profile of od management services

To be a leading consultancy company through quality products and services
1. Introduction
OD management services was established in 2004 and provides a number of services that
range from Leadership and management to training on strategic, operational plans and
quality management systems to coaching and mentoring. OD management services through
its associates and staff have also managed and implemented events such as stakeholder
information sessions, career guidance and information sharing, skills development
legislative information sharing amongst others.
The company has many experiences and well qualified staff that customise management
and training solutions to meet our client’s needs. We identify our clients skills development
needs and package training solutions to meet their needs, in this way adding value to our
OD management services was created to develop, improve and sustain skills development
to improve the levels of productivity in organisations and individuals. Thorough its events
management, it is able to give clients peace of mind knowing that experienced staff are
handling the planning and execution of successful events.
2. Vision
To be a leader high quality training consultancy company through quality products and
3. Mission
OD management services aim to inspire, uplift and provide the necessary tools for
empowerment of the individual and the organisation to improve and enhance their
productivity and capabilities.
4. Structure of the company
OD Management services is a registered Close Corporation in and is solely owned by Dr
Burton Malgas.
5. The companies areas of focus
The customised management and training solutions the company produces is as a result of a
specific training philosophy. In developing training material we work closely with the client
to achieve appropriate interventions for the business of the organisation.
OD Management Services (ODMS) is a consulting firm that specializes in performance
measurement systems and has extensive experience with front‐end analysis, strategic
development planning, and implementation of various performance interventions. The
ODMS goal is to help organizations optimize goals to desired outcomes. Our team consists
of accomplished professionals with advanced degrees in Workforce Education, Adult
Education, and Educational Leadership. The ODMS team value all the core competencies
associated with the Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Roles (Rothwell, 2000 as cited
in Rothwell, Hohne, & King, 2007, p. 19), specifically as follow:
Industry Awareness: Understanding the vision, strategy, goals, and culture of an
industry, linking human performance improvement interventions to organizational
Systems Thinking and Understanding: Identifying inputs, throughputs, and outputs of a
subsystem, system, supra‐system and applying that information to improve human
Performance Understanding: Distinguishing between activities and results; recognizing
implications, outcomes, and consequences.
Business Understanding: Demonstrating awareness of the inner workings of business
functions and how business decisions affect financial or nonfinancial work results.
Organization Understanding: Seeing organizations as dynamic, political, economic, and
social systems that have multiple goals.
Ability to see “Big Picture”: Looking beyond details to see overarching goals and results
The customised management and training solutions the company produces is as a result of a
specific training philosophy. In developing training material we work closely with the client
to achieve appropriate interventions for the business of the organisation.
Our products
Check out the different types of products we offer.
Services offered
Management of curriculum, Development of school improvement plans, Monitoring and
Evaluation, Managing change in curriculum. Adult Basic Education and training
Other services offered
Mentoring and coaching, Skills Development Facilitation, Professional advisory services,
events management services and project management services.
Sector Skills Plans (SSPs) development, Qualitative and quantitative research, Impact
evaluation services.
Project management
Project management services are offered to ensure successful implementation of projects in
the entire project cycle.
Teacher Development programmes, Executive Development Programmes, Adult Education
practitioners development programmes, Early Childhood Development practitioner
development programmes.
Learnership services
Learner recruitment and selection, Project management of learnerships, Monitoring,
evaluation and auditing of learnerships
Education Law, School Governing Body (SGB) training, School Management Team (SMT)
training, Supply Chain Management (SCM) training
Capacity building
Management Development Workshops, Staff Development workshops, Capacity building of
Employers, Training providers and Learners in Skills Development
Legal services
Dispute resolution, Mediation and arbitration services, legal compliance services
6. Profile of Company members
Managing member: Dr Burton Malgas
Dr Burton Malgas has been in the Education and Training sector for many years and has
accumulated vast amount of experience. He started off his career as a teacher and was
promoted to an HOD, Principal and an IDSO in the Gauteng Department of Education. He
joined the ETDP SETA as an HOD: Learnerships. Dr Malgas managed the development,
promotion and implementation of Learnerships and skills Programme within the Higher
Education, General Education and Further Education sub-sector and constituencies of the
SETA, where the focus was Occupationally Directed ETD practice, as well as Trade Unions,
political parties and libraries.
He was promoted to Chief Operations Officer where his responsibilities included the
development of the ETDP SETA business plan and DHET SLA together with the rest of the
Senior Management Team. He ensured that the business plan was translated into
operational plans and all targets are met. Other responsibilities included ensuring that the
Quality Assurance function of the business plan and the SLA is implemented. He had to
ensure that the SSP and research of ETD constituencies were updated and that WSPs were
captured and analyzed.
Other duties included overseeing the opening of SETA offices in all provinces, ensure
effectiveness of provinces as delivery sites through increased stakeholder participation and
implementation of programmes. He improved administration by ensuring that systems and
processes in SETA skills development programmes are in place. Including Monitoring and
Evaluation of programmes took place.
He was also a member of the ETDP SETA Board, EXCO, Audit Committee, Finance Committee
and Board Chambers of Schooling, Higher Education and Research and was the Deputy
Chairperson of the Management Committee of the Chamber
Dr Malgas has served as a member of the following National Committees:
Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC): National Review of Professional and
Academic Programmes in Education
HEDCOM subcommittee on teacher education
Advisory Committee on Teacher Development
Advisory Committee for FET Colleges
He has also served on the committees that organized the Teacher Development Summit, the
FET Summit and the SETA Summit and project managed the Teacher Development Summit
and the FET Summit.
Associate member: Dr Tony Khatle
Dr Tony Khatle has completed his Doctoral Studies in Educational Management at the
University of Johannesburg. He has extensive knowledge and experience in working with the
private and public sector, corporate institutions, parastatals and NGO’s. He served as a CEO
of APPETD from 2006 – 2010. He has acquired a strong background in the education and
training field, international exposure in leadership management and lifelong learning. He
has been to the following countries; England, Denmark, Israel and Australia to present in
conferences on education and training strategies. He is currently involved in research,
Monitoring and Evaluation for different NGO’s and parastatals.
Dr Tony Khatle has been involved in a number of activities including Capacity building
projects with the Department of Labour (DoL) and Department of Higher Education (DHET)
training private providers on different policy initiatives. He has been a consultant on various
fields including the Further Education and Training and Higher Education sector. He has
been a coordinator for UNISA A.B.E.T. He has accumulated vast experience wealth and
expertise within the education, training and development sector. He is also a motivational
speaker and has written a book entitled “From an ordinary clerk to a Chief Executive
Officer” in 2008.
Dr. Tony Khatle organized educational conferences for 5 years which involved international
delegates from various countries in education and training. These conferences included
exhibitions from members of the association displaying their educational programmes and
courses. These were supported by the media and marketing organizations.
The exhibition stalls increased yearly to accommodate the increasing number of delegates
who attended the international conferences since 2006-2010. These were conducted in
conjunction with a number of small companies who benefited as service providers.
Tony Khatle is passionate about developing and empowering people to reach their full
Associate member: Dr Modise Manota
Dr Modise Manota trained as a teacher and later became a principal of a secondary school
in Soweto before becoming a director of a pilot youth development programme in Gauteng
called Gauteng Youth College (GYC). At the end of the pilot he went on to work for Gauteng
Department of Education as a Chief Education Specialist (CES) in the then Technical College
Unit. There he was responsible for Organizational Support and Resourcing. During the
merger process of FET colleges Modise was the chairperson of the Gauteng Provincial
Merger Team (PMT). This is the team that was responsible for the management of the
process in Gauteng.
In 2002, Modise joined the National Business Initiative (NBI) as a senior manager for the
College Collaboration Fund (CCF) programme. This was a programme initiated by the
Department of Education and funded by the National Business Initiative (NBI) to further
support the merger process. One of the activities in this programme was the one where
lecturers from the different FETCs in South Africa were placed in colleges across the UK.
Each lecturer was to spend a period of three months at a particular institution focusing on a
selected topic. Modise’s role was the management of the programme. This involved
planning, organizing, leading and supporting.
Modise later went on to work for the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)
as a Technical Advisor for the North West Province. His work involved supporting the
development of FET colleges in the North West province. At that stage these newlyestablished institutions still needed a lot of support in a variety of areas. Some of these
areas included, strategic leadership, development of policy and systems, professional staff
development and others.
After working for five years in the North West province, Modise joined the American Council
on Education as a Chief of Party (Manager) to lead a team on the implementation of the
concept of Student Support Services (SSS) in twelve FET colleges across three provinces;
Limpopo (7), Mpumalanga (3) and Northern Cape (2) FET colleges. His main role was project
management, which also included stakeholder management. He worked mainly with
partners from the U.S. These included Bronx Community College in New York, Jobs for the
Future and YouthBuild International. Some of the major activities the programme organized
included education tour by 12 FETC principals to the U.S., which was later followed by
another for a group of 30. This programme was also the brainchild of the Department of
Higher Education and Training and funded by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID).
In addition to the above, Modise has been running his own consultancy, doing work, mainly
in FET colleges and schools around the country. Some of the work done was in the training
of middle managers at Vuselela, Orbit, Taletso, Ekurhuleni West, Tshwane North and
Mthashana FET colleges. He has also done the training of Student Representatives Councils
(SRCs) at Orbit, Taletso, Northern Cape Urban and South West Gauteng FET Colleges.
Modise has also done the orientation of newly-appointed middle managers and lecturers at
Orbit FET college.
In 2008 Modise did a management and leadership training for 24 school principals in the
Bojanala District of the North West province.
In addition, Modise has done motivation sessions for students and staff at Taletso FET
College and for the UNISA staff that had reached retirement age in September 2011.
Modise has also delivered papers at various conferences and summits around the country.
Topics covered included the role of FET/VET in the economy, Student/Learner Support and
the management of FET colleges.
In 2007 Dr Manota organised a successful HIV/AIDS campaign for FET Colleges in the North
West province. The campaign involved all three FET Colleges in the North West province.
The event was organized as a sports day featuring soccer, netball and tennis. Teams from
various colleges were transported to Taung campus of Vuselela FET College. A total of
eleven college campuses with 1 500 students took part in the event.
The Taung campus is situated in a deep rural area in the North West province and was
chosen specifically for the purpose of exposing these communities to a number of
development activities.
The logistics that went with organizing this campaign in Taung were enormous. Firstly, a
suitable venue with the necessary facilities had to be sought. These facilities needed to be
prepared as well and with the help of the community we managed to get the necessary
help. We then had to communicate with the local authorities, which included the chiefs,
organise buses to ferry students, catering, the public address system and other important
things to make the event successful.
The event attracted a huge number of people from surrounding rural communities and in
the end it went exceptionally well with students arriving back at their colleges safely.
Modise Manota holds the following qualifications:
A PhD in Educational Leadership from the University of Johannesburg.
An MEd from the University of Johannesburg.
A BEd from UNISA.
A Certificate in Project Management from the University of Western Cape.
6. A teacher’s diploma from Soweto College of Education.
Associate: Dr Mahomed Hoosen Abbas Rasool
Dr Mahomed Hoosen Abbas Rasool has served as an MD for MANCOSA (Management College of
Southern Africa) from 2008 to 2012. He provided strategic leadership and managed all operations
within MANCOSA which had 6 000 students and annual turnover of R85 million. Including the overall
management of all the national offices in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho,
Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi and Mauritius,
Represented MANCOSA at forums with the following professional associations partners:
International Labour Organization – International Training School (ILO-ITS), Ed Universal, European
Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), African Association of Business Schools (AABS),
Human Resource Development Network (HRDN), South African Business Schools Association
(SABSA), Business Schools Partnership Network (BSPN), South African Board of Personnel Practice
(SABPP), National Association of Distance Learning Organizations (NADEOSA), Association of Private
Providers of Education and Training (APPETD) and various Sector Education and Training Authorities
Dr Rasool developed a five year Sector Skills Plan and an Annual Strategic Plan for the CFTLSeta and the sector in compliance with the Department of Labour requirements. He advised
SETA Council on strategic skills development interventions that are needed in the sector. He advised
national government departments (Departments of Labour, Public Works, Education, Science and
Technology and Trade and Industry), employer associations, trade unions and provincial government
departments on skills development issues for the sector. He made public presentations to
stakeholders and government on SETA activities. Also, wrote articles for periodicals and gave
comments to the media on strategic skill development issues affecting the sector. He conducted
research and analysis on the state of the sector and relate these to skills development. He managed
the research activities of the SETA.
On the Panel of Experts for the DHET sector skills plan evaluation team.
Member of the Human Capital Development Committee of the Department of Trade and
Member of Project Team for the HSRC Project on labour market information systems.
Member of the ILO-ITC Learning Link.
Member of the HRD Network (community of HR practice).
Associate member: Dr John Mbuya
Dr John Chibaya Mbuya graduated from De Montfort University (UK) with an MBA and a PhD in
Holistic Risk Management from University of Johannesburg. He is a seasoned corporate banker,
University Professor in Dubai, part-time HIV /AIDS counsellor in Gauteng South Africa, Women and
Child Abuse activist in African and the Mid East.
John has performed many varied roles ranging from financial accountant to risk management. As
well as having considerable practical experience he is also a member of various institutions and an
advisory committee member of many financial institutions in Southern Africa. He is the Executive
Director of Ascendancy Risk Management, a training company in South Africa and Managing Director
of International Risk Management in Dubai. Dr John Chibaya Mbuya is global player, an international
authority, author turnaround specialist, strategist, and lecturer in risk management financial
management and strategic management and is regarded as having pioneered many of the systems,
procedures and training programmes which companies can put into place to handle the risk aspects
of their businesses. Dr John has written and published over 40 books and these can be found on
Associate member: Ms Cavil Anderson
Understanding how adults learn and building that learning into training and development
programmes using multidisciplinary theories and strategies form the basis of Cavil
Anderson’s experience in Workplace Learning and Development.
Mrs Anderson has been a human resources, project manager and organizational
development practitioner for more than fifteen years. Her contributions and leadership has
been in crafting strategic visions and interventions to achieve business goals. She offers a
unique blend of executive acumen, curriculum/material design and development; train the
trainers and Organization Development solutions. Mrs Anderson has developed strong
credibility with various departments of education, the non-profit and university sector for
leadership, management and operational improvements.
With a focus on strategic solutions analysis to further business goals in the education sector,
Mrs Anderson has directed various community projects funded by USAID and administered
by higher education. Cavil Anderson directed the project development unit at the
Management of Schools Training Programme, where she was instrumental in the
development of a national school governance/ethics project. She was awarded an
international scholarship to the Netherlands for outstanding performance. Another
highlight in her career was the Kathorus Project where the management teams of one
hundred and twenty schools were trained on applying organization development solutions
as a tool for sustainable improvement. This intervention lead to significant improved
performance of eighty percent of the schools and Mrs Anderson was awarded Premier
status and another scholarship to the University of Connecticut, Hartford, USA. As Project
Manager, Cavil Anderson was instrumental in developing a quality assurance unit and
international benchmarked the operations in the Centre for Course Design and
Development at University of South Africa.
Mrs Anderson also served as Coordinator for Training and Development at Kutztown
University, Human Resources. In this role, she provided management oversight to
departmental development services, career development programmes, a comprehensive
training programme, and co-directed a leadership project. She coordinated HRs
participation in cross functional operations with other administrative departments. Mrs
Anderson established a training council representing all stakeholders to achieve the
university’s strategic objectives.
Ms Anderson earned a Masters degree in Education Management/OD, a four year Teacher
Diploma, and two international scholarships, in Education Management. Most recent
research interest of Cavil Anderson has been the impact of organizational structure and
practices on learning in the workplace. She is currently owner and director of the Center for
Organization and Human Development (COHD). Mrs Anderson is currently enrolled as a
third year Workforce Education and Development PhD student with the State University of
Associate member: Dr Ntlantla Josiah Sebele
Dr Ntlantla Sebele began his career as a teacher at a high school and taught mathematics
and physical science. He later joined a Technical College as a Lecturer where he lectured in
Mathematics, Quantity surveying and Building administration amongst other subjects. In
1998 he joined the Lehurutshe College of Education where he lectured Civil engineering
subjects, Education and Technology Education. He later joined the Gauteng Department of
Education as an Education specialist in Technical subjects. He was employed at GDE for
4years before joining Umalusi as a Manager: Vocational Education and Training where he
developed assessment frameworks, policies, approved learning programmes, exam results
and liaised with other ETQAs. He was a member of the Quality promotions council, internal
reference group for TELP, member of the SAQA ETQA forum and a member of the FETC
(Vocational) National Task Team.
Dr Sebele has occupied numerous positions which include owning and managing NJS Job
Solutions, a Deputy Chief Education Specialist in Research Coordination at GDE, a Deputy
Director for Research at SAQA and a Senior Project Manager for Teacher Development at
Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance.
Dr Sebele’s qualifications include a PHD in Education, Law and Policy at the University of
Pretoria titled “The relationship between government policy and management practices at
Further Education and Training Colleges”, a Masters degree Technology at Technikon SA, a
national Higher Diploma in Post School Education amongst others.
Dr Sebele’s interest is in entrepreneurship, vocational training and addressing the issue of
unemployment, especially youth unemployment.
Associate: Raphael Kamanga
Raphael is a business and technology strategist who provides expertise in business and
organizational transformation mostly through the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT). He has over 17 years experience in ICT. He has worked as an executive for
leading South African companies for over 7 years.
Raphael has guided businesses in the strategic use of ICT to ensure innovation, efficiency,
cost benefits and revenue generation. Raphael offers the following skills and experience at a
senior level:
 Business Strategy
 Business Development Management
 Business Processes Management
 Financial Management
 Vendor and 3rd party Management
 Operations Management
 Risk Management
 Products and Services Management
 Corporate Governance (King 3)
Information & Communication Technology
 Business – ICT alignment
 Business and Infrastructure Solutions
 Enterprise Architecture-Togaf
 Solution Architecture
ICT Research & Development (R&D)
ICT Strategy formulation
ICT Governance- Cobit, ITIL, Price ll, PMBok,
ICT related legislation and regulations compliance- ECT, ECA, Interception Act,
Technology and Business relationships in the ICT market
The above is not an exhaustive list of his skills. From a work experience perspective, Raphael
has worked for 8 different companies and has filled roles ranging from Systems Support
Engineer to Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a large South African multinational, namely
the Bidvest Group. In his role as CIO of Bidvest Network Solutions (BNS), he was
instrumental in establishing a data centre environment which offered hosted services to
subsidiary companies in the group. Rather than having these businesses spend money, time
and effort in establishing their own ICT infrastructure and processes. Raphael worked
together with them to understand their business operations, their markets, and presented
them with the business case to use BNS’s established and robust ICT infrastructure. This
allowed the group companies to benefit through economies of scale, synergies and proven
standards. As part of this process Raphael also became involved in procurement and vendor
management for the infrastructure and licensing requirements for the group.
One of the strategic initiatives that Raphael undertook was to define the convergence
strategy for the group. This was prompted by the deregulation of the telecoms industry in
South Africa. He was required to attend workshops and colloquiums with the ministry of
Telecommunications and other prominent industry players.
Raphael introduced ITIL, a service management best practice, within Bidvest. He ensured
that both he and his staff became ITIL certified. In terms of ICT governance, Raphael was
instrumental in establishing the Electronic Communication policy for Bidvest. It defined the
appropriate use of ICT within the group.
The move from Bidvest to Business Connexion (BCX) was due to the acquisition of Bidvest’s
ICT business by BCX. At BCX, he was asked to head-up products and services in
Communications/Convergence division. BCX wanted to expand their market into
convergence and hosted services, hence the acquisition of Bidvest’s ICT business. Raphael
was tasked with defining the new division’s products and services from scratch. This
included developing pricing and costing models for the various offerings. The new unit
combined BCX’s Security, Datacentre, MPLS VPN, and Network management services.
The role required him to carry out constant market research in order to offer products and
services that would be competitive and viable. Input was required from the various
stakeholders; clients, business managers, product managers, services teams, business
development executives and many others to ensure competitive offerings into the market.
Consultant: Jeremy Goldstone
Jeremy Goldstone is an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa and a member of the KwazuluNatal Bar. He started his career as a teacher and was promoted to HOD and Principal in the KZN
Department of Education. He has accumulated a vast amount of experience in the area of Education
He has served as a Regional Office bearer of SADTU in the Durban North Region. He also served on
the Provincial Executive Committee of SADTU as a representative to the KZN Education Labour
Relations Council. He was part of a KZN delegation that conducted a study on Teacher Training in
Sheffield, England. He has a keen legal sense and knowledge of legislation and processes within the
Education arena.
Project Administrator: Vincent Dube
Kehla Vincent Dube is a project administrator at OD Management Services. He studied Operations
Management (Management Services) up to second level and got an internship at Ekurhuleni south
district and later was absorbed by Gauteng Department of education in the human resource
development unit at the Ekurhuleni south district also as a Data Capture intern where he
accumulated a vast knowledge of culture and procedures of the GDE.
His key role was to compile submissions for procurement of the developmental workshops as well as
to collect and capture data for the annual training report and the workplace skills plan. He was also a
junior administrator of bursaries for both CS educators and PS staff in school and office based.
His strong points include business management, organisational effectiveness. He has completed
courses in information and records management and professional report writing amongst others.
Research undertaken by members
Human rights in Education: A case study – Qualitative research 1997
Management of district support for higher school productivity 2003
Innovative Presentation at 2011 AHARD Conference – Comparison of global trends in
workforce education and development: A perspective of seven developing countries 2011
Paper presentation at AHARD Conference - Comparison of Global Trends in Workforce
Education and Development: A perspective of Seven Developing Countries 2011
Paper presentation at Penn State Student Conference - Beyond Turf and Territory: A
Boundaryless Administration for Higher Education 2010
Organization Development : A Tool for Sustainable Improvement 2000
The relationship between government policy and management practices at Further
Education and Training Colleges 2008
The role and functions of a tutor within the Integrated Learner Centred Distance Education
model for Technikon South Africa
Report to the ministerial task team on recognition of prior learning: Research to determine
the extent of SETA involvement in RPL activities. 2012
Gauteng Department of Education School Governing Body election 2012 report.
7. Compliance with Legislation
OD Management Services is a registered company registration no: 2004/066272/23, and
possesses all the necessary tax clearance, etc.
8. Ownership and bee status
OD Management Services is wholly owned by Dr Burton Malgas and Dr Andriena Malgas. Dr
B Malgas is black male and Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI). Dr A Malgas is black
female who is a Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI).
9. Contact Info
Contact Method
Physical Address:
6 Sabie Sands
86 Webber Road
Telephone: 011 8277545
Fax: 086 231 3685
Mobile: 083 647 9470
Web address: