Ovid Transitions

Ovid Transitions
Theseus resting at Achelous’
Achelous describes fight with
Hercules over Deianira.
Hercules wins to make Deianira
his wife.
Leads into story of Hercules
fighting Centaur Nessus.
Born from Jove coming to mortal Alcmena.
Angered Juno, created problems during the birth.
Lucina, goddess of birth, was present on orders from Juno.
Birth speed along
by Galanthis, one
of Alcmena’s
servents. Tricked
Lucina into
loosening her
hands and was
then turned into a
weasel by Lucina.
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Right from the start Juno was creating problems for
Hercules. This makes him fit into the hero category,
through his miraculous birth and then all the
trials/enemies sent by Juno, first being the 2 serpents
Story of Megara
Megara was Hercule’s first wife
whom he killed after being driven
to madness by Juno. Also killed
their 3 children.
After the killings, on instructions
from Apollo’s oracle, travels to
Tiryns to complete the 12 labors
for his cousin Eurystheus.
Labor One
First task was
to kill the lion
of Nemea
from which he
gained his
signature club
and lion skin
which he is
normally seen
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Labor Two
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Second task was to kill the Lernean
Hydra who had poisoned blood.
Labor Three
Hercules’ third
task was to
catch the
Stag, which
took over a
year to
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Labor Four
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The fourth task was the catch the
Erymantian Boar and bring him back to
Eurystheus who later released him on Crete.
Labor Five
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The fifth task was to clean the Augean stables
that housed a massive herd of cattle. They
had never been cleaned and Hercules moved a
river in order to complete the task.
Labor Six
sixth task was
to kill the
birds who
shot their
feathers as if
they were
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Labor Seven
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The seventh task was to capture the
Cretan Bull and return it to the mainland.
In later myth, the bull is killed by Theseus.
Labor Eight
His eighth task was to
find the horses of
Diomedes, king of
Thrace. He killed
Diomedes and fed
him to the horses.
The horses were calm
enough after they
had eaten that
Hercules was able to
bind their mouths
closed to bring them
back to Eurystheus.
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Labor Nine
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The ninth task was to obtain the girdle of
Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons. Her girdle
had been a gift from the goddess Aphrodite.
Labor Ten
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In his tenth task, Hercules had to capture the cattle
of the monster Geryon. Hercules ran into Orthus,
the 2 headed brother of Cerberus, who was
guarding the cattle, and killed him with his club.
Labor Eleven
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The eleventh labor was to bring back the apples of
Hesperides but Hercules had no idea where to find these.
Atlas ended up getting the apples from the tree of life
guarded by the dragon for Hercules while Hercules took
Atlas’ position and held up the world.
Labor Twelve, Final Labor
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Last of the seemingly impossible labors was to go
to the underworld, capture Cerberus and bring him
back to Eurystheus. Cerberus was the 3 headed
dog that helped guard the underworld.
After Hercules
completes all 12
labors is where Ovid
picks up his story.
Achelous tells the
story of his battle
with Hercules for
Deiamira. Hercules
wins and makes
Deiamire his second
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On the way home, Hercules
reached a flooded river, too high
to cross. The Centaur Nessus
suggests Hercules swim across
and he will carry Deianira on his
back afterwards. After Hercules
reaches the other bank, he hears
Deianira screaming.
Nessus wanted Deianira for himself and was trying to rape
her. Hercules shoots an arrow at Nessus and pierces his back,
bleeding all over his robe. Before dying he give the blood
stained robe to Deianira to help make her love him.
Time passes and one day Deianira
hears that Hercules had fallen for
Iole. She decides to send the
blood soaked robe of Nessus to
him to help make him love her
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The idea backfires, and when Hercules tries to tear
off the robe, pieces of his skin tear with it. He
prays to Juno to give him death. He decides to kill
his mortal body by placing himself on a burning
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After his death, Jove makes him a true
god and also a constellation.
The Myth of Hercules in Present Day
Hercules associated with men
and things of great strength.
People able to accomplish tasks
that seems impossible to most.
A couple examples I found: An
army vehicle called Hercules and
the Disney movie titled Hercules.
Army Vehicle
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Hercules, A Disney Movie
The movie Hercules
was created by
Disney in 1997. It
portrays him as a
hero born from Jove
and Juno. Among
this there are some
other differences
between actual
myth and the
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Differences Between Myth and
 Son of Jove and
 Helped throughout
by Pegasus.
 Hades is the one
causing distress for
 With Megara the
whole time.
 Son of Jove and
 Pegasus not
 Juno is the one
causing distress for
 Kills Megara and
marries Deianira.