2011 Curriculum Presentation

Curriculum Changes
Academic Affairs and
Office of the Registrar
Curriculum Changes
• Requests for new programs
• Modifications of existing programs
• Course actions (new courses, course
changes, course deletions)
• Undergraduate Programs &
Requirements (degree sheets)
Oklahoma State University
Curriculum Changes
• Forms and instructions available at:
– http://academicaffairs.okstate.edu/faculty-astaff/61-degree-programs-a-curricularrequests
Oklahoma State University
Changes to
Degree Programs
Oklahoma State University
Curriculum Change Timeline
• June 2011
New degree programs & requests to
offer degrees at new locations must be
included in 2012 OSU Academic Plan
• Summer 2011 or later
Submit draft letter of intent for new
degree programs & new locations to
Academic Affairs
Oklahoma State University
New program request
Evaluation Criteria
A. Centrality of the Proposed Program to
the Institution’s Mission
B. Curriculum
C. Academic Standards for Admission,
D. Adequate and Appropriate Faculty
E. Support Resources (library, facilities)
Oklahoma State University
New program request
Evaluation Criteria
F. Student & Employer Demand
G. Unnecessary Duplication
H. Cost & Funding
I. Program Review and Assessment –
include assessment plan
J. Location of proposed program and
method of delivery
Oklahoma State University
Curriculum Change Timeline
• Submit anytime
Modifications to existing degrees
– Program Deletion
– Program Suspension
– Change of Program Name and/or
Degree Designation (BS to BSBA)
– Option Addition
Oklahoma State University
Curriculum Change Timeline
• Submit anytime
Modifications to existing degrees
– Option Deletion
– Option Name Change
– Program Requirement Change
– Other Degree Program Modification
Oklahoma State University
Steps to Approval of Degrees/Options
Graduate Council (if appropriate)
Instruction Council
Council of Deans
Oklahoma State University
Steps to Approval of Degrees/Options
6. OSU/A&M Board of Regents
7. Oklahoma State Regents for
Higher Education (OSRHE)
8. Letter of OSRHE approval posted
in Academic Program Approval
Tracking on SharePoint site
Oklahoma State University
Advertising Degrees/Options
New degrees or changes may not be
advertised or implemented until OSU
receives formal approval from OSRHE;
this includes degree requirement
sheets NOT being included in the
Undergraduate Programs &
Requirements publication if approvals
are not received
Oklahoma State University
Degree Requirement Sheets
• The most current version of the 2011-2012
degree sheets are posted on the Registrar
website. Contact Dionne Boling for any
necessary revisions during the current
academic year.
• Deadlines for the 2012-2013 degree sheet
revision will be provided in Summer 2011.
Oklahoma State University
Changes to
Oklahoma State University
Curriculum Change Timeline
• September 1, 2011 – Arts & Sciences
• October 14, 2011 – Academic Affairs
Course actions (new courses, course
changes, course deletions) submitted to
Academic Affairs after approval by
department & college curriculum
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
Requested changes for Fall 2012
• Course to be Dropped
• New Course to be Added –
select a course number that does NOT
appear on SIS screen 128.
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
SIS 128 screen – example of what it looks like
when checking for repeated courses:
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
Requested changes for Fall 2012
• Change in Credit
• Change in Description
• Change in Number select a course number that does NOT
appear on SIS screen 128.
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
Requested changes for Fall 2012
• Change in Title
• Change in Prefix (e.g., BIOL to BOT)
• Change in Prerequisite
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
Any “Change in…” will appear as a
repeated course on the transcript
For example: Change in course number
from 1111 to 1234
Student who takes 1111 in Fall 2010 and
1234 in Fall 2011 will receive credit only
for second course
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
• General Education Credit – also submit
on the general education database
• Approval of general education changes
by the General Education Advisory
Council (GEAC) will appear on GEAC
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
• Graduate Credit – course will be
reviewed and approved by Dean of
Graduate School
Undergraduate courses requesting
graduate credit must attach syllabus
showing additional work required by
graduate students.
Remember the asterisk!
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
• Crosslisting –the same course is
offered by two or more departments
under different prefixes (e.g., GEOG,
POLS, RUSS 3053 Intro to Central Asian
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
When dropping a
course or submitting
“Change in…”,
complete left column
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
For all actions
except dropping a
course, complete
right column
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
For all actions complete STATE REASON
For new courses, attach Supplementary
Information Form and syllabus
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
For all course actions, complete bottom
box - see Guide for Completion of CAF
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
Mode of Instruction – code the mode of instruction for the course
as follows:
• Lecture with lab
• Lecture with discussion, activity, demonstration, clinic 01
• Recitation, seminar
• Laboratory
• Internship, Field Experience, Clinical Practice
• Physical Education Activity, Recreation Activity
• Speech, Drama, and Journalism Activity
• Independent Study, Directed Readings
• Research: Master Thesis, Doctoral Dissertation
• Individual Instruction
• Other (explain in 50 letters or less)
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
• HEGIS CODE – Enter the HEGIS code,
located at:
s/hegis.pdf, assigned to the department prefix.
• CIP Code –
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
• Approved for SR/UR/R Grades – Grades
of “SR/UR” (satisfactory research,
unsatisfactory research) may only be
given for thesis or dissertation hours;
“R” for master’s degree creative
component courses.
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
• General Education Course – Answer
Y (yes) or N (no).
• Pass/Fail Grading – yes or no.
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
Common errors on Course Action Forms
• Missing or inadequate reason
• Submitted as course modification but
extent of changes indicate it should be
a new course
• On supplemental form, missing
documentation of discussion with
affected department
Oklahoma State University
Course Actions
Common errors on Course Action Forms
• Missing asterisk on graduate courses
• Calculation of credit hours
2-3 lab hours equals 1 credit hour
• Contact hours calculated for short
course instead of 16 week semester
Course Action Summary
Prepare a summary of course action
• Additions
• Modifications
• Deletions
• Mechanicals – changes to courses that
serve as prerequisites to your course
Oklahoma State University
Course Action Summary
Note: The course action summary is the
only documentation presented in the
approval process, therefore; the
information on the summary must be an
exact match of the course action
Oklahoma State University
Steps to Approval of Course Actions
Graduate College (if appropriate)
Instruction Council
Oklahoma State University
Course Action Forms and
Catalog Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions: Changes/New Courses - the highlighted
areas of the course action form on the left are items that affect
the course description on
the right: Note: Please provide catalog-ready descriptions, no
further editing will occur.
Oklahoma State University
• Diane Jones & Gail Gates
Academic Affairs
• Christine Nichols
Classroom Scheduling
Office of the Registrar 4-6885
• Dionne Boling
Office of the Registrar 4-6878
Oklahoma State University