Sexual Exploitation & Abuse
Training Workshop
What is Sexual Exploitation?
Sexual coercion and manipulation (includes
all types of sexual acts) by a person in a
position of power providing any type of
assistance in exchange for sexual acts. In
these situations, the survivor believes she or
he has no other choice than to comply; this
is NOT consent and it is exploitation.
Examples of sexual exploitation
Humanitarian worker requiring sex in exchange
for material assistance, favors, or privileges
Teacher requiring sex in exchange for passing
Sex with a commercial sex worker
Driver requiring sex to give a girl a ride to the
next village
One person in power getting sex in exchange for
something the more vulnerable person needs
What are the necessary ingredients
for “informed consent”?
Being old enough and mentally sound
enough to understand the agreement and the
 Being of equal power relationship
What is Sexual Abuse?
Actually threatening or forcing someone to
have sex or provide sexual favors under
unequal or forced conditions. Could
include sexual intercourse, harassment or
What are the consequences of SEA?
For the beneficiary
For the alleged humanitarian worker perpetrator
For the donor
ARC’s Sexual Misconduct Policy
ARC strongly condemns and prohibits any
behavior on the part of any ARC employee
which constitutes any form of sexual
misconduct, including sexual harassment,
sexual exploitation, and sexual violence
towards any other staff member, client,
patient, beneficiary (refugee and/or IDP) or
other individual participating in an ARC
program or activity.
Examples of prohibited behavior
Threatening or taking adverse employment actions or limiting ARC
services if sexual favors are not granted.
Demanding, requesting or suggesting sex, sexual activities or favors of
any kind in exchange for preferential treatment in hiring, promotions,
evaluations in exchange for any ARC service such as access to
materials, medicine, healthcare, money, or other financial resources.
Objectionable physical contact, including unwanted and unwarranted
physical touching of any kind.
Unwanted or unwarranted remarks of a sexual nature, repeated
offensive sexual flirtations, propositions or invitations.
Unsolicited displays sexually explicit or demeaning materials.
Sex with prostitutes including commercial sex workers.
Consensual Relationships
Sexual relations between ARC employees
and a client, patient, beneficiary (including
refugees/IDPs employed by ARC) or other
individual participating in an ARC program
have the potential to lead to exploitation
because of the power differential between
the two groups.
So—considered unethical and are prohibited
Consequences of prohibited behavior
Staff Responsibilities
Report any incidences of SEA by ARC staff
or other humanitarian works (other NGOs,
UN staff, peacekeepers, etc.)
 You can report for yourself or others
 Report can be in writing or in person
 Cooperate with investigations
 Read and sign the Sexual Misconduct
True or False?
A refugee who is employed by ARC must
abide by ARC’s Sexual Misconduct Policy
as any other humanitarian worker.
True or False?
The sex life of an employee of a partner
NGO is his/her own business. ARC should
not get involved in what a staff person of a
partner organization does outside of work
True or False?
Sexual violence and exploitation by
respected members of the community, such
as doctors, teachers is very rare.
True or False?
ARC employees can be disciplined for not
reporting incidents of suspected sexual
exploitation that they are aware of.
True or False?
Refugees who have sex with ARC
humanitarian workers are just as much to
blame as the ARC worker.
Three Benefits to Having a
SEA Complaints & Investigative Procedure
Beneficiaries are protected, especially
women and children.
ARC staff are protected.
ARC’s reputation is upheld.
Key SEA Investigation Principles
 Anonymity
 Safety & Welfare Needs of Beneficiaries
 Professional Care & Competence
 Thoroughness
 Independence
 Planning & Review
Key SEA Investigation Principles
Respect for all concerned
 Timeframes
 Working partnerships
 National authorities
Investigation Process
Investigator assigned
 Preliminary investigation to determine if
full investigation will occur
 Alleged perpetrator may be suspended with
pay during the investigation
How is the Investigation Handled?
All parties fully informed
 All allegations addressed, witnesses
interviewed, statements verified
 Time to prepare for meetings
 Guidance on behaviors and conduct of
 Report on findings and recommendations
How is the Investigation Handled?
Director of HR reviews findings and
recommends a course of action
 If allegations are true, appropriate action
taken including termination of employment.
Practical support will be give to the victim.
 If allegations unproven, monitor the
situation in the future.
Report will be confidential
 Precautions for privacy and reputations of
both parties
 Information given only to those who have a
need to know
Prohibited--including threats to retaliate if
someone complains or participates in an
 Cause for termination of employment
False Claims
Intentional false claims prohibited
 Cause for termination
Receiving a Complaint
React calmly
Explain Confidentiality
Take everything seriously
Avoid too many questions
Ensure safety
Complete the complaint form and give it to your
supervisor and the Country Director
Why do cases of SEA go unreported?
Responsibilities of Managers
ARC is obligated to create and maintain an
environment which prevents sexual
exploitation and abuse and promotes the
implementation of its Sexual Misconduct
Policy. Managers at all levels have
particular responsibilities to support and
develop systems which maintain this
Developing a Programmatic
What are the specific conditions and
circumstances in your ARC program that increase
the vulnerability of women and children to sexual
abuse and exploitation?
Formulate recommendations to reduce
vulnerability and/or strengthening preventative
Think of a complaints / reporting mechanism for
your program that is safe, confidential,
transparent, and accessible.
30 Day Plan
Determine up to 3 things you will do in the
next 30 days to reduce beneficiary
vulnerability to SEA and promote a positive
 Identify a partner to follow-up with in 30
days to review your progress.
 Send Colleen the list of your
Respect is the most effective way to
eliminate sexual misconduct.