100% Definition: total, complete, all

Definition: total, complete, all-encompassing. 100% expresses the goal of the 2013 Annual
Stewardship Commitment campaign. 100%. We challenge 100% of Central members to
make a financial commitment in support of Central’s mission and growth and the ministry of
the Presbyterian Church (USA). Your commitment is NOT a requirement; not
“membership dues.” Rather, this goal is an invitation to invest in a holy purpose beyond
yourself; it’s a call to share in breathtaking ministry that changes lives in downtown Denver,
throughout the United States, and in some eighty countries around the world. It’s a
recognition that we’re all in this together—the Christian path is taken with others who share
joys and burdens . 100%
You’ll be hearing much more from your Central family about their decision to make a
commitment. For now, think about your own response. What questions do you have?
What information would you like to help you make your commitment? Please contact
Pastor Louise or a member of the Stewardship Team: Chris Leh, Barbara Walton, Roz
Stanford, John Stevens or Joyce Coville. And repeat after me: 100% . . . every Central
member with a commitment to do God’s work through Central!