Study Guide Answer Key

Earth/Environmental Science
Unit 1 Test – Earth’s Systems, Branches of Earth
Science, Scientific Method, & Taking Measurements,
Mapping, and Topographic Map Study Guide
Answer Key
Period 1 2 3 4
January 28, 2014
Objective #1 – Branches of Earth Science & Earth’s Systems
1. List the 4 branches of Earth Science.
a. Geology
b. Astronomy
d. Oceanography
2. Give at least 1 example for each of Earth’s systems given below.
a. Geosphere
Rocks, Minerals, Mountains
b. Hydrosphere
Streams, Rivers, Lakes, Oceans
Answer will vary
d. Biosphere
Global Warming, Weather,
Animals, Plants, Microorganisms
Objective #2 – Scientific Method
1. Name the 5 steps to the Scientific Method and explain why these steps are important.
a. Question – It provides the topic of study and background information that can be used to as the basis for the
b. Hypothesis – The scientist is making a prediction of the outcome of an experiment based on observations and
Experiment – It is used to test the correctness of the hypothesis
d. Data Analysis – This organizes experimental data into a condensed form that is easily read by other scientists
e. Conclusion – This agrees or disagrees with the hypothesis, communicates theories that explain the results, and
recognizes any mistakes so they can be avoided by others
2. A student collected and recorded measurements of the amount of carbon
monoxide in the air at the same location each day for one week. The data
are shown in the table.
The student concluded that the amount of carbon monoxide in the air increased
and then decreased during the week. A source of error in the student’s
investigation is that the student failed to
a. Look at the data give to the right, what data shows too much variation
besides the amount of carbon monoxide measured each day.
The time of the day when the carbon monoxide is
b. Why is this a problem?
There are different amounts of cars and other vehicles on the road at different times of the
What should be done to correct this problem?
Measurse the amount of carbon monoxide at the same time every
Earth/Environmental Science
Unit 1 Test – Earth’s Systems, Branches of Earth
Science, Scientific Method, & Taking Measurements,
Mapping, and Topographic Map Study Guide
3. For their experiment, students placed 50 plant seeds
in each of 5 different pots. 20 mL of water with salt
was added to each pot. To the first pot, 0 g of salt
were added. To the second pot 0.5 g of salt was
added. To the third pot 1.0 g of salt was added. To
the fourth pot 1.5 g of salt was added. And to the
final pot 2.0 g of salt was added.
Answer Key
Period 1 2 3 4
January 28, 2014
Amount of salt in the water
0.0 g
0.5 g
1.0 g
1.5 g
2.0 g
Size of the plant
3.2” tall
3.0” tall
2.5” tall
1.8” tall
0.4” tall
Over the next week each dish experienced the same amount of water, the same amount of sunlight and the same amount of
nutrients. In the end, the following data was collected.
Write a correct hypothesis for this experiment. (Don’t forget to start your sentence with “If”.)
If the amount of salt in the water is increased, then the amount of plant growth will decrease.
Read the scenario below, and then answer the following questions.
In 1991, a group of scientists asked how farms might be adding to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the name
given to the changes in the atmosphere that seem to be causing changes in Earth’s climate. The scientists wanted to know if
cows on dairy farms and ranches were contributing to the greenhouse effect. Why did they suspect cows? The amount of
methane in the atmosphere adds to this effect. Methane is a gas, and one way that it’s produced is by cud-chewing animals
when they belch. This may sound very funny, but scientists take it seriously. A group of researchers worked on an experiment
that measured the amount of methane produced by belching cows. The scientists outfitted each cow with a pack holding a gas
monitor. The monitor kept track of the amount of methane produced by the cow. The next step for the scientists will be to
study how different diets affect cows’ production of methane. The project began in the United States, but may eventually
include as many as 10 other countries.
4. What is the independent variable in the scenario above?
The type of food given to the cows
5. Why are the scientists measuring the amount of methane released by the cows before beginning the experiment?
The amount of methane currently produced by the cows is the control variable of the experiment – it is providing data
that can be used to compare the results of the experiment to
6. Write a correct hypothesis for the experiment.
If the diet of the cows is changed, then the amount of methane produced by the cows will decrease.
Objective #3 – Basic Measurements and Density
1. Find the volume of the block that is shown below to the right. 128.00 cm3
(Formula: L x W x H)
Show Your Work Below
4.00 cm
4.00 cm
8.00 cm
4.00 cm x 4.00 cm x 8.00 cm
Earth/Environmental Science
Unit 1 Test – Earth’s Systems, Branches of Earth
Science, Scientific Method, & Taking Measurements,
Mapping, and Topographic Map Study Guide
Answer Key
Period 1 2 3 4
January 28, 2014
2. Determine the density of a metal cube if the mass is 20 grams and a volume of 5 cm3.
Show Your Work Below
D = 20 g / 5 cm3
4 g/cm3
3. What is the length of the line below, in centimeters?
9.8 cm
4. Determine the volume of an object that was measured by water displacement if the
4.0 mL
initial volume was 21.0 mL and the final volume was 25.0 mL?
Show Your Work Below
25.0 mL - 21.0 mL
Objective #4: General Mapping Skills
Use the map to the right to answer
questions 1-4.
1. Write the coordinates the
Points shown on the map.
a. 25o N, 100o W
b. 20o S, 55o W
0o Latitude, 25o E
d. 60o N, 60o E
2. In which hemisphere is the
United States located?
North /
(circle 1)
South (circle 1)
3. What is the name of the line that is located at 0o Latitude?
0o Longitude?
4. Which lines on the map run horizontal, but measure up-and-down?
a. Which lines on the map run vertical, but measure sideways?
Prime Meridian
Earth/Environmental Science
Unit 1 Test – Earth’s Systems, Branches of Earth
Science, Scientific Method, & Taking Measurements,
Mapping, and Topographic Map Study Guide
Objective #5: Geologic, Soil, and Topographic
Answer Key
Period 1 2 3 4
January 28, 2014
Use the map on the right to answer questions 16.
1. What do the hachure lines located inside the
V-shaped structure at Letter D indicate?
A depression
2. What is the scale for this map?
1 inch = 1000 m
What does this mean?
Every inch on
the map represents 1000 meters on the
3. What is the highest elevation that is found on the map?
820 m
4. What is the difference in height between Letter A and Letter B?
The lowest?
660 m
780 m – 700 m = 80 m
5. What is the purpose of a geologic map?
To show the types, ages, and structures of the rocks below the ground
6. What is the purpose of a soil map?
To show the type of soil found in different places