Statistics Canada Programmes Addressing Globalization

Statistics Canada
Programmes Addressing
Art Ridgeway
Balance of Payments Division
July 2007
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
• A highly centralized statistical system
– Full range of social and economic statistics
• Economic statistics divided into two part:
– Business and trade statistics
• Structural surveys, merchandise trade and prices
– National accounts and analytical studies
• National accounts, which includes
– Balance of payments
– Government financial statistics
• Analytical studies and current analysis
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Corporations Returns Act
• Separate law (not Statistics Act)
– directory of inter-corporate ownership
showing “who owns who" in Canada
• Annual report to Parliament on the foreign
ownership and control of Canadian
• Country of ultimate control
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Foreign Direct Investment
• Limited detail for quarterly
– Balance of Payments, and
– International Investment Position
• Detailed position data - annually
• the net stock of FDI assets has been
positive since 1997
– outward FDI in around 150 countries
– FDI in Canada from about 100 countries
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Foreign Affiliate Trade
• Limited progress in this area
– Annual program linked to FDI survey
– Outward data on the sales of goods and
services and employment only
• Limited data on inward to date
– See globalization project below
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Trade in Services
• Publish international trade in services data for
– 32 service commodities
– 60 countries and regions
• Three-year project to improve the data for
international trade in services
– Coverage improvement, particularly with respect to
small and medium sized businesses
– Aim to have annual provincial breakdown of Canada’s
imports and exports of services by commodity
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Trade in Goods:
Exporter/Importer Registers
• Links customs data with the Business Register
to provide demographics on trading enterprise
• Exporter Register database
– value of merchandise exports for 1993 to 2005 period
• Importer Register database
– currently available for 2000
– data for 2003-2005 will be available this year
• Union of the Exporter and Importer databases
– Insights into import content in exports
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Trade in Intellectual Property:
Licenses for Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights
• Technological balance of payments
– includes payments and receipts for the
acquisition and use of patents, licenses,
trademarks, designs, know-how and closely
associated technical services, as well as for
research and development services
• Reconciled with balance of payments
– to identify firms that purchase R&D services
but perform no R&D themselves
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Analytical Studies
• In-house personnel and external researchers
– economic performance of multi-national enterprises
– innovation related to multi-national enterprises
– offshoring and outsourcing
• A survey paper covering research on multinational enterprises is being prepared
– It will review Statistics Canada’s work in this area over
the past quarter century
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Globalization Project
• Statistics Canada has initiated a
globalization indicators project in response
to the OECD Handbook
– Canadian multinational enterprises
• Global Value Chains Data Development –
Feasibility Study
– currently drafting questions for testing in
autumn 2007
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
• A pilot survey of commercialization in
Canada for reference year 2006
• How are new developments brought to
– for projects undertaken in Canada and
commercialized there and
– for projects developed by Canadian firms
outside the country to exploit new markets
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Business Register
• presently under redevelopment
– additional emphasis is being put on recording
the international links between Canadian
businesses and their foreign parents or
• Multi-national enterprises clearly identified
– foreign MNE, Canadian MNE, and non-MNE
– importers, exporters, both, or neither
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
International Labour Supply
and Remittances
• These are challenges for Canada
– Relatively weak data sources
– Rely on a number of households surveys
– Questions added over the past year
• Increasing use of temporary workers
– Primarily from Mexico and Caribbean
– Recently more from eastern Europe
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
General Business Survey
• A pilot survey in 2008-2009 with
expectation of a full survey in 2009-2010
• Use, implementation and impact of
business strategies in large firms
• In due course, expected to support
longitudinal analysis
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada
Balance of Payments Division
Statistics Canada