
What is a Frame?
• So far we’ve discussed vertical pieces and horizontal
• A real building will have both, combined into a Frame
• The horizontal pieces carry the load (the weight) to the
vertical ones, which then transmit it to the ground
• This combination is referred to as post-and-beam
construction if the connections between the beams and
the columns are not rigid (merely pinned)
• Such buildings are classified by the number of horizontal
layers they have: one-level, two-level, three-level and so
Bays and Columns
• In a larger structure, such as a warehouse,
it is usually convenient to have internal
supports, and so one often builds in
repeating units called bays
• To ensure that all the columns support the
same load, the columns are not placed on
the perimeter of the building, but instead
offset by half a bay in each direction
Boston City Hall
Boston City Hall
Live Loads and Lateral Stabilization
• In addition to the channeling of dead load,
the building may have to respond to live
loads which cause horizontal motion
• What are the two prime examples of live
loads that cause horizontal motion?
– wind and earthquakes
• The structure must have lateral
stabilization as well
Lateral Stabilization
• Lateral stabilization is based on what
geometric form again?
• Triangles!
– either directly though trusses, or
– indirectly through continuous structures
Rigidly Fixed Connections
• Alternately rigidity can be achieved using
rigid joints that maintain a fixed angle
between two connections
• The simplest way to do this is to rigidly fix
the connections into the ground (vertical
cantilevers!), leading to a classic pole
barn, or more sophisticated structures
• Alternately, other points around the frame
can be rigidly connected, to reduce the
overall system to a triangle again
Rigid connections
• Rigid connections of this type act much as
a beam grid, allowing stresses to be
distributed from the beams to their
supporting columns and hence reducing
• Light frame – timber construction
• How are houses put together?
• Closely spaced columns (also called
studs) take the weight
• Beams take the weight of the upper floors
• Roof support provided by joists (or
preassembled, trussed rafters)
• Plywood covers the studs, helping to
distribute the load and provide shear
resistance, much as a bearing wall does
Industrial Revolution
• The Industrial Revolution not only made
possible new steel structures, it also
changed how wooden structures were
• Metal nails were now cheap and
• Lumber became available in standard
sizes, such as the 2 x 4 mentioned earlier
in the class
Balloon Frames
• Early light-timber constructions were called
balloon frames
• The studs ran from the ground to the top of the
• This simple design was inefficient because
– it required very long studs
– the walls for the upper floors were hard to reach
during construction
– the spaces for the long studs led to accelerating the
spread of flames in a fire
Platform Frames
• The balloon frame has now been replaced
by the platform frame
• Each floor of the structure is constructed
• Floor and walls
• up to another floor and walls
• repeated as necessary
• This makes the system easier to build and
less vulnerable to fire
Light-timber frames
• Light-timber frame buildings are very
versatile and can be built in a wide variety
of shapes
• Examples of older wooden-frame
Horyu-Ji Temple
Borgund Church
• Similar structures can be built with
masonry, simply by replacing the wooden
studs by brick bearing walls
Faneuil Hall
Faneuil Hall - Interior
Types of Structures
• The textbook covers quite a bit about
smaller wooden structures, to which we
are accustomed
• However it doesn’t go over the
construction of larger, steel-framed
• To get some insight into those, we’re going
to watch a film on the World Trade Center
on Thusday
Catenary Systems
Funicular Systems
• Funicular systems
– shapes assumed due to applied loads
causing pure tension or compression
• Cables must be under tension
• Catenary cables are weighted more or
less uniformly across their length
• A “pure” catenary is caused by an
unloaded cable
– the shape it assumes under its own weight
Catenary vs. Parabola
• Also applies to a cable weighted evenly
across cable length
• Does NOT apply to a cable where the
weight is the same at each horizontal point
– parabola (x2)
• Fortunately for most cases these shapes
are very similar
• Can approximate the much more
complicated catenary as a simple parabola
Catenary vs. Parabola
Catenary vs. Parabola
Parabola: a x
Catenary: a cosh((x-b)/a)
Catenaries vs. Cable-stayed
• Simple cable-stayed structures covered in
Chapter 3
• Although catenaries are more complicated, they
have many similarities to cable-stayed structures
• For example, catenaries usually run between
two main supports, which could be towers
• The amount of horizontal pull felt by each tower
varies with the angle at which the cable attaches
• A nearly horizontal cable (low sag) will
have a lot of tension, and so a large
horizontal pull
• A nearly vertical cable (deep sag) will have
much less tension, and almost no
horizontal pull
Sag-to-span Ratio
• Now LOW sag means SHORTER, but greater
force, so a THICKER cable is needed
• DEEP sag means LONGER, but less force, so a
THINNER cable is acceptable
• For a uniformly loaded (parabolic) cable, the
least material requirements occur for a sag-tospan ratio of 1 to 3
• Unfortunately this means too much horizontal
pull on the support towers, and in practice the
ratio is more like 1 to 9
Types of suspension structures
• There are three basic types of funicular
suspension structures
– single curvature
– double cable, and
– double curvature
Single Curvature
Double Cable
• Single curvature and double cable both
curve in just one direction
• The double cable structure adds a second
cable to resist loads that go UP instead of
• What could cause such a load?
Double Curvature
• Double curvature are saddle-shaped
• They curve up in one dimension and down
in a perpendicular direction
• This is also designed to fight wind loads
Anlan Bridge
Anlan Bridge in China has existed in some form since the 4th century
Until 1975 it was made of twisted bamboo strands, in eight cable sections,
to cross a 1,000 foot river
• Works, but changes shape as the applied load
shifts position
• How can it be made more stable?
– use a stiff bottom plate
– attach to cables
– load is distributed much more uniformly
• The first bridge to use this was the so-called
Chain Bridge in PA
– built in 1801
– spanning about 200 feet
Chain Bridge
Suspension Bridges
• Engineers quickly expanded on this
design, and suspension bridges got longer
and longer
• By the time the iconic Golden Gate Bridge
was built in 1937, the span reached 4200
Components of a Suspension Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge
• Golden Gate Bridge, still among the 10 longest bridges in world
Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, England, designed by Brunel, completed 1864
• It is possible to build buildings using this
technique, in addition to bridges
• Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank and
Dulles Airport Terminal are examples
Minn. Fed. Reserve Bank
Dulles Airport
• Double-cable structures have additional
stabilizing cables beneath the primaries
• This allows the structure to resist uplift
from wind
Denver Airport
Utica Auditorium
Utica Auditorium
Double curvature
• Double curvature are saddle-shaped
– upwards curve carries the weight
– downward fights the wind
• The upward going cables are therefore
called the suspension cables
• The downward curves are the stabilizing
Munich Olympic Stadium
Munich Olympic Stadium
Calgary Saddledome
Calgary Saddledome