Form 2A, Page 1 FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE AT JACKSONVILLE COLLEGE CREDIT COURSE OUTLINE COURSE NUMBER: NSC 1140 COURSE TITLE: Seapower and Maritime Affairs PREREQUISITE(S): None COREQUISITE(S): None CREDIT HOURS: 2.0 CONTACT HOURS/WEEK: 2.0 CONTACT HOUR BREAKDOWN: Lecture/Discussion: Laboratory: Other __________: 2.0 FACULTY WORKLOAD POINTS: 2.0 STANDARDIZED CLASS SIZE ALLOCATION: 30 CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course includes topics in sea power and maritime commerce as an influence on world history. It also examines current relative military and commercial maritime strengths among nations and potential implications. (A.A.) SUGGESTED TEXT(S): Bradford, James C., ed. Quarterdeck & Bridge. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute, 1996. Hagan, Kenneth J., ed. This People's Navy: The Making of American Sea Power. New York: The Free Press, 1991. Symonds, Craig L. The Naval Institute Historical Atlas of the U.S. Navy. Annapolis, MD: The Naval Institute, 2001. Sweetman, Jack. American Naval History. 3rd ed. Annapolis, MD:Naval Institute Press, 2002. IMPLEMENTATION DATE: REVIEW OR MODIFICATION DATE: Spring Term, 2010 (20102) Form 2A, Page 2 COURSE TOPICS I. Introduction II. Sea Power in the Ancient Mediterranean World, From the Phoenicians to the Battle of Lepanto (1571) III. CONTACT HOURS PER TOPIC 1.0 1.0 Oceanic Sea Power and the Emergence of European Nation States, 1400s to 1763 1.0 IV. The American Revolution, 1775-1783, Part of a Larger Struggle 1.0 V. The U.S. Navy in the Napoleonic Era, 1783-1815 2.0 VI. United States Navy, 1815-1860: The Search for Professionalism 1.0 VII. The Civil War, 1861-1865 2.0 VIII. Developments of Naval Technology and Their Impact on Strategy and Policy, 1865-1890 1.0 IX. The Dawning of the Age of Mahan, 1890-1898 1.0 X. The U.S. Navy and American Imperialism, 1898-1914 1.0 XI. The U.S. Navy and the World at War, 1914-1918 1.0 XII. Naval Strategy and National Policy, 1919-1941 1.0 XIII. War in the Atlantic, North Africa and the Mediterranean, 1935-1945 1.0 XIV. The War in the Pacific, The Defensive Phase 1.0 XV. The War in the Pacific, The Offensive Phase 1.0 XVI. The Navy in the Early Cold War, 1945-1953 1.0 XVII. The Navy in the Strategy of Containment, 1953-1963 2.0 XVIII. The Navy, Vietnam and Limited War, 1964-1975 2.0 XIX. The Era of Retrenchment: Presidents Ford and Carter, 1974-1980 1.0 XX. President Reagan and Maritime Strategy, 1980-1989 1.0 XXI. The Navy in the Gulf War, 1990-1991 2.0 XXII. Global Responsibilities after the Cold War, 1991-2001 2.0 XXIII. Terrorism 2.0 ____ Total Hours 30.0 Florida State College at Jacksonville Course Learning Outcomes & Assessment NOTE: Use either the Tab key or mouse click to move from field to field. The box will expand to accommodate your entry. Section 1 COURSE PREFIX AND NUMBER: NSC1140 SEMESTER CREDIT HOURS (CC): 2.0 CONTACT HOURS (NCC): ____ COURSE TITLE: Seapower and Maritime Affairs Section 2 TYPE OF COURSE: (Click on the box to check all that apply) AA Elective AS Required Professional Course College Prep AS Professional Elective AAS Required Professional Course Technical Certificate Other PSAV Apprenticeship General Education: (For General Education courses, you must also complete Section 3 and Section 7) Section 3 (If applicable) INDICATE BELOW THE DISCIPLINE AREA FOR GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES: Communications Social & Behavioral Sciences Mathematics Natural Sciences Humanities Section 4 INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCIES: Reading Speaking Critical Analysis Writing Listening Information Literacy Quantitative Skills Ethical Judgment Scientific Method of Inquiry Working Collaboratively Section 5 LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the Navy’s role as an instrument of U.S. foreign 1 policy Discuss knowledge of early historical naval powers 2 Discuss the role of Naval powers in the 19th Century 3 4 5 8 9 9 METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Group Discussion or Written Testing Quizzes or Tests Quizzes or Tests Section 6 Name of Person Completing This Form: Marcia Gross Date: 4/22/09