QISS—Management System Automation WOULD YOU LIKE TO: QUICKLY SET UP AND RUN A NEW MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ISO 9001 etc.) ? MAKE AN EXISTING SYSTEM MUCH EASIER TO OPERATE WITH LESS EFFORT? MAKE COMPLIANCE AND AUDITS MUCH EASIER? MAKE MORE $$ MONEY $$ WITH LESS COSTS? IF 4/8/2020 YES TO ANY, THEN PROCEED!! Copyright Quality Institute of America QISS—Management System Automation There are three options to view this PowerPoint presentation. (click on selection in the Presentation Mode.) 1. 2. 3. View the Standard Introduction (23 Slides) View the More Details presentation (46 Slides) View the Brief Presentation (37 Slides) The details presentation should be viewed after the Standard Introduction 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Quality Institute of America, Inc PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN ISO 9000, AS 9100, TS 16940, ISO 14000 QUALITY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT •Training •Consulting •Auditing •Software Copyright Quality Institute of America Quality Institute Software Solution Central Quality Nervous System© INTRODUCTION Copyright Quality Institute of America QIA and QISS MISSION To provide clients with an engine to automate their Quality Management System. This tool will seamlessly integrate all required functions, eliminate drudgery, assist in decision making, and do so in an easy-to-use, intuitive and cost-effective manner. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Components of a Quality Management System Goal: to comply with the requirements Requirements: These are defined typically by ISO 9001 or one or more of its related standards: TS16949, AS9100, API QI, ISO 14001, 17025, 13485, 22000, …etc., AND organizational requirements Processes: 4/8/2020 These are sets of interrelated steps (procedures) designed to ensure that the requirements will be complied with. Copyright Quality Institute of America ISO 9001 Requirements and QISS processes/ modules QISS provides integrated processes to ensure that ISO 9001 requirements are met: Clause 4: Quality Management System Document Control and Records Control Modules Clause 5: Management Responsibility Management Review, Administrative and Communication Modules. Clause 6: Resources Management Training and Maintenance Modules 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America ISO 9001 Requirements and QISS processes/ modules ISO Standard Clauses and Modules, continued. Clause 7: Product Realization Organization specific procedures stored in in the controlled document library; and Calibration Modules Clause 8: Measurement, Analysis and Improvement Nonconformance Control, Corrective & Preventive Action, and Internal Audit Modules 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America How Does QISS Work? QISS is a workflow software: 4/8/2020 Takes the work and flows it from person to person until the job is complete. In other words….provides the procedure that people need to follow, and ensures that they follow it. QISS has been written with ISO 9001 requirements in mind…..So in all the sections of ISO 9001 that QISS covers, using QISS gets you into compliance. AND… QISS covers all the sections of ISO 9001 excepting those that are organization specific, and usually covered by ERP. Copyright Quality Institute of America The POWER of QISS You don’t have to remember the procedure…QISS will ensure that all people involved in required tasks follow the right steps, and on time! QISS will assign people to tasks and then monitor progress: 4/8/2020 Send reminders via e-mail Escalate to supervisor for intervention Copyright Quality Institute of America The POWER of QISS Important requirements are on a calendar, and QISS ensures that people involved are alerted at right time to take action. Dashboards and To-Do lists help people manage their time and priorities. Top management can monitor entire Quality System from their desk or PDA. Charts, Reports, help make your system effective and efficient. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The POWER of QISS QISS ELIMINATES THE DRUDGERY AND THE TIME INVOLVED IN ENSURING THAT THE RIGHT PROCEDURES ARE USED, AND USED CORRECTLY. QISS RELEASES PEOPLE TO DO ONLY WHAT PEOPLE CAN DO…MAKE DECISIONS AND ADD VALUE 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America QISS—if you don’t yet have a formal System Installing and using QISS gets you to instantly meet ISO 9001 requirements for: Document control, Record Control, Nonconformance Control, Corrective & Preventive Actions, Calibration, Equipment Maintenance, Training, Internal Audits, Management Review. You can, (and we can help you), fill in the rest with simple procedures to meet the rest of the requirements. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America QISS—if you don’t yet have a formal System SIMPLE THREE STEP PROCESS: 4/8/2020 INSTALL AND IMPLEMENT QISS…START USING CORE QUALITY PROCESSES IN A ISO COMPLIANT MANNER FORMALIZE (USUALLY) COMPLIANT PROCESSES FOR OTHER FUNCTIONS GET AUDITED, GET CERTIFICATE Copyright Quality Institute of America QISS—if you already have a formal System Install and implement QISS, and you can: Stop keeping tabs on: what needs to be done what is late and who has to do what 4/8/2020 Start working on the important things… the ones that make the organization money, and take it further along its goals. Know that you are in compliance…24/7…and if you are not…you know precisely where, and the moment that it happens. Copyright Quality Institute of America Drastically reduce paperwork. ISO related documents (and others, if you like) are all uploaded into the QISS system. Each document from The Quality Manual, Work Instructions, Records, to Nonconformances, Corrective Actions and Internal Audits are all generated, changed, archived and easily accessible paperlessly through QISS. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Automate the flow of tasks from function to function and employee to employee. Tracking and documenting each step of the ISO required workflow is automated through QISS. 4/8/2020 Simply initiate whichever action you choose. (ie: Document Change or Training) Designate the other employees involved. QISS manages the communication via email and timely reminders. It even alerts you and the tardy assignee when a task is overdue. Copyright Quality Institute of America Remotely access your QMS Any computer with access to your server can access QISS to perform necessary tasks. If hosted by QIA, any internet connection can access QISS with the proper security permissions. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Easily realize these benefits in a short time. Simple process of integrating QISS with your current QMS. Input Organization Chart into Administrative Module. Initiate all documents into QISS for formal review, approval, and training of affected people. Input Equipment for Calibration and Maintenance. Create Employee Competency Checklists in Training Module. Input your Non-Conformance Report design into QISS. You are ready to start using QISS! 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Easily realize these benefits in a short time. Comprehensive training is provided. QIA provides a fully functional Demo copy of QISS for Training and Practice. QISS is intuitive and logical in its workflow management. A helpful user manual is provided. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Easily realize these benefits in a short time. QIA can host QISS securely on our own servers. Allows secure access from any internet connection. Only designated employees can access the password protected, and encrypted system. Speed determined by your internet connection. Extremely low maintenance, we take care of the server maintenance and backing up of files. Get your Software updates much more quickly and easily. Simply login, set up, and start using QISS! 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America COMPLETE & COMPREHENSIVE!! QISS consists of the following modules: Administrative—(Setup, Organization, and Security) 5.5.1 Correspondence (Messaging) 5.5.3 Document Management 4.2.3 Records Control 4.2.4 Nonconformance Management 8.3 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America COMPLETE & COMPREHENSIVE!! Corrective and Preventive Actions 8.5.2-3 Calibration 7.6 Maintenance 6.4 Training (Employee Competence Management) 6.2.2 Internal Audits 8.2.2 Management Review 5.6 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENTOF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Customers (and other Interested Parties) Customers (and other Interested Parties) Orgn, Security, In Aud, Mgm Rev Training, Equipment Requirements INPUT NCR, CAPA Doc Mgm, Proced Cal, Maint OUTPUT Product Value-adding activities Information flow 4/8/2020 Model of the process approach in QISS Copyright Quality Institute of America Satisfaction Summary Page upon Login 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Example of Data Analysis NCR Status 14 13 12 2 2 0 0 NCR Closed 5 Still Open Au gu Se st pt em be r O ct ob er N ov em b D ec er em be r Copyright Quality Institute of America NCR Issued 7 0 Month 4/8/2020 10 9 2 2 Ju ly 0 0 Ju ne 1 Ja nu a Fe ry br ua ry M ar ch 0 1 8 5 4 ay 2 5 4 7 6 6 M 4 9 9 Ap ri l Number 8 7 8 6 11 11 10 1 WITH OR WITHOUT QISS WITHOUT: 4/8/2020 WITH LONG IMPLEMENTATION TOO MUCH PAPERWORK TOUGH TO MAINTAIN DISCIPLINE & OVERSIGHT COSTS TOO MUCH IN LABOR TO START, AND TO MAINTAIN CUMBERSOMEBUSINESS BENEFITS HARD TO GET RAPID IMPLEMENTATION NO PAPERWORK QISS PROVIDES OVERSIGHT ..SIMPLIFIES DISCIPLINE MINIMIZES LABOR, FREES UP PEOPLE FOR VALUE ADDED JOBS EFFICIENT SYSTEM, HELPS IN BUSINESS BENEFITS. Copyright Quality Institute of America Detailed Description of QISS 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Administrative (Setup) This is a critical module where the decisions are made that determine the scope and direction of the Culture Change that is QISS. Your company’s organization and its personnel, documents, equipment, customers, and suppliers are input here. Also, new employees will be input through setup, with their security assignments and administrative duties. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Administrative Module Menu Options 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Correspondence (Communication) Primary purpose is to inform the appropriate people of actions that have been assigned to them, and to inform them of others’ actions that require their response. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Document Management Create new documents Initiate Document Change Requests QISS assigns an intelligent number to a document based on type, department, standard element, and sequence Manage the review and approval process involving all relevant personnel. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Document Management (cont.): Automatic messaging of people who need to collaborate, including those who need to be trained. Automatic revision control, informing relevant personnel regarding changes; then tracking, and recording the revision cycle review and approval process for any individual document. Easy revival of obsolete documents if needed. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Document Control Module WorkFlow Approval Only (ISO 9001:2000:4.2.3-4) Author: Initiates Document Routed through QISS Approvers: Approve or Disapprove (5.5) Approved and Released Disapproved Archived as Disapproved Document. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Employees: If assigned, employees must self-verify training. (5.5.3, 6.2.2) Document Control Module WorkFlow For Review and Approval (ISO 9001:2000:4.2.3-4) Author: 1. Initiates Document 2. Edits and Resends Document 3. Sends Document for Final Approval Routed through QISS Reviewers/Approvers: Approve, Disapprove, or Resubmit (5.5) Approved and Released Resubmitted to Author Disapproved Archived as Disapproved Document. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Employees: If assigned, employees must self-verify training. (5.5.3, 6.2.2) Document Management Menu Options 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Initiating a Document in Document Control 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Management of Nonconformance Create Nonconformance Report (NCR) for a process or a product Automatically route NCR to Authorized personnel. They can View and Act on NCRs in process. Record Disposition Decisions Record actions, including cost Generate/View Reports 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Control of Nonconforming Products Process Flow Authority to Bypass NCR Manager Initiate NCR Yes Authority to Assign Himself? No No NCR Manager B Yes A B Approve and Assign Himself as the Responsible person?* No Assign Someone else as responsible person MRB required? Yes Send to MRB for input NO Yes MRB provide Input Not Approved A Notify initiator and discard NCR Decide on disposition or send someone else for disposition decision Job Title Explained: Initiator: Person initiates the NCR Initial Approver: Person Initially checks the validity of the NCR and approves/ disapproves it for further processing Take disposition action Responsible person: Person responsible for the NCR once the initial NCR gets approved. Disposition Decision Maker: Person who makes the Disposition decision by selecting which types of disposition Disposition Action Doer: A person who carries out the disposition decision. Close NCR by initial Approver or Responsible person based on option selected earlier 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Initiating a Nonconformance Report 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Corrective & Preventive Actions (CAPA) Create Corrective/ Preventive Action Report (CPAR) Request (Internal/Customer/Supplier) CAPA Mgr. ensures proper conduct of a CPAR by Assign and track assigned tasks, Monitor progress for each CPAR Assess effectiveness of actions taken 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America CPAR Module WorkFlow (ISO 9001:2000:8.5.2-3) Author: Initiates CPAR and describes reason for Corrective/Preventive Action. CPAR Manager Approves or Disapproves. 1. Root Cause Analysis assigned. Root Cause Analysis Submitted Disapproved 2. Implementation Assigned. CPAR Manager Implementation Performed Aborted Archived by QISS as a Disapproved CPAR, notice sent to Initiator of reason for disapproval. (4.2.4) Aborted CPAR Manager Aborted 4. Updated Documentation Assigned (4.2.3) =Emp Submission 5. CPAR Closed (4.2.4) 4/8/2020 Verification Submitted CPAR Manager = Approved Step =Disapproved/Aborted Step 3. Verification of Implementation Assigned. Copyright Quality Institute of America CPAR Module Menu Options 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Viewing a Corrective/Preventive Action Report (Top) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Viewing a Corrective/Preventive Action Report (Bottom) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Calibration System Maintain Calibration equipment list/information by identification number or location Notify authorized personnel regarding upcoming calibration tasks View Equipment Input calibration information / Review calibration history Create Reports (cost, man-hours required, past calibration due date info, etc.) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Maintenance Module Maintain equipment list/Information Notify upcoming maintenance tasks, remind, escalate, etc. Input Preventive maintenance or Breakdown maintenance information Review maintenance history (by date/equipment etc.) Create Reports (cost, man-hours required, etc.) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Maintenance/Calibration Module WorkFlow (ISO 9001:2000:6.3, 7.5, 7.6) Module Manager inputs equipment in Administrative module. (6.3, 7.5, 7.6) Reminder appears on Summary screen of individual responsible for calibration/ maintenance. (5.5, 6.3, 7.5, 7.6) 1. Assigns Maintenance/Calibration intervals. (daily, weekly, quarterly, annually) 2. Assigns individual responsible for maintenance/calibration. (6.3, 7.5, 7.6) If task is not completed by the next day: 1. Email sent to remind the individual responsible. 2. Email sent to Module Manager to inform them of the lapse. (5.5) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Maintenance/Calibration performed. A. Details recorded in QISS B. Any documents associated with maintenance are uploaded in QISS. (4.2.4, 6.3, 7.5, 7.6) The Modules Training Module: Planning of courses & other training events Planning of trainee groups Periodic Individual Training Needs Assessment (at performance appraisal) Evaluation of Effectiveness of Training after completion 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Training Module: New employee training Automatically triggered by QISS when an employee is entered into the data-base. Training procedures Automatically triggered by QISS when a new procedure is approved and issued. Ad-hoc training Training identified outside of formal (scheduled) needs assessment. Numerous helpful reports 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Training Module WorkFlow Scheduled Training (ISO 9001:2000:6.2.2) Training Manager Schedules Training Attendance request sent to employees scheduled to attend. (5.5.3) Training takes place and is confirmed complete in QISS by the Training Module Manager. The supervisors of all employees who attended are notified upon completion of training. (5.5.3) Supervisor is requested to: 1. Evaluate effectiveness of employee training. 2. Upload any exams, certificates, etc. into training record. (4.2.4) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Training Module WorkFlow Employee Requested (ISO 9001:2000:6.2.2) Employee clicks “Request a Training” and fills out form. Employee Supervisor receives notice of requested training on Summary Page of QISS. (5.5.3) Training Module Manager receives an email requesting action for a requested training. (5.5.3) Disapproved: Explanation returned to Employee. (5.5.3) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Approved: 1. Training scheduled. 2. Employee notified of scheduled training via email. 3. Employee Supervisor notified of scheduled training via email. (5.5.3) Training Module WorkFlow Self-Verification Training on Documented Procedures (ISO 9001:2000:6.2.2) 1. Document is approved and employee is selected to be notified. 2. Document Control Mgr. assigns self-verification training. 4/8/2020 Employee receives email notice to acknowledge a specific document (5.5.3) Employee self-verifies in QISS and a training record is created. (4.2.4) Employee feels that further training is needed. A training request is sent to their Supervisor. (5.5.3) Leads to “Employee Requested Training” Workflow. Copyright Quality Institute of America Scheduling a Training (Top) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Scheduling a Training (Bottom) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Internal Audit Module: Schedule full company audit Schedule departmental audits Assign auditors to different tasks Assign and provide different checklists Perform audits, prepare reports Keep reports and records 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Setting up a Departmental Audit in Internal Audit Module 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Management Review Set up Management Team Schedule Reviews Prepare agendas, assign tasks Conduct management review, create and store records. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Scheduling a Management Review Meeting 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Analyzing Data More powerful QISS version 8 & above now provides you capabilities of exporting your data to Microsoft Excel software for data analysis and trending. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Exporting Data to Excel 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Example of Data Analysis Paint peeling Manufacturing Engineering Human Resource Shop Corporate Administration Purchasing Management Quality Assurance Sales Total O.D. 5 Misaligned Cust. Comp. Late Misalignment seams Finishes Late delivery delivery Injury 7 7 1 2 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 10 4 5 11 8 20 Percentile per Department 100% 90% 80% 4/8/2020 1 70% 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Copyright Quality Institute of America 3 3 1 9 3 1 1 4 1 Example of Data Analysis Total 20 20 Finishes Misaligned seams Misalignment Paint peeling 3 4 Failure Classification 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America 1 Injury 5 5 0 Total 9 8 Late delivery 10 11 Cust. Comp. Late delivery 15 O.D. Number of Failure 25 Example of Data Analysis Percentile per Departm ent 100% 90% 80% 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 70% 60% P e r c e nt 7 3 8 50% 1 1 1 10 3 1 40% Injur y 7 30% Lat e deliver y 1 4 20% 10% Cust . Comp. Lat e deliver y Finishes 5 Misaligned seams 0% Man Engi Hum uf ac neer t ur i ing p Cor Adm Pur Man Qual por a inist chas age te r at i it y ing men Assu Misalignment Sale s Lat e deliver y 2 Cust . Comp. Lat e deliver y 1 Finishes 2 Misaligned seams 1 Misalignment 7 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 3 O.D. Paint peeling 1 Injur y 4/8/2020 an Res Sho 3 10 1 D e pa r t me nt Copyright Quality Institute of America Example of Data Analysis Month NCR Issued NCR Closed Still Open January 5 4 1 February 8 7 1 March 6 6 0 April 11 9 2 May 4 4 0 June 6 6 0 July 7 5 2 August 13 11 2 September 9 9 0 October 8 8 0 November 7 5 2 December 10 9 1 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Example of Data Analysis NCR Status 14 13 12 2 2 0 0 NCR Closed 5 Still Open Au gu Se st pt em be r O ct ob er N ov em b D ec er em be r Copyright Quality Institute of America NCR Issued 7 0 Month 4/8/2020 10 9 2 2 Ju ly 0 0 Ju ne 1 Ja nu a Fe ry br ua ry M ar ch 0 1 8 5 4 ay 2 5 4 7 6 6 M 4 9 9 Ap ri l Number 8 7 8 6 11 11 10 1 Example of Data Analysis NCR Status Disposition Action Responsibility Assigned Approved & Closed MRB Review Approved and Pending Vrfn Aborted & Closed Number f NCR 4 5 13 9 1 1 NCR Status 1 1 4 9 5 Disposition Action Responsibility Assigned Approved & Closed MRB Review Approved and Pending Vrfn Aborted & Closed 13 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Example of Data Analysis Department Manufacturing Shop Purchasing Engineering Corporate Management Administrative Human Resource Quality Assurance Sales Number of NCR 25 2 10 8 1 3 1 1 9 1 Number of NCR Sales 1 Quality Assurance 9 Human Resource 1 Administrative 1 3 Management Corporate Number of NCR 1 Engineering 8 Purchasing 10 Shop 2 Manufacturing 25 0 4/8/2020 5 10 15 20 25 Copyright Quality Institute of America 30 WITH OR WITHOUT QISS WITHOUT: 4/8/2020 WITH LONG IMPLEMENTATION TOO MUCH PAPERWORK TOUGH TO MAINTAIN DISCIPLINE & OVERSIGHT COSTS TOO MUCH IN LABOR TO START, AND TO MAINTAIN CUMBERSOMEBUSINESS BENEFITS HARD TO GET RAPID IMPLEMENTATION NO PAPERWORK QISS PROVIDES OVERSIGHT ..SIMPLIFIES DISCIPLINE MINIMIZES LABOR, FREES UP PEOPLE FOR VALUE ADDED JOBS EFFICIENT SYSTEM, HELPS IN BUSINESS BENEFITS. Copyright Quality Institute of America System Requirements For Server: Processor: 600 MHz Pentium III Compatible (1GHz or Faster Recommended Operating System: Windows 2000 or Above Memory: 512 MB RAM (1 GB or More Recommended) Disk Space: Minimum 400 MB for MS-SQL Server Database or 100 MB for MS-Access Version Database: MS-SQL Server 2000 or Higher or MSAccess 2000 or Higher. For MS-SQL Server Version, the SQL Server Instance Need to Be Installed on the Web Server or Any Other Machine Where Web Server has Connectivity 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America System Requirements Windows Component: IIS 6.0 or Higher Email: SMTP Account for QISS so that QISS can Relay Messages from Web Server to Your Email Server For Client Workstations: Browser: Internet Explorer 6 or Above, Javascript Enabled, Popup Enabled for QISS, and Session Handling Enabled Display: Resolution of 1024 x 768 or Higher 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Thank you 8951 Ruthby St, Suite 12 Houston, Texas 77061 281-335-7979 www.qisssoftware.com 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Quality Institute of America, Inc PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN ISO 9000, AS 9100, TS 16940, ISO 14000 QUALITY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT •Training •Consulting •Auditing •Software Copyright Quality Institute of America Quality Institute Software Solution Central Quality Nervous System© BRIEF PRESENTATION Copyright Quality Institute of America QIA and QISS MISSION To provide clients with an engine to automate their Quality Management System. This tool will seamlessly integrate all required functions, eliminate drudgery, assist in decision making, and do so in an easy-to-use, intuitive and cost-effective manner. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Components of a Quality Management System Goal: to comply with the requirements Requirements: These are defined typically by ISO 9001 or one or more of its related standards: TS16949, AS9100, API QI, ISO 14001, 17025, 13485, 22000, …etc., AND organizational requirements Processes: 4/8/2020 These are sets of interrelated steps (procedures) designed to ensure that the requirements will be complied with. Copyright Quality Institute of America ISO 9001 Requirements and QISS processes/ modules QISS provides integrated processes to ensure that ISO 9001 requirements are met: Clause 4: Quality Management System Document Control and Records Control Modules Clause 5: Management Responsibility Management Review, Administrative and Communication Modules. Clause 6: Resources Management Training and Maintenance Modules 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America ISO 9001 Requirements and QISS processes/ modules ISO Standard Clauses and Modules, continued. Clause 7: Product Realization Organization specific procedures stored in in the controlled document library; and Calibration Modules Clause 8: Measurement, Analysis and Improvement Nonconformance Control, Corrective & Preventive Action, and Internal Audit Modules 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America How Does QISS Work? QISS is a workflow software: 4/8/2020 Takes the work and flows it from person to person until the job is complete. In other words….provides the procedure that people need to follow, and ensures that they follow it. QISS has been written with ISO 9001 requirements in mind…..So in all the sections of ISO 9001 that QISS covers, using QISS gets you into compliance. AND… QISS covers all the sections of ISO 9001 excepting those that are organization specific, and usually covered by ERP. Copyright Quality Institute of America The POWER of QISS You don’t have to remember the procedure…QISS will ensure that all people involved in required tasks follow the right steps, and on time! QISS will assign people to tasks and then monitor progress: 4/8/2020 Send reminders via e-mail Escalate to supervisor for intervention Copyright Quality Institute of America The POWER of QISS Important requirements are on a calendar, and QISS ensures that people involved are alerted at right time to take action. Dashboards and To-Do lists help people manage their time and priorities. Top management can monitor entire Quality System from their desk or PDA. Charts, Reports, help make your system effective and efficient. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The POWER of QISS QISS ELIMINATES THE DRUDGERY AND THE TIME INVOLVED IN ENSURING THAT THE RIGHT PROCEDURES ARE USED, AND USED CORRECTLY. QISS RELEASES PEOPLE TO DO ONLY WHAT PEOPLE CAN DO…MAKE DECISIONS AND ADD VALUE 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America QISS—if you don’t yet have a formal System Installing and using QISS gets you to instantly meet ISO 9001 requirements for: Document control, Record Control, Nonconformance Control, Corrective & Preventive Actions, Calibration, Equipment Maintenance, Training, Internal Audits, Management Review. You can, (and we can help you), fill in the rest with simple procedures to meet the rest of the requirements. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America QISS—if you don’t yet have a formal System SIMPLE THREE STEP PROCESS: 4/8/2020 INSTALL AND IMPLEMENT QISS…START USING CORE QUALITY PROCESSES IN A ISO COMPLIANT MANNER FORMALIZE (USUALLY) COMPLIANT PROCESSES FOR OTHER FUNCTIONS GET AUDITED, GET CERTIFICATE Copyright Quality Institute of America QISS—if you already have a formal System Install and implement QISS, and you can: Stop keeping tabs on: what needs to be done what is late and who has to do what 4/8/2020 Start working on the important things… the ones that make the organization money, and take it further along its goals. Know that you are in compliance…24/7…and if you are not…you know precisely where, and the moment that it happens. Copyright Quality Institute of America Drastically reduce paperwork. ISO related documents (and others, if you like) are all uploaded into the QISS system. Each document from The Quality Manual, Work Instructions, Records, to Nonconformances, Corrective Actions and Internal Audits are all generated, changed, archived and easily accessible paperlessly through QISS. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Automate the flow of tasks from function to function and employee to employee. Tracking and documenting each step of the ISO required workflow is automated through QISS. 4/8/2020 Simply initiate whichever action you choose. (ie: Document Change or Training) Designate the other employees involved. QISS manages the communication via email and timely reminders. It even alerts you and the tardy assignee when a task is overdue. Copyright Quality Institute of America Remotely access your QMS Any computer with access to your server can access QISS to perform necessary tasks. If hosted by QIA, any internet connection can access QISS with the proper security permissions. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Easily realize these benefits in a short time. Simple process of integrating QISS with your current QMS. Input Organization Chart into Administrative Module. Initiate all documents into QISS for formal review, approval, and training of affected people. Input Equipment for Calibration and Maintenance. Create Employee Competency Checklists in Training Module. Input your Non-Conformance Report design into QISS. You are ready to start using QISS! 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Easily realize these benefits in a short time. Comprehensive training is provided. QIA provides a fully functional Demo copy of QISS for Training and Practice. QISS is intuitive and logical in its workflow management. A helpful user manual is provided. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Easily realize these benefits in a short time. QIA can host QISS securely on our own servers. Allows secure access from any internet connection. Only designated employees can access the password protected, and encrypted system. Speed determined by your internet connection. Extremely low maintenance, we take care of the server maintenance and backing up of files. Get your Software updates much more quickly and easily. Simply login, set up, and start using QISS! 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America COMPLETE & COMPREHENSIVE!! QISS consists of the following modules: Administrative—(Setup, Organization, and Security) 5.5.1 Correspondence (Messaging) 5.5.3 Document Management 4.2.3 Records Control 4.2.4 Nonconformance Management 8.3 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America COMPLETE & COMPREHENSIVE!! Corrective and Preventive Actions 8.5.2-3 Calibration 7.6 Maintenance 6.4 Training (Employee Competence Management) 6.2.2 Internal Audits 8.2.2 Management Review 5.6 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENTOF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Customers (and other Interested Parties) Customers (and other Interested Parties) Orgn, Security, In Aud, Mgm Rev Training, Equipment Requirements INPUT NCR, CAPA Doc Mgm, Proced Cal, Maint OUTPUT Product Value-adding activities Information flow 4/8/2020 Model of the process approach in QISS Copyright Quality Institute of America Satisfaction Summary Page upon Login 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Administrative (Setup) This is a critical module where the decisions are made that determine the scope and direction of the Culture Change that is QISS. Your company’s organization and its personnel, documents, equipment, customers, and suppliers are input here. Also, new employees will be input through setup, with their security assignments and administrative duties. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Correspondence (Communication) Primary purpose is to inform the appropriate people of actions that have been assigned to them, and to inform them of others’ actions that require their response. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Document Management Create new documents Initiate Document Change Requests QISS assigns an intelligent number to a document based on type, department, standard element, and sequence Manage the review and approval process involving all relevant personnel. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Document Management (cont.): Automatic messaging of people who need to collaborate, including those who need to be trained. Automatic revision control, informing relevant personnel regarding changes; then tracking, and recording the revision cycle review and approval process for any individual document. Easy revival of obsolete documents if needed. 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Calibration System Maintain Calibration equipment list/information by identification number or location Notify authorized personnel regarding upcoming calibration tasks View Equipment Input calibration information / Review calibration history Create Reports (cost, man-hours required, past calibration due date info, etc.) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Maintenance Module Maintain equipment list/Information Notify upcoming maintenance tasks, remind, escalate, etc. Input Preventive maintenance or Breakdown maintenance information Review maintenance history (by date/equipment etc.) Create Reports (cost, man-hours required, etc.) 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Management of Nonconformance Create Nonconformance Report (NCR) for a process or a product Automatically route NCR to Authorized personnel. They can View and Act on NCRs in process. Record Disposition Decisions Record actions, including cost Generate/View Reports 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Control of Nonconforming Products Process Flow Authority to Bypass NCR Manager Initiate NCR Yes Authority to Assign Himself? No No NCR Manager B Yes A B Approve and Assign Himself as the Responsible person?* No Assign Someone else as responsible person MRB required? Yes Send to MRB for input NO Yes MRB provide Input Not Approved A Notify initiator and discard NCR Decide on disposition or send someone else for disposition decision Job Title Explained: Initiator: Person initiates the NCR Initial Approver: Person Initially checks the validity of the NCR and approves/ disapproves it for further processing Take disposition action Responsible person: Person responsible for the NCR once the initial NCR gets approved. Disposition Decision Maker: Person who makes the Disposition decision by selecting which types of disposition Disposition Action Doer: A person who carries out the disposition decision. Close NCR by initial Approver or Responsible person based on option selected earlier 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Corrective & Preventive Actions (CAPA) Create Corrective/ Preventive Action Report (CPAR) Request (Internal/Customer/Supplier) CAPA Mgr. ensures proper conduct of a CPAR by Assign and track assigned tasks, Monitor progress for each CPAR Assess effectiveness of actions taken 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Training Module: Planning of courses & other training events—tied to nature of job and individual. Planning of trainee groups Periodic Individual Training Needs Assessment (at performance appraisal) Evaluation of Effectiveness of Training after completion 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America The Modules Internal Audit Module: Comprehensive planning, execution of audits. Checklists Auditor qualification Nonconformances and Corrective Actions Management Review Module: 4/8/2020 Comprehensive planning and execution of periodic management reviews, with reports. Copyright Quality Institute of America Exporting Data to Excel 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America Example of Data Analysis NCR Status 14 13 12 2 2 0 0 NCR Closed 5 Still Open Au gu Se st pt em be r O ct ob er N ov em b D ec er em be r Copyright Quality Institute of America NCR Issued 7 0 Month 4/8/2020 10 9 2 2 Ju ly 0 0 Ju ne 1 Ja nu a Fe ry br ua ry M ar ch 0 1 8 5 4 ay 2 5 4 7 6 6 M 4 9 9 Ap ri l Number 8 7 8 6 11 11 10 1 Example of Data Analysis NCR Status Disposition Action Responsibility Assigned Approved & Closed MRB Review Approved and Pending Vrfn Aborted & Closed Number f NCR 4 5 13 9 1 1 NCR Status 1 1 4 9 5 Disposition Action Responsibility Assigned Approved & Closed MRB Review Approved and Pending Vrfn Aborted & Closed 13 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America WITH OR WITHOUT QISS WITHOUT: 4/8/2020 WITH LONG IMPLEMENTATION TOO MUCH PAPERWORK TOUGH TO MAINTAIN DISCIPLINE & OVERSIGHT COSTS TOO MUCH IN LABOR TO START, AND TO MAINTAIN CUMBERSOMEBUSINESS BENEFITS HARD TO GET RAPID IMPLEMENTATION NO PAPERWORK QISS PROVIDES OVERSIGHT ..SIMPLIFIES DISCIPLINE MINIMIZES LABOR, FREES UP PEOPLE FOR VALUE ADDED JOBS EFFICIENT SYSTEM, HELPS IN BUSINESS BENEFITS. Copyright Quality Institute of America Thank you 8951 Ruthby St, Suite 12 Houston, Texas 77061 281-335-7979 www.qisssoftware.com 4/8/2020 Copyright Quality Institute of America