintain relationships with potential counterparts, help determine their priorities, develop scopes of work and monitor implementation and monitor implementation. This task does not include funding short-term assignments or overall technical assistance, which will be fund by REC directly. d) Support local firms to become local suppliers to the DOD. Identify new potential DOD suppliers in Uzbekistan and evaluate their capacity. Ongoing informal mentoring and support to Uzbek firms interested in becoming suppliers to the DOD. Organize logistical efforts for two events for 20 people under the Selling to the DOD EPG. Page 5 of 35 Help develop at least 3 Uzbek firms action plans to vecome ready to sell to the DOD Monitor the implementation of the EPG action plan for Selling to the DOD. This task does not include funding short-term assignments or overall technical assistance or providing grants, which will be fund by REC directly. e) Implement pro-trade policies regulations and processes in Uzbekistan. Provide local technical support to REC international short-term experts to implement protrade policies, processes and regulations through: o A full-time staff to provide technical leadership under this component for six months. o 60 days of LOE of a local trade policy speciliats to assess and implement recommendations on Uzbekistan policy and transit regime. o 50 days of LOE of a local customs specialist to assess the status and implement recommendations on 2 border crossing points (Afghanistan – Uzbekistan and Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan). Establish and maintain relationships with local stakeholders and partners. Organize the logistical efforts for 2 roundtables for 50 people respectively in Uzbekistan. The subcontractor will propose an implementation approach for each components described above, which will be approved by REC upon subcontract award. Bidders are requested to indicate in their Technical Proposals areas in which they seek professional support and expertise from REC, if any, in order to improve in-house capabilities in new or existing technical or administrative areas. Bidders should estimate the length of time they require such support, and include the estimated cost of such support in their Financial Proposals. D. Contractual Relationships The project will issue an award to one or multiple organizations. This award will be in the form of a “Firm Fixed Price Subcontracts” (hereafter referred to as “fixed price subcontract”) for an estimated 12 months. The subcontractor will be required to adhere to the terms of the subcontract with the project. The subcontract will be based on what the organization indicated in its proposal. A fixed price subcontract specifies an output, or deliverable, to be produced by the subcontractor. As the name implies, the price of the subcontract is fixed and it is not subject to any adjustment on the basis of the subcontractor's cost experience in performing the work, thereby placing maximum risk and full responsibility for all costs and resulting profit or loss on the subcontractor. Payment is based on the completion of deliverables and the subcontractor is fully responsible and accountable for the end product. Adequate price competition and justification is required. Local subcontracts in Uzbekistan will be negotiated, denominated, and paid in US dollars. E. Requirements Page 6 of 35 The project will issue subcontracts to Uzbek non-profit or for-profit organizations provided that adhere to the following requirements: 1) Organizations must be legally registered under the laws of Uzbekistan upon award of the subcontract. 2) Organizations must have a local presence in Uzbekistan at the time of signing the subcontract. 3) Organizations should be wholly private (no government or government body ownership). 4) Organizations must have government authorization to organize public events and issue public communications in country. Bidders may present their proposals as a member of a partnership with other companies or organizations. The subcontract will be awarded to the leading company in the partnership. The leading company will be responsible for making all partnership arrangements- division of labor, invoicing, etc- with the other company(s). A legally registered partnership is not necessary for these purposes; however the different organizations shall be committed to work together in the fulfillment of the subcontract terms. F. Terms of the Bid This document is only a Request for Proposals, and it in no way obligates the project to either award any subcontract or pay any of the costs incurred by the applicant in the proposal preparation. Bids must remain valid for at least 90 calendar days after the bid deadline. NOTE: Please note that in submitting a response to this RFP, the Bidder understands that USAID is not a party to this Request and the Bidder agrees that any protest hereunder shall be presented to Chemonics International for consideration, as USAID will not consider protests made to it under USAID-financed subcontracts. Chemonics, at its sole discretion, will make a final decision on the protest at a level above the contracting officer for this procurement. SECTION II PROPOSAL Organizations interested in being awarded the USAID REC Project Partner in Uzbekistan subcontract must submit a proposal to the project. This section details the process by which these proposals must be written and submitted to the project. Please carefully follow the instructions. A. Key Elements and Important Dates to Remember Key elements of the competition include: Page 7 of 35 Request for Proposal document release date: October 25th, 2012. Submission of Questions: Companies and organizations that are interested in bidding for the subcontract can submit questions to dandreyev@chemonics.kz by October 31st, 2012. Proposal submission date: All applicants will be given 16 days from the date of the initial announcement to submit their proposals. All proposals must be received by e-mail to dandreyev@chemonics.kz November 9th at 5 pm Almaty time. Late offers will be considered at the discretion of the project. The project, cannot guarantee that late offers will be considered. Proposal Evaluation: The project Review Panel will evaluate written submissions and will score the proposals based on the evaluation criteria set forth in Section III of this document. Oral Presentations: The project Review Panel might require bidders with the 3 highest scores to have an interview. The interview will consist of an oral presentation of a bidder’s technical approach to implement activities in Uzbekistan, personnel, and management approach. Bidders should be prepared to give a presentation to the project Review Panel within 5 days of receiving notification. This presentation could be on-line, if needed. Contract Award: The project will select the best value applicant (s) based upon technical scores and financial proposals. B. Procedures for Submission of Bids Organizations that are interested in bidding for the subcontract must submit a technical proposal and a financial proposal by Nnovember 9th, 2012. The “Technical Proposal” should contain information about your technical approach. The “Financial Proposal” should contain the estimated costs that your company or organization expects to incur in order to undertake your plan. In order to create a fair bidding process for all companies and organizations, please adhere to the following procedures for submitting technical and financial proposals. All offers must be prepared in English. The offers may be submitted by e-mail to dandreyev@chemonics.kz. Each offer package must be clearly marked with the RFP number 01, the complete legal name and contact information of the offeror’s organization. Financial proposals must be calculated using software that is compatible with Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheets should use formulas to calculate totals and other figures. The project Technical Evaluation Committee would like to see how bidders calculate their financial proposals. Therefore, please do not enter totals and other derived figures manually. The technical proposal should be submitted on A4 sized paper. The Technical Proposal should not exceed 12 pages in length (equal to 12-point Times New Roman font, single spaces). This page limit does not include charts, tables, or other required attachments. Each page should be numbered consecutively. There is no page limit for the financial proposals. Page 8 of 35 All documents must be submitted by e-mail to dandreyev@chemonics.kz November 9th at 5 pm Almaty time. The project reserves the right to request additional information if it is deemed necessary. Information provided by bidders will remain confidential for use only by Chemonics International and USAID. C. Contents of the Proposal The proposal and other requested documents are intended to confirm the status of the Bidder, the management and financial capacity to responsibly manage the funds, and the corporate capabilities to undertake the proposed activities. Proposals should consist of the following three components: 1) Institution information letter; 2) Technical proposal; and 3) Financial proposal. Each of these three components is described below. 1. Institutional Information (1 page) Bidders are encouraged to use the model Institution Information Letter (provided in Appendix 2 of this document) in order to convey the following institutional information. This letter should be written in English. 1) Name of the company or organization 2) Type of company or organization 3) Address 4) Telephone 5) Fax 6) E-mail 7) Full names of members of the Board of Directors and Legal Representative (as appropriate) 8) Taxpayer Identification Number 9) Official bank account information 10) Other required documents: a) Copy of Registration Certificate b) Subcontractor certification regarding debarment, suspension, proposed debarment, and other responsibility matters. 2. Technical Proposal (Limit of 8 pages.) Bidders must submit a technical proposal written in English that demonstrates the company or organization’s plans to achieve the Scope of Work and the bidder’s corporate capability to undertake the proposed activities. The technical proposals should, at minimum, include these three sections: 1) Technical Approach (between 3 and 4 pages, suggested). This could include (1) an explanation of your understanding of the situation and background, (2) proposed ideas on how to achieve the Scope of Work results per component, (3) general timeframe, (4) description of Page 9 of 35 deliverables and results, (5) staffing plan for the activity, (6) performance outcomes, and (7) implementation plan. 2) Corporate Capabilities (between 1 and 2 pages, suggested). Bidders should describe the structure of the company or organization’s current operations. If applicable, bidders should also explain how that structure might change with the proposed subcontract. Bidders should also include the following: a) Information about the bidder’s capability to manage a project financially and administratively. All firms must display sound management in the form of financial, administrative, and technical policies and procedures that are in written format and present a system of controls that safeguard assets, protect against fraud, waste, and abuse; and support the achievement of program goals and objectives. b) Information about the company or organizations principals and senior management. A description of the personnel structure and responsibilities for all staff members. List and description of the company principals and senior management, where appropriate, including their main technical skills. c) Information about the company’s existing resources for the activity/ies, including: Facilities and offices currently used by the firm or organization. General description of the office equipment, and its suitability for use in the activity. Existing databases, reference materials, etc. that the company or organization has at its disposal. d) If the bidder’s current resources—office space, equipment, reference materials, etc.—are not sufficient for the activity under this proposed subcontract, then the bidder should detail in the proposal the types of material support or administrative support the bidder will require to undertake the subcontract. 3) Subcontractor Past Performance (between 1 and 2 pages, suggested). The bidder must demonstrate its current capabilities by providing information about similar types of work that it has offered to clients in the past. Please describe any prior work with USAID. It is suggested that the bidder cover the following: a) Describe in several paragraphs the types of services offered by the firm or organization, including the firm or organization’s main strengths. b) Experience developing business linkages, providing market research technical assictance and reviewing, drafting and implementing recommendations on pro-trade polices, procedures and regulations. List in a table at least 5 relevant activities over the past 3 years that demonstrate the corporate capabilities of the bidding firm or organization, specifying the following variables. Type of project or consultancy Type of client (private company, government, overseas company, donor agency, etc.) Duration of services provided to client Description of services delivered to client Results achieved for client Page 10 of 35 c) Description of existing networks and contacts with similar organizations in Uzbekistan. d) Description of any funding received over the last 5 years from international donors and percentage of total current operating expenses covered by donor funding, if applicable. e) Brief description of the general ability of the firm or organization to conduct activities in the areas decsribed f) Provide 3 client references that can attest to the abilities of the bidder’s firm or organization. Please include name, address, and current telephone number. 3. Financial Proposal (No page limit.) All bidders must prepare a separate, detailed Financial Proposal that is written in English and that shows the proposed costs of the activity. The USAID Regional Economic Cooperationwill use the Financial Proposal to establish that the costs are reasonable. The Financial Proposal will serve as a basis for negotiating the subcontract. The budget submitted shall stipulate the units of measurement and unit values, and it should be expressed in US dollars A biographical data sheet (per Appendix X) must be filled in for each staff member with a proposed salary in the budget. The biographical data sheet indicates a person’s salary history to justify the proposed salary rate. Chemonics will use the biographical data to confirm that proposed salaries are fair and reasonable. The project intends to award a or multiple subcontract to the strongest bidder in a specific component. This will be in the form of a “Firm Fixed Price Subcontract” (hereafter referred to as “fixed price subcontract”), which places full responsibility for all costs and implementation upon the contractor. Bidders must therefore prepare a Financial Proposal that provides the best estimate of all costs associated with the activities they proposed in the Technical Proposal. Bidders with existing infrastructure such as offices, computers, vehicles, etc. may use these assets to operate the subcontract and thereby reduce their overall proposed cost. To determine the price of the subcontract, cost or price analysis must take place. Chemonics evaluates the proposed subcontractor's salaries, indirect cost rates, if applicable, and their application, other direct costs, and travel and allowances line items, to ensure that the project is receiving a fair and reasonable price. In addition to numerical spreadsheets, all Financial Proposals should include detailed written cost notes (written in English) that explain assumptions and cost realism of items in the financial proposal. This will allow the bidder to explain the Financial Proposal in terms that might not be immediately apparent from the cost spreadsheets. The cost notes will also assist the Technical Evaluation Committee in understanding how the bidder established the budget. A guide to developing the financial proposal is included in the Appendix. Page 11 of 35 D. Negotiations The project requests that proposals reflect the best offer of each bidder. It is anticipated that the project will make its award on the basis of a bidder’s original proposal. However, the project reserves the right to have discussions with, and/or request clarifications from, bidders prior to award of the subcontract. SECTION III EVALUATION CRITERIA Awards will be made to a responsive Bidder whose offer follows the Request for Proposal (RFP) instructions, meets the technical specifications, and is judged to be most advantageous to the project in terms of technical quality, personnel qualifications, experience, and price. In judging the bids, the project Technical Evaluation Committee will evaluate the proposals as follows: 1. Institutional Presentation Maximum Points Corporate capabilities/potential to implement the proposed activities Principals and management possess the managerial and leadership qualities necessary to successfully oversee the implementation of the subcontract. They maintain positive relationship with The Uzbekistan government and other major counterparts. Personnel capable of successfully implementing the proposed activities Administrative and financial responsibility: Systems and procedures for managing and reporting on the implementation of the project are in place and functional. Ability to organize public events. Past performance Previous experience conducting similar activities, including scope, magnitude and complexity of past consultancies References from the previous customers/clients 30 points 30 points 2. Technical Approach The bidder’s approach to the activity’s implementation and management Understanding of the situation and need The planned approach, consistent with the project requirements (technical and administrative) Availability and plan to employ personnel with appropriate qualifications and skills (including full and part-time employees and consultants) Adequacy of existing and planned physical resources (hardware, software, equipment) for proposed activity Sound approach to management of the subcontract Realism of time frame for proposed activity, and ability of the bidder to quickly implement the activity upon award of the subcontract 25 points 3. Cost proposal /Budget Page 12 of 35 Costs of labor are fair and realistic (per biographical data sheets) Other direct costs are fair and realistic Fee – if included – is fair and realistic TOTAL 15 points 100 points Page 13 of 35 SECTION IV ANNEXES ANNEX A: PROPOSAL CHECKLIST Use this checklist to make sure you have included all parts of the proposal. Incomplete proposals may not be considered by the review committee. Institutional Presentation: a. b. Applicant Cover Letter (ANNEX B) Copy of all documents specified in ANNEX B (including required certifications) 2. Technical Proposal (8 pages maximum, excluding attachments) a. i. ii. iii. iv. v. b. i. ii. c. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Technical Approach Situational Understanding Proposed ideas and strategy Staffing plan, including CVs and letters of commitment for known personnel Management Approach Competitive and realistic approach to implementation Corporate Capabilities Information about company principals Current resources, infrastructure, equipment, and materials Past performance information Description of services offered Description of at least 5 relevant past projects over the last 3 years. Description of existing networks Description of any past funding by international donors References from 3 clients 3. Financial Proposal: i. Budget prepared in MS Excel-compatible spreadsheet with costs quoted in dollars ii. Proper Cost Notes explaining reasonability of each cost included, including justification for needed equipment, salaries, support costs etc. Page 14 of 35 ANNEX B: MODEL APPLICANT COVER LETTER <City, Date> Dmitriy Andreyev Finance and Operations Manager USAID Regional Economic Cooperation Almaty, Kazakhstan Subject: REC-RFP-XXX Dear Mr. Andreyev: Please be advised of our interest in bidding on the referenced call for bids. For this purpose, please use the information provided below: Name of the Entity: Type of Entity: Address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Last, First and Middle Names of Members of the Board of Directors and Legal Representative (as appropriate) Taxpayer Identification Number: Please see appendices attached containing: a) Copy of Registration Sheet in the Public Registry b) Subcontractor certification regarding debarment, suspension, proposed debarment, and other responsibility matters. Sincerely yours, <Signature and Full Name of the Legal Representative> Page 15 of 35 ANNEX C: GUIDE TO CREATING A FINANCIAL PROPOSAL FOR A FIXED PRICE SUBCONTRACT The purpose of this appendix is to guide bidders in creating a budget for their Financial Proposal. Because the subcontract will be funded as part of a United States government-funded project, it is important that all bidders’ budgets conform to these standard formats. It is thus recommended that bidders follow the following steps. Step 1: Design the technical proposal. Bidders should examine the market for the proposed activity, and realistically assess how they can meet the project’s needs. Bidders should present and rationalize this in great detail in their technical proposals. Step 2: Determine the basic costs associated with the activity. The Financial Proposal should provide the best estimate of the costs associated with the proposed activity, which should include labor and other direct costs. Other direct costs (i.e. non-labor) include, but are not limited to, the following. Prices given in the Technical Proposal budget should accurately reflect the lowest cost of procuring these items. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Regional travel and transportation, and associated travel expenses Lodging and per diem expenses associated with travel. Rent Utilities Communications Office supplies Furnishings Office equipment. Bidders are encouraged to make an IT needs assessment to ensure availability of all necessary technology (i.e. hardware, software) to support the proposed operations. Step 3: Create a budget for the Financial Proposal. Each bidder must create a budget using a spreadsheet program compatible with MS Excel. The budget should cover the entire length of the project. A budget template is attached for your convenience. Step 4: Write Cost Notes. The spreadsheets used to develop the budget should be copied and pasted into the Financial Proposal document. Bidders should write notes explaining their costs and the assumptions they used in developing their budget. These notes should also explain any plans the bidder may have for sharing the costs of business expansion with the project, or instances where the bidder will utilize existing resources to save costs. Page 16 of 35 Annex D: USAID Regulations Incorporated by Reference I.1 NOTICE LISTING CONTRACT CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE The following Contract clauses pertinent to this section are hereby incorporated by reference (by Citation Number, Title, and Date) in accordance with the clause at FAR "52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE" in Section I of this Contract. See FAR 52.252-2 for an internet address (if specified) for electronic access to the full text of a clause. NUMBER TITLE DATE 52.202-1 Definitions. (JUL 2004) 52.203-3 Gratuities. (APR 1984) 52.203-5 Covenant Against Contingent Fees. (APR 1984) 52.203-6 Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government. (SEP 2006) 52.203-7 Anti-Kickback Procedures. (OCT 2010) 52.203-8 Cancellation, Rescission, and Recovery of Funds for Illegal or Improper Activity. (JAN 1997) 52.203-10 Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity. (JAN 1997) 52.203-12 Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions. (OCT 2010) 52.203-13 Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct. (APR 2010) 52.204-1 Approval of Contract (DEC 1989) 52.204-2 Security Requirements. (AUG 1996) 52.204-4 Printed or Copied Double-Sided on Postconsumer Fiber Content Paper. (MAY 2011) 52.204-7 Central Contractor Registration. (APR 2008) 52.204-8 ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (May 2011) 52.204-9 Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel. (JAN 2011) 52.204-10 Reporting Executive Compensation First-Tier Subcontract Awards (JUL 2010) 52.209-6 Protecting the Government's Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment. (DEC 2010) 52.210-1 Market Research (APR 2011) 52.215-2 Audit and Records - Negotiation. (OCT 2010) 52.215-8 Order of Precedence - Uniform Contract Format. (OCT 1997) 52.215-10 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data. (OCT 2010) 52.215-11 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data - Modifications. (OCT 2010) 52.215-12 Subcontractor Certified Cost or Pricing Data. (OCT 2010) 52.215-13 Subcontractor Certified Cost or Pricing Data - Modifications. (OCT 2010) 52.215-14 Integrity of Unit Prices. (OCT 2010) 52.215-15 Pension Adjustments and Asset Reversions. (OCT 2010) 52.215-18 Reversion or Adjustment of Plans for Postretirement Benefits (PRB) Other Than Pensions. (JUL 2005) 52-215-22 LIMITATIONS ON PASS-THROUGH CHARGES-LIMITATIONS OF SUBCONTRACT EFFORT (OCT 2009) 52.215-23 Limitations on Pass-Through Charges. (OCT 2009) †52.216-8 Fixed Fee. (MAR 1997) 52.216-15 Predetermined Indirect Cost Rates (APR 1998) 52.217-2 Cancellation Under Multi-year Contracts. (OCT 1997) Page 17 of 35 52.217-8 Option to Extend Services. (NOV 1999) 52.219-1 SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM REPRESENTATION (APR 2011) 52.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns. (JAN 2011) 52.219-9 Small Business Subcontracting Plan. (JAN 2011) 52.219-14 Limitations on Subcontracting. (DEC 1996) 52.219-28 POST-AWARD SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM REPRESENTATION (Apr 2009) 52.222-2 Payment for Overtime Premiums. (JUL 1990) 52.222-3 Convict Labor. (JUN 2003) 52.222-19 Child Labor—Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies (Jul 2010) 52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities. (FEB 1999) 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity. (MAR 2007) 52.222-29 Notification of Visa Denial. (JUN 2003) 52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Veterans. (SEP 2010) 52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities. (OCT 2010) 52.222-37 Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans. (SEP 2006) 50 Combating Trafficking in Persons. (FEB 2009) 52.222-54 Employment Eligibility Verification. (JAN 2009) 52.223-6 Drug-Free Workplace. (MAY 2001) 52.223-14 Toxic Chemical Release Reporting. (AUG 2003) 52.223-18 Contractor Policy to Ban Text Messaging While Driving. (SEP 2010) 52.225-13 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases. (JUN 2008) 52.225-14 Inconsistency between English Version and Translation of Contract. (FEB 2000) 52.225-19 Contractor Personnel in a Designated Operational Area or Supporting a Diplomatic or Consular Mission Outside the United States. (MAR 2008) 52.225-25 Prohibition on Engaging in Sanctioned Activities Relating to Iran-Certification. (SEP 2010) *52.227-1 Authorization and Consent. (DEC 2007) †52.227-1 Authorization and Consent. (DEC 2007) -- Alternate I (APR 1984) 52.227-2 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement (DEC 2007) 52.227-14 Rights in Data--General. (DEC 2007) 52.228-3 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (DEFENSE BASE ACT) (APR 1984) †52.228-7 Insurance - Liability to Third Persons. (MAR 1996) *52.229-3 Federal, State, and Local Taxes. (APR 2003) *52.229-6 Taxes - Foreign Fixed-Price Contracts. (JUN 2003) †52.229-8 Taxes - Foreign Cost-Reimbursement Contracts. (MAR 1990) 52.230-2 Cost Accounting Standards. (OCT 2010) 52.230-6 Administration of Cost Accounting Standards. (JUN 2010) *52.232-1 PAYMENTS ( APR 1984) *52.232-8 DISCOUNTS FOR PROMPT PAYMENT (FEB 2002) 52.232-9 LIMITATION ON WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS (APR 1984) 52.232-17 Interest. (OCT 2010) 52.232-20 Limitation of Cost. (APR 1984) 52.232-22 Limitation of Funds. (APR 1984) 52.232-23 Assignment of Claims. (JAN 1986) 52.232-25 Prompt payment. (OCT 2008) 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer - Central Contractor Registration. (OCT 2003) 52.233-1 Disputes. (JUL 2002) 52.233-3 Protest after Award. (AUG 1996) 52.233-4 Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim.(OCT 2004) “52.237-8 Restriction on Severance Payments to Foreign Nationals. (AUG 2003)” †52.242-1 Notice of Intent to Disallow Costs. (APR 1984) Page 18 of 35 †52.242-3 Penalties for Unallowable Costs. (MAY 2001) 52.242-4 Certification of Final Indirect Costs. (JAN 1997) 52.242-13 Bankruptcy. (JUL 1995) 52.242-14 Suspension of Work (APR 1984) *52.243-1 CHANGES-FIXED PRICE (AUG 1987) ALTERNATE I (APR 1984) †52.243-2 CHANGES--COST REIMBURSEMENT (AUG 1987), ALTERNATE II (APR 1984) 52.244-5 Competition in Subcontracting (DEC 1996) 52.244-6 Subcontracts for Commercial Items. (DEC 2010) 52.245-1 Government Property. (AUG 2010) 52.245-9 Use and Charges. (AUG 2010) 52.246-16 Responsibility for Supplies (APR 1984) 52.246-23 Limitation of Liability. (FEB 1997) 52.246-25 Limitation of Liability - Services. (FEB 1997) 52.247-63 Preference for U.S.-Flag Air Carriers. (JUN 2003) 52.247-64 Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels. (FEB 2006) *52.249-2 Termination for Convenience of the Government (Fixed-Price). (MAY 2004) *52.249-4 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (SERVICES) (SHORT FORM) (APR 1984) 52.249-6 Termination (Cost-Reimbursement). (MAY 2004) †52.249-6 Termination (Cost-Reimbursement). (MAY 2004) - Alternate II (SEP 1996) *52.249-8 Default (Fixed-Price Supply and Service). (APR 1984) 52.249-14 EXCUSABLE DELAYS (APR 1984) 52.251-1 Government Supply Sources. (AUG 2010) 52.253-1 Computer Generated Forms. (JAN 1991) *Applies to Fixed Price items only †Applies to Cost Reimbursement items only AIDAR 48 CFR CHAPTER 7 752.202-1 DEFINITIONS JAN 1990 752.204-2 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS (undated) 752.209-71 ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST JUN 1993 DISCOVERED AFTER AWARD 752.211-70 LANGUAGE AND MEASUREMENT JUN 1992 752.219-8 UTILIZATION OF SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS (undated) AND SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS CONCERNS 752.219-70 USAID MENTOR-PROTÉGÉ PROGRAM JUL 2007 752.219-71 MENTOR REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION JUL 2007 752.225-71 LOCAL PROCUREMENT FEB 1997 752.227-14 RIGHTS IN DATA OCT 2007 752.228-3 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE (undated) (DEFENSE BASE ACT) 752.228-7 INSURANCE-LIABILITY TO THIRD PERSONS (undated) 752.229-70 FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES (undated) 752.242-70 PERIODIC PROGRESS REPORTS OCT 2007 752.245-70 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY-USAID (undated) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 752.245-71 TITLE TO AND CARE OF PROPERTY APR 1984 752.7001 BIOGRAPHICAL DATA JUL 1997 752.7002 TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION JAN 1990 752.7006 NOTICES APR 1984 752.7008 USE OF GOVERNMENT FACILITIES OR APR 1984 Page 19 of 35 PERSONNEL 752.7010 CONVERSION OF U.S. DOLLARS TO LOCAL APR 1984 CURRENCY 752.7011 ORIENTATION AND LANGUAGE TRAINING APR 1984 752.7013 CONTRACTOR-MISSION RELATIONSHIPS OCT 1989 752.7014 NOTICE OF CHANGES IN TRAVEL REGULATIONS JAN 1990 752.7015 USE OF POUCH FACILITIES JUL 1997 752.7018 HEALTH AND ACCIDENT COVERAGE FOR JAN 1999 USAID PARTICIPANT TRAINEES 752.7019 PARTICIPANT TRAINING JAN 1999 752.7023 REQUIRED VISA FORM FOR USAID APR 1984 PARTICIPANTS 752.7025 APPROVALS APR 1984 752.7028 DIFFERENTIALS AND ALLOWANCES JUL 1996 752.7029 POST PRIVILEGES JUL 1993 752.7031 LEAVE AND HOLIDAYS OCT 1989 752.7032 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL APPROVAL AND JAN 1990 PHYSICAL FITNESS 752.7033 PHYSICAL FITNESS JUL 1997 752.7034 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND DISCLAIMER DEC 1991 752.7035 PUBLIC NOTICES DEC 1991 752.7101 VOLUNTARY POPULATION PLANNING JUN 2008 ACTIVITES Page 20 of 35 ANNEX E: REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS US Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) mandates certain certifications that offerors are required to sign as part of a request for subcontract proposal (RFP) funded with federal funds. Offerors must submit all the certifications to be responsive to the RFP. Any questions should be directed to dandreyev@chemonics.kz. The required certifications are as follows and their full text can be found in the following pages: Subcontractor certification regarding debarment, suspension, proposed debarment, and other responsibility matters – (FAR 52.209-5). Certifies that offeror/or any of its Principals are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contracts by any Federal agency. Page 21 of 35 52.209-5 CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, PROPOSED DEBARMENT, AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS . As prescribed in 9.409(a), insert the following provision: Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Proposed Debarment, and Other Responsibility Matters (Dec 2001) _________________________(hereinafter called the "offeror") (Name of Offeror) (a)(1) The Offeror certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that— (i) The Offeror and/or any of its Principals— (A) Are are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contracts by any Federal agency; (B) Have have not, within a three-year period preceding this offer, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, state, or local) contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or state antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion, or receiving stolen property; and (C) Are are not presently indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity with, commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(B) of this provision. (ii) The Offeror has has not o, within a three-year period preceding this offer, had one or more contracts terminated for default by any Federal agency. (2) “Principals,” for the purposes of this certification, means officers; directors; owners; partners; and, persons having primary management or supervisory responsibilities within a business entity ( e.g., general manager; plant manager; head of a subsidiary, division, or business segment, and similar positions). This Certification Concerns a Matter Within the Jurisdiction of an Agency of the United States and the Making of a False, Fictitious, or Fraudulent Certification May Render the Maker Subject to Prosecution Under Section 1201, Title 18, United States Code. (b) The Offeror shall provide immediate written notice to the Contracting Officer if, at any time prior to contract award, the Offeror learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. (c) A certification that any of the items in paragraph (a) of this provision exists will not necessarily result in withholding of an award under this solicitation. However, the certification will be considered in connection with a determination of the Offeror’s responsibility. Failure of the Offeror to furnish a certification or provide such additional information as requested by the Contracting Officer may render the Offeror nonresponsible. (d) Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render, in good faith, the certification required by paragraph (a) of this provision. The knowledge and information of an Offeror is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. (e) The certification in paragraph (a) of this provision is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when making award. If it is later determined that the Offeror knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Government, the Contracting Officer may terminate the contract resulting from this solicitation for default. Page 22 of 35 ANNEX F. REC FIXED PRICE SUBCONTRACT ПРОЕКТ ПО РЕГИОНАЛЬНОМУ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОМУ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВУ ЭКСПОРТЁРЫ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ КОНКУРЕНТОСПОСОБНЫ В МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ ТОРГОВЛЕ СУБКОНТРАКТ С ФИКСИРОВАННОЙ ЦЕНОЙ № REC-FFP-___ между Представительством корпорации Chemonics International Inc. в Республике Казахстан (Алматы, ул.Шевченко 90, Бизнес-Центр Каратал, 42) и __________________________, в дальнейшем именуемый как Субподрядчик для Проекта USAID по региональному экономическому сотрудничеству Контракт USAID № AID-176-I-11-00003 Техническое задание № AID-176-TO-11-00001 FIXED PRICE SUBCONTRACT № REC-FFP-___ Between Representation Office of CHEMONICS INTERNATIONAL INC. in Kazakhstan 90 Shevchenko str., Karatal Business Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan 050022 and __________________________, hereinafter referred to as the Subcontractor for USAID Regional Economic Cooperation Project USAID CONTRACT № AID-176-I-11-00003 Task Order № AID-176-TO-11-00001 «______________________________________» «________________________________________» Дата вступления в силу: ______________________ Дата завершения контракта: ______________________ Start Date: ______________________ Completion Date: ______________________ Total Fixed price: ______________________ Общая фиксированная цена: ______________________ 1. Agent of subcontractor and job title: 1. Представитель Субподрядчика и его должность: _______________________________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________________ ________________________________________ 2. Agent of Chemonics and Title: Prodedovich Viktor, Chief-of-Party, USAID Regional Economic Cooperation Project 2. Представитель Chemonics и его должность: Продедович Виктор, руководитель Проекта USAID по региональному экономическому сотрудничеству Адрес: Казахстан, Шевченко, 90 Бизнес-центр «Каратал», офис 42 Телефон: 727 3137696; Факс:727 3137697E-mail: vprodedovich@chemonics.kz Address: office 42, Karatal Business Center, Shevchenko str.,90 Almaty, Kazakhstan Telephone: 727 3137696; Fax: 727 3137697 E-mail: vprodedovich@chemonics.kz Page 23 of 35 Contents Part 1 - Schedule Section A Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule Содержание Section B Reporting and Technical Direction Часть I – График Section C Period of Performance Раздел А Исходные данные, Техническое Section D Fixed price, Invoicing and Payment Задание, Результаты работы и график Section E Intellectual Property Rights предоставления результатов Раздел B Отчетность и техническое Section F Indemnity and Subcontractor руководство Waiver of Benefits Раздел С Срок выполнения Section G Compliance with Applicable Laws Раздел D Фиксированная цена, выставление and Standards счета и оплата Section H Governing Law and Resolution of Раздел E Права на интеллектуальную Disputes собственность Section I Organizational Conflicts of Interest Раздел F Встречная гарантия возмещения убытков и отказ подрядчика от Section J Anti-Kickback (Corruption) привилегий Раздел G Соблюдение соответствующих Section K Terrorist Financing Prohibition законов и стандартов Раздел H Применимое право и разрешение споров Section L Set-Off Clause Раздел I Организационный конфликт Section M Branding Policy интересов Part II - Annexes Раздел J Борьба с коррупцией Section N Contract Clauses Incorporated by Раздел K Запрещение оказания финансовой Reference поддержки террористической деятельности The Subcontractor agrees to furnish and deliver Раздел L Компенсация all items or perform all the services set forth or Раздел М Политика брендинга otherwise identified above and on any Часть II – Приложения continuation sheets for the consideration stated Раздел N Статьи контракта, включенные herein. посредством ссылки. The rights and obligations of the parties to this fixed price subcontract shall be subject to and governed by the provisions and specifications Субподрядчик соглашается снабдить и доставить attached or incorporated by reference herein and все товары или оказать все услуги, изложенные или executed by both parties. же указанные выше, на дополнительных страницах за вознаграждение, указанное в этом документе. Права и обязательства сторон применительно к Subcontractor: Page 24 of 35 данному Субконтракту с фиксированной ценой подлежат урегулированию положениями и техническими условиями, приложенными или включенными посредством ссылки в данном документе, и должны выполняться обеими сторонами. Субподрядчик: ФИО ___________________ Должность: ____________________ By:.____________________ Job Title: ______________________ Place Signed: ______________________ For Chemonics International Inc. _______________________________ By: Prodedovich Viktor Title: REC Chief of Party Place Signed: Kazakhstan, Almaty Место подписания: ____________________ Chemonics International Inc. ФИО Продедович В. Е.___________________ Должность: руководитель Проекта USAID по региональному экономическому сотрудничеству Место подписания: Казахстан, Алматы Раздел А. Исходные данные, Техническое Задание, Результаты Работы А 1. Исходные данные Section A. Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables and Deliverables Schedule A.1. Background Проект USAID по региональному экономическому сотрудничеству (далее Проект), осуществляется "Chemonics International Ltd." при финансировании Агентства США по международному развитию (USAID) в Центральной Азии с 30 сентября 2011г. The USAID Regional Economic Cooperation Project (hereinafter “the Project”) is implemented by Chemonics International Inc. and funded by the US Agency for International Development in Central Asia since September 30, 2011. Проект по региональному экономическому сотрудничеству нацелен на развитие торговли между странами Центральной Азии, Афганистана и крупными торговыми партнёрами из таких стран, как Китай и Российская Федерация. В рамках Проекта будут также проведены маркетинговые исследования, чтобы оценить экспортный потенциал и барьеры, с которыми сталкиваются экспортёры Центральной Азии, в частности, занимающиеся свежей и переработанной продукцией сельского хозяйства, а также другими направлениями для снабжения Министерства Обороны США в Афганистане. The REС project aims to improve cross-border trade among Central-Asian countries, Afghanistan, and larger trading partners of these countries such as China and Russia. In addition, the project will develop a detailed market research to thoroughly evaluate the export potential and constraints of business in Central Asia, including those in the fresh and processed agricultural products sector and other sectors of interest to the Department of Defense for supply to Afghanistan. The purpose of the activity is rendering hotel Page 25 of 35 Предмет договора является предоставление номеров для проживания в гостинице, оказание дополнительных услуг, связанных с проживанием в отеле (в т.ч. ресторанные услуги и т.д.), предоставление трансфера Аэропорт-ОтельАэропорт. accommodation and transfer services for participants of the REC 2nd Central Asian Trade Forum, other services related with the hotel accommodation (such as restaurant services etc.), and airport transfer. Activity Description: Описание работ: А.2. Объем и содержание работ 1._______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ A.2. Scope of Work 1. _____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ A.3. Deliverables А 3. Итоговые результаты/документы The Subcontractor shall deliver to Chemonics the Субподрядчик должен предоставить Проекту following deliverables, in accordance with the следующие результаты/документы согласно графику schedule set below. работ, указанному ниже: № Результаты работ Срок сдачи № Deliverable Name Due Date 1 2 3 Компания Chemonics сохраняет за собой одностороннее право на расторжение настоящего Субконтракта с фиксированной ценой в любое время, оплатив все результаты работы, выполненные до истечения срока, и пропорционально любому выполненному на данный момент результату работы в соответствии с Приложением FAR 52.249-1 “Расторжение контракта по инициативе Правительства (Услуги) (Краткая форма) (Апрель 1984),” которое включено в Раздел N настоящего документа посредством ссылки. Изменения в техническом задании могут быть внесены компанией Chemonics согласно Правилу федеральных приобретений (FAR) Статья 52.243-1, озаглавленная как ”Изменения”, которая включена в Раздел N настоящего документа. А.4. Штраф за задержку результатов работ Chemonics reserves the unilateral right to terminate this fixed price subcontract at any time, paying for all deliverables completed at the time of termination and a pro-rata share of any deliverable in progress, in accordance with FAR Clause 52.249-1, Termination for Convenience of the Government (Fixed Price) (Short Form) (April 1984), which is incorporated by reference in Section N herein. Chemonics may order changes in the scope of work above pursuant to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Clause 52.243-1, Changes— Fixed Price, which is incorporated by reference in Section N herein. A.4. Penalty for late delivery Page 26 of 35 Компания Chemonics оставляет за собой право штрафовать за несвоевременную сдачу результатов работ. Начальная цена этого контракта будет уменьшена на 1% за каждый рабочий день несвоевременной сдачи результатов работ указанных выше, но не более 10%. Chemonics reserves the right to penalize for late delivery. The first price of this contract will be reduced by 1% per business day for late delivery of the deliverables indicated above, but not more than 10% total. Section B. Reporting and Technical Direction Раздел В. Предоставление отчета и технического руководства Субподрядчик обязан предоставлять услуги, предусмотренные выше в Разделе А. под общим техническим руководством Виктора Продедовича, Руководителя Проекта, или его назначенного представителя. Все отчеты и документация, предусмотренная в рамках данного Субконтракта, должны быть предоставлены Руководителю Проекта или его назначенному представителю. Вышеуказанные лица несут ответственность за мониторинг работы Субподрядчика согласно настоящему Субконтракту с фиксированной ценой. Субподрядчик не должен напрямую связываться с USAID в течение исполнения настоящего субконтракта с фиксированной ценой. The Subcontractor shall render the services and produce the deliverables stipulated in Section A., above, under the general technical direction of Viktor Prodedovich, the Chief of Party, or his/her designee. All reports and documentation required under this Subcontract shall be submitted to the Chief of Party or his appointed representative. The personnel mentioned above will be responsible for monitoring the Subcontractor’s performance under this fixed price subcontract. The Subcontractor shall not communicate directly with USAID during the performance of this fixed price subcontract. Раздел С. Cрок выполнения Дата вступления в силу настоящего Cубконтракта с фиксированной ценой 7 августа и дата завершения October 5, 2012г. Результаты работы, изложенные в Разделе А. должны быть предоставлены Руководителю Проекта в соответствии с установленным графиком в настоящем документе. Section C. Period of Performance The effective date of this fixed price subcontract is September 1, 2012, and the completion date is October 5, 2012. The Subcontractor shall deliver the deliverables set forth in Section A., Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables and Deliverables Schedule to the Chief of Party in В случае, если Субподрядчик не в состоянии accordance with the schedule stipulated therein. проводить свою деятельность, и это ведет к риску срыва сроков выполнения данного Субконтракта с In the event that the Subcontractor fails to make фиксированной ценой, или же если Субподрядчик progress so as to endanger performance of this не может в срок выполнить условия данного fixed price subcontract, or is unable to fulfill the Субконтракта с фиксированной ценой, то он должен terms of this fixed price subcontract by the заранее уведомить об этом Chemonics, и Chemonics completion date, the Subcontractor shall notify будет иметь право расторжение данного Chemonics forthwith and Chemonics shall have Субконтракта с фиксированной стоимостью по the right to summary termination of this fixed письменному уведомлению Субподрядчика price subcontract upon written notice to the согласно статьям FAR 52.249-4 и 52.249-8. Subcontractor in accordance with the incorporated Page 27 of 35 Раздел D Фиксированная цена Субконтракта, выставление счета-фактуры и оплата D .1. Фиксированная цена Субконтракта За предоставленные услуги, оговоренные в Разделе А, компания Chemonics выплатит Субподрядчику общую сумму которая указана на первой странице данного соглашения. Данная цифра представляет собой полную стоимость настоящего Cубконтракта и установлена на срок выполнения, описанный в Разделе С. «Срок выполнения». После выставления инвойса субподрядчиком в соответствии с пунктомD.2. настоящего договора Chemonics осуществляет в адрес Субподрядчика 50 (пятьдесят) % оплаты и далее оплачивает оказанные услуги в соответствие с процентными величинами, указанными ниже, после предоставления Субподрядчиком указанных в таблице результатов и отчётности: # Результаты работ Процент к Срок оплате вып-я 1 2 D 2. Выставление счета и счета-фактуры Для осуществления оплаты, описанной в пункте D.1., в течение 5 рабочих дней после подписания данного субконтракта Субподрядчик должен предоставить оригинал счета на произведение оплаты в размере 50%. Далее после приемки результатов работы по Cубконтракту, описанных в Разделе А3, пп.1-2, Субподрядчик должен предоставить оригинал счета на произведение оплаты в размере 50%, счетфактуры и акта выполненных работ. FAR Clauses 52.249-4 and 52.249-8. Section D. Subcontract fixed price, Invoicing and Payment D.1. Subcontract fixed price As consideration for the delivery of all of the products and/or services stipulated in Section A., Chemonics will pay the Subcontractor the total fixed price indicated in the cover page of this agreement. This figure represents the total price of this subcontract and is fixed for the period of performance outlined in Section C., Period of Performance. After invoice presenting by the Subcontractor in accordance with point D.2. of the present Subcontract Chemonics will carry out 50 (fifty)% payment to the Subcontractor and then will pay in accordance with the corresponding deliverable indicated in the following table: # Deliverable Completed Percent Paymen t Date 1 2 D.2. Invoicing For payment carrying out described in point D.1., during 5 working days after the Subcontract signing Subcontractor shall submit an original invoice for 50% payment. после Further after acceptance of the work results within Акта the Subcontract, described in Section А3, paragraph 1-2, the Subcontractor shall submit original invoice for 50% payment, invoice and Счет должен быть передан Руководителю Проекта work acceptance statement. на рассмотрение и должен включать следующую информацию: a) номер Субконтракта; б) Invoice shall be approved by Chemonics within Утверждение занимает 5 рабочих дня предоставления Субподрядчиком выполненных работ. Page 28 of 35 завершенные и принятые результаты; в) общая сумма в тенге согласно пункту D.1 выше; и г) платежные реквизиты для осуществления банковского перевода. Все налоги и сборы оплачиваются Субподрядчиком. five work days after Subcontractor submits the Statement of Work Performed. The invoice shall be sent to the attention of the Chief of Party and shall include the following information: a) subcontract number, b) D 3. Оплата deliverables delivered and accepted, c) total amount due in Tenge, per Section D.1., above; and Инвойс Субподрядчика будет оплачен в течение 5 d) Payment address/bank account number. All (пяти) рабочих дней компанией Chemonics после taxes and levies shall be paid by the получения Chemonics счета от Субподрядчика. Subcontractor. Оплата будет производиться в казахстанских тенге и будет перечислена на счет, указанный в инвойсе D.3 Payment Субподрядчика. Chemonics will pay the Subcontractor’s invoice within five (5) business days after both a) Chemonics’ approval of the Subcontractor’s deliverables, and b) Chemonics’ receipt of the Права собственности на авторское право и другие Subcontractor’s invoice. Payment will be made in интеллектуальные права собственности касательно Kazakhstan Tenge, paid to the account specified сбора и обработки данных, исследований, сводных in the Subcontractor’s invoice. ведомостей, отчетов, графиков, диаграмм, планов, результатов работы, программного обеспечения и Section E. Intellectual Property Rights других документов, разработанных в рамках настоящего Cубконтракта с фиксированной ценой, The ownership of all copyright and other всецело переходят или остаются за компанией intellectual property rights in respect of any data Chemonics, которая имеет все права собственности, compilations, research, spreadsheets, graphs, несмотря на то, что Субподрядчик или его reports, diagrams, designs, work products, сотрудники являются авторами интеллектуальной software, or any other documents, developed in собственности. Все документы, имеющие connection with this fixed price subcontract will отношение к интеллектуальной собственности, или exclusively vest in or remain with Chemonics, иным способом относящиеся к настоящему which shall have all proprietary rights therein, Cубконтракту с фиксированной ценой, услуги или notwithstanding that the Subcontractor or its обязательства должны быть переданы или employees may be the author of the intellectual возвращены компании Chemonics при завершении property. All documents relating to the Cубконтракта. Субподрядчик соглашается не intellectual property or otherwise connected with публиковать и не использовать любую this fixed price subcontract, the services, or duties интеллектуальную собственность или must be returned or delivered to Chemonics at the соответствующие документы без предварительного time of the expiration or termination of the письменного одобрения компании Chemonics и subcontract. The Subcontractor agrees not to соответствующего установления авторства. publish or make use of any of the intellectual property, or documents relating thereto, without Раздел F. Oбязательства the prior written approval of Chemonics and Субподрядчик соглашается, что ни при каких proper attribution. обстоятельствах не будет считать Chemonics или USAID ответственным за какие - либо требования Section F. Liability третьих лиц о возмещении ущерба, возникшего в Раздел E Права на интеллектуальную собственность Page 29 of 35 результате реализации любого мероприятия, финансируемого в соответствии с данным Субконтрактом. Субподрядчик принимает на себя полную ответственность за соответствие своей деятельности законодательству Республики Казахстан. Раздел G. Соблюдение соответствующих Законов и стандартов The Subcontractor agrees that under no circumstances will it hold Chemonics or USAID liable for any third party claims for damages arising from the implementation of any activity funded under this Subcontract. The Subcontractor assumes full responsibility for compliance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Section G. Вся работа должна быть выполнена в соответствии с применяемыми в Казахстане правовыми нормами, постановлениями, кодексами, положениями, и другими официальными правилами Казахстана и их административно-территориальных единиц, и с нормами соответствующих лицензирующих органов и профессиональных объединений. Субподрядчик также должен соблюдать правила USAID, которые регулируют настоящий Cубконтракт с фиксированной ценой и внесены посредством ссылки в настоящий Cубконтракт с фиксированной ценой, Раздел N, Статьи контракта, внесенные посредством ссылки. Раздел Н. Применимое право и разрешение споров Стороны соглашаются, что все споры, вытекающие из генерального подряда и Cубконтракта, должны быть разрешены посредством арбитражного разбирательства согласно Коммерческим правилам арбитража Американской Арбитражной Ассоциации. Судебное решение, вынесенное третейскими судьями, может быть представлено в любой суд, обладающим властью над данным делом. В тех случаях, когда споры представлены на рассмотрение третейского суда, стороны соглашаются принять решение третейских судей как окончательное и обязательное для обеих сторон. Арбитражное разбирательство должно проводиться в Вашингтоне, Округ Колумбия в соответствии с законодательством Округа Колумбия или другого места, выбранного третейскими судьями. Раздел I Организационный конфликт интересов Compliance with Applicable Laws and Standards The Subcontractor shall perform all work in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, regulations, and other authoritative rules of the United States and of Kazakhstan and its political subdivisions and with the standards of relevant licensing boards and professional associations. The Subcontractor shall also comply with the applicable USAID regulations governing this fixed price subcontract, which are incorporated by reference into this subcontract, and appear in Section N., Clauses Incorporated by Reference. Section H. Governing Law and Resolution of Disputes The Parties agree that all disputes arising out of or relating to the general contract and this Subcontract, shall be settled by arbitration administered in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. A judicial decision taken by arbitrators may be presented in any court having authority over the case. In cases when disputes are submitted to arbitration, the parties agree to accept the decision of the arbitrators as final and binding on both parties. The arbitration shall be conducted in Washington, DC, in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia or another place chosen by the arbitrators. Стороны соглашаются с тем, что некоторый объем работы, выполняемый по данному Cубконтракту, Page 30 of 35 может поставить Субподрядчика или его персонал в положение, где может возникнуть организационный конфликт интересов. Такой организационный конфликт интересов может ослабить объективность Субподрядчика или его персонала при выполнении работы. С целью предотвращения или уменьшения возникновения любого возможного конфликта интересов, Субподрядчик соглашается не предпринимать действия, которые могут привести к организационному конфликту интересов без предварительного уведомления Программы USAID по местному развитию о возможности такого рода конфликта интересов, и получить письменное одобрение на осуществление такого рода деятельности. Раздел J Борьба с коррупцией (а) Определения Взятка в данном документе подразумевает любые деньги, оплату, комиссионное вознаграждение, кредит, подарок, денежное вознаграждение, ценную вещь или любую компенсацию, которые предоставляются прямо или косвенно компании Chemonics, Программы USAID по местному развитию или любому сотруднику проекта, Субподрядчику или его сотрудникам, или субпоставщикам каким-то образом, имеющим отношение к осуществлению или последующей деятельности данного Cубконтракта с целью ненадлежащего получения или предоставления благоприятного условия в связи с настоящим Cубконтрактом. Лицо, как используется в настоящем пункте, означает корпорацию, партнерство, бизнес ассоциацию любого рода, траст-компанию, акционерное общество или отдельное лицо. Работником Субподрядчика, как используется в настоящем пункте, является любой сотрудник, партнер, служащий или представитель Субподрядчика. (б) Субподрядчик и его служащие, которые прямо или косвенно занимаются осуществлением настоящего Cубконтракта, соглашаются соблюдать условия “Закона США о предотвращении взяточничества от 1986 г.”, который запрещает любому лицу давать или предпринимать попытку Section I. Organizational Conflicts of Interest It is understood and agreed that some of the work performed under this subcontract may place the Subcontractor or its personnel in the position of having an organizational conflict of interest. Such an organizational conflict of interest may impair the objectivity of the Subcontractor or its personnel in performing the work. To preclude or mitigate any potential conflicts of interest, Subcontractor agrees not to undertake any activity which may result in an organizational conflict of interest without first notifying USAID Regional Economic Integration Project of such potential conflict of interest and receiving project’s written approval to undertake such activities. Section J. Anti-Kickback (Corruption) (a) (а) Definitions. Kickback, as used herein, means any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation of any kind, which is provided, directly or indirectly, to Chemonics, the USAID Regional Economic Integration Project office or any of its employees, the Subcontractor or Subcontractor employees, or vendors in any way related to the performance or subsequent activities of this subcontract, for the purpose of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment in connection with this subcontract. Person, as used in this clause, means a corporation, partnership, business association of any kind, trust, joint-stock company, or individual. Subcontractor employee, as used in this clause, means any officer, partner, employee, or agent of the Subcontractor. (b) The Subcontractor and its employees, whether directly or indirectly engaged in the performance of this subcontract, agree to abide by the terms of The United States Anti-Kickback Act of 1986, which prohibits any person from Page 31 of 35 предложения взятки; требовать, брать, или предпринимать попытку получить взятку; включая, прямо или косвенно, сумму любого рода взятки от стоимости Cубконтракта, предложенного Субподрядчиком компании Chemonics. В случае если Субподрядчик имеет разумные основания для предположения того, что нарушение, указанное в параграфе (б) настоящего положения может иметь место, то Субподрядчик обязан немедленно уведомить в письменной форме о возможном нарушении. Такое уведомление должно быть представлено компании Chemonics, которая направит отчет Главному Инспектору USAID на рассмотрение. providing or attempting to provide any kickback; soliciting, accepting, or attempting to accept any kickback; or including, directly or indirectly, the amount of any kickback in the contract price charged by the Subcontractor to Chemonics. When the Subcontractor has reasonable grounds to believe that a violation described in paragraph (b) of this provision may have occurred, the Subcontractor shall promptly report in writing the possible violation. Such reports shall be made to Chemonics, who shall forward the report to the USAID Inspector General for investigation. The Subcontractor further agrees to cooperate fully with any United States Government agency Субподрядчик соглашается сотрудничать с любым investigating a possible violation described in Агентством Правительства США, рассматривающим paragraph (b) of this clause. возможное нарушение, указанное в параграфе (б) Chemonics may offset the amount of the kickback настоящего положения. against any monies owed by Chemonics under this Компания Chemonics может возместить сумму fixed price subcontract or order the monies взятки против любой суммы денег, которую withheld from future payments due the Компания Chemonics должна по настоящему Subcontractor. Субконтракту с фиксированной ценой или The Subcontractor agrees to include the substance потребовать возмещение денежной суммы, of this provision in any contract it may issue under this subcontract. вычтенной из будущей выплаты Субподрядчику. Субподрядчик соглашается включить содержание данного положения, которое может возникнуть по данному Cубконтракту, в любой контракт. Раздел K. Запрет на оказание финансовой поддержки террористической деятельности Section K. Terrorist Financing Prohibition The Subcontractor is reminded that U.S. Executive Orders and U.S. law prohibits transactions with, and the provision of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of the Subcontractor to ensure compliance with these Executive Orders and laws. This provision must be included in all subcontracts issued under this subcontract. Субподрядчик должен помнить о том, что Законодательство США и Административные указы США запрещают заключать сделки или предоставлять средства и поддержку лицам или организациям, связанными с терроризмом. Субподрядчик несет правовую ответственность за соблюдение данных административных указов и Section L. Set-Off Clause законов. Данное положение должно быть включено во все Субконтракты, вытекающее из настоящего Chemonics reserves the right of set-off against Субконтракта. amounts payable to Subcontractor under this Раздел L Компенсация Subcontract or any other agreement the amount of Компания Chemonics сохраняет за собой право any claim or refunds Chemonics may have against Page 32 of 35 претендовать на сумму, подлежащую выплате Subcontractor. Субподрядчику по настоящему Субконтракту или любому другому соглашению сумму иска или возмещения, которую Компания Chemonics имеет Section M. Branding Policy против Субподрядчика. Marking of subcontract deliverables shall comply with the USAID “Graphic Standard Manual” available at www.usaid.gov/branding,, or any Раздел М Политика по использованию successor branding policy. брендинга Маркировка результатов работ в рамках настоящего Субконтракта должна соответствовать «Руководству Clauses Incorporated by Reference по Графическим Стандартам» USAID, которые Section N. можно найти на сайте www.usaid.gov/branding, и политике по использованию брендинга любого This fixed price subcontract incorporates the following clauses of the Federal Acquisition другого правопреемника. Regulations (48 Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1) and AID Acquisition Regulations (48 Раздел N. Статьи контракта, включенные Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 7) by посредством ссылки reference, with the same force and effect as if they Настоящий Субконтракт с фиксированной ценой were given in full text. The full text is available at and включает следующие пункты Правил Федеральных http://www.arnet.gov/far/ http://www.info.usaid.gov/pubs/ads/aidar9-1.pdf. закупок (48 том Свода Федеральных Правил, Глава 1), и AID правил приобретения (48 том Свода Modifications which apply to this fixed price It is Федеральных правил, Глава 7), включенные subcontract appear after each clause. посредством ссылки, которые имеют такую же силу, understood and agreed that the Subcontractor may как если бы они были даны в тексте полностью. be obligated by and to Chemonics for any Полный вариант данных статей имеется на сайте specifications or documentation required of http://www.arnet.gov/far/ и Chemonics under these clauses, and that references to the Contractor may also refer to the http://www.info.usaid.gov/pubs/ads/aidar9-1.pdf. Изменения, относящиеся к настоящему Subcontractor. The Subcontractor hereby agrees Субконтракту с фиксированной ценой, to abide by the terms and conditions imposed by представлены после каждого пункта. Установлено и these clauses. With respect to documentation and оговорено то, что компания Chemonics может approvals required under these clauses, all such обязать Субподрядчика, и Субподрядчик может documentation and approvals shall be submitted to нести обязательства перед компанией Chemonics за or requested from Chemonics. любую спецификацию или документацию, которые требуются от компании Chemonics в рамках данных пунктов, и что ссылки, относящиеся к Подрядчику, могут также касаться Субподрядчика. Субподрядчик настоящим соглашается соблюдать сроки и условия соглашения, установленные данными пунктами. В отношении документации и утверждений, требующихся в рамках данных пунктов, вся такая документация и утверждения должны быть представлены или затребованы от компании Chemonics. Page 33 of 35 Page 34 of 35 Annex G. SUBCONTRACT PAYMENT REQUEST FORM Subcontractor: _____________________________ Date: _______________ Subcontract Number: _______________________ PAYMENT DETAILS Payment Number Description of Deliverable Approved Payment Amount (in Som) The payment details were achieved in accordance to all the terms and conditions stated in subcontract ____________________. Total Subcontract Price (US$): _______________ Cumulative Payment/s (US$): _______________ This Payment (US$): _______________ Balance (US$) : _______________ Please forward payment to : _________________________ (Bank Account Name) _________________________ (Account Number) _________________________ (Type of Account) _________________________ (Bank branch and address) Payment Requested By: ________________________________ (authorized signatory) To be filled up by the project This payment request was found to be accurate, complete and complies to all the subcontract stipulations. ____(Signature over printed name)______ Finance and Operations Manager ______(Signature over printed name)____ Technical Team Representative APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: _____________________________________ Approver listed in Subcontract Page 35 of 35