Developmental Psychology


Developmental Psychology

Chapter 4

Those who study psych. development …

Developmental Psychologists – study physical, mental and social changes throughout the human life cycle.

Q What is the ideal age or ages to be? Why?

Q What is the worst age or ages to be? Why?

Womb to Tomb

“Womb to Tomb”

We are continually developing from “womb to tomb.” This chapter will look at the following issues and how they affect development


Genetic inheritance vs. experience


Is development a continual process or does it progress through stages?


Do early traits persist throughout life or do we become different people as we age?

bringing up monkey

Stages of Prenatal Development

Conception - ovary releases a mature egg, sperm enters the egg, egg and sperm nuclei fuse within 12 hours of intercourse

Germinal Stage – 2 week period following conception

Zygote – fertilized egg, it enters into a 2 week period of rapid cell division and develops into an embryo

Fewer than half of zygotes survive the first two weeks

Zygote’s outer layer attaches to uterine wall, forming the placenta

Nourishment passes through the placenta

Stages of Prenatal Development

Embryonic Stage – 2 to 8 weeks following conception

Cells inside the placenta become embryo

Embryo – developing human organism – 2 weeks after fertilization to 2 months

During this period, cells begin to differentiate – specialize in structure and function

Stages of Prenatal Development

Fetal Stage – 2 months to Birth

Fetus – developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth

6 months – organs are formed and functional, fetus is responsive to sound

Video - early development (2:55)

Nature v. Nurture and Prenatal Dev.

Teratogens – harmful agents (such as chemicals and viruses) that can reach the embryo or fetus as it develops and cause harm.

8 to 16 weeks is the CRITICAL PERIOD for brain development. If brain development does not occur properly then irreparable damage will be done

Video- Teratogens 4:30

Heroin addicts have children that are born addicted to heroin

Viruses such as AIDS can be passed from mother to child

Alcohol enters the fetus via the bloodstream and could cause Fetal

Alcohol Syndrome

FAS – results from heavy drinking by the mother during pregnancy, especially within the first 12 weeks. Physical and psychological problems may develop due to FAS (short stature, flattened nose, short eye openings, mental retardations, hyperactivity) Video- Fetal Alcohol

Syndrome 0:00 skip to 4:30

Nature v. Nurture and Prenatal Dev.

Genetic Problems

Besides teratogens, the fetus can also be affect by certain genetic factors

Ex. Downs Syndrome – Chromosomal abnormality – extra 21 st chromosome. Characterized by abnormal physical traits (folding of skin around the eye, wide tongue, flattened facial features, and stunted growth) and mental retardation.

Infancy Development

We are born with specific reflexes

Rooting Reflex – a baby’s tendency, when touched on the cheek, to open the mouth and search for food

Sucking Reflex – when an object is placed in the baby’s mouth, the baby will suck

Moro Reflex – baby flings limbs and then retracts when startled

Grasping Reflex – if an object is placed in the palm or foot pad the baby will try to grasp the object

Babinski Reflex – when the foot is stroked, a baby will curl its toes.

Stepping Reflex – baby will move one foot after another, making a stepping motion.

VideoPrimary Reflexes

Habituation – decreasing responsiveness with repeated stimulation

Infant will lose interest in a stimulus with repeated exposure

Ex. If you watch scary movies a lot you may not feel afraid when viewing them because you’ve been habituated to scary movies.

Video – example of habituation

Video- Habituation 2:45

Sensory Development

Babies prefer to look at faces or face-like objects

Faces – recognizes mothers face by 3 months

Hearing –

Hearing develops before birth

At 1 month, an infant can recognize the mothers voice

Video- Recognizing Mother's voice

Seeing – born almost legally blind but babies can see 8-12 inches in front of them

Touch – infant shows a number of reflexes at birth

Smell and Taste – At six weeks, infant can smell the difference between mother and stranger

Memory Development

Q What is your earliest memory (not including pictures you’ve seen)

Because we lack neural connections, many of our early memories do not exist

Average earliest memory – 3.5 years old

At the age of 4, we begin organizing our memories differently

Motor Development

Maturation – biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior. Maturation is relatively uninfluenced by experience

Process can be faster or slower depending on the environment

Babies roll over before they sit up, sit up before they crawl, and crawl before they walk. (Blind children do these things as well) – Nature or Nurture?

Genetics – twins begin sitting up and walking on nearly the same day.

At what age can a child do the following?

1. Laugh

2. Pedal a tricycle

3. Sit without support

4. Feel ashamed

5. Walk unassisted

6. Stand on one foot for 10 seconds

7. Recognize and smile at the mother and father

8. Kick a ball forward

9. Make two word sentences

10. Think about things not seen

Developmental Norms – avg. age at which children perform various skills/behaviors.


Pedal a tricycle-

2 months

24 mths

Sit without support 5-6 mths.

Feel ashamed 24 mths

Walk unassisted 12 mths

Stand on one foot for 10 seconds 4.5 yrs.

Recognize and smile at the mother and father 4-5 months

Kick a ball forward 20 mths

Make two word sentences 24 mths

Think about things not seen 20-22 mths
