Leading Nursing Research 10 Years of Innovative Responses To Nurses’ Challenges Suzanne L. Michaud, Office of Nursing Policy, Health Canada Erin Morrison, Canadian Health Services Research Foundation Hélène Sabourin, Canadian Nurses Foundation Overview Nursing Research Fund (NRF) – Government of Canada investment CHSRF’s role in administering the NRF Nursing capacity from 1999-2009 Role of the CNF in advancing nursing knowledge NRF wind-down Evaluation of the NRF & other commissioned reports What next? Health Canada Organizational Structure Health Canada Strategic Policy Branch Office of Nursing Policy Office of Nursing Policy (ONP) Role: To advance priorities of Government through knowledge development and strategic analysis of policy related to nursing and inter-professional practice. SD #1 – Nursing Human Resources Optimization SD #2 – Practice Environment Revitalization ONP provides evidence-based advice through: Research Consultation, Program development, Contextual analysis. The Nursing Research Fund Announced in the 1999 Federal Budget $25M over 10 years To increase the quantity and quality of nursing-related research and researchers to support health system restructuring Canadian Health Services Research Foundation Established in 1997 Building capacity for research to be used, shared, and integrated within decision-making in nursing care and management Funds applied health services and nursing research Creates user friendly research summaries in easy to understand language - such as Mythbusters Nursing Capacity 1999 - 2009 4 REISS and 12 development awards 40 Open Grant Competition projects 8 Chair Awards 26 Postdoctoral Awards 3 Regional Training Centres 4 Career Reorientation Awards 30+ special project grants & awards Background on CNF Founded in 1962 by the Canadian Nurses Association Continuously improves the quality of care in Canada by advancing the knowledge capital of essential health care professionals Governed by an experienced board of directors with backgrounds in health, law, not-for-profit, education, business CNF - Advancing nursing knowledge Mission To advance nursing knowledge and improve health care by providing research grants, awards, and scholarships to Canadian nurses and nursing students. We raise funds for our activities through diverse partnerships with responsible organizations and individuals who share our goals. Vision Canada’s pre-eminent Foundation dedicated to advancing nursing knowledge for better patient outcomes. Nursing Care Partnership (NCP) CHSRF grant 2003-2008 (from the NRF) $2.5 million renewable practice-based research on nursing care issues CNF and CHSRF collaborated initially to design, implement and evaluate the NCP program Based forming partnerships across the country NCP providing $1 for every $2 from partners $2.5 million generated a total investment of $ 7.5 million Nursing Care Partnership (NCP) Goal 1: Increase funding for clinical nursing care Goal 2: Advance nursing care research and build capacity Goal 3: Raise awareness among nursing research stakeholders about research funding opportunities and disseminate the results of clinical research projects Nursing Care Partnership (NCP) RNAO BPG Research competition established in 2005 Unique model for funding practicebased research Foundation/association/academic/ clinical Aligns with CNF’s priorities: focus on applied practice-based research conducted in care settings fully supported by health organizations Background CNF BPG competition Vision: A strong Canadian healthcare system driven by solid, research-informed management and policy decisions Strategy: Bring researchers and decision makers together regularly to understand each other’s goals and professional culture, influence each other’s work, and forge new partnerships Objectives: 1. 2. To create high quality new research To increase the number and nature of applied health services and nursing researchers NRF Evaluation Independent evaluation conducted in 2007, completed 2008 Met its target objective Recommend to further invest in: 1. 2. 3. 4. junior training awards small institutional research programs clinical nursing research 25-year vision and commitment to advancing nursing science in Canada Nursing Research in Canada: A Status Report Commissioned in 2006 by the Consortium and funded by CHSRF Completed in 2008 Highlights the capacity for nursing research established since the NRF Looked at: 1) capacity development, 2) research productivity, 3) research impact 8 recommendations, inc. further investment in nursing science NRF Wind-down NRF Agreement ends March31, 2009. Health Canada extension until December 31, 2010 CHSRF and CIHR continue to build capacity in nursing until 2011/2012 CHSRF committed to nursing as a cross-cutting research theme Canadian Consortium for Nursing Research and Innovation Established 2004 Mission provides leadership and a co-ordinated voice for the advancement of nursing science in order to improve and enhance the health and well-being of Canadians Collaborate between Health Canada, Office of Nursing Policy and CHSRF Conclusions Increase quality and quantity of new knowledge Increase exchange between researchers, decision makers and policy makers Evidence-based decision-making (for policy makers, decision makers and clinicians) Further long term investments in nursing science is needed Future Directions “Incredible strides have been made in nursing research” and “Without the establishment of the NRF, the state of Canadian nursing research would be nowhere near its current state”. CASN commissioned capstone assessment of provincial/regional nursing research capacity Nursing Research Symposium, June 2009 Nursing Research Symposium Objectives: 1. 2. 3. Dialogue about the impact of findings from research funded by the Nursing Research Fund (NRF) Identify current and future research priorities for nursing Develop strategies to continue to build capacity for advancement of nursing science over the next 5-10 years The Canadian Consortium for Nursing Research and Innovation Contributing Authors Susan Law, VP Research, CHSRF Sandra MacDonald-Rencz, Executive Director, Office of Nursing Policy, Strategic Policy Branch, Health Canada Ellen Rukholm, Executive Director, CASN Michael Villeneuve, Scholar in Residence, CNA Partners & Funders Questions? Visit CHSRF to learn more about the NRF at: www.chsrf.ca/nursing_research_fund/ Suzanne L. Michaud, Senior Nursing Consultant Office of Nursing Policy, Health Canada (suzanne_michaud@hc-sc.gc.ca) Erin Morrison, Program Lead, CADRE / Nursing Lead, CHSRF (erin.morrison@chsrf.ca) Hélène Sabourin, Executive Director, Canadian Nurses Foundation (hsabourin@cna-aiic.ca)