ICT Entrance 2071 Model Questions

Tribhuvan University
Affiliated Public Campus
Centralized Entrance Examination for B. Ed. ICT
2070, Mangsir
Exam Center: ……………………….
Name: …………………………………
Full Marks: 50
Roll No. ……………..
Time: 1 hour
Roll. in words: ………………..
Date: ……………..
Please tic (  ) the best answer.
1. Which of the following is example of storage devices?
a) Hard disk b) CDROM
c) Monitor
d) Joy Stick
2. A binary number system contains 1 and 0 as its possible digits.
a) True
3. Who is the father of computer?
a) Writes brother
b) Charles Babbage
c) Denise Ritchie
4. RAM stands for...
Real Absolute Memory
Really Annoying Machine
d) Steve Jobs
c) Read A Manual
d) Random Access Memory
5. Which of the following is considered to be the standard input device for all PC system?
a) Monitor
b) keyboard
c) printer
d) speaker
6. A Switch is a network device, the responsibility of which is to
a) Protect from virus attack
c) turn of the power to network
b) Connect Network devices
d) Boot the network
The unit of speed of which of the following devices is measured in Gigahertz?
a) CPU
b) Mouse
c) Keyboard
d) Joystick
What do we call those small, pictorial representations of objects we see on the desktop?
a) Icons
b) List View
c) File menu
d) Box
9. USB stands for:
a) United Serial Bus
c) Universal Serial By-Pass
b) Universal System Bus
d) Universal Serial Bus
10. Which of the following is not the web browser?
a) Internet Explorer
b) Opera
c) Mozilla Firefox
d) Google
11. Who was the first President of Microsoft Corporation?
a) Steve Jobs b) Bob Gates c) Bill Gates
d) Mark Zuckerberg
12. URL stands for:
a) Universal Resource Locator
b) Uniform Radio Locator
c) Uniform Resource Locator
d) Unite Resource Locator
13. Which of the following is an operating system you would be using on the computer?
a) Microsoft Windows
b) Internet Explorer
b) Netscape
d) Microsoft Word
14. BIOS stands for _______.
a) Basic Input/Output System
b) Basic In Out System
c) Basic Image on System
d) Base IO System
15. Which of these is a NOT a computer manufacturer?
a) IBM
b) Apple
c) Sun
d) Microsoft
16. Who is the chairman and chief executive of Facebook, Inc.?
a) Mark Zuckerberg
b) Steve Jobs c) Bill gates
17. Which is NOT Anti-Virus Software?
a) Mozilla
b) Kaspersky
d) Mukesh Ambani
c) BitDefender d) Norton
18. What is full form of GPRS?
a) General Packet Radio Service.
c) Global positioning radio system.
b) General Public Radio Service
d) General Packet Radio System
19. The web site main page is called the ____
a) Home page
b) Search Page
c) simple page d) control page
20. The term ______ generally means using some combination of text, graphics , animation,
video, music, and sound effect to communicate
b) Hyperlink
d) Multimedia
21. The meeting was held……….
a) in July 25th
22. Let the dogs ……..
a) to sleep
c) at July 25th d) July the 25th
b) on July 25
b) sleep
c) sleeping
23. We walked as fast as we __________
a) could
b) can c) shall
d) slept
24. He has many friends, but _ of them are good ones
a) few
b) a few
c) the few
d) an few
25. The opposite of ‘detest’ is ……..
a) love
b) hate
c) prove
d) none
26. She could have attended the meeting, if she……………
a) may know
b) would know c) had known
27. Which is the correct spelling?
a) consince
b) conscience
c) conscience
28. This is the first time I………..to a large audience.
a) am singing
b) sang
c) will sing
29. Somebody likes tea, ………?
a) wasn’t they
b) didn’t they
d) would have known
d) conscience
d) have ever sung
c) aren’t they
d) don’t they
30. Must refuse your request… ….. I believe it unreasonable.
a) in as much as
b) in so much as
c)in that so much
d) in this much so
31. Which of the following is not greenhouse gas?
a) CFCs
b) CO2
c) O2
d) all
32. The maximum number of teeth in a man is…..
a) 23
b) 53
c) 32
d) 30
33. Which vitamin is provided by sun to the body?
a) Vitamin A
b) vitamin B
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D
34. The base two numeral 111 is written in the base ten numeral as
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 16
35. What is heavier: 1 kg of Iron or 1 kg of Cotton?
a) Iron
b) Cotton
c) Both are same
d) Dependent on quality
36. If a man takes 2 hours to make 10 candles, how many candles will 50 men make in 4 hours?
a) 1200
b) 400
c) 800
d) 1000
37. In a right angle triangle height is 5 and base is 12 cm then third side would be?
a) 13
b) 17
c) 19
d) 11
38. How many time does 9 comes in 1 to 100?
a) 19
b) 10
c) 20
d) 9
39. What is the next number of the series 1,4,9,16,25?
a) 34
b) 40
c) 49
d) 36
40. Zero was invented by?
a) C V Raman
b) Arya bhatta c) Ramanajun d) Shakuntla Devi
41. What is the square root of 12 ?
a) 24
b) 124
c) 144
d) 134
42. 50 + 50 - 50 - 50 - 98 = ?
a) -100
b) 100
c) -98
d) 198
43. Which number comes in the sequence 16, 64, 256?
a) 425
b) 1024
c) 625
44. Which one of the following is in ascending order?
1 1 1 1
, , ,
2 4 6 7
d) 725
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
c) , , ,
d) , , ,
, , ,
7 6 4 2
7 4 2 6
6 7 2 4
45. If 102=2, 112=3, 1002=4 1012=5, Then 10012 equals to
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
46. The values of tanx and coty are
47. If the sum of the roots is 5 and their product is 6 then the quadratic equation is
a) x2+5x+6=0
b) x2-5x+6=0
c) x2-6x+5=0
d) x2+6x+5=0
48. The geometric shape of Nepal can be approximated as a
a) Triangle
b) Square
c) Circle
d) Rectangle
49. The circumference of the circular base of a cylinder is 44cm and its height is 10cm. Find the
volume of the cylinder.
a) 1504cm3
b) 4150cm3
c) 1450cm3
d) 1540cm3
50. Which of the following equation represents a line perpendicular to y=2x+3
a) y=5x+3 b) y=-3x+3
c) y  
d) y=2x-3
Best of Luck