AUDITION INFO for AUDITIONS are DECEMBER 9, 10, and 11, after school The Ridge Point High School Theater and Choral Department will be holding AUDITIONS for GREASE, the musical, and every eligible student at RPHS is welcome and encouraged to audition! SHOW DATES are February 4, 5, 6, and 8, 2016. Please read the AUDITION FORM on page 2 thoroughly for information regarding rehearsal schedule and production dates, and be familiar with our Attendance policy prior to Auditioning! Becoming involved in the Musical is a very time consuming commitment. If you audition, and are cast in the show, you will be held accountable to the rehearsal and production schedule. So, you must be very detailed and thorough when you list your conflicts on the back of your audition form. We understand that emergencies come up. However, if you have ANY UNEXCUSED absences, or have to miss for an extensive amount of rehearsals, your Understudy will replace you immediately. When and where are the Auditions, and what do I prepare? DAY 1: Wednesday, December 9: Singing Auditions 2:45 p.m.-? (Depends on your time slot), in the Auditorium. YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR AN AUDITION TIME SLOT, and be here at least 30 minutes prior to your audition time. Audition time slot sheet will be posted on the outside of the Black Box the Monday following the Thanksgiving Holidays. The singing audition will be CLOSED/PRIVATE. EVERYONE that wishes to audition for chorus, singing/ supporting and/or lead roles, AND non-singing roles (See character breakdown) MUST go through the singing audition. If you are in Theater Production, Auditions will start in class, and continue til after bell rings. All others in the school auditioning will sign up for a time slot for that afternoon. To audition, each participant (if interested in chorus, supporting or lead roles) must prepare and sing ONE MEMORIZED, 2-minute excerpt from the Broadway soundtrack or Movie soundtrack of GREASE, USING A KARAOKE OR ACCOMPANIMENT TRACK (instrumental, with NO VOCALS present). Yes, that’s right—you must audition with a song from GREASE of your choice. Your audition song can be from the Broadway show or the movie, since we will be using songs from both. There is no monologue audition this year, so YOU MUST SHOW YOUR ACTING ABILITIES while singing your song. If you simply stand up there and sing with no movement and no expression, you most likely, will NOT be called to read for a part. You have two minutes to impress us with your singing/acting abilities. Be prepared to walk into the audition, with your accompaniment track cued up to the part you need/want to sing on your personal device (phone, iPod, etc.), OR a CD, and tell the technician exactly where to start. You will be able to test volume of music first. Start with a slate. Your “slate” (or introduction) should include your name, grade level, and the titles of song. After your audition, you may leave. No one will be present for the audition except for the directors, Stage manager and/or technician. Otherwise, it is a CLOSED audition. Remember: Be in the Black Box to check in at least 30 minutes prior to your audition time slot, in case we run early/ahead of time DAY 2: Thursday, December 10: Cold readings from the script- 2:45-5:00p.m. BLACK BOX. (Please note, if you are in Theater Production, we will begin readings If you signed up (on your audition form) to try out for one of the speaking parts in the show, then you must be present to cold read from the script excerpts chosen by the director on December 10. DAY 3: Friday, Dec. 11: Dance auditions and Call Backs: DANCE AUDITIONS: EVERYONE that is auditioning for the show MUST participate in the dance audition, Friday, December 11, beginning at 2:45 p.m., in the auditorium. A dance combo will be taught in a large group, and then the choreographer will break into smaller groups to watch the dance auditions. We DO NEED advanced dancers for parts of the show, so even if you didn’t audition for a speaking/singing role, PLEASE COME TO THE DANCE AUDITION. Please note, advanced dancers, that you will be responsible for the required rehearsals you are called to attend, the dress rehearsals, and all performances. Also: ** CALL BACKS, December 11: A call back list (a list of students that the director needs to see/hear again will be posted the morning of December 11 on the front of the auditorium. This list will consist of the people we need to see/hear read or sing again in the choir room. The CAST LIST WILL BE POSTED on Saturday, December 12, on Twitter: @RPHSTheater Rehearsals will begin on an everyday basis, beginning the day we get back from Winter Break (JANUARY 5) and throughout the month of January, until we open Feb. 8! WE DO HAVE some Saturday rehearsals in the month of January, so check your calendar before auditioning!! For more information, or questions, text Mrs. Aurand (409) 670-6746. AUDITION FORM Bring this form with you to Auditions! Please print clearly. Name:_______________________________________ Grade Level______ age____ Cell phone number_________________________________ Email_________________________ You must be ACADEMICALLY ELIGIBLE to participate in the musical. You must eligible on P4 to audition. To participate in the musical, you must maintain eligibility/PASS ALL CLASSES on REPORT CARD 2. In addition, you must be passing maintain eligibility/be passing on P5 . PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: The Show Dates are Feb. 4, 5, 6, and 8, 2016. Please make sure you are available for those dates before auditioning!!!! Attendance Policy/Production Rehearsal Schedule Policy: Generally speaking, rehearsal times will be 2:45-5, Monday-Thursday, and Friday, 2:45-6:00 p.m. **We will also hold SOME SATURDAY rehearsals during the month of January (Jan 9, 16, 23 and 30), 9am- 4pm, most likely. As participant in this musical, you are REQUIRED to be at every rehearsal your character is called for. If you will be absent from scheduled rehearsal, YOU MUST TEXT or CALL MRS. AURAND immediately. If you have ONE UNEXCUSED absence, you will not be allowed to participate, and an alternate/Under Study will take your part. Attendance will be taken at every rehearsal. We are on a very limited time frame, so we must have you at every rehearsal that your character is required. There is NO RE-TEACHING time for those who miss choreography, music, or blocking rehearsals. If you are not present when things are being taught, you may not be allowed to be in that particular scene. It is your responsibility to get any information you missed from the STAGE MANGER. Auditioning for the musical is a serious commitment, and we must have you there. We understand that you may have some previously scheduled conflicts. Unfortunately, if you have too many, you may not be able to be in this show. TURN OVER and fill out scheduling conflicts! After reading the Attendance/ Production Rehearsal Schedule policy, please list ALL conflicts on the back of this paper. Be very thorough, as you will be held accountable! My rehearsal/ Performance night conflicts are as follows Be specific (for example: “Voice lessons 3:-3:30 pm. Mondays,” “Lacrosse practice, every Saturday,” “ AP Biology Lab, Tuesday 2:45-4:00,” etc. “Family Reunion Saturday, January 16”): ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Have you had MUSICAL/PLAY/DANCE experience before? If so, please list what role (s), where and when/what dance experience?__________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____I am interested in trying out for the following roles:_____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____I am interested in CHORUS only. _____ I am interested as a DANCER in the show ONLY. I have advance dance experience. _____ I will do anything the directors need me to do in this show. I just want to be a part of it! _____ I am interested in doing TECH only for this musical. What tech positions would you like to apply for? Circle all that apply, or write in ANY : ________________ Stage Manager Asst. Stage Manager Prop Crew Chief light board operator Spot light operator Set Crew/Construction/Scenic Painting Sound Sound Asst. Costume Crew/Changer Box Office/House Crew Production/Run Crew Any other crew positions not listed__________________________________________________ AUDITION FORM Bring this form with you to Auditions! Please print clearly. Name:_______________________________________ Grade Level______ age____ Cell phone number_________________________________ Email_________________________ You must be ACADEMICALLY ELIGIBLE to participate in the musical. You must eligible on P4 to audition. To participate in the musical, you must maintain eligibility/PASS ALL CLASSES on REPORT CARD 2. In addition, you must be passing maintain eligibility/be passing on P5 . PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: The Show Dates are Feb. 4,5,6, and 8, 2016. Please make sure you are available for those dates before auditioning!!!! Attendance Policy/Production Rehearsal Schedule Policy: Generally speaking, rehearsal times will be 2:45-5, Monday-Thursday, and Friday, 2:45-6:00 p.m. **We will also hold SOME SATURDAY rehearsals during the month of January (Jan 9, 16, 23 and 30), 9am- 4pm, most likely. As participant in this musical, you are REQUIRED to be at every rehearsal your character is called for. If you will be absent from scheduled rehearsal, YOU MUST TEXT or CALL MRS. AURAND immediately. If you have ONE UNEXCUSED absence, you will not be allowed to participate, and an alternate/Under Study will take your part. Attendance will be taken at every rehearsal. We are on a very limited time frame, so we must have you at every rehearsal that your character is required. There is NO RE-TEACHING time for those who miss choreography, music, or blocking rehearsals. If you are not present when things are being taught, you may not be allowed to be in that particular scene. It is your responsibility to get any information you missed from the STAGE MANGER. Auditioning for the musical is a serious commitment, and we must have you there. We understand that you may have some previously scheduled conflicts. Unfortunately, if you have too many, you may not be able to be in this show. TURN OVER and fill out scheduling conflicts! After reading the Attendance/ Production Rehearsal Schedule policy, please list ALL conflicts on the back of this paper. Be very thorough, as you will be held accountable! My rehearsal/ Performance night conflicts are as follows Be specific (for example:”Voice lessons 3:-3:30 pm. Mondays,” “Lacrosse practice, every Saturday,” “ AP Biology Lab, Tuesday 2:45-4:00,” etc. “Family Reunion Saturday, January 16”): ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Have you had musical/play/DANCE experience before? If so, please list what role (s), where and when/what dance experience?_______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____I am interested in trying out for the following roles:_____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____I am interested in CHORUS only. _____ I am interested as a DANCER in the show ONLY. I have advance dance experience. _____ I will do anything the directors need me to do in this show. I just want to be a part of it! _____ I am interested in doing TECH only for this musical. What tech positions would you like to apply for? Circle all that apply, or write in ANY : ________________ Stage Manager Asst. Stage Manager Prop Crew Chief light board operator Spot light operator Set Crew/Construction/Scenic Painting Sound Sound Asst. Costume Crew/Changer Box Office/House Crew Production/Run Crew Any other crew positions not listed__________________________________________________ How To Ace Your Musical Audition (Taken from a article in Dramatics Magazine) You walk into a room, see a bunch of scary-looking people sitting behind a metal table, and then must perform a brief excerpt from a song or monologue like your life depends on it. And it does — because this could be the ticket to your next gig. The audition is one of the most intimidating processes in the world, but it doesn't have to be. The key is preparedness and self-confidence. "The more that the actors are prepared, it shows in what we actually see in an audition," says Bernard Telsey, one of Broadway's preeminent casting directors. "Know as much as you possibly can about the project you're auditioning for," Telsey says, likening the actor to a detective. "Read the script. Watch the movie. Search on You Tube for possible professional videos or demos of the musical, movie, or a performance of the song or part you are trying out for. Try to find out what you can about the project. It's like treating it as part of the rehearsal process…Even in the smallest auditions, if you read the script, you're going to know more about the character and situation, and you can bring that into your preparation." And you can always ask for the script, if it's available. Here are some helpful hints to remember when you're getting ready to approach the table. What to Wear Put your hair back, out of your face. "People should wear clothes that are professional, clean and fit," says Nikka Graff Lanzarone, a veteran of Broadway's Chicago and Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown and also owner of a styling business. "You would think that these are no-brainers, but a lot of people have trouble finding clothes that fit them. It gets bypassed more often than not, because people don't know how to go to the tailor or what about a garment can be fixed." Should someone wear a costume to an audition? " Unless you want to be put in the crazy file, don't show up in full costume," she emphasizes. However, you should "have some idea of the show you're auditioning for," and dress in that style. "You're not going to wear a suit to audition for Rent, but you're not going to wear jeans to audition for Guys and Dolls," she notes. Telsey concurs on all counts. "You have to help people behind the desk see you in this role," he says. "It is about dressing your best and looking like it's the best blind date," he says. "You've always worn something that makes someone say, ‘Wow, that looks good on you.' You're making an impression for people behind a table. You want to pop." For Lanzarone, auditioning is about making the people behind the table see what she can bring to any role. "Every audition isn't ever just an audition for the show you're going in for," she notes. "I've gotten calls from people saying, ‘I saw you at [a previous] audition.' Something about you could strike them as interesting. You have the opportunity to show them who you are." Also, when it comes to footwear, ladies, be careful of your character shoes. "Never, ever, ever wear character shoes to a singing audition," Lanzarone concludes. "It's a rookie mistake. You don't need to wear character shoes unless you're dancing." What to Sing: Pick a song/character that will showcase your talents and is in your range. If the requirements are that you sing from an accompaniment track or karaoke track, then DO SO. Do not show up singing to a track that has the vocals on it. Some accompaniment tracks do have background singers, and that may be okay. However, the main vocalist must be removed. Know the lyrics backward and forward. You should be able to recite them ten times over, and you should know what you're talking about, because you'll go up. You won't remember the lyrics if you don't know how they connect… Do a song you can really connect to. It'll allow you to bring what you do into the room. Walk into the room confident and be polite. The way you walk into the room is important. Don’t start making excuses or complaining. Be prepared. So remember: Wear clothes that look good, and pick a song that you know well and that showcases why you're special. With these tips in mind, you could land that above-the-title spot you've always wanted. NEVER, EVER CHEW GUM. How to Cold Read from a script: (first of all, you’d be silly to not read the script for any show you are auditioning for. It’s like taking a major test without studying. When called to the stage to read from the script, walk up to the stage with confidence, find your place in the script, and being looking over the lines for the character you will read. Make sure the director is ready, and your fellow actors, and begin. DO NOT hold the script directly in front of your face. Hold it so you can see it, but do not hold it up and block your face. Use good, strong, articulate voices. If you can read with an accent (if the character you are reading for HAS an accent), and your are CONFIDENTA, then use the accent. Otherwise, do not. Remember, the director is looking for actors who can really project to the back of the house WITHOUT a microphone. What to wear to the dance audition: Wear comfortable clothes that make you look good, and that are appropriate. Have your hair out of your face. Wear comfortable shoes or dance/jazz shoes. And remember, NO GUM.