FilmSoc Annual Report Societies’ Annual Report Framework Below is a framework for you to use to complete your Annual Report. Each society needs to complete this report which will then be uploaded to the Students’ Union website. The report will be useful to several different stakeholders - the committee that takes over from you, members of your society, students who are interested in taking part and even non-students. The framework is there to help you set out the main, essential points you need to cover. However, please attach any other relevant information you may want to include. Name of Society Number of Members Film Society 40 online (approx. 17 regular) Please take your number of members from your online membership shown here under “value”: In your opinion, based on your experiences over the past year, what is the best thing about getting involved in your society? The best thing about getting involved with the film society is its diversity. This is in terms of members where we have a fantastic range of members across all years of study, all ages and across all departments (were not just limited to film students); in terms of socials where we organise themed nights, meals and many others; and in terms of workshop content where we teach our members about many aspects of film making and then give them the opportunity to put them into practice. List 3 key achievements over the year (you can list more than 3 by extending this grid). Achievement Why did the society do this? What did you learn? Get members a. -We have achieved this by having a stall at both We learned that we initially interested fresher’s and re-fresher’s fayre to advertise the needed to make a bigger and keep them society widely and get 17 regular members, a impression at the fayres as engaged huge increase from 0 at the beginning of the our modest stall didn’t throughout the year. We have also made use of the societies stand out from the crowd year. planner and advertised through that, online as much as we would have through social media and through wide postering. liked. We’ve learned b. -We have had a number of different socials this about the socials are year including a pub crawl at the end of last year, members are most a campus bar crawl, a Disney themed social, a interested and have ideas Christmas social, a meal at 5 and Lime and a meal for future ones. at Son of Sombrero. This diversity of socials aimed to engage all members and facilitate socialising outside of the weekly workshops. c. -We ran weekly workshops which were planned in advance and structured to enable our members to produce a piece of film work at the end of each semester. Provide an a. -We aimed to do this once a month and were We learned that Sunday opportunity for able to set up more regular film screenings in LTL, afternoons aren’t the best introducing people often 2 or 3 a month. time to show films to the to new films of b. -We collaborated with others in the union, the university and found how FilmSoc Annual Report different genres and less mainstream films. To screen films that are not c. Hollywood produced e.g. independent films, world cinema, old films, etc. To aid, promote and support members in all aspects of film making. Then to hold an event at which we showcase the work our members have been doing. French society to set up a screening of The Artist, the Vegetarian society and with Bakita to set up a Halloween screening as part of alternative Halloween festivities. -We showed a wide variety of films over the year to encourage as wide an audience as possible and introduce people to less well-known films. -We run weekly workshops in which our members have been taught and guided through the processes of film making. We have run workshops on storyboarding, script writing, how to use the HD cameras, microphones and editing software, as well as teaching safety and best practice as these are the things that most interest our members. -At the end of semester 1 we held an open screening of the 3 short films our members had produced to show off their work and to show anyone interested a taster of the film society. We will be holding a second screening at the end of this semester to showcase the work we are currently doing. hard it was to draw a big audience outside of our society so we advertised through other societies with more success. We learned about the limitations of the ‘Film Bank’ but discovered many films we otherwise wouldn’t have. We’ve learned to be very flexible with the schedules of workshops we devise for each semester as unforeseen difficulties come up or if our members express an interest in taking the project in a different direction. We’ve learned to be better teachers, to be clearer and break actions down into simpler steps, it’s easy to forget how hard it is when you’re just starting out. In your experience, what does the year in the life of your society look like? Time of What is the society How do you make this Which committee members year doing? happen? (positions) lead? July/ Preparing for freshers Use of online communications President and secretary August fayre. Putting together to prepare materials and lead meetings. Film the schedule of action plans for freshers – students (treasurer and workshops until clothing, artwork, boards etc. social sec) input their Christmas to ensure Meetings to discuss the most expertise into workshop that they can be important parts of the schedule with president. planned and equipment and the best way Secretary prepares equipment booked in to teach it. materials and social secs time. Planning the first plan social and begin few socials. advertising. Treasurer buying anything needed – posters etc. September Freshers fayre – All the preparatory materials Secretary to encourage /October drawing new come together for fresher’s members to join online. members and holding fayre. Introductory sessions President and social secs introductory sessions include name games, ice primarily leading workshops for them over the first breakers and film related (all contribute) and social few weeks. Engaging ‘getting to know you’ games. secs leading social activities. our members with a Our first social was a campus social and beginning pub crawl to ensure that all FilmSoc Annual Report on the project. November /December 1st project comes to a close before Christmas. We held a screening night to show the finished pieces to anyone who was interested. Begin planning for next semester’s activities. Christmas social. January/ February Workshops are suspended over exams and being after reading week. Refreshers fayre draws new members. New project is launched and begun. A meal social is planned. March/ April Project in full swing. AGM materials are being prepared. Working on completing grading handbook. Social is organised for before easter. May/June Final project ends and a screening of all films are held. AGM is held and new committee chosen. Workshops end for exams. Socials planned for before/ after exams fresher’s felt confident in finding their way around and showing them the spots on campus. Helping everyone complete the editing of their projects to a high quality. Booking a lecture theatre and advertising the screening of independent work. Christmas social is organised and booked for the last week of term and a date is found for our members. Committee plan next semester’s workshops and prepare for refreshers fayre. Refresher’s fayre materials have been compiled and all committee and some members give support and advertise at the table. Introductory sessions are run again for new members to integrate with the old ones. New project launched and tailored to preferences of the members. 1st social of the year is a meal to allow all members to socialise. Workshops continuing. Meeting to reflect on the year, how we have achieved the goals in our development plan and how we hope to end the year. Socials are planned and advertised. President advertises being on the committee and all committee members give overview of their roles. Workshops structured to editing of projects. New committee given handover package/sessions from outgoing committee. Social secs help new committee plan and advertise final socials. Committee meeting to brainstorm what has worked and what hasn’t and all draw up schedule for next semester. President to write workshops. Social secs organise xmas social. All help in workshops. All prepare for refresherssocial secs and treasurer to produce artwork and advertising. Secretary to organise paperwork regarding re-fresher’s. All attend refresher’s. Secretary to email all who signed up. All to lead workshops, president to do introductory sessions. Social secs to organise and publicise social. All to lead workshops. Secretary to book AGM date, prepare report and inventory (with treasurer) and send off. All to prepare handover packages/sessions for incoming committee. President work on grading handbook. Social secs to organise meals and nights out and advertise them. All to help members during workshops. President to speak at AGM. All to do handover sessions. Previous committee assist new committee in planning final socials. New committee begins planning. FilmSoc Annual Report Please propose some key activities/aims for your society in the future: Aim/activity Why would it be good? Who should be involved? More Increase awareness and size of society. More All members of the committee members members allows the society to embark on bigger and the society should projects and to do bigger trips. advertise to friends and bag presence at fresher’s fayre. Film trips Members are interested in seeing films and going All committee to plan trips, to festivals. They would be attractive trips not just particularly treasurer and to those in the society but to those outside too if social secretaries. advertised well. It would raise the profile of the society and give the members addition film opportunities. Raise The screenings allow anyone to get involved with All members of the committee. profile/find the watching side of film without committing to President to decide film, better time regular workshops. Getting a bigger audience secretary to book, social secs for makes these more worthwhile and could to advertise and treasurer to screening. potentially be a way for the society to make money examine money making if it was a success. possibilities. Reflections over the year: This year has been a challenge and we feel a real success. We started the year with no members coming in from the previous year due to the society being very new (3 months old when we took over) and last year’s members moving away to placement and graduating. We have built up the society through promotion and our presence at fresher’s fayre so that we now have a strong membership of 17 regulars. Despite not having a workshop structure from the previous year to build on, we devised a timetable and planned each workshop, learning to modify and be flexible when our members needed more time or more assistance. We have listened to our members and tailored the society around their interests, even leading to us having to learn more about certain areas outside of our expertise. We feel that we have come together as a committee to support one another in our roles and in the work we have done to ensure the success of the society. Next year: We hope that membership will continue to grow next year, with our members already brainstorming ideas of how to attract more members at fresher’s fayre and through advertising. We hope that the film society will become more established on campus and continue and grow in showing free films on campus and attracting a wide audience to see these. We will prepare a handover package and session for the new committee so that we can give as much information specific to the film society and to each position as possible, making the handover process smooth and enjoyable for all. Thank you for completing this annual report form. Please email the report as an attachment to with your society name as the subject line 2 weeks before your AGM takes place.