Natalie Cadle Catawba County Schools Mountain View Elementary Kindergarten Flash Cards I created some flashcard sets for the classroom and brainstormed ideas for others to be completed in the future (Better Retention) Social Studies: 1. landforms, continents, oceans, directions, 7 wonders of the world 2. Countries of the world 3. States in the United States 4. Weather terms 5. Professional Baseball teams and location 6. Professional Football teams and location 7. Job Titles & definitions Language Arts 1. Prefixes (meaning/words) 2. Suffixes (meaning/words) 3. Root words (meaning/words) Science 1. Zoo Animals 2. Farm Animals 3. Rain Forest Animals 4. Local (NC) Animals 5. Ocean Animals 6. Pets Math 1. 1 (one), 10(ten), 100(one hundred), 1000 (one thousand), 10000 (ten thousand)……. 2. Roman Numerals 3. Hundreds tens and ones cards 4. Math Facts (addition, subtraction, and multiplication) Natalie Cadle Catawba County Schools Mountain View Elementary Kindergarten Tiered Weekly Writing Center: Our Letter this week is _________. Complete the letter cut and paste sheet. 1: Sound out and spell the words for each picture. Make sure to start the word with the letter of the week and go in the reading direction. Try to include a beginning, middle and ending sound. Complete two cloze sentences with two of the words: I can see a __________. Use spaces in between words. 2: Sound out and spell the words for each picture. Write a sentence about two of the pictures. Make sure to start the sentence with a capital and end the sentence with punctuation. Use spaces in between words. Use the word wall to spell any sight words. 3: Sound out and spell the words for each picture. Choose two of the things pictured. Compare them. Tell how they are alike and different. 4: Sound out and spell the words for each picture. Make up a fictional story with as many of the items pictured as you can. Be sure to include characters and a beginning, middle and end OR choose one of the pictures write detailed clues so someone could guess which picture you are describing. ____________________________ begins with the letter of the week. How many cvc words can you spell with letters from this word? Words can be real or nonsense. Can you spell any sight words using letters from this word? REAL cvc words NONSENSE cvc words Sight Words Natalie Cadle Catawba County Schools Mountain View Elementary Kindergarten Weekly Tiered Reading Homework (I plan to send only the specific tier instructions home for the student’s working level) For one of the books your student read independently ask them to: 1. Complete the corresponding chart by drawing a picture and verbally explaining 2. Complete the corresponding chart in writing Fiction Title Characters and Setting Beginning Middle End Nonfiction Title Main Idea Supporting Detail Supporting Detail Supporting Detail 3. Answer two of the following question stems: Nonfiction What would be another good title for this book? What was the main idea of this text? Name three supporting details. What was the author’s purpose for writing this story? Fiction Compare the two characters in the book. How are they alike and different? Why do you think ________________ did ______________ in the story? What was the author’s purpose for writing this story? Natalie Cadle Catawba County Schools Mountain View Elementary Kindergarten (Parents: see the attached list for more question stems. Parents would choose from a list of questions our county uses for practicing the written portion of the mclass assessment. Some of the above questions are some that I remember from this list of questions). Other Ideas: Use multi-step problems in math (Complexity): Example: 1. Jan bought 5 balls. Some were red and some were yellow. Show the different ways some could be red and some could be yellow. 2. If red balls cost $1.00 and yellow balls cost $2.00, how much money would she need for each possibility? 3. What is the most expensive way? Least expensive way? Example: 1. There were ten puppies. Some were brown and some were white. Show the different ways some could be brown and some could be white. 2. If each brown puppy eats ten pieces of food each day and each white puppy eats five pieces of food, how many pieces of food will be needed for one week for each way? Which combination needs the most food? Least food? I am going to look up and use the book Primary Grade Challenge Math by Edward Zaccaro to provide challenging math problems for students with less prep in math centers. Real World Project (Tiered): Students will design stickers for other students about the animals we will visit during Bandy’s High School Agricultural day. (A field trip our class takes each year in April to a local high school.) Tier 1: draw and label one animal per sticker for the high school students to hand out to students during Ag Day Natalie Cadle Catawba County Schools Mountain View Elementary Kindergarten Tier 2: draw one animal and write one animal fact about the animal per sticker for the high school students to hand out during Ag Day Tier 3: Look up the words agriculture and horticulture. Make stickers explaining the terms to hand out to students during Ag Day Tier 4: Read the article explaining why Bandy’s High School continues to have Ag Day each year. Write a letter to the program thanking them for providing us with the opportunity to visit their school. Design a thank you sticker to be included in the letter. Weather Kindergarten Social Studies Goal: Explain how people adapt to weather conditions WHO CARES? Doctor Journalist Farmer How could weather conditions affect a doctor’s daily work? Why are weather conditions important to journalists? Why are weather conditions crucial to a farmer? Entrepreneur Teacher Coach How could an entrepreneur use weather to create a successful business? What products or services could they sell that depend on certain weather conditions? Explain. Besides teaching students, why should a teacher have knowledge of weather conditions? In which sports do coaches need to think about weather conditions to be successful? How can weather affect their success? Automobile Manufacturer Firefighter Other Career? ________ What kind of weather may affect a firefighter? How does weather affect this career? What do automobile manufacturers need to know about weather conditions to make cars? *Who Cares table adapted from seeing Amy Patterson’s similar table about Human Body Systems in class.