Dear Thespian Director, We cordially invite you and your Thespian troupe to be a part of the most exciting theatre weekend of the year! New Jersey State Thespian Festival March 15 & 16, 2014 Kean University, Union, NJ We want you to be a part of this exciting experience! If you have never experienced the Thespian Festival before, we invite you to try it this year—the troupe fee will be waived for a first-time troupe! Come alone, bring a few, or bring many of your students for a truly memorable time with other talented theatre troupes from our state. Reminder: Teachers can earn Professional Development Credits (PDC’s) for bringing your students to festival (8 credit hours for Saturday and 6 credits for Sunday) and more credits by participating in the workshops. Theatre troupes from all over the state will be coming together to participate in several categories of theatre judged by professionals, participate in workshops run by professionals, and meet other theatre students from around the state. Included in this packet you will find all of the sign-up sheets and rules of categories. All application materials must be postmarked by Friday, January 24, 2014. You are invited (and encouraged) to email the application materials in an attachment to Valerie Gargus at and drop the check in the mail postmarked by Friday, January 24, 2014. Need overnight accommodations? See page 18 for information and reservations. Attending for the first time? We waive the $75.00 troupe fee for new attending troupes. Also, to help you with your planning, we have sample packets that a teacher uses with her own students to help organize them for the application and for the trip. Go to to download these samples and change them for your own needs. You may download this packet at or contact Valerie Gargus at or (609)298-3900 ext. 2849, to have it emailed in an attachment or faxed to you. 1 REMINDER: Students must wear all black clothing when performing or presenting their Individual Event (does not include Chapter Select short play). The purpose of this is to relieve the judges from trying to distinguish if a student is wearing a costume. Clothing should be appropriate to the situation (for example sitting, dancing, kneeling, lying down). Students should also wear dark (preferably black) shoes. Students should refrain from wearing anything that might distract the judges, thus lowering their score. Please note the following changes to past festivals: 1. A new performance-based assessment rubric is in place for Individual Events. The Superior/Excellent/Good/ Fair ratings have been replaced by Accomplished (4), Proficient (3), Partially Proficient (2), and Not Evident (1). Please familiarize yourself with the new rubrics, scoring, and critique sheets found on our website at A student must receive an “Accomplished” rating to earn a medal and to qualify to perform at the National Thespian Festival in June. 2. We are going back to the Saturday Evening Showcase (see p. 20). 3. There will now be TWO Technical events: Technical Olympics geared for novices (two changes—see rules on p. 28) and the new Advanced Tech Challenge for more advanced tech students. (See rules on p. 27 and at 4. Student applicants to the State Thespian Board of Directors will submit their applications at the festival. (See application sheet.) Festival Packet Table of Contents Application for Student Board of Directors……………………………………………...3 Application for Adult Board of Directors………………………………………………...4 Festival Registration Form………………………………………………………………...5 Registration Fee Sheet…………………………………………………………………….6 Registration Roster………………………………………………………………………...7 Photograph and Videotape Release Form ………………………………………………...8 Performance Solo Categories Registration………………………………………………..9 Performance Paired Categories Registration…………………………………………….10 Chapter Select Short Play Registration…………………………………………………..11 Technical Solo Categories Registration………………………………………………….12 Technical Team Categories Registration………………………………………………...13 Senior Scholarship Registration #1-Performance Category……………………………..14 Senior Scholarship Registration #2-Technical Category………………………………...15 Senior Scholarship Registration #3-Theatre Educator Category ………………………..16 Junior Audition Application……………………………………………………………..17 Hotel Accommodations and information………………………………..........................18 Broadway Cares donations………………………………………………………………19 Other Expenses (food, t-shirts, & souvenirs) Workshops, Troupe Display Competition, Troupe Banner, and Saturday Evening Film Festival & Showcase Event……………………………………………………………………………..20 Performance Events RULES…………………………………………………………21-22 Technical Events RULES…………………………………………………………….23-28 Senior Scholarship Performance RULES………………………………………………29 Senior Scholarship Technical RULES…………………………………………………..30 Senior Scholarship Theatre Educator RULES…………………………........................31 Security Rules and Regulations………………………………………………………….32 Health Care Consent Form……………………………………………………………….33 Securing performance rights AND JUDGES’ EVALUATION Information……………34 Judges’ Evaluation Sheet for Chapter Select…………………………………………….35 2 Application for the New Jersey State Thespians Student Board of Directors Please make a copy for each applicant. DEADLINE: Present completed applications at the festival State Board table by 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 16. Student Name _________________________________________________ Graduation Date: _________ School Name _______________________________________________________ Troupe #___________ Student’s Address ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Phone # _____________________ Email ___________________________________________ Director ________________________________________________________________ Director’s Phone # _____________________ Email ___________________________________________ NOTE: The applicant will be required to attend an interview and dinner with the members of the current State Board of Directors on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., at Toms River High School North, Toms River, NJ. The applicant and his/her director MUST be present for this interview. 1. At the interview the applicant MUST submit a resume of work done for his/her Thespian troupe. This should include performance, technical, business management, directing/mentoring, service to the troupe, etc. 2. For the interview the applicant must be prepared to discuss what s/he could contribute to the State Thespian Board of Directors. All students currently on the board, and not graduating this year, MUST re-apply to continue on the board. All Board members must attend the one-day retreat on Saturday, August 23, 2014 at Toms River H.S. North. NOTE: All student Board members must be accompanied by their teacher/director at all meetings. (Four meetings and one mandatory summer retreat [August 23]) DIRECTORS: Read and sign the following: I understand I must accompany this student, if appointed to the State Board of Directors, and will serve as an adult Board member at all State Thespian meetings. __________________________________________ Director’s Signature MORE APPLICATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE FESTIVAL STATE BOARD TABLE. 3 Directors: We are in great need of more adult involvement. We would appreciate your help as an active member of the State Board of Directors. If you have a desire to help us, please complete and submit the following “New Jersey State Thespians Adult Board Application.” Application for the New Jersey State Thespians Adult Board of Directors Please make a copy for each applicant. Troupe Director’s Name _________________________________________________ School Name ______________________________________________Troupe #___________ Troupe Director’s Address _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Troupe Director’s Phone # ____________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________ How long have you been a troupe director? ___________________________ We meet once in the summer for a one-day retreat (August 23, 2014 at Toms River HS North), and one evening each of the following months: October, December or January, February, and May (dates determined at August meeting.). Would you be able to attend the meetings? (Circle one:) Yes No Circle the committee you would like to serve on: Vendors/College Reps Registration Judges Scheduling Workshops Sales Awards Thank you for your application! MORE APPLICATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE TROUPE DIRECTORS’ LUNCHEON ON SUNDAY, MARCH 16. 4 REGISTRATION FORM School: _________________________________________________________________ Phone: (_______)________________ Fax: (_______)________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ______________ Troupe Number: _________ School District: __________________________________ Director’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Home Phone: (_______)________________ Cell Phone: (_______)________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________ Director Address: _________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ______________ Troupe Student President: __________________________________________________ Will you be attending: Saturday only? _____ Sunday only? _____ Both Days? _______ Will your school be staying at the hotel? _______ (See p. 16 for reservation information.) Are you a new troupe? YES_____ NO_____ Are you attending the awards ceremony on Sunday afternoon? YES_____ NO_____ If not, who will be attending to receive your awards? ____________________________ (No awards will be mailed out. If you do not have someone receive the awards, you must pick them up at Toms River H.S. North within 60 days of the festival.) Did you pay your annual troupe fee to the International Thespian Society? YES___ NO___ (If no, you must fulfill this obligation immediately unless your troupe plans to attend to view performances and go to the workshops, but not participate in the competitions.) Don’t forget: The registration deadline is January 24, 2014. Late charges will be assessed to any troupe sending after this date. 5 School:____________________________________________ Troupe #:___________________________________________ Director:____________________________________________ Registration Fee Sheet ANY MATERIALS POSTMARKED AFTER January 24, 2014, WILL INCUR A LATE FEE OF $10.00 PER STUDENT (See #4.) 1. School Fee: New Jersey Thespian School Fee: $75.00 (Special: This fee is waived for schools attending festival for the first time.) Non-Thespian or out-of-state school (non-competing): $75.00 2. Number of students listed on Registration Roster: ______ at $25.00 per student (includes 2013 NJ Thespians theme t-shirt) = Amount Due _($75.00)___ __________ List # of Shirt Sizes: _____ S, _____M, _____L, _____XL, _____XXL 3. Every student entry (single, pair, or group) for each event requires a $5.00 judging fee. # of entries _____ X $5.00 = __________ 4. Late registration: NO EXTRA FEE, BUT WILL NOT RECEIVE T-SHIRTS (pending mainstage slot availability) (DEADLINE: postmarked February 1, 2013) 5. Scholarship Fee (Seniors Only) # of entries (up to 2 in each of 3 categories): _____ X $15.00 each = __________ 6. Change fee: # of changes _____ X $5.00 = (to be paid at registration table) 7. Bus Fee (if you will be using the bus to/from the hotel) $6.00 X each student = Note: If you are using the bus to/from the hotel, you must attach to this form a copy of your school’s insurance to cover your students in the event of an accident. TOTAL: __________ _______ Please acknowledge the above fee total with your Administrator/Supervisor’s Signature ________________________ Make checks payable to NJ State Thespians Send entire packet to Valerie Gargus 330 Larch Rd. Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 6 REGISTRATION ROSTER Please Note: To avoid errors in the schedule booklet, please submit a TYPED roster. If possible, please email this list to to help expedite the scheduling process. Thanks. School Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Director: _____________________________________________________________________________ Troupe #: ________________ School’s phone #: ________________________________________ Director’s phone #: __________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Deadline for entries: January 24, 2014 PLEASE TYPE “last name, first name” in alphabetical order 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 7 We have included the following release form because we plan to videotape various events throughout the weekend and use the video on our website to attract more troupes to the festival. 2014 New Jersey Thespian Festival Photograph and Videotape Release Form Duplicate this form for each student and adult delegate. Return this form—completed and signed by adult delegates or the parent/guardian of each delegate—with Registration Form(s). This form must be on file for both adults and students. If you substitute a delegate, supply a new completed Photograph and Videotape Release Form at the registration table. I, _____________________, the undersigned, hereby grant the New Jersey Thespian Festival, the New Jersey Thespian Society, the International Thespian Society, the Educational Theatre Association, Kean University (each an “Organizer” and collectively the “Organizers”), and all the respective agents, licensees, successors, and assigns of the aforementioned entities the absolute, irrevocable, and perpetual right throughout the world to create photographic and videotape images of the undersigned at the New Jersey Thespian Festival at Kean University, and to use such photographic and videotape images along with the undersigned’s name, identity, and likeness for any lawful purpose whatsoever (without compensation), including promotion and marketing. The undersigned hereby waives to the fullest extent any legal action that the undersigned may have or may hereafter acquire against any Organizer for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, false light, or other cause of action arising out of or in connection with the utilization of the undersigned’s name, identity, persona, appearance, or likeness by the Organizers, their agents, licensees, successors, and assigns. The undersigned is either over the age of eighteen (18) or her/ his parent or legal guardian is signing this Photograph and Videotape Release Form on the undersigned’s behalf. The undersigned certifies that s/he has read and understands all the terms of this Photograph and Videotape Release Form. AGREED AND ACCEPTED this __________ day of ____________, 20___. ________________________________________________________ Troupe # ___________ Signature of undersigned/ Date ________________________________________________________ Signature of parent/guardian/next of kin/ Date ____________________________ Telephone number 8 School: ________________________________________ Troupe #_____________ Deadline for entries: January 24, 2014 Individual Events: Solo Categories (Please print or type) Monologue—Comedy 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ Monologue—Dramatic 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ *Contrasting Monologues 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ Pantomime Solo—SUNDAY ONLY EVENT 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ *Musical Theatre Solo (See new rules.) 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ * Those who receive Accomplished Ratings in these two events qualify to perform for the National Thespian Festival in June. 9 School: ________________________________________ Troupe #_____________ Deadline for entries: January 24, 2014 Individual Events: Duet Categories (Please print or type) * Duet Acting—Comedy 1. ______________________________&___________________________________ 2. ______________________________&___________________________________ 3. ______________________________&___________________________________ 4. ______________________________&___________________________________ 5. ______________________________&___________________________________ * Duet Acting—Dramatic 1. ______________________________&___________________________________ 2. ______________________________&___________________________________ 3. ______________________________&___________________________________ 4. ______________________________&___________________________________ 5. ______________________________&___________________________________ Duet Acting—Pantomime—SATURDAY ONLY EVENT 1. ______________________________&___________________________________ 2. ______________________________&___________________________________ 3. ______________________________&___________________________________ 4. ______________________________&___________________________________ 5. ______________________________&___________________________________ Improvisational Pairs 1. ______________________________&___________________________________ 2. ______________________________&___________________________________ 3. ______________________________&___________________________________ 4. ______________________________&___________________________________ 5. ______________________________&___________________________________ * Duet Musical Theatre (See new rules.) 1. ______________________________&___________________________________ 2. ______________________________&___________________________________ 3. ______________________________&___________________________________ 4. ______________________________&___________________________________ 5. ______________________________&___________________________________ * Group Musical Theatre –SATURDAY ONLY EVENT (See new rules.) List titles of pieces below. Attach a list of cast members. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ * Those who receive Accomplished Ratings in these four events qualify to perform for the National Thespian Festival in June. 10 Chapter Select Registration (Please print or type) Troupe # __________________________ Title: ___________________________________________________________________ Author: ________________________________________ Publisher: ________________________________________________________ I hereby certify that all applicable royalties have been paid to the appropriate publisher. Character 1. ____________________________________ (Director’s Signature) Chapter Select Cast Played by 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 11. 12. 12. 13. 13. 14. 14. 15. 15. 16. 16. 17. 17. 18. 18. Stage Manager and/or crew: _________________________________________ Schedule preference: Saturday _______ Sunday (limited slots) _______ either ________ (Please understand that if you will be attending both days, every effort will be made to accommodate your choice. However, a large number of schools attending one day only could make it necessary for your troupe to perform on the other day. The program will be emailed to all participating directors one week before the festival to that you can plan accordingly.) 11 School: _____________________________________ Troupe #_________ Deadline for entries: Jan. 24, 2014 Technical Categories—Single Designers (Please print or type) * Set Design—SATURDAY ONLY EVENT (See new rules.) 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ * Costume Design—SATURDAY ONLY EVENT (See new rules.) 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ * Theatre Marketing—SATURDAY ONLY EVENT (See new rules.) 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ * Lighting Design—SATURDAY ONLY EVENT (See new rules.) 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ *Short Film—DVD’s MUST be included with this packet—List titles of pieces 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ * Those who receive Accomplished Ratings in these five events qualify to present for the National Thespian Festival in June. 12 School: _____________________________________ Troupe #_________ Deadline for entries: Jan. 24, 2014 Technical Categories—Teams (Please print or type) Technical Olympics Team—SUNDAY ONLY EVENT (Count whole team as one entry on fee sheet.) 1. Stage Manager: _______________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ NEW EVENT!! See rules at Advanced Technical Challenge Team—SATURDAY ONLY EVENT (Count whole team as one entry on fee sheet.) 1. Stage Manager: _______________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________ Make Up Designer & Model—SATURDAY ONLY EVENT 1. ____________________________&_________________________________ 2. ____________________________&_________________________________ 3. ____________________________&_________________________________ Trashy Costumes—SUNDAY ONLY EVENT 1. ____________________________&_________________________________ 2. ____________________________&_________________________________ 13 NJ State Thespian Scholarship Competition Registration #1 Performance Category—Saturday only event $15.00 Entry fee per person 2 student maximum entry per school Deadline for entries: January 24, 2014 Please print or type: Troupe Director: _______________________________________________ School: _______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Principal’s Name: ______________________________________________ Student Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Parent Home or Cell Phone: ____________________________________________ Student Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Parent Home or Cell Phone: ____________________________________________ Submit this form attached to resumes, etc. (Refer to rule sheet.) 14 NJ State Thespian Scholarship Competition Registration #2 Technical Category—Saturday only event $15.00 Entry fee per person 2 student maximum entry per school Deadline for entries: January 24, 2014 Please print or type: Troupe Director: _______________________________________________ School: _______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Principal’s Name: ______________________________________________ Student Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Parent Home or Cell Phone: ____________________________________________ Student Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Parent Home or Cell Phone: ____________________________________________ Submit this form attached to resumes, etc. (Refer to rule sheet.) 15 NJ State Thespian Scholarship Competition Registration #2 Theatre Educator Category—Saturday only event $15.00 Entry fee per person 2 student maximum entry per school Deadline for entries: January 24, 2014 Please print or type: Troupe Director: _______________________________________________ School: _______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Principal’s Name: ______________________________________________ Student Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Parent Home or Cell Phone: ____________________________________________ Student Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Parent Home or Cell Phone: ____________________________________________ Submit this form attached to resumes, etc. (Refer to rule sheet.) 16 NJ State Thespian Junior Audition—Saturday only event 2 student maximum entry per school (include $5.00 for each in the judging fee category) Deadline for entries: January 24, 2014 Please print or type: Troupe Director: _______________________________________________ School: _______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Student Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Student Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Submit this form attached to a resume for each student. See the bottom of p. 20 for the performance rules. Junior Auditions are performed before a panel of college representatives early on Saturday. Saturday afternoon a list will be posted of those students the college representatives would like to interview for possible scholarships to their respective schools. 17 Hotel Accommodations If you and your students are planning to stay overnight, we have reserved a block of rooms at the luxurious Renaissance Newark Airport Hotel, both next door to each other in Elizabeth, NJ, at the special rate of $99.00 (plus local room tax) a room (each sleeps 4). You must contact the hotel and mention NJ Thespian Festival block when you call for reservations and arrange payment. Be sure to send the hotel your tax exempt number to avoid the extra state tax—you will only pay the local room tax. Renaissance Newark Airport Hotel, 1000 Spring Street, Elizabeth, NJ, 07201-2113, Call: (908) 436-4600 and refer to group reservation “NJ Thespians Festival/NJ High Schools Room Block” NOTE: This hotel does NOT include breakfast with the $99 per room fee. Breakfast coupons can be purchased in advance at $19.00 a person. OFFICIAL PROGRAM DATES: Saturday, 03/15/2013 - Sunday, 03/16/2013 **Please note that rooms will be tax exempt upon receiving NJ tax exempt forms** Hotel’s room rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes (currently 17%) in effect at the time of checkout. COMMISSION The group room rates listed above are net non-commissionable. NJ Thespians Festival/NJ High Schools Room Block will advise its designated agency of these rates and address any resulting agency compensation issues directly with the management of the appropriate agency. METHOD OF RESERVATIONS Reservations for the event will be made by a rooming list in the format provided by the hotel. All High schools participating will forward its rooming list. BILLING ARRANGEMENTS The following billing arrangements apply: Individual to Pay CUT-OFF DATE Reservations by attendees must be received on or before Saturday, February 14, 2014, (the “Cut-Off Date”). At the Cut-Off Date, Hotel will review the reservation pick up for the Event, release the unreserved rooms for general sale, and determine whether or not it can accept reservations based on a space- and rate-available basis at the NJ Thespians Festival/NJ High Schools Room Block group rate after this date. For further information, go to their web site at 18 About: (as taken from their website) Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS is one of the nation’s leading industry-based, nonprofit AIDS fundraising and grant-making organizations. By drawing upon the talents, resources and generosity of the American theatre community, since 1988 BC/EFA has raised over $175 million for essential services for people with AIDS and other critical illnesses across the United States. BC/EFA is the major supporter of seven programs at The Actors’ Fund - including The AIDS Initiative, The Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative, The Al Hirschfeld Free Health Clinic, The Dancers’ Resource and three supportive housing residences. BC/EFA also awards annual grants to over 400 AIDS and family service organizations nationwide. What we can do to help: At the NJ State Thespian Festival, we are going to make a difference. Prior to the weekend, we are asking that each Thespian Troupe raise money for this great cause. The troupe that raises the most money will win a perpetual plaque. This is a plaque that the school can display for one year. Their name, troupe number, and winning year will be engraved on it. At next year’s festival, they will return the plaque and next year’s winner will receive it. I want to get involved! How do I raise money? It is easy to raise money for such a great cause. Here are some ideas: 1. A 50/50 raffle during a show or event 2. A bagel or muffin sale in the morning 3. An ice pop, pretzel, or snack sale in the afternoon 4. Host an event or show where a portion of the ticket sales goes towards BC/EFA 5. Sell paper ribbons for $1, have people sign their name, and display them in school. 6. Have each Thespian bring in an item for a basket. Raffle this basket off by selling tickets. 7. Have a flower sale during Valentine’s Day 8. Sell candy canes during the holidays 9. Sell red ribbons for $1 each during the school day or at an event or a show 10. Have a fundraising night at your local hot spot: Friendly’s, Perkins, Surf Taco, etc. 11. Conduct a bowling night, a movie night, a mini-golf night 12. Host a Denim Day at school where each faculty member pays $5 to wear jeans What do I do with the money? Whatever you raise will go towards BC/EFA. Bring your school’s donation with you to Thespian Festival. We will collect it at registration. During the closing ceremony we will announce which school raised the most money. You can bring cash or a check made out to “NJ Thespians”. What do we as a Troupe get out of this? The International Thespian Society prides itself on its community service initiatives. You get the pride of knowing that you contributed to a great theater cause. In addition to that, if your school wins, you will receive recognition at the awards ceremony on Sunday. This award will be displayed at your school for a year. As a Thespian, how do I prepare? Participate in this initiative as much as possible. Try everything! Go to the fellow teachers in your building and ask for donations. Visit local businesses. Ask administrators. Ask Thespian families. Get involved! What if we try this and we only raise $20? Who cares! Any money that your school can contribute is worth something. From the smallest dollar to a large one hundred dollars, every penny counts! What if I still need help? Contact Kirsten Lynch-Walsh, GCIT’s Theatre Director and Thespian Troupe Director, at or (856) 468-1445 ext. 2782. 19 T-shirts & Souvenirs Directors: Please encourage your students to bring extra money for official Thespian clothing and souvenirs. Food Students should bring bag lunches or money to purchase food in the campus University Center. Those staying for the showcase Saturday evening will have to buy dinner in the University Center also. Before the festival, an email will be sent to all participating directors notifying them of the time the Student Center closes each day so that they can spread the word to their students. Breakfast can be purchased in the hotel restaurant or in the campus University Center. Possible Workshops (The following is a list of workshop topics from past years. Because we are in the process of hiring this year’s workshop leaders, the actual list will vary.) "The Art of Performance Storytelling" "Devised & Collaborative Theater " "Improvisational Singing" "Leadership Training: Discover the Leader Within You!" "Making Your Monologue Shine" "How to Write or Adapt a Monologue" "Musical Theatre Auditions" "Musical Theatre Dance" "Fundraising Your Way to Nebraska" "Improv Games: Play to Perfection" "Stage Combat" "Stage Management" "Lobby Design" "How to Audition for College and Conservatory Programs" "Set Design" "How to Start an Improv Group and Put on a Show!" "The Magic Garment" "Stage Makeup Special Effects: How to Create Cuts, Scars, & Wounds" Viewing Student Performances Students are encouraged to attend all student performances except the following which are closed to spectators: Junior Audition, Senior Scholarship Performance Audition, Senior Scholarship Technical Interview, Makeup Design, and the construction hour of Trashy Costume. Troupe Display Competition We invite your students to create a display showcasing your troupe’s activities over the past year (March to March). These displays will be featured in the lobby of the Student Center. You may be as creative as you wish in your presentation, but please keep the size to a maximum of 4 feet wide by 2 feet deep. You can go as tall as you wish, but most will probably be displayed on tables. These troupe displays will be judged and the best display will be given an award on Sunday. Troupe Banner All participating troupes are invited to display their troupe banners at the convention. Two students from each school will carry the banner to the stage during the opening ceremonies. The banners will be mounted above the stage for the duration of the festival. The banner must be vertically hung and no larger than three feet by six feet. Banners should be hand-made by the troupe members. Sorry—we cannot accommodate displaying your banner if it does not follow the above size requirements. NOTE: Please have a small pole running through the top of your banner with a rope attached at either end so that it can be hung on a batten. Saturday Evening FILM FESTIVAL & Entertainment Showcase At 6:30 we will be holding a Film Festival of the Accomplished-rated Short Films and a Showcase on the Kean campus. The Showcase portion will consist of a presentation of two pieces from each troupe attending the showcase. You are invited to present numbers from your current musical or from any of the performances you are bringing to festival. (Note: No more than five or six students can effectively move about in the performance area, so plan accordingly.) The troupe director must write the name of the two performances on the attached sheet and turn it in AT THE REGISTRATION TABLE SATURDAY MORNING. Showcase Performance Troupe # ________ Category: __________________________________________ Name(s) of performers or piece: ___________________________________________________ Showcase Performance Troupe # ________ Category: __________________________________________ Name(s) of performers or piece: ___________________________________________________ 20 Rules for the Performance Events (Two Pages) Page One of Two General Rules 1. A student may not be entered twice in any one category. 2. There is a maximum of five entries from each school in each category. (Exception: Chapter Select: 1 entry & Junior Audition: 2 entries) 3. Entries that exceed the time limit, even by one second, will be disqualified. 4. The introduction must only include the entrant’s name, troupe number, title of selection(s), and the name of the playwright, composer, or lyricist. 5. Material for all performance Individual Events (excluding pantomime and improvisation) must be drawn from published scripts written for theatre only. Works from other forms such as poetry, fiction, or film are prohibited. This includes standalone monologues found online or in monologue books. In Musical Theatre categories, works from other forms such as film, television, poetry, fiction, or popular song lyrics not interpreted as musical theatre performance are not permitted. 6. The adjudicator may request proof of publication; therefore, a copy of the scene from the published play must be with the performer to verify authenticity of source. 7. Three students in each category will receive first, second, or third-place trophies. All other students who receive a rating of “Accomplished” will receive a medal. (“Accomplished” rating is determined by an average of the adjudicators’ final scores in four basic categories of judging.) 8. Spectators are encouraged at all performances except the following closed event: Junior Audition. Pantomime—Solo (Sunday only) or Duet (Saturday only) (NOT a National event): 1. Selection must be ORIGINAL and not a copy of another artist’s. 2. No lip synching or audible vocal sounds by the performer(s) are permitted. 3. Performer(s) MUST use pre‐recorded, non‐vocal musical accompaniment or pre‐recorded non‐vocal sound effects. A CD player will be provided. Performers are strongly encouraged to bring their own electronic medium performing device. 4. In the Duet category, each entrant must be actively involved in the scene. 5. The performance cannot exceed five (5) minutes. 6. The introduction must include only the entrant’s (or entrants’) name(s), troupe number, and title of pantomime piece. Time will begin when a performer moves after conclusion of introduction. 7. Props or theatrical makeup are not allowed. Students must wear all black clothing. One (solo) or two (duet) chairs may be used. Monologue—Dramatic or Comedy (NOT a National Event): 1. Time limit: 5 (five) minutes maximum after the introduction. 2. No scripts or prompters permitted. 3. Props, costumes, make up and background music may be used. Contrasting Monologues: 1. Entrant must present two contrasting selections that may be different in period, style, or mood. 2. Each selection should be approximately one and a half minutes each and reflect an important moment in the play. The performance of both selections combined cannot exceed three minutes. 3. Only one character from each play may be used. 4. The introduction must be done at the beginning for both selections and must only include entrant’s name, troupe number, title of selections, and the names of the playwrights. Time will begin once the entrant speaks after conclusion of the introduction. 5. Props, costumes, or theatrical makeup are not allowed. Students must wear all black clothing. 6. One chair may be used. Duet Acting—Dramatic or Comedy: 1. Entrants must present one selection. 2. Each participant must be actively involved in the scene. 3. The performance cannot exceed five (5) minutes. 4. The introduction must include only the entrants’ names, troupe number, title of selection, and the name of the playwright. Time will begin once a performer speaks after conclusion of the introduction. 5. Props (including hand props), costumes, or theatrical makeup are not allowed. Students must wear all black clothing. 6. Two chairs may be used. Improvisational Pairs (NOT a National Event): 1. Scenes created from topics drawn from the judge’s envelope. 2. Time limit: 5 (five) minutes maximum. Teams may use part of the time to privately plan their piece, but must finish the performance five minutes after receiving the topic. 21 Rules for the Performance Events (Two Pages) Page Two of Two Chapter Select Short Play: 1. Time limit per school: 45 (forty-five) minutes maximum, includes set-up, performance, & strike. Performance time limit: 40 (forty) minutes maximum. 2. Troupes may not rehearse on the main stage during “down” times. 3. Each group must present a performance from a published NON-MUSICAL play. Screenplays and television scripts are not permitted. It may be a complete short play or a cutting from a longer play. 4. Three (3) or more actors must be involved in the performance. 5. Props (including hand props), costumes, make up, and background music may be used. 6. Each troupe may enter only one presentation. 7. A MAXIMUM of 17 Main Stages will be adjudicated, on a first come, first served basis. 8. Note: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies will be awarded for each of the following categories: Best Play, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress. 9. The first-place play qualifies to represent NJ and perform at the National Thespian Festival. In the event that the first-place troupe cannot attend, the second-place play may perform. Musical Theatre—Solo or Duet: 1. Entrant(s) must present one selection. 2. Material must be drawn from songs from published scripts written for theatre only. Works from other forms such as film, television, poetry, fiction, or popular song lyrics not interpreted as musical performance are not permitted. Remember, this is a musical theatre selection. The judges will consider how well the piece is acted and not just how it is sung. 3. The selection may contain limited dialogue; however, remember this is primarily a “sung and not spoken selection.” 4. The performer(s) must use pre-recorded, non-vocal musical accompaniment. No accompanist will be provided. No a Capella is permitted. Students using tape or CD MUST bring their own equipment and be able to operate it themselves or provide an operator. 5. The performance cannot exceed five (5) minutes. Time will start once the music begins after conclusion of the introduction. 6. Duet: Each participant must be actively involved in the scene. 7. Props, theatrical makeup and costumes are NOT permitted. Students must wear all black clothing. One (solo) or two (duet) chairs may be used. Group Musical Theatre (Saturday only event): 1. “Group” means three (3) to sixteen (16) performers. 2. Entrants must present one selection. 3. The performance cannot exceed five minutes. Time 4. Material must be drawn from songs from published scripts written for theatre only. Works from other forms such as film, television, poetry, fiction, or popular song lyrics not interpreted as musical performance are not permitted. Remember, this is a musical theatre selection. The judges will consider how well the piece is acted and not just how it is sung. The selection may contain limited dialogue; however, remember this is primarily a “sung and not spoken selection.” 5. For all music events, performers MUST use pre-recorded, non-vocal musical accompaniment. No live music is permitted. Accompanists are not permitted, and a capella performances are not permitted. Students using tape or CD MUST bring their own equipment and be able to operate it themselves or provide an operator. 6. Each participant must be actively involved in the scene. 7. The introduction must include only the entrants’ names, troupe number, title of selection, and the name of the playwright. Time will begin once a performer speaks after conclusion of the introduction. 8. Props, costumes, or theatrical makeup are not allowed. Students must wear all black clothing. 9. Up to six chairs and one table may be used. Material must be drawn from songs from published scripts written for theatre only. Works from other forms such as film, television, poetry, fiction, or popular song lyrics not interpreted as musical performance are not permitted. Remember, this is a musical theatre selection. The judges will consider how well the piece is acted and not just how it is sung. Junior Audition (Saturday only event) NOTE: NO SPECTATORS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE JUNIOR AUDITION. 1. All applicants MUST have been students of a New Jersey high school for at least one academic year prior to applying. 2. Each troupe may enter no more than two (2) juniors. 3. The combined audition MUST contain two components. The two components combined should not exceed four minutes. 4. The first component MUST be a monologue from a published play. Screenplays and television scripts are not acceptable. 5. The second selection must be a contrasting monologue from a published play, a dance routine, or a musical selection. 6. A 15 second grace period will be permitted at the end of each component. 7. Applicants who run overtime will be stopped when they exceed the time limit. 8. No costumes or props (including hand props), will be permitted. Students must wear all black clothing. 22 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Rules for the Technical Events—Page One of Six General Rules All designs must be original. Presentation must be a design for one published play written for the theatre. Designs for performances of poetry, fiction, screenplays, or any other medium are not permitted. Neatness counts—all drawings should be clean and carefully prepared. All plots should have a legend indicating: Name of play, Author, Name of designer, scale and troupe number. All plots should be hand drawn. No mechanically reproduced or computer originated designs. Students should be prepared to discuss their design concept with the judge. Designers MUST be present during judging to answer questions. All students who receive a rating of “Accomplished” will place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, or receive a medal. (“Accomplished” rating is determined by an average of the adjudicators’ final scores in four basic categories of judging. Spectators are encouraged to view all events except the following closed event: Makeup Design Costume Design (Saturday only event): Only one entrant may be involved in the design. No collaborations are permitted. The entrant must prepare and present: 1. A design for one published play written for the theatre. The published script must be used for the design as working from a film version only is grounds for disqualification. Designs for performances of poetry, fiction, screenplays, or any other medium are not permitted. 2. Five character renderings. These may represent five different characters or follow a single character though several changes. No more than five renderings are permitted. No finished costumes are permitted. 3. Full color designs on paper of the designer’s choice and mounted on a 10″ x 15″ or 11″ x 17″ board such as illustration board, heavy poster board, or foam core. Board color is at the discretion of the designer. Figures should be 8″ to 10″ tall. Template or trace characters may be used. Entrants are encouraged to include fabric swatches that may be attached to the lower left corner renderings. The board should be labeled in the following manner: (a) upper left‐hand corner: play title and playwright; (b) upper right‐hand corner: character’s name, act, and scene; (c) lower right‐hand corner: entrant’s name and troupe number. No other information may be written on the board. 4. A 1/2″ binder containing the following materials: (a) a brief statement of the design choices inspired by the script, (b) research materials, (c) preliminary sketches, (d) a costume plot of who wears what when, and (e) other sources of inspiration for design and color palette, if any were used. 5. An oral presentation justifying the designs. Notecards may be used, in addition to the binder. An entrant’s IE presentation should guide adjudicators through their design process. Entrants should use their research and materials to explain their choices. The introduction to the presentation must include only the entrant’s name, troupe number, title of play, and playwright. The entrant will have up to ten minutes to present. A play synopsis should be prepared and offered to the adjudicators. In most cases, adjudicators will be familiar with the work being presented and will not require a synopsis, but if a synopsis is required, it is part of the ten minute presentation. After the presentation, adjudicators will have five minutes to ask questions. The overall session, including the introduction and follow-up questions, cannot exceed fifteen minutes. As though they are presenting to a director, the entrant should address each of the six items below. • The World of the Play: An entrant should provide a brief statement of the time, place, and culture of the play as written. • Design statement (directorial approach/concept statement/central image): An entrant should include a statement detailing their unique approach to a play, what they want their designs to convey to an audience, and the response they hope to receive. Entrants should relate their design statement to The World of the Play. • Given circumstances (requirements of the play): An entrant should include a statement of what is needed to accommodate the action of the play. Entrants may also include any special constraints imposed on the production such as space, budget, other resources, need to tour, etc. and how those things affect the design. • Research: An entrant should provide a descriptive context, illustrating how their research is incorporated in their design. This research should be a blend of practical and conceptual information and be based on an entrant’s understanding of The World of the Play as framed by their specific approach to their production. • The Design (choices and communication): An entrant should include rough sketches, swatched final renderings, a costume plot as needed to clearly convey the choices they made in their design, and their rationale. Entrants should consider how they would present ideas and solutions to a director • Reflection: An entrant should provide a self-assessment including reflections on what worked, what didn’t, what was learned, and what would they do differently in the future. 23 Rules for the Technical Events—Page Two of Six Theatre Marketing (Saturday only event): The entrant must prepare and present: 1. A case study that methodically works through the marketing process. Entrants will have a total of ten minutes to set up and make their presentation. Adjudicators will have a total of five minutes for questions following the entrant’s presentation. 2. The marketing campaign they developed and executed for a published play written for the theatre and presented by the school. Designs for performances of poetry, fiction, screenplays, or any other medium are prohibited. It is strongly recommended that the entrant was responsible for actual publicity. 3. Entrants should bring three portfolio binders for adjudicators that contain the components of their marketing campaign, including: a. a finished poster b. a finished program c. two press releases consisting of an informational article and a feature article d. a copy of the marketing budget for the publicity campaign and justification of expenses e. any work that shows the progression of the creative process, including a brief statement of the design choices inspired by the script, research materials, and other sources of inspiration, if any 4. Work will be judged on creativity and results, not necessarily how much the entrant had in the budget and how well the entrant spent the money. Presentation Format 1. Background a. Entrant should introduce his/herself and their Thespian troupe number. b. Quick description of the play they are marketing. c. Dates of performance/number of shows. d. Were they the only person responsible for executing the marketing campaign or did they have a team assisting? 2. Creative development a. Entrant should describe their target market outside of school. Who, specifically, are they trying to get to attend? Are there groups of people who would naturally enjoy the production they are trying to reach through marketing? b. Entrant should describe any research they did to develop the design concept. Did they consult the scene designer or research past productions of this play? Where did they draw inspiration? c. How does their marketing design concept match with the production design? Will the audience have an idea of what they are going to be seeing before they see it? d. Was the entrant the only person responsible for developing the marketing campaign’s design concept? Did they develop the design concept and have someone else polish the final design? Or were they responsible for the development and creation? 3. Execution a. The entrant should describe and demonstrate the components of their marketing campaign. Examples of marketing components are posters, tickets, promotional handouts, social media, etc. b. The entrant should explain how and where this marketing was distributed. c. Is there consistency in their marketing making it clear all of their marketing pieces are from the same campaign? What elements (images, colors, fonts, etc.) did they have to change to fit the media of their marketing components? 4. Outcomes a. Budget versus money spent. Note: if the entrant’s school offers some services for free (i.e. making copies, printing) or a vendor donates a product or service, please determine what the actual or comparable service would cost—there is a value in this! b. Number of tickets sold per performance versus house capacity. Entrant should try to compare their outcome to a similar show previously produced. c. As part of their presentation, an entrant should include reflections on what they might have done differently had they had more time, money, etc. 24 Rules for the Technical Events—Page Three of Six Scenic Design (Saturday only event): Only one entrant may be involved in the design. No collaborations are permitted. The entrant must prepare and present: 1. A design for one published play written for the theatre. The published script must be used for the design as working from a film version only is grounds for disqualification. Designs for performances of poetry, fiction, screenplays, or any other medium are not permitted. 2. An original, three-dimensional scale model OR a perspective rendering, not to exceed 11″ x 17″, showing the set and its relationship to the theatrical space. All forms of staging are permitted. Either model or rendering will be permitted, but not both. Recommended scales for theatre are 1/4″ or 1/2″ to 1′0″. At least one figure must be included in the rendering or model to show proportion and scale. 3. A floor plan drawn to the same scale. The floor plan should clearly indicate the performance space, backstage space, audience areas, and sightlines. The floor plan should contain a title block including show name, producer, facility, date of production, drawn by, and scale. 4. A 1/2″ binder containing three complete sets of the following materials for the adjudicators. a. A one page design statement summarizing: 1. the director’s vision of the play and his/her wishes, 2. the entrant’s goals and visions for the design, 3. major messages or themes in the play to be emphasized, if any, 4. and how the entrant achieved these technically. b. Copies of the entrant’s research. c. Additional sources of inspiration, if any. d. Photos or reproductions of other materials such as models, renderings, and floorplans. 5. A justification of the design. Notecards may be used. The entrant must also be prepared to answer questions about the design. Entrants will have a maximum of ten minutes to set-up and make their presentation. Adjudicators will have a maximum of five minutes for questions following the presentation. The introduction must include only the entrant’s name, troupe number, title of play, and playwright. As though they are presenting to a director, the entrant should address each of the six items below. • The World of the Play: An entrant should provide a brief statement of the time, place, and culture of the play as written. • Design statement (directorial approach/concept statement/central image): An entrant should include a statement detailing their unique approach to a play, what they want their designs to convey to an audience, and the response they hope to receive. Entrants should relate their design statement to The World of the Play. • Given circumstances (requirements of the play): An entrant should include a statement of what is needed to accommodate the action of the play. Entrants may also include any special constraints imposed on the production such as space, budget, other resources, need to tour, etc. and how those things affect the design. • Research: An entrant should provide a descriptive context, illustrating how their research is incorporated in their design. This research should be a blend of practical and conceptual information and be based on an entrant’s understanding of The World of the Play as framed by their specific approach to their production. • The Design (choices and communication): An entrant should include rough sketches, swatched final renderings, a costume plot as needed to clearly convey the choices they made in their design, and their rationale. Entrants should consider how they would present ideas and solutions to a director • Reflection: An entrant should provide a self-assessment including reflections on what worked, what didn’t, what was learned, and what would they do differently in the future. 25 Rules for the Technical Events—Page Four of Six Lighting Design (Saturday only event): Only one entrant may be involved in the design. No collaborations are permitted. The entrant must prepare and present: 1. A design for one published play written for the theatre. The published script must be used for the design as working from a film version only is grounds for disqualification. Designs for performances of poetry, fiction, screenplays, or any other medium are not permitted. 2. A light plot, 1/4″ or 1/2″ =1′0″ and no larger than 24″ x 36″, indicating focus, channel (dimmer) color, type of instrument, any special equipment and an indication of the set and masking. This single page (plate) should include a unit key for clarification of all stage fixtures and a title block including the show name, producer, facility, date of production, drawn by, and scale data. 3. A 1/2″ binder containing three complete sets of the following materials for the adjudicators. a. A one page design statement summarizing: 1. the director’s vision of the play and his/her wishes, 2. the entrant’s goals and visions for the design, 3. major messages or themes in the play to be emphasized, if any, 4. and how the entrant achieved these technically. b. Copies of the entrant’s research. c. Additional sources of inspiration, if any. d. A description of light cues organized by scene, including the purpose (outcome) of the cue and the timing of the cue. e. A one page document, 8.5″ x 11″, also called a ‘magic sheet’, depicting the acting space (set) and indicating the colors used in the design and the angles (down light, front light, side light, etc.) Entrants are not required to include specials. f. A dimmer or channel hookup—not an instrument schedule. 4. A justification of the design. Notecards may be used. The entrant must also be prepared to answer questions about the design. Entrants will have a maximum of ten minutes to set-up and make their presentation. Adjudicators will have a maximum of five minutes for questions following the presentation. The introduction must include only the entrant’s name, troupe number, title of play, and playwright. As though they are presenting to a director, the entrant should address each of the six items below. • The World of the Play: An entrant should provide a brief statement of the time, place, and culture of the play as written. • Design statement (directorial approach/concept statement/central image): An entrant should include a statement detailing their unique approach to a play, what they want their designs to convey to an audience, and the response they hope to receive. Entrants should relate their design statement to The World of the Play. • Given circumstances (requirements of the play): An entrant should include a statement of what is needed to accommodate the action of the play. Entrants may also include any special constraints imposed on the production such as space, budget, other resources, need to tour, etc. and how those things affect the design. • Research: An entrant should provide a descriptive context, illustrating how their research is incorporated in their design. This research should be a blend of practical and conceptual information and be based on an entrant’s understanding of The World of the Play as framed by their specific approach to their production. • The Design (choices and communication): An entrant should include rough sketches, swatched final renderings, a costume plot as needed to clearly convey the choices they made in their design, and their rationale. Entrants should consider how they would present ideas and solutions to a director • Reflection: An entrant should provide a self-assessment including reflections on what worked, what didn’t, what was learned, and what would they do differently in the future. 26 Rules for the Technical Events—Page Five of Six Short Film 1. Entrant must submit a DVD in advance with an original short film that is no longer than five (5) minutes in length from opening title screen to final credits. The DVD must be sent with the registration check and postmarked by Friday, January 24, 2014 in order to qualify. 2. Films can be no longer than five minutes in length. 3. Films must be of original content and may be a collaboration among entrants. 4. Music must be original or documented public domain material. 5. Material created by students in this event that is deemed by the judge(s) to be obscene or disruptive may receive lower ratings or in some extreme cases may result in disqualification. 6. All films receiving an Accomplished rating (including the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place films) will be shown at the Saturday Evening Showcase. Short films will be judged on the filmmakers’ ability to effectively captivate their audience through the craft and art of cinematic expression. All types and genres of film are welcome (narrative, documentary, experimental, animation, etc.). Each short film will be judged on criteria from within from four categories: performance elements, screenplay, technical elements, and overall presentation. Some guidance for each of the four categories is listed below. Performance elements While performance is critical to a short film it is also recognized that the filmmaker may exercise more complete control over other aspects of the film – like the screenplay and technical elements – than each actor’s individual performance. It is the filmmaker’s job to cast and direct the available talent to the best of their combined abilities. In regard to actors, casts need not be composed entirely of Thespians. Non-thespians, students from other schools, and adults are welcome. Casting, as with all other elements of performance, should be age appropriate. Technical elements Technical choices should be appropriate to the scene, mood, or genre of the film. For example, a silent film tinted in sepia or brown hues would be totally appropriate. Harsh, dramatic lighting, with the lights set low and pointing upward, is appropriate for a horror film but may be inappropriate for a romance or comedy. Rendering(s) refers to the visual quality of the film’s scenes during playback. High-quality renderings will play smoothly with no obvious degradation from image compression. Overall presentation Consistent use of eye contact refers to the eye line of the characters. For example, if four characters are sitting at a table, their eye lines should be consistent with the location of the other characters, they should not break the fourth wall within the film, looking at the camera operator. Advanced Tech Challenge (Saturday only event): The Advanced Tech Challenge is a series of events that are designed to test your knowledge of skills that every experienced technician should have. Each school may have one team with 6 members compete in a combination of five team and individual events. For accuracy of the competition a full guide outlining the events, scoring, rules, and requirements is available online at The events will be 1. Lighting: Hanging and focusing a Source 4 (Individual Event): Two people per team can participate, and each gets one try. 2. Rigging: Knot tying (Individual Event): Two people per team can participate in this event, and each gets one try. 3. Costumes: Sew a button (Individual Event): Two people per team can participate in this event, and each gets one try. 4. Scenery: Leg a platform (Pair Event): One pair per team and they get one try (because of time constraints. 5. Stage Management: Tape a ground plan (Team Event): The team gets one try (because of time constraints). 27 Rules for the Technical Events—Page Six of Six Technical Olympics (Sunday only event) (NOT a National Event) Five competitors per school, including 1 stage manager. You will be judged on speed and accuracy. 1. Quick change: Two person event. Students will get 2 sets of costumes compiled of 4 or 5 pieces. One student will put on one of the costumes. When started by timer, both students must help take off the first costume and place it neatly in the designated area and then put on the new costume. Time is stopped when all pieces of the new costume is put on and the old costume is put in its designated area. 2. Prop table: One person event. A prop table will be made of paper with outlines of 15 – 20 props. The student must take the props out of a box and put the props in their drawn outlines. If a student fails to get a prop right, the timer will tell the student how many props are wrong. 3. Set change: Team Event. The students will be provided with approximately 4 items (usually a table, 2 blocks, and chair) assembled in formation of a set. The team will have to reset the furniture according to a ground plan read by the stage manager. When finished setting the furniture teams must spike the set. Time will be called when the last spike is set. When spiking the furniture teams must make sure they have 2 opposite corners spiked with an L mark. A round object is spiked with an X directly under the object. One team member will act as the “stage manager” and direct the other 4 members of the team on where the items go. Under no circumstance is the stage manager allowed to help in spiking the set or cross a designated line to help in moving furniture. 4. Mic Change: 3 person Event. One member of the team will be wearing the microphone. The second will remove microphone headpiece and mic pack, trade out batteries, then assist the 3rd actor in replacing both headpiece and pack. Time will be called when microphone/pack is in place and plugged in. 5. Cable Roll-Up Relay: Team Event. Participants must begin in the start box. When the start is given by the judge, the first person will proceed to the first cable connection point; they will untie the line, roll up the cable properly, and secure and place it in the designated storage spot. Once the cable is in its storage spot, the participant will tag the next participant to proceed and proceed back to the start box. This procedure continues until the last cable is rolled and stored and the last participant is in the starting box. 6. Up to 5 schools may compete simultaneously in all of the different categories. 7. The Board will appoint a person to time each of the 5 categories (5 people). 8. Outside audience members are permitted to view, but not advise or call out instructions. Make Up Design (Saturday only event) (NOT a National Event) NOTE: NO SPECTATORS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE MAKEUP COMPETITION. 1. Each pair must include a makeup artist and a model. 2. The design must be of one of the following from the required character list for the theme “It’s Not Easy Being Green”: Elphaba from Wicked, Green Goblin from Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark, the Grinch from Seussical the Musical, Shrek from Shrek. 3. It must be an original design. The model may be male or female. No other characters will be accepted. 4. Each artist must supply all supplies necessary to create the character. 5. NOTE: Judges will only judge the face, not hair. Beards & prosthetics must be created on site within time limit. 6. Each artist must have an original, colored, hand-drawn design. Trashy Costume Competition (A fun event for the end of Sunday—NOT a National Event) NOTE: NO SPECTATORS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE TRASHY COSTUME CONSTRUCTION ROOM. 1. A team of two students will construct a costume based on a given theme from a set of materials provided. NO ADDITIONAL HELP FROM OTHERS. 2. Only one of the two students will design, the other only serves as a model. 3. Each team will receive the same set of materials. 4. All teams must pick up the materials at a given time and place. You must stay in that location to construct the costume. 5. All teams will be given one hour to construct the costume on one of the team members. 6. NO technology (I-phones, laptops, etc.) may be used to look up ideas for the costume. 7. Each team will then model the costume on the theatre stage. The person not wearing the costume must give a brief speech explaining the character and the costume design. 8. Each school may send a maximum of two team pairs. 28 NJ State Thespian Senior Scholarship Two $800.00 scholarships will be awarded in the Performance and/or Technical categories as per the adjudicators’ final decision. One $400.00 scholarship will go to the second-place performance category winner. (Explanatory note: If there is not a technical design category entry that has been given an “Accomplished” rating, the second scholarship will go to the second-place Performance category winner. In such a case, the third-place performance winner will receive the $400.00 scholarship.) Performance B. Scholarship Description 1. A non-renewable scholarship will be awarded to a New Jersey Thespian as directed by the State Board of Directors. 2. The scholarship shall be sent by the Educational Theatre Association to the recipient’s designated school upon documented proof of enrollment in the recognized school. 3. Failure to complete enrollment (or withdrawal from school) negates this scholarship. B. Eligibility 1. All applicants MUST be current members of the International Thespian Society. 2. All applicants MUST have been students of a New Jersey high school for at least one academic year prior to applying. 3. All winners MUST use the scholarship for furthering their education with a major or minor in the performing or communication arts (theatre, film, communications, radio or television broadcasting, vocal or instrumental music, dance) while studying at a recognized school of their choice. 4. Each troupe may enter no more than two (2) seniors. C. Application Procedure 1. Complete the application form. Incomplete or incorrect materials will be disqualified. 2. Attach a theatrical resume with a head shot photo. This resume should include Performance and Technical work. 3. Submit a listing/description of your Thespian activities on the local, state, and/or international level. 4. Pay the application fee of $15.00. (This MUST accompany the registration forms.) 5. Submit all materials postmarked by the festival due date. D. Adjudication Procedure 1. The selection committee will consist of professionals in the field, not affiliated with any troupe. 2. Each applicant will participate in a personal interview with the selection committee. 3. Each applicant shall be evaluated by the following scale: (a) Audition: 60%, (b) Interview: 20%, (c) Resume/Thespian Activities: 20% E. Audition Requirements NOTE: NO SPECTATORS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE PERFORMANCE. 1. The combined audition MUST contain two components. The two components combined should not exceed four minutes. 2. The first component MUST be a monologue from a published play. Screenplays and television scripts are not acceptable. 3. The second selection must be a contrasting monologue from a published play, a dance routine, or a musical selection. 4. A 15-second grace period will be permitted at the end of each component. 5. Applicants who run overtime will be stopped when they exceed the time limit. 6. No costumes or props will be permitted. 29 NJ State Thespian Senior Technical Scholarship NJ State Thespian Senior Scholarship Two $800.00 scholarships will be awarded in the Performance and/or Technical categories as per the adjudicators’ final decision. (Explanatory note: If there is not a technical design category entry that has been given an “Accomplished” rating, the second scholarship will go to another category winner.) A. Scholarship Description 1. A non-renewable scholarship will be awarded to a New Jersey Thespian as directed by the State Board of Directors. 2. The scholarship shall be sent by the Educational Theatre Association to the recipient’s designated school upon documented proof of enrollment in the recognized school. 3. Failure to complete enrollment (or withdrawal from school) negates this scholarship. B. Eligibility 1. All applicants MUST be current members of the International Thespian Society. 2. All applicants MUST have been students of a New Jersey high school for at least one academic year prior to applying. 3. All winners MUST use the scholarship for furthering their education with a major or minor in theatre, communication, or visual arts (theatre, film, communications, radio or television broadcasting, art, graphic design) while studying at a recognized school of their choice. 4. Each troupe may enter no more than two (2) seniors. C. Application Procedure 1. Complete the application form. Incomplete or incorrect materials will be disqualified. 2. Attach a theatrical resume. This should include Performance and Technical work. 3. Submit a listing/description of your Thespian activities on the local, state, and/or international level. 4. Pay the application fee of $15.00. (This MUST accompany the registration forms.) 5. Submit all materials postmarked by the festival due date. D. Adjudication Procedure 1. The selection committee will consist of professionals in the field, not affiliated with any troupe. 2. Each applicant will participate in a personal interview with the selection committee. (NOTE: NO SPECTATORS WILL BE ALLOWED AT THE INTERVIEW.) 3. Each applicant shall be evaluated by the following scale: (a) Designs: 60%, (b) Interview: 20%, (c) Resume/Thespian Activities: 20% E. Design Requirements 1. The applicant must submit two technical designs, one from each of the following categories: Lighting, Scenic, and/or Costume. (Please note that Poster and Makeup are NOT allowed for the scholarship entry.) 2. Please follow the same rules for each category as listed under the “Technical Events— General Rules” sheet. 3. The designs entered in the regular technical events may also be judged for the scholarship. A different judge will be used for the scholarship. (At a given time the student applicant must move his/her two designs to a designated area to be judged for the scholarship.) 30 NJ State Thespian Senior Theatre Educator Scholarship NJ State Thespian Senior Scholarship $400.00 A. Scholarship Description 1. A non-renewable scholarship will be awarded to a New Jersey Thespian as directed by the State Board of Directors. 2. The scholarship shall be sent by the Educational Theatre Association to the recipient’s designated school upon documented proof of enrollment in the recognized school. 3. Failure to complete enrollment (or withdrawal from school) negates this scholarship. B. Eligibility 1. All applicants MUST be current members of the International Thespian Society. 2. All applicants MUST have been students of a New Jersey high school for at least one academic year prior to applying. 3. All winners MUST use the scholarship for furthering their education with a major or minor in theatre, communication, or visual arts (theatre, film, communications, radio or television broadcasting, art, graphic design) with a concentration in education, while studying at a recognized school of their choice. 4. Each troupe may enter no more than two (2) seniors. C. Application Procedure 1. Complete the application form. Incomplete or incorrect materials will be disqualified. 2. Attach a resume. This should include Performance and Technical work, any teaching, leadership, mentoring, or community service. 3. Submit a listing/description of your Thespian activities on the local, state, and/or international level. 4. Submit an essay (one page/150 word maximum) on the following topic: “Why do you want a career in theatre education?” 5. Submit a portfolio with sample lesson plans, covering a variety of theatre subjects such as acting, technical theatre, storytelling, voice, movement, etc. 6. Pay the application fee of $15.00. (This MUST accompany the registration forms.) 7. Submit all materials postmarked by the festival due date. D. Adjudication Procedure 1. The selection committee will consist of professionals in the field, not affiliated with any troupe. 2. Each applicant will participate in a personal interview with the selection committee. (NOTE: NO SPECTATORS WILL BE ALLOWED AT THE INTERVIEW.) 3. Each applicant shall be evaluated by the following scale: (a) Lesson Plan Portfolio 25% (b) Interview: 25% (c) Resume/Thespian & Service Activities: 30% (d) Essay: 20% 31 SECURITY RULES AND REGULATIONS Note to Director: Please make copies, distribute and review these rules with each delegate. They will be enforced! 1. Alcohol/Tobacco/Drugs: Students consuming drugs, tobacco or alcohol, or found to be under the influence of these substances at any time during the festival will be sent home and disqualified, on the FIRST violation. 2. Dress Code: Proper attire, including shoes, must be worn at all times during the festival. Delegates are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes for workshop activities and to dress appropriately for theatre attendance. No gang apparel is allowed. 3. Host Regulations: Food/drinks are prohibited in the theatre at all times! Beverage/food containers must be placed in proper trash receptacles. If anything is damaged, please notify a festival official immediately. 4. Behavior: Students are expected to behave properly at all times. Rudeness in gesture and/or language will not be tolerated. Be a Great Audience at all times. Do not walk in or out of a performance or workshop. No whispering or catcalls during performances. Treat those onstage with the same respect you would want if you were in their place. Acknowledge his or her efforts after every show and workshop. 5. Do not leave the Kean University campus. Do not go to campus buildings that are not being used for the convention. Do not enter empty, unsupervised rooms that are not being used for the festival! 32 HEALTH CARE CONSENT FORM Note to Directors: Do not return this form with your registration. It is for your use only. Your school may have its own form that you should use instead of this form. Each director must have written permission from parent/guardian of each attendee allowing the director to authorize medical care. New Jersey Thespians will not assume this role. I, as the parent/guardian of ______________________________________, my child, voluntarily delegate my authority to health care on behalf of my child to _____________________________________________. This delegation is to be exercised in good faith and in my child’s best interest, subject to the following terms and conditions (if any): This delegation is to be effective from ___________ thru ______________, or otherwise for the period of time which I will not be reasonably available to make such decisions for my child. Dated this _____ day of ____________, 201_____ __________________________________________ (Signature of parent/guardian) _____________________________________________________________ (Address) Home phone: _____________________________ Work phone: _____________________________ Cell phone: ______________________________ 33 Securing performance rights for Individual Events materials (NOTE: You must secure rights and pay the royalty fee for the Chapter Select short play.) It is the responsibility of entrants to obtain permission for the use of copyrighted material. In certain cases, permission is not required. The performance of a song from a published musical in an adjudicated IE program is considered a fair use, and no permission is required. The performance of a monologue or scene from a non-musical play at a State Conference/Festival or in an adjudicated Individual Events program may be subject to one of a number of agreements negotiated between EdTA and several major publishers. Determine the identity of the publisher (noted on the title page of the script, or consult an internet database like or, and then check the following listing for that publisher’s policy. If the work is published by a house that’s not included here, an entrant must obtain permission. Complete the appropriate sections of the IE Rights Application and Permission Form and mail it to the publisher or leasing agent. The name and address of the publisher or agent should be in a notice of copyright published with the script. Play Publishers Broadway Play Publishing, Inc.: --All properties are available with no royalty charge. Dramatic Publishing Co.: --There is no charge for use in the Thespian Festival NIES. Dramatists Play Service: --All Dramatists Play Service properties are pre-approved for the Thespian Festival, with no written permission required, for no royalty unless the student is selected for the NIES Showcase. The only exception is plays by Samuel Beckett. Samuel French, Inc.: --All titles which are pre-approved for cutting will list “competition or audition material” under the FEATURES/CONTAINS heading in the title’s description on the Samuel French, Inc. website. If your monologue has the above noted pre-approval, you have permission to use it with no licensing fee. There is no need to contact Samuel French, and no written permission is required. If you are selected for the NIES Showcase at the International Thespian Festival, a licensing fee of $15.00 (in the case of Neil Simon properties, $75.00) will be charged for that performance. This payment must be made to Samuel French at the Thespian Festival prior to appearing on the stage. Samuel French has a Red Light list, prepared for the Kennedy Center’s American College Theatre Festival Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Auditions.Check this list if your monologue or scene does not have a pre-approval notation. If the material is from a play that’s on the Red Light list, it may not be performed in the IE program. Do not contact Samuel French to request permission to use material that’s on the Red Light list. That particular piece is unavailable for monologue or scene cuttings. You will need to choose another piece. You may access the Red Light List: If you've checked your title and it doesn’t have the noted pre-approval nor does it appear on the Red Light list, the title you are looking to use must be cleared for cutting use. Email Samuel French at amateur@samuelfrench.comrequesting permission to use the material for your State Chapter Conference or Thespian Festival IE performance. Samuel French will respond to you as swiftly as possible and let you know if this piece is approved for your use. Please note that Samuel French cannot guarantee approval. Playscripts, Inc.: --Royalties are waived for the performance of excerpts lasting less than ten minutes at adjudicated school theatrical festivals or auditions, unless otherwise noted in the script. These particular performances, and only these, are automatically authorized by the playwright when you purchase books from Playscripts. (Note: Any other cuttings must receive prior approval from Playscripts.) Smith and Kraus: --Most Smith and Kraus collections include a blanket permission statement for audition use. These collections in some cases provide a loophole if you’re desperate to perform a piece listed on Sam French’s “Red Light List” of plays. Remember, however, the particular piece you’re interested in performing must be found in one of these collections that include blanket permission. Theatrefolk: --Monologues and scenes/excerpts lasting ten minutes or less taken from scripts published by Theatrefolk may be performed in any Thespian Society Individual Event program without royalty. YouthPLAYS: --Royalties are waived for monologues and scenes/excerpts lasting less than 10 minutesfor Thespian IEs. To receive a statement of permission, an entrant must purchase through the YouthPLAYS website a single, printable perusal copy of the play and then email info@youthplays.comwith their name(s), school, and event information. EdTA has negotiated agreements regarding performance rights for chapter conferences and the Thespian Festival Individual Events program with several play publishers. The details of those agreements, which vary among publishers, are summarized below. JUDGING SHEETS New for 2013-14: A new performance-based assessment rubric is in place for Individual Events. The Superior/Excellent/Good/Fair ratings have been replaced by Accomplished (4), Proficient (3), Partially Proficient (2), and Not Evident (1). Please familiarize yourself with the new rubrics, scoring, and critique sheets. Go to to download the two official Individual Events Performance Based Assessments: (1) Acting and Musical Theatre and (2) Technical Theatre (The judging sheet for the “Chapter Select” short play is on the following page.) 34 New Jersey State Thespian Festival Chapter Select Performance Evaluation Selection: ______________ Name: ____________________________ Troupe #: _________ PLEASE NOTE: Judges must determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for each of the following: Best Play, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Supporting Actress WRITTEN EVALUATION--- Your comments on strengths and SCORING: Accomplished, CIRCLE weaknesses provide the educational component of this process! Proficient, Partially Proficient, CHOICE Not Evident Character -Clear character Accomplished development -Establishment of mood or Proficient setting -Strong, active objective Partially -Consistency and Proficient believability -Timing and pace create Not Evident dramatic tension Voice Accomplished -Projection Proficient -Diction, vocal honesty -Use of text, vocal Partially interpretation Proficient -Energy Not Evident -Connection to movement Movement -Use of body to convey character -Staging, use of space -Stage presence -Gestures and nuances -Connection to voice Ensemble -Ensembles talent well showcased -Ensemble worked well together Please Note Nominations for: -Best Actor -Best Actress -Best Supporting Actor -Best Supporting Actress Overall Presentation -Appropriate material (within actor’s capabilities) -Lines/blocking memorized -Commitment to the scene -Focus and concentration Accomplished Proficient Partially Proficient Not Evident Accomplished Proficient Partially Proficient Not Evident Accomplished Proficient Partially Proficient Not Evident OVERALL RATING (PLEASE CIRCLE): ACCOMPLISHED PROFICIENT PARTIALLY PROFICIENT Please make additional comments on the back. _____________________________ Score ____________________________ Judge’s signature 35 NOT EVIDENT