Subphylum Chelicerata

Classification- Phylum Arthropoda
Chapter 19
Subphylum Trilobita (extinct)
Subphylum Chelicerata
Class Arachnids
Order Araneae (spiders)
Order Scorpiones
Order Opiliones (Daddy Longlegs)
Order Acari (Ticks and Mites)
Subphylum Myriapoda
Class Diplopoda (millipedes)
Class Chilopoda (centipedes)
Chapter 20
Subphylum Crustacea
Chapter 21
Subphylum Hexapoda
Chelicerates, and
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Anthropod Characteristics
Exoskeleton - Soft cuticle stiffened by
deposition of protein and chitin
Joints had to provide flexibility
Sequence of molts to allow for growth
Molting required hormonal control ecdysone
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Phylum Arthropoda
Contains over 3/4 of all known species
Coelomate protostomes with well-developed
organ systems
Complete Digestive Tract
Segmented - tagmata
Fused segments = tagmata (ex. head, thorax,
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Sizes range from the Japanese crab (four meters in
leg span) to the 0.1 mm long follicle mite
most diverse animal group
Some are agents of disease and compete with
humans for food
Others are beneficial
All modes of feeding occur among arthropods;
carnivores, omnivores, herbivorous (most),
decomposers, scavengers, parasites, etc.
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Japanese Spider Crap
4 M in length
Follicle Mite
0.1 mm in length
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Relationships among arthropod subgroups
Divided into subphyla
 Centipedes,
millipedes are placed into
subphylum Myriapoda
 Insects are placed in subphylum
 Spiders, and ticks form subphylum
 Lobsters, crabs, barnacles, and others
form subphylum Crustacea
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2 Important Parts
in Arthropods:
Appendages and
Uniramous: single branched
Biramous: 2 branches
Chelicerae: pointed appendages to grasp food
Mandible: chewing appendage
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Arthropod Characteristics
Reasons) - 600 million years old
 1. Versatile Exoskeleton
Cuticle is protective and jointed, providing mobility
Consists of inner thick molting procuticle (made of
exocuticle and endocuticle) and outer thin
Ecdysis, or molting
Arthropods typically molt four to seven times
Process of shedding outer covering and growing a new,
larger one
Controlled by hormones and environmental cues
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Survival of Arthropods
2. Segmentation and Appendages
Paired Appendages specialized for
division of labor (sensing, food handling,
walking, or swimming)
3. Metamorphosis
Larvae and adults feed on different
organisms and occupy different habitats
 Avoid competition
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Survival of Arthropods
4. Air Piped Directly to Cells
Terrestrial arthropods
 Use tracheal system for oxygen transport
directly to tissues
Aquatic arthropods
 Respire via gills
5. Highly Developed Sensory Organs
Eyes vary from simple light sensitive ocelli to a
compound mosaic eye
Other sensory structures for touch, smell,
hearing, balancing, and chemical reception
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Early Arthropod fossils: Trilobites and Eurypterid
Subphylum Trilobita - extinct for over 200 million years
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Chelicerata Characteristics
Chelicerates have six pairs of
cephalothoracic appendages including
chelicerae (eating), pedipalps (mating) and
four pair of legs
Lack mandibles and antennae
Most suck liquid food from prey
Example: spiders, horseshoe crabs, sea
spiders, ticks, scorpions
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Horseshoe Crabs
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Horseshoe Crab: Illustrating 6 pairs of appendages
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Sea spiders: Illustrating
6 sets of appendages
Oviger: In males only,
carry developing eggs
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Class Arachnida
 Divided into two body parts: a cephalothorax
and an abdomen
 Cephalothorax bears ALL appendages
 Example: Spiders, Ticks, and Scorpions
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Most are predaceous and have claws, fangs,
poison glands, or stingers
Sucking mouthparts ingest fluids and soft
tissues from bodies of their prey
Pedipalps of males are modified, sometimes
elaborately, for sperm transfer
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Most harmless to humans and provide
essential control of injurious insects
Some spiders are venomous and can
cause pain or death in humans
Ticks may carry human diseases
Mites can be crop pests
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Order Araneae: Spiders
Approximately 40,000 species
Body consists of an unsegmented
cephalothorax and abdomen
Anterior appendages are a pair of chelicerae
with terminal fangs
Pair of pedipalps are used by males to
transfer sperm and handle food
Four pairs of walking legs terminate in claws
All are predaceous, mostly on insects
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External Anatomy of Jumping Spider
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Injected venom liquefies and digests the tissues which
is sucked into spider’s stomach
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (Book lungs or Trachea)
Book lungs unique to spiders
Parallel air pockets extend into blood-filled chamber
Air enters chamber through a slit in body wall
Trachea system
 Transports air directly to tissues/blood through an opening
called a spiracle
Excretory System
In spiders and insects, Malpighian tubules serve as excretory
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Internal Anatomy of a Spider
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Sensory Systems
 Most spiders have eight simple eyes, each
with a lens, optic rods, and a retina
 Detect movement and may form images
(overall poor vision)
 Sensory hairs detect air currents, web
vibrations, and other stimuli
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Web-Spinning Habits
Spinning silk critical ability for spiders
 Two or three pairs of spinnerets contain
microscopic tubes that run to silk glands
 Liquid scleroprotein secretion hardens as
it is extruded from spinnerets
 Silk threads are very strong and will
stretch considerably before breaking
 Silk is used for orb webs, lining burrows,
forming egg sacs, and wrapping prey
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Grasshopper snared in Golden Garden Spider silk.
If the spider is not hungry, it will save the live prey for later.
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Fisher Spider: Catches prey, paralyzes them,
pumps in digestive enzymes,
then sucks out predigested contents.
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Before mating, male stores sperm in
 Mating involves inserting pedipalps into
the female genital openings
 Use a courtship ritual
 Eggs may develop in a cocoon in the web
or carried by female
 Young hatch in about two weeks and may
molt before leaving the egg cocoon
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Wolf spider with egg sack
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Black Widow with egg sack
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Are spiders really dangerous?
American tarantulas rarely bite, and bite is not
Species of black widow spiders are dangerous
 Venom is a neurotoxin
Brown recluse spider
 Hemolytic venom that destroys tissue around
the bite
Some Australian and South American spiders are
the most dangerous and aggressive
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Tarantula: Not Dangerous. Bite similar to Bee Sting
Bite when threatened or defending eggs/young.
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A: Black Widow displaying Red Hourglass
B: Brown Recluse Spider displaying violin marking on cephalothorax
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Order Scorpionida: Scorpions
Approximately 1,400 species worldwide
Nocturnal and feed largely on insects and
Sand-dwellers locate prey by detecting
surface waves with leg hairs
Appendages attached to cephalothorax
Pair of medial eyes and lateral eyes
Preabdomen has 7 segments
Postabdomen has long, slender tail of five
segments that ends in a stinging apparatus
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Scorpion epicuticle is fluorescent when exposed to UV light.
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Stinger on last segment has venom that
varies from mildly painful to dangerous
Perform complex mating dances
Ovoviviparous or viviparous and produce from 1 to
100 young
Gestation is from several months to a year
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Emperor Scorpion with young.
Young stay with mother until their first molt.
(Gestation is up to a year, and 1 month on back)
Life span of a scorpion is about 15 years
Harvestmen: Order Opiliones
AKA- Daddy Longlegs
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Order Opiliones: Harvestmen
Harvestmen or daddy longlegs
Approximately 5,000 species worldwide
Unlike spiders, abdomen and cephalothorax join
Can lose most of their eight long legs without ill
Chelicerae are pincerlike - can’t bite a human
Are NOT venomous to humans
Mostly scavengers
Have 2 eyes, not 8
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Order Acari: Ticks and Mites
Medically and economically the most
important arachnids
About 30,000 species have been described
Most mites are less than 1 millimeter long
Ticks may range up to 2 cm
Complete fusion of cephalothorax and
No sign of external segmentation
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Mouthparts on tip of the anterior capitulum
Chelicerae on each side help pierce, tear, or
grip food
Adult mites and ticks possess 4 pairs of legs
Transfer sperm directly or by
spermatophores (packets of sperm)
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Wood Tick
All stages are ectoparasites
Red Velvet Mite: Trombicula
Similar to chiggers, only Larvae
is ectoparasite. Nymphs and Adults
are free-living.
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Subphylum Chelicerata
House dust mites
Spider mites
One of many important agricultural pest mites
that suck out plant nutrients
Free-living and often cause allergies
Larval stage feed on dermal tissues and cause
skin irritation
Hair follicle mite Demodex
Harmless but may cause mild dermatitis
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Human Follicle Mite
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Subphylum Chelicerata
Human itch mite
Causes intense itching
Popular in WWII - due to crowded conditions in
which people lived (Scabies)
Human Itch Mite
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Subphylum Chelicerata
2nd premier disease vector (after mosquito).
Some carry Lyme disease (bacteria)
Bacterial infection dicovered in 1970, in the
city of Lyme, Conneticut.
Transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever (bacteria)
Transmits Texas cattle fever (Protozoan)
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Tick: Carries Texas Cattle Fever
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Subphylum Myriapoda
Myriapods (“Many Footed”) include:
Chilopoda (centipedes)
Diplopoda (millipedes)
Use trachea to transport respiratory gases to
all body tissue
Excretion usually by Malpighian tubules
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Subphylum Myriapoda
Class Chilopoda
Found under logs, bark and stones
Carnivorous, eating earthworms,
cockroaches, and other insects (use poison
claw) and then chew prey with mandible
Centipedes have one pair of legs on each
segment (except 1st and last 2)
Most harmless to humans
Few large, tropical centipedes are dangerous
Approximately 3,000 species worldwide
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Centipede from Amazon, Peru.
Head of a Centipede
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Subphylum Myriapoda
Appendages of first body segment form
poison claws - comparable to wasp sting
Head has one pair of antennae
Eyes on either side of the head consist of
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Subphylum Myriapoda
Sexes separate
Most lay eggs and guard them (oviparous),
few are viviparous
Young resemble adults and do not undergo
Legs and segments are added with each molt
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Subphylum Myriapoda
Class Diplopoda
Millipedes (double footed) -10,000 species
Less active than centipedes
Walk with graceful rather than wriggling motion
Most eat decayed plants but a few eat living
plant tissue - use mandible
Most are slow moving and roll into a coil for
Some secrete toxic or repellant fluids from
special glands on side of body (hydrogen
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Tropical millipede.
Head of a Millipede
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Subphylum Myriapoda
Cylindrical bodies with 25 to more than
100 segments
Short thorax consists of 4 segments,
each bearing one pair of legs
Each abdominal segment has 2 sets of
Head has 2 clusters of simple eyes and
a pair of antennae and mandibles
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Subphylum Myriapoda
Appendages of seventh segment specialized
as copulatory organs
After copulation, female lays eggs in a nest
and guards them
Larvae have only one pair of legs per
segment, as they molt more legs and body
segments are acquired
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Classification- Phylum Arthropoda
 Subphylum Trilobita (extinct)
 Subphylum Chelicerata
 Class Arachnida
Order Araneae
Order Scorpiones
Order Opiliones (Daddy Longlegs)
Order Acari (Ticks and Mites)
Subphylum Myriapoda
Class Diplopoda
Class Chilopoda
Subphylum Crustacea
Subphylum Hexapoda