0900 - 0950
0950 - 1000
1000 - 1100
1100 - 1245
1245 - 1330
Coffee / Registration
Welcome - Housekeeping
Keynote Speech
Professor John Hattendorf (United States Naval War College)
Panel I - Theory
Professor Jerker Widen (Swedish National Defence College) - Corbett (Awaiting full title)
Professor Andrew Lambert (King’s College London) - The Construction of British Sea Power
Theory: From Raleigh to Castlereagh
Mr Andrew Taylor (Lancaster University) - From Corbett to the Present: Understanding the Forms of Sea Control
0830 – 0900
0900 – 1045
1045 – 1100
1100 – 1245
1330 - 1445 Panel II - Pre - C17th
Commander David Childs CBE (Independent Scholar) - Pirates by Appointment – Elizabeth I and
Her Royal Sea Rovers
Mr Benjamin Redding (King’s College London) - ‘The Ship of State’: Producing a National Identity in the French and English Navy, c. 1545-1642.
1445 - 1500
1500 - 1645
1645 - 1700
Panel III - C17th
Dr. David Davis (Independent Scholar) – The British Navy under the later Stuart Monarchs:
Royal Plaything or Instrument of States Policy?
Dr Alan James (King’s College London) – The Navy and the ambitions of ‘Le Roi StratÈge’ Louis
Dr Gijs Rommelse (Haarlemmermeer Lyceum) – The Dutch Fleet as an Ideological Pillar of John
De Witt’s ‘True Freedom’
Closing Comments
Dinner aboard HMS Victory
Coffee / Registration
Panel IV - C18th
Professor Richard Harding (University of Westminster) - The Duke of Newcastle and the consolidation of British Naval Power, 1724-1748
Ms. Anna Brinkman (King’s College London) - British Prize Law and the Loss of Spanish Neutrality
Mr. Michele Lacriola (University of Pisa) - The Neapolitan Navy and the foreign policy of the realm
according to a British Admiral John Acton
Panel V – C19th
Dr. Howard Fuller (University of Wolverhampton) – ‘A cock-boat in the wake of the British man- of-war’? The Monroe Doctrine, the Royal Navy and the Anglo-American Balance of Power,
Mr. Shao Junyu (King’s College London) – The Fall of the Great Wall at Sea: the Chinese steam navy and the First Sino-Japanese War.
Professor John Beeler (University of Alabama) – Party Politics and Naval Policy in the Mid-
Victorian Era: Alexander Milne, George J. Goschen, and George Ward Hunt at the Admiralty,
1245 – 1330
1330 – 1515
1515 – 1530
1530 – 1715
1715 – 1730
Panel VI - C20th
Profesor Angus Ross (US Naval War Colege) - A Reforming Partnership: The Second Earl of
Selborne and Admiral Sir John Fisher, 1900-1905.
Brigadier General Michael Clemmensen (Royal Danish Defence College) - Small State Neutrality by
Marginal Sea Power: Vice-Admiral Otto Kofoed-Hansen, his Strategic Concept and his
Management of the Danish King and Government 1912 to 1918.
Mr David Chessum (University of New South Wales) - The Impact of Statesmen on Interwar
Naval Arms Control. Was it really that bad?
Panel VII - C20th
Professor Thomas Heinrich (City University of New York) - “With all Deliberate Speed” Franklin
Roosevelt and US Naval Rearmament, 1933-1941
Professor Harsh Pant (King’s College London) - India’s Rise as a Naval Power
Dr. Alessio Patalano (King’s College London) - Post-War Japanese Seapower (Title TBC)