D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs related to Human Machine

Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
1 (14)
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b
POs related to Human Machine Interface
Task leader:
Igor San Vicente
Fagor Electrónica, S. Coop. (FEL)
This appendix summarizes the work done within Task 2.2 for the development of first generation
Human Machine Interface. The associated Production Objects are described in detail.
ARTEMIS Innovation Pilot Project: Arrowhead
THEME [SP1-JTI-ARTEMIS-2012-AIPP4 SP1-JTI-ARTEMIS-2012-AIPP6] [Production and Energy System Automation Intelligent-Built environment and urban
infrastructure for sustainable and friendly cities]. The research leading to these results has received funding from the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking and from the
national programs/funding authorities.
Grant agreement no: 332987. Project Coordinator: Professor Jerker Delsing | Luleå University of Technology
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
2 (14)
Table of contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Zoom on 2.2-041 HMI - Analysis of the design of the application ...................................................... 3
Zoom on 2.2-042 HMI – Information architecture, Wireframes, Mockups ............................................7
Zoom on PO 2.2-044 HMI – User experience testing ........................................................................ 10
Zoom on PO 2.2-045 HMI - Software design and implementation ................................................... 10
Basic energy efficiency data structures ................................................................................................11
Consumption storage database ....................................................................................................... 11
System configuration database ....................................................................................................... 12
Consumption storage bundle........................................................................................................... 13
Emulated HEC service bundle .......................................................................................................... 13
HMI bundle ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Zoom on PO 2.2-046 HMI - Integration and system testing ............................................................. 13
Revision history ............................................................................................................................... 14
Quality Assurance .................................................................................................................................14
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
3 (14)
1. Introduction
As planned, for the first pilot generation of the Eco-sufficient Home (Task 2.2) different
systems have been developed. One of them is the Human Machine Interface (HMI). The HTMI
present to the end-users reports, alerts, recommendations and other consumption information
available within the demo. Each user has access only to information and devices authorized to
their profile. Usability and user experience will be optimized in order to achieve a higher
impact regarding user empowerment and energy use awareness. These applications will be
consumed in different devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones or Smart TVs. Security
and privacy aspects will be analysed and implemented depending on the requirements.
HMI’s associated POs for generation 1 are as follows:
PO 2.2-041 HMI - Analysis of the design of the application
PO 2.2-042 HMI – Information architecture, Wireframes, Mockups
PO 2.2-044 HMI – User experience testing
PO 2.2-045 HMI - Software design and implementation
PO 2.2-046 HMI - Integration and system testing
PO 2.2-047 HMI – User manual
In the following, this appendix will concentrate on the description of these POs: PO 2.2-041,
PO 2.2-042, PO 2.2-044 and PO 2.2-045 HMI.
2. Zoom on 2.2-041 HMI - Analysis of the
design of the application
The aim of this PO is to provide the different agents that take part in the process of software
development a common understanding of the application and its objectives. To do so Personas,
Scenarios and Use cases have been used.
For HMI development User Centered Design approach has been followed. The chief difference
from other product design philosophies is that user-centered design tries to optimize the
product around how users can, want, or need to use the product, rather than forcing the users to
change their behavior to accommodate the product. This will improve the User Experience and
thus maximize the impact and the adoption of these technologies. There are a number of tools
that are used in the analysis of user-centered design, mainly: persona, scenarios, and essential
use cases.
Persona: During the user centered design process, a Persona of the user's need may be created.
It is a fictional character with all the characteristics of the user of an application. Personas are
created after the field research process, and the character depicts a "typical" stakeholder, not an
"average" individual in the primary stakeholder group, and is referred to throughout the entire
design process.
Scenario: A scenario is a fictional story about the "daily life of" or a sequence of events with
the primary stakeholder group as the main character. Typically, a persona that was created
earlier is used as the main character of this story. Scenarios create a social context to which the
personas exist in, and also create an actual physical world. It provides context to the persona.
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
4 (14)
Use case: A use case describes the interaction between an individual and the rest of the world,
the SW, the application and the platform in our case. Each use case describes an event that may
occur for a short period of time in real life, but may consist of intricate details and interactions
between the actor and the world. It is represented as a series of simple steps for the character to
achieve his or her goal within the application.
The following Personas and Scenarios have been defined.
Name: Maite
Age: 46
Location: Arrasate
Occupation: Unemployed
Fotograph: 1
Maite's income is minimum as she's unemployed, so she lives mostly from her savings and gets
some extra money cleaning other peoples houses from time to time. It's her son, Iker, that pays
the bills with the money he earns working at a small car garage. Iker lives with Maite, and is 19
years old.
Maite's home is old – about 40 years – and has never been renewed. It has three bedrooms, a
living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. Most of the furniture and electrical appliances are
almost as old as the building itself. Luckily the water pipes and the electrical installation are in
good condition. There is no gas installation at the building. In the kitchen there's a
fridge/freezer, an old cook, an oven, and a microwave oven. There's a washing machine in the
bathroom and a television on the living room. Apart from that there's a pair of standard lamps,
which use conventional bulbs, just like the rest of the house.
Maite spends most of her time at home, cleaning and cooking. She also spends some time
surfing the net in search of a job or watching TV, though she's giving up the latter. She's
developing interest on reading as it's more interesting than watching TV and is a cheap hobby –
she borrows books from her friends and needs no electricity during the day.
Image from https://www.flickr.com/photos/tinfoilraccoon/4772548734,with Creative Commons CC BY 2.0
license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/). Image cropped from the original.
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
5 (14)
Maite's main motivation to use such a system is money. Environmentalism is okay for her, and
she actually recycles her waste, but she wants to reduce her energy consumption mainly
because of it's money costs.
Maite would use the system in a weekly basis. Every Sunday she would access the web
interface through her phone to check whether she managed to lower the energy consumption
and think about how she could lower it even more. Once she gets to a low enough consumption
she would still use the system to make sure it stays low and stable. She would monitor the
lighting of the house as well as the appliances where she could lower the consumption notably,
e.g., the washing machine or the ovens – the fridge has a stable consumption that can't be
easily lowered, as it's running constantly.
Name: Ion
Age: 28
Location: Zaldibia
Occupation: Shopkeeper
Fotograph: 2
Ion's salary at a local grocery store is enough for his lifestyle considering he owns his home
and is renting two of it's rooms to other people.
Ion's home is quite big. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a big kitchen. It also has a
huge living room with a TV and a good hi-fi system – his tenants are both audiophiles. There is
a fridge/freezer combo, a modern inductive cook, a fume extractor, an oven and a dishwasher.
There's also a washing machine at home, and all the bulbs used are low-consumption.
Ion spends most of his time at work, hanging out with his friends or or mastering the art of
photography, which is his main hobby. He has a good printer at home, for the digital pictures
he takes. He also has a darkroom at home to develop the pictures the old school way, as he
enjoys using old cameras the most.
Image from https://www.flickr.com/photos/svenjajan/6989378163,with Creative Commons CC BY 2.0
license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/). Image cropped from the original.
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
6 (14)
Ion is an environmentalist activist. He's conscious of the importance of nature and works to
keep it. He recycles every piece of waste and tries to consume as little water as possible. He is
trying to reduce his electrical energy consumption too, and this system could help him find out
how to to be more efficient.
Ion would let the system run unattended for one or two months, to gather data enough to find
out what's consuming the most on the long run instead of focusing on shot term consumption
spikes that could mask the real offenders. He would repeat that cycle as long as he's using the
system – monitoring as many appliances as it's possible. He would use his powerful computer
to access the web interface, as he uses it daily for photo editing and it's more comfortable using
it than using the phone.
Name: Iker
Age: 35
Location: Bergara
Occupation: Car driving instructor
Fotograph: 3
Iker lives with his wife, Ane, and their two children, Naiara and Leire. He's got a decent salary
at his job and Ane works for a transportation rental business. They'd like to have more spare
money but can pay for all the expenses of their two children without much worry.
Iker's home is big enough for the family, though it may feel smaller when the children grow up.
There are two bedrooms – one for the parents and the other for the children –, a small kitchen –
equipped with a fridge/freezer, a microwave oven, a small old cook, a dishwasher and a
washing machine –, a bathroom and a living room with a TV and game console. There is a mix
of low consumption bulbs and their higher consumption ancesters.
Iker and his wife spend most of the time working. When he's not working he's looking after his
little girls at the park or at home. He used to play the flute before being father, but now has no
time for it and only plays it once in awhile to entertain his daughters.
Image from https://www.flickr.com/photos/25440132@N03/2398534914,with Creative Commons CC BY
2.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/). Image cropped from the original.
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
7 (14)
Iker is passionate about plants, animals and anything related to nature. He wants his daughters
to feel the same way and to be conscious of how nature is being beaten to death. At the same
time, he'd like to be able to save some money for when the little girls grow up.
Iker would use the system to monitor the lighting and the small appliances his two children
could use: the television and the computer. He's education his little girls about the importance
of nature and would like to show them the impact they have on nature when leaving on the
lights or watching TV for long periods of time.
Zoom on 2.2-042 HMI – Information architecture,
Wireframes, Mockups
The design process has made use of the following:
The information architecture of an application labels and organizes data to develop user
experience, usability and structural aesthetics. It involves a model or concept of information,
which is used and applied to activities that require explicit details of complex information
systems. More concretely, it involves the categorization of information into a coherent
structure, preferably one that the intended audience can understand quickly, if not inherently,
and then easily retrieve the information they need.
The information architecture is built upon a hub and spoke pattern (see Figure 1). A hub and
spoke pattern gives you a central index from which users will navigate out. Users cannot
navigate between spokes but must return to the hub, instead. This has historically been used on
desktop where a workflow is restricted (generally due to technical restrictions such as a form or
purchasing process) however this is becoming more prevalent within the mobile landscape due
to users being focused on one task, as well as the form factor of the device, making a global
navigation more difficult to use.
Hub and spoke patter is good for multi-functional tools, each with a distinct internal navigation
and purpose, but care must be taken if the final users of the product want to multi-task (in
which case this pattern is not the most useful one).
A wireframe, also known as a page schematic or screen blueprint, is a visual guide that
represents the skeletal framework of an application. The interaction designers, who have broad
backgrounds in visual design, information architecture and user research, create wireframes for
the purpose of arranging elements to best accomplish a particular purpose. The wireframe
depicts the page layout or arrangement of the content, including interface elements and
navigational systems, and how they work together. The wireframe connects the underlying
conceptual structure, or information architecture, to the surface, or visual design of the
application. Wireframes help establish functionality, and the relationships between different
screen templates. An iterative process, creating wireframes is an effective way to make rapid
prototypes of pages, while measuring the practicality of a design concept. The wireframe
usually lacks typographic style, color, or graphics, since the main focus lies in functionality,
behavior, and priority of content.
A mockup is a prototype if it provides at least part of the functionality of a system and enables
testing of a design. Mock-ups are used by designers and developers mainly to acquire feedback
from users. The most common use of Mockups in software development is to create user
interfaces that show the end user what the software will look like without having to build the
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
8 (14)
software or the underlying functionality. Software UI mockups can range from very simple
hand drawn screen layouts, through realistic bitmaps, to semi functional user interfaces
developed in a software development tool.
Again Figure 1 shows the wireframes for the initial mockup upon which generation 1 HMI
demonstrator has been built. An interactive mockup, developed using Balsamiq tool, can be
accessed and played with at http://bit.ly/1lblt4Q
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
9 (14)
Figure 1: Information Achicture for the Generation 1 HMI
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
10 (14)
3. Zoom on PO 2.2-044 HMI – User
experience testing
User experience must be tested during the development process. User experience (UX)
includes Usability as a central property but not only. These tests must be planned and reported
if improvements are to be materialized.
The most common factors measured in usability testing include: Effectiveness: a user's ability
to successfully use an application to find information and/or accomplish tasks. Efficiency: a
user's ability to quickly accomplish tasks with ease and without frustration. Satisfaction: how
satisfied the user is with the application. Error frequency and severity: how often users make
errors while using the system, how serious the errors are, and how users recover from the
errors. Memorability: a user’s ability to remember enough to use the application effectively
after his or her first use.
User experience testing is being currently carried out with two different student groups at
Mondragon University. One of the groups comprises students that use the common room
environment in which the demonstator is installed, and are thus familiarised withe the project
goals. The other group is comprosied of students that do not know about the project. This will
allow to detect those elements of the HMI design that are lacking or not sufficiently usable or clear.
4. Zoom on PO 2.2-045 HMI - Software
design and implementation
The HMI offers three energy efficiency services to the user.
1) Show evolution of the household energy usage
On the one hand, with the service of the evolution of the household energy consumption, the user
will visualize the values of the total household energy consumption (in KWh), household energy
cost (in Euros) and household carbon footprint (in kg of CO2).This values correspond to the last
day, last week, last month and the period of the present year that the user selects. This information
is displayed using a graphic that divides this data into different timeslots.
If the user wants to see the household energy consumption, energy cost or the carbon footprint of
the last day, this graphic will divide this value into timeslots of one hour. Instead, if the user wants
to see the household energy consumption, energy cost or the carbon footprint of the last week,
month or another period of time of the present year, the graphic will divide these values into
timeslots suitable for those periods.
Apart from this information, the user can also visualise a comparison of the household energy
consumption, energy cost or carbon footprint value that has selected compared to the value of the
previous same period (e.g., when displaying the energy consumption of this week, a comparison
with previous week consumption will be displayed).
2) Show energy usage of household devices
This service will be similar to the previous one, with the difference of the graphics that are shown
in this section. In this service, the values of the household energy consumption, energy cost and
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
11 (14)
carbon footprint are classified by the type of the devices which they belong to. Initially, there will
be two categories:
Home appliances: this category includes all home appliances which are connected to
commercial metering plugs (in this generation demonstrator, socket plugs from
Rest of the home devices: this category will include all categories of the devices whose
consumption is measured by commercial metering clamps in the electrical panel (in
this generation demonstrator, electric metering clamps from CurrentCost).
Furthermore, the user will also have the chance to visualize the household consumption, cost and
carbon footprint of each home appliance. Ultimately, the user will can also see the categories that
are included in the category “Rest of devices” and whose consumptions are measured by
CurrentCost clamps.
3) Configuration of the system
Finally, before the graphical interface starts operating, the user must specify what home appliances
are connected to each CurrentCost socket plug. Especifically, the user must introduce the name of
the home appliance and the energy class which it belongs to.
4.1. Basic energy efficiency data structures
The data structure of the basic energy efficiency services includes two databases and one bundle
that have been added to the embedded system emulating the HEC functionality (a commercial
GuruPlug device).
4.1.1. Consumption storage database
The consumption storage database is a Round Robin Database or RRD (using the RRDTool
library) that receives the hourly accumulated consumptions of the different CurrentCost sensors.
Thus, this database has one DataSource for each CurrentCost socket and clamp.
Using a Round Robin database allows us to store the amount of data we want for a fixed time span,
with a constant database size. The trick behind this kind of RRD is storing the data with variable
resolution depending on the time span. For example, we can store 10 second resolution samples for
the last 48 hours, plus 5 minutes resolution “samples” (averaged from the 10 second resolution
samples) for the last 7 days, plus 30 minutes resolution “samples” (again averaged from the 10
second samples) for the last 2 years.
To estimate the size of the database, let's say we have 10 different values to store (say 10 different
energy measurements). And we get a new data sample for each of the 10 values every 6 seconds. If
we want to store all the samples for the last 24 hours (i.e., have 6 seconds resolution), and also
store the average value of the samples with 1 minute resolution for the last 48 hours, also the
average value of the samples with 5 minutes resolution for the last 7 days, also the average value of
the samples with 15 minutes resolution for the last 30 days and finally the average value of the
samples with 1 hour resolution for the last 2 years, we only need to use 9,543,424 bytes (aprox. 9.5
MB). And the database will not grow in size once it is created (the database has to be created
before any samples can be stored in it).
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
12 (14)
In order to store the hourly accumulated consumption of each DataSource, this database is
composed of two RRA (“samples”) archives:
RRA1: this archive stores the consumption of the last 48 hours divided into timeslots of one
hour. Thus, the consumptions are stored as they are introduced in the database. It is necessary
to store the last 48 hours consumption because the user has the chance to see the last day
consumption classified by one hour timeslots. If the RRA archive stored the consumption of a
lower period of time, the information of the last day would be overwritten.
RRA2: this archive stores the consumption of the last two years classified in timeslots of one
day. In order to group the hourly values into daily ones, this archive adds 24 hourly values that
are introduced in the database.
In this manner, the graphical interface will be capable to show the energy consumption energy cost
and carbon footprint of the periods of time that have been defined in the design of its sections.
4.1.2. System configuration database
In order to complete the information stored in the Round Robin Database, it has been implemented
the following SQLite database, to hold the configuration information of the system about the
monitored appliances and systems. Figure 2 shows the structure of the system configuration
Figure 2: System Configuration database structure
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
13 (14)
Firstly, this database specifies which DataSource of the Round Robin database corresponds to each
sensor and channel. This information is used by the CurrentCost bundle to store the energy
consumptions in the Round Robin Database.
On the other hand, this database contains all the information (the name and the energy class of each
home appliance connected to CurrentCost sockets. Furthermore, the SQLite database specifies
which Round Robin DataSource corresponds to each home appliance.
Finally, this database contains the information of home devices categories which consumption is
measured by CurrentCost clamps. Initially these categories are: rest of devices and the household
total consumption. Furthermore, the database specifies which Round Robin6 DataSources
correspond to each category.
4.2. Consumption storage bundle
In order to store the energy consumption sent by CurrentCost sensors in the Round Robin database
it has been developed an OSGI Java bundle, which has been added to the GuruPlug device. This
GuruPlug device is running a stripped version of Debian GNU/Linux, with an OSGI Java
implementation. This bundle reads the instant consumption of each CurrentCost sensor every 6
seconds and calculates the hourly accumulated consumption of each channel of each sensor.
Finally, the bundle stores this value in the Round Robin database with the timeslot it belongs to.
4.3. Emulated HEC service bundle
A second OSGI Java bundle has been developed to emulate the HEC service offering energy
consumption data, using an Arrowhead Framework compliant implementation. It implements the
service described in ”Common Design Repository\02. FOR_REVIEW\04. Design\07. Services\01.
Application SD-IDD\Arrowhead (SD) Home Energy Consumption Monitoring Service (Fagor)
v1.docx” document and associated template documents. This service provides energy consumption
data in HP-XML format (as described in the service Sematic Profile document)
4.4. HMI bundle
A third HMI OSGI Java bundle has been developed to provide the end-user HMI application
service. This bundle uses the Emulated HEC service to gather the energy consumption data and
transform that data in the format need to implement the final HMI service.
The final HMI service is implemented as a HTML5 + CSS3 application, which guarantees that the
service is available on any platform that provides an HTML5 and CSS3 compliant browser. Thus
the multiplatform requirement is fulfilled.
The web application uses D3.js javascript library to implement energy consumption graphics and
animations, and jQuery to implement a responsive web design implementation.
5. Zoom on PO 2.2-046 HMI - Integration
and system testing
As stated before, the different components of the HMI have been deployed on the GuruPlug and
have been tested internally. Additionally, the User Experience testing is still being carried out and
if any fault or error are detected, they will be fixed as soon as feasible. From the HMI point of
view, any usability or accessibility problems will considered as faults that have to be fixed.
Document title
Arrowhead D2.3 Appendix 2.2b POs
related to Human Machine Interace
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
14 (14)
6. Revision history
6.1. Amendments
Subject of Amendments
Document Created
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
Consolidated version
Iñaki Arenaza (MU)
6.2. Quality Assurance
Approved by
Igor San Vicente (FEL)