Word Project 2 * Research Paper

Word 2007 Project 2 – Research Paper
What You Should Know!
1. 2 documentation styles for research papers
a. MLA – Modern Language Association of America
b. APA – American Psychological Association
2. MLA –
a. 1 inch top, bottom, left, right margins
b. Indent first word of each paragraph (tab 1 time)
c. Double-space text on all pages
d. Page number ½ inch below top margin along right margin after author’s last name
-- example: Martin 1
e. No title page
f. Name and course number typed block style on left margin
g. Title centered 1 double-space below name and course number information
h. When sighting references of authors – site within text by placing author’s last
name and page numbers in parentheses -- example (Shelly 50-60)
i. Notes only used for optional explanatory notes – use superscript (raised number)
to signal the note exists and to sequence the notes.
j. Works cited for bibliographical references sited throughout paper
3. Page set-up – Page Layout Tab / Margins
a. All margins should be 1”
4. Line spacing – Home Tab /Line spacing Icon
a. Should be checked 2.0 for double space
b. Page Layout Tab / Paragraph – make sure “Spacing” in 0pt in both Before &
After sections
5. Headers and Footers – Insert Tab / Header / Footer
a. Header – text you want printed at top of each page
b. Footer – text you want printed at bottom of every page
c. Can include text, graphics, page number, total number of pages, currant date and
6. Short-cut keys
a. CTRL + B
b. CTRL + U
c. CTRL + I
d. CTRL + Z
e. CTRL + S
f. CTRL + P
7. Indenting Paragraphs
a. Horizontal Ruler – 2 triangles setting on square
b. First Line Indent Marker – top triangle – indents only the first line of the
c. Left Indent Marker – small square – changes the entire left margin
d. Hanging Indent Marker – bottom triangle – first line hangs to left and remaining
lines are indented
8. AutoCorrect Feature – automatically corrects common typing, spelling, capitalization, or
grammar errors as you type
a. Office Button / Word Options / Proofing / AutoCorrect Options
b. Inserting arrows, faces, and other symbols
c. Business example – Barren County High School
9. Footnotes and Endnotes -- Notes only used for optional explanatory notes – use
superscript (raised number) to signal the note exists and to sequence the notes.
Reference Tab – Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote
Footnotes – explanatory notes that appear at the bottom of the page
Endnotes – explanatory notes that appear at the end of the document
Indent 1st line of notes ½ inch for left margin (tab 1 time)
Space once then begin typing note explanation
Double-space the note
May list bibliographic information for further reference
10. Word Count – located on status bar, click to open dialog box
11. Page Breaks
a. Automatic Page Breaks (soft page breaks) – page break automatically inserted by
Word when the page fills up
b. Manual Page Breaks (hard page breaks) – page break that is forced into a
document at a specific location
1. displays on screen as horizontal dotted line with “Page Break”
shown in the middle
2. Insert Tab / Page Break
12. Works Cited – bibliographical list of works that are referenced directly in a research
a. References Tab
1. Choose Style – MLA or APA, etc.
2. Click on Bibliography to add Works Cited
3. Insert Citations as you type your paper
b. Start on a new numbered page
Center title, Works Cited, 1 inch form the top margin
Double-space all lines
First line starts on left margin, remaining lines are indented ½ inch from left margin
Alphabetically by author’s last name
If not last name available, then by title of the work
Italicize or underline title of the work
13. Hyperlink – shortcut to jump easily and quickly to another location in the same
document, to other documents, or Web pages
a. Insert Tab / Hyperlink
b. To go to hyperlink – CTRL + click
14. Sorting – ordering characters by alphabetic, numeric, or date order
a. Select text
b. Home Tab / Sort Icon / Sort Text Dialogue Box
c. Ascending Sort Order – A to Z
d. Descending Sort Order – Z to A
15. Select Browse Object Menu – allows you to quickly jump to a certain page, footnote, or
other location within your paper
a. Located in bottom right below the scroll bar
16. Moving Text
a. Cut, Copy, & Paste
b. Drag-n-Drop
17. Smart Tags – button that automatically appears on the screen when Word performs a
certain action.
18. Find and Replace Text – double click left side of status bar OR click the Select Browse
Object button
a. Home Tab / Editing Section/ Find, Replace, Select
19. Synonym – word similar in meaning
a. Review Tab / Proofing Section
b. Right-click on word to replace with synonym
c. Thesaurus – book of synonyms
d. Antonym – word of opposite meaning
20. Spelling & Grammar Check
a. Review Tab / Spelling & Grammar
b. Best to CRTL + HOME to move the cursor to the beginning of the document so
spell check will start at the beginning
c. Spell Check/Grammar Check also running on Status Bar at bottom of page
21. Emailing – Office Button / Send / Email
a. New screen will appear with document as an attachment
b. Add receivers email and other notes and send
22. Research – Review Tab / Research in Proofing section
a. Research Task Pane opens
b. Type information in Search box
c. X to close Task Pane