Cancer Biology Syllabus Bio 425 Spring 2014, MR 702 Tuesdays 11:00am – 2:00pm Dr. Karen Hubbard Office Phone: (212) 650-8566 Office: MR 631 Textbook: Robert A Weinberg “ The Biology of Cancer”, Second Edition DATE Jan 28 CHAPTER 1, 2, 8, 10, 11 TOPIC Introduction – Course Overview Cell Cycle Control, Cell Senescence SPEAKER Dr. Karen Hubbard Feb 4 6, 8, 10, 11 Dr. Mark Steinberg Feb 11 Feb 18 Feb 25 Mar 4 Mar 11 Mar 18 Mar 25 Apr 1 Apr 8 4, 5, 7 10 13, 14 Arsenate and Solar Radiation Induced Cancer Disease Genes DNA Damage and Telomeres Exam 1 Chromosomal Instability Viruses Epigenetics and Cancer Apoptosis Exam 2 Tumor Biology and Metastasis Apr 14-22 Apr 29 13, 14 Spring Break Tumor Microenvironment Dr. Johanna Joyce May 6 15 Antigen and T cell immunotherapy Dr. Ming Li May 13 TBA 16 Cancer therapeutics Final Exam 3 Dr. Anita Kumar Dr. Karen Hubbard 12 3 11 9 Dr. Benedikt Bosbach Dr. Neal Lue Dr. Karen Hubbard Dr. Shaun Peterson Dr. Paul Gottlieb Dr. Shireen Saleque Dr. Adriana H. Friedman Dr. Karen Hubbard Dr. Bingmei Fu The final grade consists of 10 quizzes (25%) and three exams (75%). Exam material from quizzes will be taken from the textbook and will be done online using Blackboard. You will be able to immediately see your quiz grade following the taking the quiz. Academic Integrity The CUNY Policy on plagiarism says the following about plagiarism (the CUNY Policy can be found in Appendix B.3 of the CCNY Undergraduate Bulletin 2007 -2009): “Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, research or writings as your own. The following are some examples of plagiarism, but by no means is it an exhaustive list: 1. Copying another person’s actual words without the use of quotation marks and footnotes attributing the words to their source. 2. Presenting another person’s ideas or theories in your own words without acknowledging the source. 3. Using information that is not common knowledge without acknowledging the source. 4. Failing to acknowledge collaborators on homework and laboratory assignments. 5. Internet plagiarism includes submitting downloaded term papers or parts of term papers, paraphrasing or copying information from the internet without citing the source, and “cutting and pasting” from various sources without proper attribution. The City College Faculty Senate has approved a procedure for addressing violations of academic integrity, which can also be found in Appendix B.3 of the CCNY Undergraduate Bulletin.” Be aware that if we suspect plagiarism we will follow this procedure, no exceptions made; i.e. we will report you to the Academic Integrity Official. Disciplinary sanctions range from failing the class to expulsion from the college