IssueDateL PluPrptr PluBusName PrptrAddressML Dear PluPrptr2 Food Safety Auditor Engagement Confirmation: ApplicationID – PluBusName2 An audit of the food safety program for PluBusName3 located at PropAddrSL has been scheduled. The Council XXX is pleased to confirm our acceptance and our understanding of this engagement for <date> by means of this letter. This letter sets out the basis on which Council’s officer, as an approved Auditor, will provide the services to you. Scope of the Audit Audits will be performed pursuant to the requirement of the Food Act and relevant Standards, with the objective of expressing an opinion of your food safety program, comprising of written documents that set out the food safety program and records made and kept demonstrating action taken in relation to, or in compliance with, the food safety program. The Auditor will conduct audits in general conformity with Guidelines for Auditors of Mandatory Food Safety Programs prepared by the South Australian Department of Health, and National Codes of Conduct and Guidelines. Please be aware that the Food Safety Auditor assigned to audit your business is also an authorised officer pursuant to section 94(1) of the Food Act 2001, enabling both the roles of an Auditor and an Environmental Health Officer to be exercised simultaneously. In the event where enforcement action is required, the staff member will advise of the change in role and the concerns will be addressed accordingly. An audit involves a systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality/safety activities and related results comply with planned arrangements, and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the food safety program, its implementation and review. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the food safety program. Follow up action, including re-audits, to check if action has been taken to remedy any deficiencies in your food safety program will also be conducted if necessary. A written report in the prescribed form will be provided to the proprietor of the food business and to the Department of Health within 21 days after completion of the audit. Document1 2 Auditor Classification We confirm that Council’s Environmental Health Officer is an approved Food Safety Auditor and may be engaged by a food business to provide an audit service. Please be aware that fee reimbursement will be dealt with by the Council. Council’s Auditor assigned to the engagement is AuditorName. AuditorName2 holds certification as a National Food Safety Auditor Level 4 (high risk) and is approved by the Department of Health to be a Food Safety Auditor for the purposes of the Food Act 2001. Approval is dependant upon a satisfactory criminal history check conducted by the Department of Families and Communities. Independence We confirm that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, AuditorName3 currently meets the independence requirements of the Food Act and Guidelines for Auditors. Confidentiality Information acquired by our Council in the course of our audit will be kept strictly confidential. Information will not be disclosed by the Council to other parties except as required or allowed for by law, or with your express consent. Fees The fees are based on the time required by the Auditor assigned to the engagement. Auditing fees are charged in 0.25 hour increments as detailed below: Description Fee (inclusive of GST) Desktop Audit* – Conducted within the Council XXX Office – Conducted on site of business $86.00/hour $173.00/hour Hourly Audit Rate $173.00/hour Non-Compliance with Follow up Audit** * $173.00 A desktop audit fee will be charged as part of an initial food safety program audit or upon significant alteration to your food safety program or a change in Auditor. Where this desktop audit is specifically requested to be undertaken on site, the full cost of a site audit will be applicable. ** Where non-compliance at a re-audit is detected and an Improvement Notice is served. (Please note all rates above will be reviewed prior to 1 July each year and are subject to change). Fees will be billed at the completion each audit. Invoices are payable within 30 days of receipt. Please note that community groups and charitable organisations may be exempt from auditing fees. If your business has an exemption from the Australian Taxation Office, please forward a copy of this exemption to Council for consideration. 3 We look forward to full co-operation with your staff and trust that they will make available to us any records, documentation and other information that is requested in connection with our audit. Please sign the attached terms and conditions acknowledgment, to be collected at the audit, to confirm your understanding of the arrangements for the audit. A food audit plan detailing the details of your scheduled audit is attached for your perusal. If you require further information or would like to discuss this matter further, please contact AuditorName4 on AuditorExt. Yours sincerely Team Leader Environmental Health Attachment 1 I Acknowledged and accept the terms and conditions of the above engagement confirmation letter on behalf of PluBusName4. Signature: Name: Title: Date: Please indicate in the table below the details of staff members likely to be in attendance at the entry and exit meetings on the day of the audit. Entry and Exit Meeting Attendance: Name (print) Document1 Position