Advertising Federation of America


Welcome to



Association of the West



Federation of America

AAW & AFA Merge

AAF Membership


Local professional advertising association

Corporate Members

Advertiser, agency, media and advertising service companies

College Chapters

Campus organizations comprised of advertising students

About 40,000 members among all facets

Approximately 220 clubs make up the AAF’s

Club/Federation membership.


Region Central




Each Region has a chair, who represents the region both on the national board of Directors and the National Exec


AAF Districts

Council of Governors (C.O.G.)

Made up of the governors of each district

The COG is headed by a COG Chair who also serves on the national Exec Committee.

AAF D5 is comprised of clubs in Ohio,

Kentucky and West Virginia.

AAF D5 Clubs:

– AAF Cleveland

– AAF West Virginia

– Advertising Club of Toledo

– Ad2 Cincinnati

– AdClub Cincinnati

– Advertising Federation of Columbus

– Advertising Federation of Louisville

– Advertising Federation of Greater Akron

– Canton Ad Club

– Greater Dayton Advertising Association

– Lexington Ad Club




District Governance

Your elected officers 2009-2010:


Monika Royal Roberts,


First Lt. Governor :

John McCafferty,


Second Lt. Governor ,

District ADDY Chair

Lisa King, Cleveland


David Caldwell, Lexington

Third Lieutenant Governor,

NSAC Chair :

Steve Mallory, Charleston


Norm Vallone, Dayton

Immediate Past Governor :

Barry Shawgo, Columbus


The ADDY Awards are a three-tiered, national competition recognizing excellence in advertising. It is hosted annually by the American

Advertising Federation, and is the nation's largest advertising competition. Entrants compete at the local level; winners advance to district- and then national-level competition.

AAF District 5 hosts the second-tier of this competition, the District ADDYs , where Gold and certain Silver winners from the local level are judged. District winners advance to the

National ADDY Awards. National ADDY winners are awarded in June at the AAF National


National Student

Advertising Competition

AAF D5 hosts the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) every spring. Each year, a corporate sponsor provides an assignment or case study outlining the history of its product and current advertising situation. The case study is always candid and reflects a real world situation.

Students must research the product and its competition, identify potential problem areas and devise a completely integrated communications campaign for the client. Each student team then "pitches" its campaign to a panel of judges.The winning team in each district and one wild card team then advances to compete on the national level at the AAF National Conference in June.

The NSAC sponsor for 2009-2010 is State Farm.

National Office



Check the National Web site for:

• ADDY info: Rules & guidelines, “How To” guide, judges, more!

• Resources like “How To” guides for

- Membership acquisition & retention

- Advertising Education

- Public Service

- Public Relations

- Programs/Speakers

- Financial Management

- Government Relations

• Best Practices (Ideas for how to be successful)

• Awards (Silver Medal, Barton Cummings, Mosaic, Club Achievement & More)

• Benefits of Membership (job bank; emailed newsletters and updates; discounts on subscriptions, delivery services and more)

• Supplies (certificates/membership cards/benefits brochures)

• And Much More!

If you’d like to:

Improve Your Club

Increase Your Professional Knowledge

Grow Your Network

Make Life-long Friends

Get Involved!

The most valuable benefits of district/national participation:

• Program Ideas/References

• Best Practices/Ideas for Improving


– Fundraising

– Membership

– Club Management

– Communications

– Financial Management

• Resources for just about anything, whether club or professionally-related

• Networking

• Advocating for our industry at the state and national level

