2012 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING January 13, 2013

January 13, 2013
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
Southern Shores, NC
January 13, 2013
Table of Contents
Healing Team
Parish Statistics
Office Volunteers
Rector’s Report
Parish Life
2010 Annual Meeting Minutes
Pastoral Care
2011 Vestry Nominee Profiles
Servant Ministry
Solo Flight
Adult Education/Spirituality
After Dark @ All Saints’
Altar Guild
Christian Education
Endowment Fund
According to the Bylaws of All Saints’ Episcopal Church ---
In all church elections those entitled to vote therein shall meet the following qualifications:
[Adult Communicant: in Good Standing, hereafter referred to as “Communicant”]
Be a person who has received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism with water, whether in the Episcopal Church
or in another Christian Church, and whose Baptism has been duly recorded in the Episcopal Church; and
Be sixteen years of age or older; and
Have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and been faithful in working,
praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God; and
Have been enrolled as a member of the Church by Letter of Transfer, Certificate of Membership, or other
canonical measure; and
Shall have subscribed to the following declaration: “I do hereby consent to be governed by the Constitution
and Canons of the Church, as set forth in and by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal
Church in the United States of America and by the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of East
January 13, 2013
Appointment of Clerk for Annual Meeting
Rector’s Comments
Senior Warden’s Comments
Introduction of Candidates
Vestry Election
Report from Finance Committee
Other Business
Children / Youth
Confirmations and Receptions
Average Sunday church attendance
Easter 2012
Christmas 2012
Facts and Figures
Total Services
Total Attendance
Average Sunday
Rector’s Annual Report for 2012
This is my 113th Parson Tom’s Tomes for All Saints and the 9th annual summary. I have done
hundreds of sermon given over a thousand times and there is probably nothing that I say that
surprises you now. Today I want to borrow from Anne Lamott’s latest book- it is very slim but it is a
good beginning for those who would get serious about prayer, Help, Thanks, and Wow. In my 9 and
half years here I have found that my sermons and tomes are about equally divided in these three
The budget is some difficulty due to some different factors. (1) While many have
increased their pledges; some of our long time members have moved because they needed different
living arrangements. Usually these older people have been more committed in their giving. (2) The
amount of plate offering from visitors has decreased because, (a) we have had less visitors due to the
economy and (b) those who do visit have been more strapped. (3) We have had difficulty having a
viable youth and education program and parents want to see that the church cares about welcoming
the whole family. (4) We have spent more time trying to reach out to people through electronic mediaall my sermons, tomes and the church’s newsletter is on the website, Facebook pages and blogs and
we are using a weekly e-mail blast. This attempt to keep all of us connected electronically may have a
paradoxical effect in that there is less need to come to Sunday morning to find out what is happening
and the Family Ministry program is an attempt to put human beings together than just bytes. (5) The
good ole days of Sunday morning being the planned day for worship and community is not working as
it once did because young families are stretched. We will need to come up with other options to be
church rather than just relying on passive attendance at a structured service. (6) I have pushed the
idea of greater involvement in the community and leadership in the church as part of the fulfillment of
Baptismal vows and the churches that seem to be growing for young families tend to focus in on ‘feel
good” services for those who are tired with a “membership-lite” commitment. (7) The whole image of
church is undergoing a national trend of turning away from denominational in-fighting and pushing for
“being right”. We have been relatively spared from that here at All Saints but younger people see how
others have been burned. (8) My leadership may need to be examined just like in professional teams
the coach is the one on whom the buck stops.
The vestry leadership has been richly blessed by the hard work of your Senior Warden,
Brewster Brown who puts in long hours and sage advice. The vestry bids farewell to three good and
faithful servants Charles Coppage, a lawyer by trade, is really helpful in thoroughly looking at the
implications of our actions. He keeps us from being blindsided. Stephanie Baker has fought the
uphill battle to welcome and incorporate young families and she keeps drawing our attention to how
we treat our children. Bob Edwards is our man who understands how buildings work and how they
need work. One of my fondest memories of Bob is when he and Anita were working one evening
putting on headlights and reflectors on all the bikes donated to the Angel tree, wanting to make sure
that the kids will be safer. Kay O’Brien is stepping aside as Clerk of the Vestry- she made sure that
what we did was faithfully recorded and available for the entire congregation. Andy Mohr of AM-PM
Commercial Services makes REAL sure that our buildings are attractive and clean. Deb MacDonald
is the person who keeps our financial house in order and people who give know she will make sure
that their gift and pledge will go to where they were designated. Judy Mumma runs our office and
she is wonderful by making sure the office works efficiently. There are so many others for whom to
give thanks but then it is like giving thanks to God- we always get more than we can count.
I am in awe of what God is doing here on the Outer Banks and in our church. Every
day I go to work I see God working and creating.
Bless you in this coming year.
January 11, 2012, 9:30-10:15am
The meeting was called to order by Fr. Tom Wilson at 9:30am. Fr. Tom opened with prayer.
Approval of minutes of 2011 Annual Meeting. Motion was made and seconded to accept the 2011 Minutes.
Appointment of Clerk for the Annual Meeting: Kay O’Brien was appointed as Clerk for the Annual
Rector’s Comments: Fr. Tom expressed his appreciation for the All Saints staff, Judy Mumma, Andy Mohr,
and Steve and Suzanne Blackstock and thanked them for their many contributions to our church. He also
expressed thanks and appreciation to the Vestry and the three (3) Vestry members who are going off the Vestry
– Maureen McGrath, John Fricker, and Jennifer Adams. He introduced the five (5) candidates who are running
for the vacated positions on the Vestry. They are: Sandy Briggman, Tim McKeithan, Tia Edwards, Mark
Kasten, and Tom O’Brien.
Vestry Election Results: The ballots for the election of the three (3) 3-year commitments on the Vestry were
handed out. Elected are: Sandy Briggman, Tim McKeithan, and Tom O’Brien. All five of the candidates were
thanked for their willingness to serve.
Report from the Finance Committee: Deb MacDonald, our Treasurer, reported that with the help of the
carry-over amount from last year, we were able to meet many of our goals. Despite weather-related events
(lightning strike in April and Hurricane Irene in August) we were able to have the floors in the Sanctuary
refinished and the Sanctuary and Narthex painted. Deb pointed out that we will not have a large carry-over
amount this year and that we will need to be very careful with our money.
John Tucker reported that to date we have received 131 pledges – 15 more than last year. However, we have
received about $3000 less than last year. John was thanked for his work on our Stewardship Committee.
Thanks were expressed to Paula Myatt for her work as Assistant Treasurer, and Jennifer Adams was welcomed
as our new Assistant Treasurer.
Comments: Maureen McGrath was thanked for her three years on the Vestry and especially for her tireless
work for the past two years as the Vestry’s Senior Warden.
Fr. Tom Wilson was thanked for his outstanding work this past year, often in the face of health problems and
the loss of a beloved dog. Zoe will be missed.
Other Business: The question of how many of the Sunday School age children actually attend Sunday School.
Fr. Tom responded that very few children attend at the present time and explained that many of the Sunday
School age children live in homes where both parents work outside the home and that many times Sunday
morning is the only time for family time. He said that we need to rethink Sunday mornings as our main time for
Christian Education. Fr. Tom thanked Suzanne Blackstock for her work as our part-time Christian Education
Coordinator. Suzanne will be taking some time off to prepare for her teacher certification program.
Thanks were offered by various parishioners to the many people at All Saints who so freely contribute their
time and talents to All Saints.
Vestry Retreat: the Vestry Retreat will be held at All Saints on January 28. Fr. Tom is recommending the
book “The New Outlook” by Sandra Swan who will be speaking to us at the 10:30 service. Fr. Tom also
recommended that the incoming Vestry members meet with the outgoing Vestry members.
Fr. Tom thanked everyone for coming to the Annual Meeting and concluded the meeting with prayer at
Respectfully Submitted
Kay O’Brien, Clerk
Acolyte and Youth Group
Committee Members: Dave Briggman, Sandy Briggman
Monthly Meeting Time: No set meeting schedule.
Committee Mission: To develop a sense of community within and outside the group and to see God
in their world, in their language.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities:
 Reinvigorate the Acolyte and Youth Programs. The Youth Group met regularly from February
until the summer break.
 Increased attendance at the Acolyte Festival.
 Organized and participated in “Youth Sunday.”
 Organized and prepared for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt for children.
 Organized and held “Talent Night.”
 Participated in 1 lock-in.
 Implemented “Teen Prayer” each week to be read by a teen after the Prayers of the People
each Sunday.
 Prepared dessert for “Ruthie’s Kitchen.”
 Prepared and held confirmation classes for 12 youth who were confirmed on December 2,
Additional needs: Funding for activities and mission trips.
2013 Objective: To begin meeting as a group on a regular basis starting January 14, 2013. To have
a place for All Saints’ Youth to have fun, develop their spiritual journey, continue being an active part
of Sunday worship, and to feel good about what they can contribute to All Saints’ and the community.
Adult Education and Spirituality
Committee Chairperson and members: Kaye white, Chair; Jim MacDonald (Vestry), Dick Calhoun,
Ellen Newsom, Vicki Parker, Jane Williams, Fr. Tom Wilson
Regular scheduled meeting time: Quarterly - 2nd Thursday at 3:00 p.m. beginning in January.
Committee Mission/Purpose: The role of this committee is to offer educational opportunities and
experiences for our spiritual formation and growth.
Summary of major accomplishments/activities for the past year:
Opportunities for a variety of retreats and conferences were noted in the Trumpeter throughout the
This was the third year of the publication of the All Saints’ Lenten Meditations written by our own All
Saints’ family based on the gospel of Mark. We thank all for their participation. This will be done
again in 2013 with meditations on the gospel of Luke.
The office of morning prayer was read weekdays at the church during Lent. The Lenten Study Series
(five sessions) which followed soup/salad suppers, focused on And It Was Good, a Lenten course for
the Anglican Communion, followed by table discussions on our understanding of and responsibility for
creation and how Anglicans in different parts of the world use and interpret the Bible.
Adult Bible Study continues to be held on Sunday mornings between services and on Tuesday
mornings led by Fr. Tom. In December the Tuesday bible study switched to Monday noon with bag
Wednesday Evening Programs: Ignacio Gotz led discussions in September and October on
“Personal Morality: A History” and “The Bible on Homosexuality.” Jane Welch led discussions
throughout the year on the Gospel of Thomas, which is continuing into 2013.
Quarterly labyrinth walks were held in March, June, September and December for church family
and community members to walk the labyrinth along with a short meditation led by Pat Wilson.
Popcorn Theology: Movie night was held in April led by Charles Coppage. This program was
suspended until further notice at the request of Fr. Tom.
Dream Group continues to meet on the first and third Tuesdays each month led by Pat Wilson.
Quiet Day Retreat sponsored by Daughters of the King, “Living in God,” was held the first Saturday
of November.
Additional Needs: Program ideas from church members and more volunteers for committee.
2013 Vision: More active participation in adult education by the church family.
Committee Members: Tess Judge, Julie Hamilton, John Tucker, John and Sandy Fricker, Tom and
Beth Secules, Jack and Sally Myers, Helen vanLaer, Fr Tom and Pat Wilson, Mary Moynahan,
Maureen McGrath, John Gualtieri, Fr Ted Bishop, Nancy Kay, Marilyn Fitzgerald, David Feyrer, Dick
Calhoun, Tim McKeithan, Joe and Mary Lou Beckett, Andy Mohr, Judy Mumma, Kay and Tom
Monthly Meeting Time: As necessary
Committee Mission: Develop and conduct the After Dark @ All Saints program of community
evening classes as a fund raising program to support the outreach mission of All Saints.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities: The 2012 program attracted over 550 class
registrations, the majority of which were from the community, generated net proceeds of $10,000 for
Room in the Inn, Community Care Clinic of Dare, Interfaith Community Outreach, and Food For
Additional needs: Volunteers to recruit interesting teachers, organize the classes, prepare the
program brochure, publicize the event, and manage the process.
2013 Vision: Launch the fourth program on January 21st, 2013. Begin planning the fifth program in
September with a broad spectrum of new class offerings.
Committee Members: Jennifer Adams, Jeanette Anderson, Mary Lou Beckett, Jeanne Coppage,
Sandy Fricker, Vivian Gould, Carole Kimmel
Ann Laughner, Lucille Levan, Sally Myers, Elaine Piddington, Beth Secules, Betsy Shea and JoAnn
Monthly Meeting Time: Assigned teams meet weekly
Committee Mission: To be the “behind the scenes” crew that sets up for all worship services at All
Saints. These include weekly services, weddings, baptisms and funerals. We work in teams of 3 or
4, assigned to a specific weekend each month. For holidays with multiple services, we work together.
We also care for all the Eucharistic vessels and linens that are used for our services. We purchase
all consumables, wine, wafers and cleaning supplies.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities: Same as above
2013 Vision: To enlist new members for the Altar Guild. To purchase additional linens in an attempt
to complete our sets.
Christian Education
Committee Members: Stephanie Baker, Karen Bachman, Tess Judge, Jessica Lenhart, Phyllis
Porcher, Rebecca Wilcox (Sandy Briggman as Vestry Liaison).
Monthly Meeting Time: No set meeting schedule.
Committee Mission: To enrich the spiritual life of all children so they can develop and maintain a
relationship with God.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities:
 Vacation Bible School - The committee hoped to have a VBS this year but due to scheduling
conflicts of the adults to run the program, VBS was cancelled for this year.
 2012-2013 Sunday School Curriculum - Kids’ Church has been the only constant Christian
Education class. This class did not have a break for the summer. Stephanie Baker led Kids’
Church until September at which time Hayden Hargis and Cristy Mode took over coordinating
this class. Pop Music was held for 5th grade to 12th, began on April 1, 2012, and was led by
Jessica Lenhart. That class did not resume in September due to lack of youth attendance. No
other classes have been held since September, after the summer break, other than Kids’
Additional needs: Chairperson, children to attend regularly, and teachers.
2013 Objective: Christian Ed will continue with Kids’ Church and is launching a Sunday School
Curriculum beginning January 6th, 2013. The first session will include all children from 4th to 12th
grade and will include a Labyrinth Talk and Labyrinth Walk led by Pat Wilson. Subsequent Sundays,
the curriculum used will be “Living the Good News” led by Karen Bachman. The class breakdown will
evolve once student participation is determined.
Vacation Bible School will be reevaluated for the summer of 2013.
More regularly scheduled meetings will be attempted.
Columbarium Garden and Labyrinth
Committee Chair: Joe Beckett
Summary of 2012 Activities:
In this year 2012, Douglas Fenn was interred in the All Saints Columbarium Garden.
Many folks have helped with the maintenance of this area but Leckie and Jim Connors have most
definitely done the lion’s share of the work. We appreciate their zeal and kindness.
Labyrinth walks marking the solstices were led by Pat Wilson; however, the winter solstice was a
washout due to it being a cold dreak day.
We anticipate initiating a regular schedule of maintenance for this area in 2013. Any Parishioners
interested in joining this committee would be most welcome; contact Joe Beckett at 261-3342.
Communications Committee
Committee Members: Sandy and Dave Briggman
Monthly Meeting Time: N/A
Committee Mission: Facilitate communication with parish members and local newspapers.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities: Edited Trumpeter, sent ‘email blasts’, maintained
web page, placed articles and advertisements in local newspapers.
Additional needs:
Trumpeter: Need articles submitted for the Trumpeter in a timely fashion (by the 20th of the preceding
month deadline) and submitted ready to print.
Web Page: Need activity and 2012 schedule updates for web page in a timely fashion.
Email blasts: Need email addresses updated to us when they change.
2013 Vision: Continue.
Dave & Sandy Briggman
All Saints Endowment Fund
Committee Members: Rob Holmes; Tess Judge; Joe Beckett; Ron Deveau, Secretary; Tom O’Brien,
Chair. Ex-Officio members: Brewster Brown, Sr. Warden; Fr Tom Wilson, Rector.
Monthly Meeting Time: No fixed time, but at least quarterly.
Committee Mission: The purpose of this FUND is to enable the PARISH to more completely fulfill
its mission by developing its ministries beyond what is possible through its annual operating funds,
and therefore the FUND shall be used only for (i) capital needs of PARISH (ii) initiate grants (iii) seed
money for new ministries and special one-time projects and (iv) such other purposes as are
specifically designated by donors to the PARISH whose gifts are included in the FUND. The
Endowment Fund Board (this committee) is the custodian of the FUND.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities:
Preparation and enactment by Vestry approval tow guiding policy documents: Gifts and Bequests
Acceptance Policy, and Spending Rules. These two documents provide directions on how All Saints
may accept gifts and how funds are to be invested and spent.
Additional needs: At least two Board members are due to be rotated off and replaced with two
volunteers for a three year term.
2013 Vision:
1. Obtain at least two new members.
2. Host a parish-wide social event to publicize the planned giving opportunities for parishioners to
consider All Saints Endowment Fund.
3. Propose an organizational structure to encompass this Fund and the Gifts and Memorials
Committee function.
Finance Committee 2012 Annual Report
Composition of the Committee: Tess Judge, Chair; Deb MacDonald, Treasurer; Jennifer Adams,
Assistant Treasurer; Vestry Liaison; Joe Beckett, Mary Lou Beckett, Tim McKeithan, Carol Cowell,
Ed Cowell, Bob Edwards, Paula Myatt, John Tucker, Tom O’Brien, Brewster Brown, Sr. Warden.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time: The second Tuesday every other month at 5:30, or as
Committee Mission: To oversee the financial operations of the parish; review monthly Treasurer’s
reports; make recommendations to the Vestry and Rector concerning financial matters and compile
the annual budget.
All Saints Episcopal Church
Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2012
Petty Cash
General Checking Account
Money Market Account
Foundation Fund Money Market - Gateway
Total Cash and Investments
Furniture and Fixtures
Accumulated Depreciation (Building)
Accumulated Depreciation (FF&E)
Total Fixed Assets
Mortgage – Southern Bank & Trust
Total Mortgage Liability
Operating Pledge Prepaid
Total Prepaid Pledge/Income
Accounts Payables/Vendors
Total Liabilities
Total Funds Balance
Operating Fund Balance
Real Estate Fund Balance
Mortgage Reduction Fund Balance
Designated Gifts Balance
Columbarium Fund Balance
Suspense Fund Balance
J2A Fund Balance
Acolyte Fund Balance
ASEC After Dark Fund Balance
Outreach Fund Balance
Flower Guild Fund Balance
Landscaping Fund Balance
Christian Ed Fund Balance
Music Fund Balance
Prayer Shawl Ministry Fund Balance
Sabbatical Reserve Balance
Contingency Fund Balance
Foundation Fund Balance
Finance Committee
Committee Chair: Tess Judge
All Saints in 2012 did not meet budget revenue projections by $2,463 primarily due to shortfalls Loose
Plate and Operating donations from non-pledge parishioners. Due to great efficiency, expenses were
well below budget. This has delivered a much needed, but less than anticipated, carry forward for our
2012 operating budget.
All Saints contracted for a much needed building maintenance project in the fall of 2012. The exterior
of both buildings were cleaned and re-painted. These projects were funded through the operating
budget. The projects under the supervision and guidance of Bob Edwards, Jr. Warden were
completed with great satisfaction.
All Saints was blessed to be able to give back to our local community $15,435 and an additional
$3,146 to other Episcopal ministries such as Heifer International, Ministries in Mexico and the
Diocese Nets for Life Program. All these were made possible by our fundraising efforts throughout
the year and through the caring and generous spirit of our parishioners who made designed
donations through the year for Outreach efforts as well as working in our fundraising activities.
All Saints received an UNQUALIFIED OPINION again this year from our Certified Public Accounts for
our 2011 financials. An Unqualified Opinion is an excellent report. We are grateful to our treasurer,
Ms. Deb Macdonald for her diligent and efficient work in the handling and record keeping of church
Healing Team
Committee Members: Fr. Ted & Joan Bishop, Beth & Tom Secules, Tom & Kay O’Brien, Joe &
Mary Lou Beckett, Roisin McKeithen, Perry White, Helen Van Laer, Sandy Fricker, Pat Wilson, Tia
Edward, Joan Rauscher
Monthly Meeting Time: Meets Saturday before the Second Sunday of the month at 10:00 am for
prayer, study and planning
Committee Mission: The Team provides the ministry of healing prayer at the 8:30 Eucharist twice
each month and at the 10:30 Eucharist each Sunday. And in addition are available, on call, for
special circumstances.
Summary of 2012 Achievements and Activities: In 2012 the Team sponsored a Saturday
conference on Healing Prayer and brought the Rev. Nigel Mumford from Albany, NY as facilitator. 64
people from the mid-Atlantic area attended.
At the rector’s request we have increased our presence at Sunday worship from twice each month to
every Sunday.
2013 Vision: We welcome interest in sharing this ministry. We will continue on the present schedule
for the foreseeable future.
Office Volunteers
Committee Chair: Phyllis Porcher
The office volunteers provide coverage Monday – Thursday afternoons and at other prearranged
times when the Administrative Assistant is out of the office. They are the “real live” voices you hear
when you call so that the church doesn’t always have to rely on an impersonal answering machine.
They are the friendly, human face of All Saints’ when visitors come to “check us out” in the afternoon.
Duties of the volunteers include greeting visitors, answering phones, relaying messages, and making
calls as needed. In addition, they perform miscellaneous office duties as requested, including weekly
bulletin-folding and monthly Trumpeter folding, stamping, and labeling. The volunteers make weekly
calls to “Those Who Serve” on Sunday mornings to remind them of their duty for that day – including
LEMS, Lay Readers, Ushers and Greeters, Acolytes and Torch Bearers, Coffee Hour hosts, and
Nursery Volunteers.
In an effort to ensure that the church office has current information on all parishioners, the office staff
recommends that each member of the congregation complete/update a Parish Information Form
(always available in the office or the Narthex).
We appreciate that all volunteers respect the confidentiality and sanctity of the church.
The following people have served faithfully and deserve our thanks for representing us:
oe Beckett
Nancy Burnett
Joan Carrithers
Ruthie Charlton
Ed Cowell
Carol Cowell
Tia Edwards
John Fricker
Sandy Fricker
John Gualtieri
Julie Hamilton
David Harden
Janet Harden
Lucille Levan
Maureen McGrath
Betty Medlock
Tim McKeithan
Barbara Mercado
Carlos Mercado
Ellen Newsom
Kay O’Brien
Tom O’Brien
Rosemary Rosenburg
Beth Secules
Tom Secules
Cynthia Slegel
Bill Stott
Jerry Stott
Sylvia Wadsworth
Leisel Witzel
Committee Members, Sandy Feyrer, John Fricker, Jack and Sally Myers, and Paula Myatt
Monthly Meeting Time: Second Thursday of each month at 9:30am
Committee Mission: To promote fellowship, encourage a warm and inviting environment within our
church, be of service to others and develop relationships among parish members. We are currently
promoting and discussing new ideas, as well as enhancing old ways, to incorporate more people into
the fabric of our church, with ongoing attention to people’s needs and wants.
Summary of 2012 achievements: Monitoring of the guest book, bread/coffee mug taking to new
members and visitors, prayer postcard ministry, hugely successful Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper,
extremely well attended Lenten Soup and Salad series, Old Fashioned Summer Picnic in June,
assisting with the Bishop’s reception in December, and coordinating post memorial receptions as
needed.. We have also done our best to support and participate in the work of other various
committees within All Saints.
Additional needs: Parish Life is in need of new members – please come and join the fun! Our
major struggle, though, is acquiring new members’ contact information! We would love to have a
database or list of email addresses, phone numbers and physical addresses to invite and welcome
new members to all Parish Life functions. We hope to figure out a better method of staying
connected to the newcomer.
2013 Vision: Parish Life is about connecting with each other here at All Saints through developing
healthy relationships. We hope to focus on these fundamentals throughout the following year in the
spirit of Christian fellowship - with warmth and enthusiasm!
Parish Life
Monthly Meeting Time: Second Thursday of each month at 9:30am.
Committee Members: Stephanie Baker, Ruthie Charlton, David and Sandy Feyrer, John Fricker,
Julie Hamilton, John Lenhart and Jack and Sally Myers
Committee Mission: To promote fellowship, encourage a warm and inviting environment within our
church, be of service to others and develop relationships amongst All Saints’ parishioners.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities: Well attended monthly prayer breakfasts;
monitoring of the guest book; bread/coffee mug taking to new members and visitors; prayer postcard
ministry; Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper; well attended Lenten Soup and Salad series with guest
speaker/storyteller Donald Davis; very well received End of the Year Parish Picnic at Currituck Sound
Park; and worked in conjunction with the Hospitality Committee for the Strickland’s going away
celebration in the spring and the Bishop’s reception and Wreath-Making Luncheon in December.
2012 began Family Dinners/Brunches specifically for the families of All Saints’ as part of the church
initiative to move to a more programmatic church format and to help develop these relationships. We
used E-vite, a web-based invitation system to send and track invitations, in conjunction with weekly
announcements, Trumpeter and Shepherd’s Notices to promote the activities. We have also
updated the database or list of email addresses, phone numbers and physical addresses and done
our best to support and participate in the work of other various committees within All Saints’. We are
working on updating the “Open Door,” and All Saints’ informational booklet for newcomers.
2013 Vision: Parish Life is about connecting with each other through developing strong interpersonal
relationships. We hope to focus on these fundamentals throughout the following year in the spirit of
Christian fellowship - with warmth and enthusiasm!
Additional needs: Parish Life is in need of new members – please come and join the fun!
Pastoral Care Committee
Committee Members: Joe Beckett, Mary Lou Beckett, Joan Bishop, Father Ted Bishop, Nancy
Burnett, Ruthie Charlton, Tia Edwards, Sandy Fricker, Carole Kimmel, Kay O’Brien, Tom O’Brien,
Beth Secules, Tom Secules, Barbara Tucker, and Maureen McGrath, chair
Monthly Meeting Time: Meets every other month
Committee Mission: To be there for parishioners “when things fall apart,” i.e., to provide for
parishioners earthly and spiritual needs, especially for the sick, home bound, hospitalized, bereaved
or those in need of some other support.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities: Thank you to all the members of the Pastoral Care
Committee for their caring and hard work this past year. Also thank you to all those non-Committee
members who have stepped forward to help others within our faith community. God surely is working
through each and every one of us who reaches out to help another at All Saints’.
The Committee provides prayer mechanisms via the Prayer Chains and the Prayers of the People. A
prayer request box is now in the narthex for confidential requests. The Currently, members of the
Healing Teams are available on all Sundays for prayer. All Saints’ sponsored a Healing Team
conference at the church with about 65 attending. More than 20 prayer shawls have been knitted and
given. Home Eucharist is taken to the home bound. More than 50 sympathy and get well cards have
been sent. Finally, the Committee has prepared soups and meals and placed them in the church
freezer and used them for those members who need meals. Additionally fresh meals have been
provided to parishioners.
Additional needs: Volunteers, who are not Committee members, are needed to help to reach all
members of the church who are in need.
2013 Vision: To establish a bereavement subcommittee with procedures and contacts for when a
parishioner dies, to become more aware of the needs of one another, and to continue to minister to
all members of the parish who are in need.
Committee Members: Ed Cowell, Anita Edwards, Sandy Feyrer, David Harden, Carole Kimmel, Tim
McKeithan, Barbara Mercado, Jane Welch, Perry White, Tom Wilson
Monthly Meeting Time: Second Tuesday of the Month, 1:00
Committee Mission: God calls us to be attentive to the needs of the community; to communicate
those needs to the congregation; and to provide, to the best of our ability, the volunteer and financial
resources to meet those needs.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities: In addition to financial support, the committee has
provided volunteers for Food for Thought and The Beach Food Pantry. During the past year,
parishioners have prepared and served dinner to 150+ guests at Ruthie’s Kitchen; the Angel Tree
provided Christmas gifts to 17 children from 6 families; ties were collected for Endless Possibilities;
and support was given to the Hotline Domestic Violence Shelter through the in-gathering of essential
items from their Wish List. 10 Ministry Focus presentations were made during the year. These
presentations, which included both local and world needs, were made by All Saints parishioners or by
community representatives. As individuals, many of the members of All Saints volunteer in the local
OBX Hurricane Relief, Irene
Dare Challenge
Beach Food Pantry
Ruthie’s Kitchen
Interfaith Community Outreach
Community Care Clinic
Food for Thought
Colony Ridge
Nets for life
Interfaith Community Outreach
Hurricane Relief, Sandy
Interfaith Community Outreach
Food for Thought
Community Care Clinic
Room in the Inn
Heifer International
$ 913.03
Additional needs: To increase the size of the committee so that more projects can be undertaken.
2013 Vision: To encourage the spiritual practice of service to the local and world communities. “To
Love Our Neighbors As Ourselves”
Solo Flight Singles Ministry
Committee Members: Chairs – Pat Kinney, Jim Goes, Nancy Burnett; 20+ members
Monthly Meeting Time: Every Sunday and scheduled events.
Committee Mission: To meet as often as possible whether 2 or 20 are gathered in His name. To
provide outreach and activities to singles of all descriptions, church members and non-church
members who would otherwise not join in church activities.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities: Acquired two new members and new committee
chair. Activities varied from birthday parties, pool parties, weekly luncheons, participation in all
church activities, including coffee hour, Lenten suppers, Holly Days, Lobster Fest, and the list goes
on. A few trips were cancelled due to inclement weather.
Additional needs:
2013 Vision: To continue to do God’s work by reaching new members and finding new and
interesting activities to share.
2012 Annual Committee Report
Committee Chairperson and Members: John Tucker, Chair, Fr. Tom Wilson, Tom O'Brien,
Jim MacDonald, David Feyrer, Karen Arbaugh, Jeff Edwards, and Tess Judge.
Regular Scheduled Meeting Times: An organizational was held on September 7, 2012. Subsequent
meetings were held on September 30, and November 16. A wrap-up meeting will be conducted in
January, 2013 to make recommendations for the 2014 campaign.
Committee Purpose/Mission: To organize/plan the annual pledge drive for operating and mortgage
reduction funds for All Saint's Episcopal Church.
Summary of Major Accomplishments: The 2013 Stewardship Campaign was launched on
Sunday October 7, 2012 at 9:00 AM with breakfast and an abbreviated church service followed by
Holy Communion conducted at each table. The breakfast was catered by Melissa Ambrose and
funded by five parish families. All members of the parish were personally invited to the breakfast
either by a phone call from a member of the Parish Ministry Committee or an email blast from Judy
Mumma. An invitation to the breakfast appeared in the Trumpeter. Pledge cards were placed on the
tables. Those not in attendance were mailed a pledge card and letter within two days of the breakfast.
Attendance at the breakfast was 102 as compared to 142 in 2011. It was interesting that 30 pledges
were received at the breakfast. The chairperson presented the format of the campaign. Tom Secules
spoke using the campaign theme, “Counting Blessings”, as the centerpiece for his stewardship
moment. He stressed the importance of the church's ministry with “Room at the Inn”. The idea for the
theme came from the National Episcopal Church. On subsequent Sundays, Tess Judge, Maureen
McGrath and Bob Edwards presented stewardship moments based on the theme of Counting
Blessings. The three presentations reminded parishioners that we all have a responsibility to support
the church's operating and mortgage reduction budgets.
As of January 9, 2013, we have received 123 pledges (with 7 additional verbal commitments) totaling
$303,058 as compared to 133 pledges totaling $329,303 in 2012 by January 1, 2012. The average
pledge for 2013 is $2,464; the average pledge for 2012 was $2,455.
On behalf of the Vestry, Finance Committee, and Stewardship Committee an expression of gratitude
is extended to all those who made a commitment to All Saints for 2013.
2012 Annual Committee Report
Committee Members: Jack Myers and 22 ushers ( David Briggman, Sandy Briggman, John Fricker,
Jim Goes, Warren Judge, Tess Judge, Carlos Mercado, Barbara Mercado, John Gualtieri, Maureen
Mc Grath, Jack Myers, Sally Myers, Kaye White, Jim MacDonald, Brewster Brown, Robin Carey,
Kevin Carey, Jeff Edwards, Tia Edwards, Paul Hanson, David Rhoads, Bill Wadsworth
Monthly Meeting Time: As Needed
Committee Mission Provide ushers for all church services.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities: Prepared timely usher schedules. Updated written
ushering procedures to reflect changes by Father Tom. Distribute pertinent information to ushers via
Additional needs: New ushers to replace ones who have resigned.
2013 Vision: Recruit and train additional ushers
Worship Committee
Committee Members: Co-Chairs: Bill and Sylvia Wadsworth
A special THANK YOU to all the current members of the Worship Committee:
Steve Blackstock,/ Joan Bishop
Christian Education
David & Sandy Briggman
David & Sandy Briggman
Altar Guild
Beth Secules
Flower Guild
Julie Hamilton/Paula Myatt
LEMs, Lay Readers
David & Sandy Briggman
Jack Myers
Charles Coppage
Father Tom
Monthly Meeting Time: First Thursday of the Month, 6:00PM
Committee Mission: The role of the Worship Committee is to provide coordination and
communication between the variety of groups/individuals that provide support and assistance to the
rector for worship services and related events.
Summary of 2012 achievements and activities: Worship enables all parishioners and visitors to
experience the resurrected Christ in the midst of our gathered community. The talents of many
individuals of all ages enable us to honor and serve through corporate worship. Thus, worship
achievements and activities are dependent on our many worship leaders: Lay Eucharistic Ministers,
acolytes, choir members, lectors, greeters, ushers, sextons, A/V support persons, Father Tom, Father
Ted, Father Bob, as well as all the members of the Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Christian Education, and
Healing Prayer Group. Thanks to everyone who has participated in our celebrations at all regular
worship services, as well as special liturgical events including All Saints Day, Advent, Christmas
Family Service, Lessons & Carols, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Blessing of the Animals, Thanksgiving,
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, youth services, Baptisms, Confirmations, weddings, and funerals.
Additional needs: All parishioners are encouraged to share their talents, joy, and thankfulness for
all God’s Blessings; and to recognize that All Saints is truly a blessed place.
2013 Vision: The 2013 Worship Committee Vision is to continue to explore avenues for providing all
members of the All Saints family with spiritually meaningful worship experiences and related activities
throughout the changing seasons of our liturgical calendar.