TURKEY REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY TURKISH STATE METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE DIRECTORY OF METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND CALIBRATION Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 Calibration Center At the Calibration Center: Automated Weather Observing System's sensors that is installed to all around the Türkiye are calibrated by applying the 17025 standards. Calibration Center is accredited for the calibrations of tempetature, relative humidity, air pressure and wind speed sensors. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 TSMS’s Calibration Center acts as Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) calibration center. It would provide training facilities for the member states. Member States: 1- The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan . 2- The Republic of Azerbaijan. 3- The Islamic Republic of Iran . 4- The Republic of Kazakhstan . 5- The Kyrgyz Republic . 6- The Islamic Republic of Pakistan . 7- The Republic of Tajikistan . 8- The Republic of Turkey . 9- The Republic of Turkmenistan . 10-The Republic of Uzbekistan . Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 CALIBRASTION CENTER ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT Quality Manager Documentation Unit Manager of Meteorological Instruments and Calibration Branch Senior Chief of Calibration Laboratories Instrument Acceptance, Registration , and Archive Wind Speed Calibration Lab. Pressure Calibration Lab. Temperature & Humidity Calibration Lab. Radiation Calibration Lab. Precipitation Calibration Lab. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 DIRECTORY OF METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS and CALIBRATION PRECIPITATION WIND Calibration Center operates under Meteorological Instruments and Calibration Division. TEMP&HUM SOLAR RADIATION Mr. Nur DOĞAN Manager of Meteorological Instruments and Calibration Division PRESSURE Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 QUALITY MANAGER Calibration Center of all activities; providing work in accordance with the rules of the 17025 standard, providing continuous development of Laboratory and providing relations with the TURKAK duty Mr. Yusuf Özcan CANDEMİR and authorized to Institution to QUALITY MANAGEMENT represent in TURKAK . NAME & SURNAME POSITION CADRE GRADUATION YUSUF ÖZCAN CANDEMİR QUALITY MANAGER ENGINEER ELECTRONICS ERHAN ZIVRALI QUALITY MANAGER ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN COMPUTER AHMET APAYDIN QUALITY MANAGER ASSISTANT ENGINEER MACHINE Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 CHIEF OF CALIBRATION LABORATORIES -Temperature & Humidity Calibration Laboratory, -Pressure Calibration Laboratory, -Wind Speed Calibration Laboratory, -Radiation Calibration Laboratory, -Precipitation Calibration Laboratory. Mr. Tekin SOYLU Senior chief of the Laboratories Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 CALIBRATION CENTER PERSONNEL CHART NO NAME & SURNAME POSITION CADRE GRADUATION 1 TEKİN SOYLU CHIEF OF THE LABORATORIES ENGINEER ELECTRONICS 2 ZAFER TURGAY DAĞ CHIEF OF RADIATION LAB. ENGINEER ELECTRONICS 3 AŞIR YASDUR RADIATION LAB. PER. TECHNICIAN ELECTRONICS 4 Y. ÖZCAN CANDEMİR CHIEF OF WIND SPEED LAB. ENGINEER ELECTRONICS 5 TUĞRUL ÇUKURLUOĞLU WIND SPEED LAB. PER. TECHNICIAN 6 HAMZA AYDIN CESSUR CHIEF OF TEMP&HUMİDİTY LAB. ENGINEER 7 YUSUF KARAÇOR TEMPERATURE&HUMİDİTY LAB. PER. TECHNICIAN ELECTRONICS 8 AYDIN ÜREN TEMPERATURE&HUMİDİTY LAB. PER. TECHNICIAN ELECTRONICS 9 İBRAHİM ARPA CHIEF OF PRESSURE LAB. ENGINEER MECHANICAL 10 İRFAN KAYAPINAR PRESSURE LAB. PER. TECHNICIAN ELECTRICAL 11 MUSA YER ALTI PRESSURE LAB. PER. TECHNICIAN METAL 12 SERPİL SAYAR CHIEF OF PRECIPITATION LAB. ENGINEER 13 MELEK DOĞAN PRECIPITATION LAB. PER. TECHNICIAN 14 NURTEKİN ULUCAN INSTRUMENT ACCEPTANCE&REGISTRATION AND ARCHIVE STAFF 15 MELTEM ŞEN INSTRUMENT ACCEPTANCE&REGISTRATION AND ARCHIVE TECHNICIAN Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY METEOROLOGY ELECTRICAL HIGH SCHOOL ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT ACCEPTANCE & REGISTRATION AND ARCHİVE Instruments accepted to the Calibration Center are registered and related documents are archived in accordance with the rules of 17025 standards. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 CALIBRATION CENTER ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF THE LABRATORIES Environmental conditions of the Laboratories are controlled by using precision air-conditioner. The measured data of temperature and humuidity are automatically displayed and stored. LABORATORY TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY PRESSURE Pressure 23 °C ± 1 °C 45%RH ± 10%RH Atmospheric pressure Temperature & Humidity 23 °C ± 2 °C 45%RH ± 15%RH --- Wind Speed 23 °C ± 10 °C 50%RH ± 30%RH --- Radiation 23 °C ± 2 °C 45%RH ± 10%RH --- Precipitation 23 °C ± 2 °C 45%RH ± 10%RH --- Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 CALIBRATION CENTER ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF THE LABRATORIES Devices to control the laboratory environmental conditions: Liebert Hiross HPM Precision Air conditioner Fluke Hart Scientific 1620A Measuring, displaying and recording. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY LABORATORY The thermometer types to calibrated: 1. Liquid glass thermometers, 2. Resistance thermometers, 3. Analog output thermometers, 4. Thermometers with display. All types of relative humidity sensors are calibrated. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 be TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY LABORATORY Scope of Accreditation Quantity, Instrument to be calibrated TEMPERATURE Resistance Thermometers Liquid Glass Thermometer Analog Output Thermometer Measurement Range Best Measurement Capability (k=2) (±) Remarks Water Triple Point 0,01 0C 0,014 °C Using Triple Point -40 0C ile +50 0C 0,04 0C Using Liquid Bath -40 0C ile +50 0C 0,13 0C Using Climate Chamber -40 0C ile +50 0C 0,06 0C Using Liquid Bath 0,05 °C Using Liquid Bath 0,13 °C Using Cabin air-conditioning 0,05 °C Using Liquid Bath 0,13 0C Using Climate Chamber %10 - %80 % 1,2 Using Humidity Generator %20 - %80 % 2,5 Using Climate Chamber -40 0C ile +50 0C Thermometers with display -40 0C ile +50 0C RELATIVE HUMIDITY Relative Humidity Sensors Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY LABORATORY Reference devices for relative humidity calibration: Vaisala HMP76 Thunder Scientific 2500 Humidity Generator. Operation range: -10˚C / +70˚C 10%RH / 90%RH Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY LABORATORY Climate provider for Relative Humidity Calibration: Weiss SB22 500 Climate Chamber. Operation Range: -50˚C / +50˚C 10%RH / 90%RH Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY LABORATORY Reference devices for Temperature Calibration: Isotech 909Q Standard Platinum Hart Scientific 5615 Platinum Resistance Thermometer Resistance Thermometer Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY LABORATORY Climate provider for Temperature Calibration: Weiss SB22 500 Fluke 7381 Liquid bath. Climate Chamber. Operation Range: -50˚C / +50˚C Operation range: 10%RH / 90%RH Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 -80˚C /+110˚C TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY LABORATORY Secondary devices for Temperature & Humidity Laboratory: Fluke PRT measuring unit, Zeno 3200 Data Logger and Fluke 8846A 6 ½ digit multimeter are used to measure the data. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY LABORATORY Calibration at The Triple Point of Water (TPW) and Ice Point Calibration : Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 PRESSURE CALIBRATION LABORATORY Pressure sensors types to be calibrated: 1. Frequency output barometers, 2. Digital output barometers, 3. Barometers with digital display, 4. Mechanical barometers. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 PRESSURE CALIBRATION LABORATORY Scope of Accreditation Best Quantity, Measurement Instrument Measurement Measurement Capability to be Range Conditions (k=2) (±) calibrated Pressure Absolute Pressure Barometers 750 mbar – 1050mbar Pressure Cabin (Gas) 0,12 mbar Calibrator (Gas) 0,08 mbar Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 Remarks Procedures are prepared with DKD R6.1 , EURAMET/cg17/v.01 and OIML R 97 PRESSURE CALIBRATION LABORATORY Reference device for Pressure Calibration: Parosceintific 785 digiquartz barometer Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 PRESSURE CALIBRATION LABORATORY Climate providers for Pressure Calibration: Fluke PPC4-ui A100K Calibrator. Dry air are used (Azoth gas). Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 Pressure Chamber PRESSURE CALIBRATION LABORATORY Secondary devices of Pressure Laboratory: Druck DPI 145 Measurement device Measurement device for frequency output barometer. for digital output barometer. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 PRESSURE CALIBRATION LABORATORY Secondary devices of the Pressure Laboratory: Paroscientific 765 Ruska 6200 barometer. digiquartz barometer. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 WIND SPEED CALIBRATION LABORATORY Wind Speed sensor types to be calibrated (Cup, hotwire, ultrasonic, pitot and propeller etc.): 1. Electronics wind speed sensors, 2. Mechanical wind speed sensors. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 WIND SPEED CALIBRATION LABORATORY Scope of Accreditation Quantity, Instrument to be calibrated Best Measurement Capability (k=2) (±) Measurem Measurement ent Range Conditions WIND SPEED SENSORS (REFERENCE IS ULTRASONICS) 2,5 m/s - 30 m/s (0,11+%0,4xV) m/s WIND SPEED SENSORS (REFERENCE IS PITOT TUBE MICROMANOMETER) 3 m/s - 34 m/s (0,05 +%0,7xV) m/s Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 Remarks COMPARISON METHOD COMPARISON METHOD WIND SPEED CALIBRATION LABORATORY Reference devices for Wind Speed Calibration: Furness Control FCO510 Micromanometer and Pitot tube. Thies 2D 4.3810.00.340 Ultrasonic wind speed sensor Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 WIND SPEED CALIBRATION LABORATORY Medium provider for Wind Speed Calibration: Wind Speed Tunnel is the Göttinger type, closed loop and open test area ( 0 – 40 m/s). Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 WIND SPEED CALIBRATION LABORATORY Devices of the Wind Speed Calibration Laboratory: Hotwire Testo 435 Druck PTX7517-1 Pressure (600–1100mbar) Wind Speed Sensor. PR 5333A Temperature (0-40ºC) sensors. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 WIND SPEED CALIBRATION LABORATORY Devices of the Wind Speed Calibration Laboratory: Vaisala WMS302M and WAA151, Thies Clima 4.3303.22.007, Qualimetrics ECN4738, Siap handel type, Vector İnst. A100M/HE-1 and Lastem DN002 Wind Speed sensors are used. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 RADIATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Pyranometers are calibrated at the Radiation Calibration Laboratory under the constant irradiance and new sensitivity coefficients for the calibrated sensors are calculated. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 RADIATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Scope of the Calibration Quantity, Instrument to be calibrated Pyranometer Best Measurement Measurement Measurement Range Conditions Capability (k=2) (±) Remarks Comparison with CPM22 (used as a reference) by using constant light irradiance indoor calibration COMPARISON METHOD 0 – 700W/m² Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 %1 RADIATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Reference device for Pyranometer Calibration: Kipp&zonen CMP22 Pyranometer Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 RADIATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Medium provider for Pyranometers Calibration: Kipp&Zonen Calibration Facility for Pyranometers. Indoor Pyranometer Calibration System under constant irradiance light (0 - 700W/m²). Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 RADIATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Devices of the Pyranometers Calibration Laboratory: Keithley 2000 6 ½ Kipp&Zonen CMP21 digit multimeter Pyranometer Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 PRECIPITATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Precipitation (Rain Gauge) sensors types to be calibrated: 1. Tipping bucket rain gauges, 2. Weighing type rain gauges. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 PRECIPITATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Scope of calibration Quantity, Instrument to be calibrated Precipitation (Rain Gauge) Measure ment Range Measurement Conditions 10–300 mm/h Precision Electronic Balances And peristaltic pump Best Measurement Capability (k=2) (±) Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 %1 Remarks COMPARISON METHOD PRECIPITATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Reference devices for Rain Gauges Calibration: Mettler Toledo XP4002S Baykon F1 Class Weigths Precision Electronic Balances 1 gr / 2 kg 800 gr. / 4100 gr. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 PRECIPITATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Medium provider for Rain Gauges Calibration: Precipitation simulation is prepared by using the Watson Marlow 520Du peristaltic pump which calculates the necessary amount of water for the desired amount of Rain İntensity. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 PRECIPITATION CALIBRATION LABORATORY Secondary devices of the Precipitation Laboratory: Zeno 3200 Data Logger Caps different and tubes type dimensions. Calibration Center - Ankara 2010 with and