clientimages/40494/ministries presentation

Administrative Ministries
Pastoral Ministry primary
purpose is to:
Serve as overseer of the church under
Share the Word of God through
preaching and teaching
Support the membership through
prayer, counsel, guidance, etc.
Deacon Ministry primary
purpose is to:
Provide assistance to the Pastor in
ministering to the congregation
Provide aid to the membership by
ministering to the congregation
Provide awareness to the membership
concerning the importance of ministry
Provide association between the deacon
ministry and membership.
Trustee Ministry primary
purpose is to:
Manage the finances, financial affairs,
and properties of the church
Monitor the policies and procedures of
the church as it relates to state and
federal mandates.
Church Clerks primary
purpose is to:
Keep records of church and executive
committee meetings
Keep records of membership
applications, and input membership
information in the computer.
Budget Committee
primary purpose is to:
Review ministry leaders budgetary
ministry requests
Recommend to ministry leaders a
proposed budget
Report an annual budget for the year
to be approved by the church
Review and monitor approved budget
during the year and provide quarterly
reports to ministry leaders at
Servant Leaders’ Meeting.
Announcing Clerks
Announcing Clerks primary purpose
is to keep the membership aware of
church and community activities
through public announcements during
the worship services.
Media Ministry
Media Ministry consists of two
components, audio and visual. The
purpose is to enhance the spiritual
maturity of the membership by making
available sermons and songs for an
after Sunday morning worship
experience and are available free to
shut-in members to help provide
comfort and encouragement.
Christian Education and
Discipleship Ministries
King David Men’s Ministry
Strives to improve leadership at home by
fulfilling the responsibilities of a loving
father, husband, and spiritual leader for all
members of the family;
Strives to improve leadership at the church
by fulfilling the responsibilities as stewards
of the Word and the progress of the church;
Strives to improve leadership in the
community by fulfilling the responsibilities
as visible and working examples of
Esther Circle Women’s
Strives to improve Christian womanhood by
educating the women in the church to fulfill
the responsibilities of a loving mother, wife,
sister, friend, and spiritual example for all
members of the family;
Strives to provide strong female leadership
and support in the church, the home and
the community.
Sunday School
Provides for weekly instruction in the
Word of God.
Instruction is provided for all age
The focus of instruction is to provide
members with the necessary
knowledge and insight to mature as
Membership Orientation
Provides for the smooth transition of new
members into the church family.
Classes of instruction are provided to new
members to explain the scriptural principles
that govern the church.
Members completing Orientation Class are
extended the Right Hand of Fellowship
which affords them the rights and privileges
of membership in the First Baptist family by
the pastor.
Learning Center
Is designed to educate, enlighten, and
encourage our most precious resources
through an after school program.
We seek to pour a foundation for spiritual,
mental, physical and intellectual growth
through various experiences and
It is our goal to provide a positive outlet for
educational strengths and to capitalize on
needed aspects for enhancement. The
facility is equipped with a computer lab with
internet service and a library.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Is designed to ministry to the needs of
the congregation through the teaching
of biblical principles that will bring
about spiritual preparation for ministry
and participation in ministry.
Child Care Ministry
Is an opportunity to provide appropriate
evangelism and discipleship of children
through the nursery and children church.
It provides biblical instructions that are
specific to the children of the church.
This ministry serves children ages four (4)
to ten (10) years of age. Children’s Church
is held on the second, third and fourth
Sundays during the 10:45 worship service.
Provisions are being made for the 8:30
worship service.
Children/Youth Ministries
Teen Timothy and
Teen Titus 2 Youth Ministries
Have the responsibility of providing biblical,
educational, and fun programs and activities
specifically geared to the youth of the
These programs and activities are to ensure
that every teen has the opportunity to grow
spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially.
The goal is to equip our youth with the
skills necessary to live a godly life and to
evangelize those they come in contact with
Wednesday Night Children &
Teen Bible Study
Is designed to minister to the needs of
children and youth from ages four to
All Children meet in the Learning Center for
homework assistance and tutoring activities.
Teens meet in the Men’s Classroom.
Our focus with the teens is on establishing a
solid biblical foundation by providing studies
that focus on character, values, and a
student’s personal relationship with Christ.
Outreach Ministries
Benevolence Ministry
& Evangelism Ministry
Provides for the physical
needs of members and
the community. Its
scope includes
provisions for financial
assistance, provisions
for meeting food and
clothing needs, and
efforts to meet spiritual
needs for our members
and the community.
Reaches out to the
unsaved by sharing the
gospel of Jesus Christ. In
addition, the evangelism
ministry provides
instruction in the various
strategies of lifestyle and
street evangelism. The
goal of this ministry is to
recruit, train and use
Christians to lead others
to Jesus Christ, utilizing a
variety of methods and
through distribution of
Christian literature in the
neighboring community.
Raven Ministry &
My Brother’s Keeper Ministry
Is a food outreach
ministry designed to
meet a physical need
that we are instructed
to make available as a
body of believers. The
food outreach ministry
is a food basket service
for the many needy in
our community and
Ensures every member
of the Church can be
visited during times of
hospitalization or
confinement due to
illness, injury or
periods of grief and
loss. It is personal
outreach to the sick,
hurting, shut-in and
needy in the hospital,
nursing home, and at
home. Our goal is to
pray, encourage, and
assist them.
Mission Ministry &
Clothing Closet
Promotes the
conversion of the
lost, establishment of
the church,
assistance of the
needy, and the
glorifying of God’s
grace by spreading
the Gospel
throughout the
Provides clothing,
coats, blankets,
personal hygiene
items and other
valuable and vital
commodities to the
Senior Adult Ministry &
S.T.E.P. Ministry
Functions on the principle
that Christian values,
service and spiritual needs
do not stop with age.
Senior adults are a vital
part of our family! These
saints of the Lord have
given so much to our
congregation through the
years, and our desire is to
minister to them in a
special way. It is the goal
of this ministry to continue
to enhance the learning of
God’s Word and provide
fun fellowship outings.
An acronyms for
serving to equip people
provides the
membership an
opportunity to serve in
community outreach
work by providing
mentoring to at risk
youth in the
Worship Ministry
Proclamation Ministry &
Mass Choir
Consists of the
preaching of the
Word of God in an
inspirational, and
inerrant manner to
equip, encourage,
empower, and
evangelize the
is to minister God’s
Holy Word through
song and to
prepare the
congregation for
the spoken Word.
Psalm 100:2 states,
“…come before His
presence with
Praise Dancers &
Praise Team
consists of young
female children who
don’t mind praising him
with the liturgical
dance. Psalm 49:3
states, “Praise the Lord
with dance…” Praise
Dance glorifies, praises
and lifts up the name
of the Lord, through
movements, steps,
music and song.
consists of skilled
singers who usher in
the presence of the
Lord so that He may
dwell in the presence
of His people. This
group sings songs that
cause you to stand up,
clap your hands, pat
your feet, and sing
Servant Ministries
Floral Ministry &
Beautification Ministry
Provides comfort
and compassion
through floral
expressions of love
to those who are
sickness as well as
Promotes through
out the facilities of
First Baptist an
environment that
reflects the beauty
and love that the
Father has for all
who enter His
Deaconess Ministry &
Student Achievement
Serves as a helper
to the Deacon
Ministry by
providing assistance
with communion,
baptism, and the
spiritual life of the
Provides and
promotes academic
excellence by
recognizing and
rewarding students
for their success in
Transportation & Security
Ministry provides and
arranges transportation
to members for various
activities conducted by
the church. This
ministry supports the
other programs at the
church by providing
members with a means
by which they can
access the services and
the other ministries
Security Ministry
provides assistance in
directing traffic and
patrolling the parking
lots during service
hours. The mission of
the Security Ministry is
to ensure that church
members have a safe
and secure worship
environment within
and around the
Welcome Ministry &
Usher Ministry
Welcome Ministry is
designed to greet our
members and visitors
during our regular
services and provide a
friendly atmosphere for
all who enter the doors
of the Lord’s house.
They provide a
welcoming smile to
members and visitors.
They also serve as tour
Usher Ministry serves
as doorkeepers and
welcomes visitors.
Ushering is the art of
making the members
and the visitors feel
comfortable lending
spiritual dignity to the
church service.
Through promptness,
courtesy, and tact, the
usher assists the Pastor
and promotes the
worship experience.
Health Ministry &
Recreation Ministry
Provides education
programs about health
related issues, coordinates
and provides information
about accessibility of health
care services offered in the
community. The ministry
also addresses the care
needs of the membership,
and strives to establish
communication, interaction
and collaboration of efforts
with local health
organizations. The ministry
sponsors an annual Health
Provides a program of
physical activities for the
membership in an effort
to help produce a wellrounded individual and
assist in the church’s
overall program of
ministry. The ministry
provides activities for the
membership through
basketball, kickball,
dodge ball and volleyball
teams. The Ministry also
offers aerobics, and
fitness exercising
Kitchen Ministry, Lawn Care
& Building Maintenance
Mostly provides service in
support of events held at
our church. The Kitchen
Ministry’s purpose is to
guide, help with planning,
and provide the physical
assistance in the use of
the kitchen facilities for
the church. This ministry
cooks, prepares, and
serves food with the spirit
of the Christian servant.
Provides maintenance
of the lawn to ensure
a pleasant and
peaceful environment
of beauty outside the
Provides maintenance
of the building to
ensure proper
operation of
equipment and
building upkeep.
Public Relations Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to inform
the congregation and community by
communicating church-wide special
events in a positive and professional light
through flyers, invitations, the internet, or
other forms of media. Matthew 5:14 states
“You are the light of the world, a city set on
a hill cannot be hid”.