TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley BP CO2 Sequestration Geology of the San Joaquin Valley by Terralog Technologies USA, Inc. February 13, 2008 Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options TTI San Joaquin Valley Oil fields in the southern San Joaquin Valley; studied fields in red TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Field/Area API range Alphalto 19-35 Belridge North 13-52 Belridge South 11 to 37 Shallowest producing interval (API) Etchegoin (19 API) Tulare-Etchegoin (13 API) Tulare (11 API) Average Average Cumulative Estimated Cumulative Estimated depth (ft), Deepest Producing depth Oil Oil Gas Gas shallowest Interval (API) (ft), Produced Reserves Produced Reserves interval deepest (Mbbl) (Mbbl) (MMcf) (MMcf) 3,050 Carneros (31-60 API) 8,570 36,953 891 112,087 8,825 600 Y Sand (32 API) 8,550 136,553 27,443 737,318 46,716 400 Devilwater/Gould (37 API) 8,200 1,468,742 520,215 482,463 142,494 666,802 8,155 1,094,261 4,300 131,305 1,445 60,112 49,710 not available 5,300 535,497 6,710 1,034,148 49,710 17,500 164,522 1,333 248,091 2,196 11,680 59,162 488 459,449 13,758 9,500 1,285,267 106,544 2,149,720 707,176 11,300 115,509 1,678 108,750 1,977 4,200 367,536 303,374 109,773 19,972 627,835 225,836 117,950 21,051 2,0004,750 200,565 2,643 33,417 60 8,300 102,809 17,329 192,419 20,992 61,432 165 432,524 350 11,500 60,197 165 422,970 350 11,900 1,235 not available 9,553 not available 11,650 117,487 1,936 132,226 1,417 11,500 110,716 2,561 96,411 2,833 Buena Vista Above Scalez (AS) Front Area 18 to 28 4,200 Mulina (18-28 API) (18-28 API) Top Oil (Sub-Scalez) 555 Stevens (26-32 Buena Vista Hills 19 to 36 2,300 (19-36 API) API) Coles Levee Point of Rocks ABD 33-49 Stevens (33-49 API) 5,300 North (57 API) Coles Levee 30-56 Stevens (30-56 API) 9,600-9,900 Nozu (39.2 API) South Elk Hills 10 to 50 Tulare (10 API) 1,120 Agua (37 API) Rio Bravo-Vedder Greeley 34-36 Stevens (36 API) 8,300 (36 API) Lost Hills 12 to 40 Tulare (12-18 API) 200 Devilwater (32 API) McKittrick Tulare-San Joaquin Main Area 12 to 32 300-500 Stevens (19-32 API) (12-19 API) Tulare (Amnicola) Northeast Area 11 to 39 650 Oceanic (36 API) (12-25 API) Paloma Paloma (Stevens; 35- 10,000- Lower Stevens (36-47 Main 35-55 55 API) 10,300 API) Symons (Stevens; 37Paloma (Stevens; 29Symons 29-60 11,400 60 API) 57 API) "Upper Olcese" (32Rio Bravo 32-40 10,200 Hebling (35 API) 34 API) Yowlumne 32-34 Etchegoin (32 API) 10,400 10-4 (Stevens) TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley 1999 Texas 1,464,000 barrels of oil per day Louisiana 1,333,000 barrels of oil per day Alaska 1,044,000 barrels of oil per day California 876,000 barrels of oil per day Kern County 560,000 barrels of oil per day Oklahoma 193,000 barrels of oil per day TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Asphalto Coles Levee South Paloma Yowlumne Greeley Rio Bravo Belridge North Cumulative oil and condensate produced (Mbbl) Coles Levee North McKittrick Lost Hills Buena Vista Elk Hills Belridge South 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 1600000 Cumulative oil and condensate production as of December, 2006 (DOGGR, 2007) TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Yowlumne Greeley Asphalto Rio Bravo McKittrick Coles Levee North Paloma Cumulative gas produced (MMcf) Coles Levee South Belridge South Lost Hills Belridge North Buena Vista Elk Hills 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 Cumulative gas production as of December, 2006 (DOGGR, 2007) TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Paloma Rio Bravo Greeley Coles Levee North Yowlumne Asphalto Coles Levee South Estimated gas reserves (MMcf) McKittrick Belridge North Buena Vista Lost Hills Belridge South Elk Hills 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 Estimated gas reserves as of December, 2006 (DOGGR, 2007) TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Structure of the San Joaquin Valley. NSB=Northern Sierran block; SSB=Southern Sierran block; NDH=northern Diablo homocline; WFB= westside fold belt; M-TS=Maricopa-Tejon subbasin (Bartow, 1991) Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley (DOGGR, 1998) TTI TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley San Joaquin basin stratigraphic column (Scheirer & Magoon, 2007) Oil reservoir rock in green Gas reservoir rock in red Shale dashed lines Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options TTI San Joaquin Valley Typical sand and mud deposition in submarine fan turbidite systems (Henderson, 1987 Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options TTI San Joaquin Valley Formation/Member Age Tulare Pleistocene San Joaquin Pliocene Etchegoin Pliocene Depositional Environment Lithology Non-marine alluvial, fluvial Poorly consolidated gravels, sands, clays, silts; & lacustrine occasional limestones and conglomerates Restrictive shallow marine Alternating clays interbedded with sands; graded and non-marine downward to marine sands, silts & shale; fossiliferous Transgressive shallow Poorly sorted massive sands, shales, silts and clays; marine shelf, deltaic, bay & fossiliferous estuary Reef Ridge Miocene Deep marine basin Hard,siliceous shale, silty shale; thin sand lenses Reef Ridge/Olig Miocene Monterey/Antelope Shale Miocene Monterey/Stevens Miocene Deep-sea fan, channel turbidites within deep basin Well-sorted, medium- to fine-grained sands interbedded with shale; locally conglomeratic Lower Monterey Miocene Deep marine starved basin Siliceous shale, interbedded silts & fine-grained sands Upper Temblor/Carneros Miocene Freeman-Jewett/Olcese Miocene Lower Temblor/Santos-Agua Oligocene Vedder Oligocene Tumey Eocene Kreyenhagen/Point of Rocks Eocene Basin margin & deep marine Massive to thin-bedded sands, fine- to coarse-grained fan/turbidites Hard,siliceous shale, silty shale; minor sand & silt Deep marine starved basin laminations Basin margin & deep marine Massive sands interbedded with thick shales fan/turbidites Transgressive Fine- to medium-grained sands and silty sand; poorly to shallow/littoral to outer well sorted; friable marine shelf Shallow to outer shelf & Shale and siltstone with sandstone lenses; glauconitic slope & phosphatic sandstone & siltstone Deltaic (?); inner shelf to outer shelf & slope Deep marine basin; slope turbidite (?) Highstand slope & basin turbidites in deep marine basin Well-sorted, very fine- to medium-grained sandstone with silt & shale interbeds Basal massive siltstone; upper hard, siltstone & shale Poorly sorted sands interbedded in bathyal, basinal shales Major reservoir formations in the southern San Joaquin basin, their depositional environments and lithologies Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options TTI San Joaquin Valley Formation/Member Tulare San Joaquin Etchegoin Reef Ridge Reef Ridge/Olig Monterey/Antelope Shale Monterey/Stevens Lower Monterey Upper Temblor/Carneros FreemanJewett/Olcese Lower Temblor/Santos-Agua Vedder Tumey Kreyenhagen/Point of Rocks Age Fields Belridge North; Belridge South; Elk Hills; Lost Hills; Pleistocene McKittrick Main & NE Buena Vista Front & Hills; Elk Hills; McKittrick Main Pliocene & NE Asphalto; Belridge North; Belridge South; Buena Vista Pliocene Front & Hills; Elk Hills; Lost Hills; Yowlumne Belridge North; Belridge South; Buena Vista Hills; Miocene Lost Hills; McKittrick Main Miocene Asphalto; Elk Hills; McKittrick Main & NE Asphalto; Belridge South; Buena Vista Hills; Miocene McKittrick Main & NE Asphalto; Buena Vista Hills; Coles Levee North; Coles Miocene Levee South; Elk Hills; Greeley; Mckittrick Main; Paloma; Yowlumne Miocene Lost Hills; Coles Levee South Asphalto; Belridge North; Elk Hills; Lost Hills; Miocene McKittrick NE Miocene Greeley; Rio Bravo Oligocene Belridge North; Elk Hills; McKittrick NE Oligocene Eocene Greeley; Rio Bravo Belridge North; McKittrick NE Eocene McKittrick NE; Coles Levee North Fields with production from major reservoir formations Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options TTI San Joaquin Valley Potential Fields for CO2 Sequestration Based on potential storage capacity (pore volume), multiple target zones below 5000ft depth and presence of seals Elk Hills Belridge North Paloma TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Belridge South Lost Hills Asphalto McKttrick Buena Vista Coles Levee North Coles Levee South Greeley Yowlumne Rio Bravo Paloma Belridge North Elk Hills 0.00E+00 1.00E+10 2.00E+10 3.00E+10 Estimated pore volumes for studied fields Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Elk Hills Discovered 1919 2,777 wells as of 12/2006 TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Pliocene contour map and cross section showing strucutre of Elk Hills anticlines (Fiore, et al., 2007) TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Miocene structure contour map (DOGGR, 1998) TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Cross section for Elk Hills (DOGGR, 1998) TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options TTI San Joaquin Valley Stratigraphic column for Elk Hills TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley TARGET ZONE THICKNESS (ft) POROSITY (%) AREA (mmft2) PORE VOL (ft3) SEAL Olig 15 21 271 8.56E+08 Reef Ridge Shale Stevens 275 21 271 1.57E+10 Reef Ridge Shale Northwest Stevens 200 21 46 1.78E+09 Reef Ridge Shale Carneros 170 19 271 6.93E+09 Media Shale Agua 480 - 1.1 - Santos Shale Potential CO2 targets and seals for Elk Hills Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Belridge North Discovered in 1912 1072 wells as of 12/2006 TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options TTI San Joaquin Valley Structure contour map for the Oligocene of Belridge North (DOGGR, 1998) TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Cross section and stratigraphy for Belridge North (DOGGR, 1998) Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Extent of diatomite reservoir, North and South Belridge fields TTI TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley TARGET ZONE THICKNESS (ft) POROSITY (%) AREA (mmft2) PORE VOL (ft3) SEAL “Temblor Sand” 600 25 67 1.01E+10 Devilwater/Gould shales Carneros 80 17 67 9.11E+08 Media Shale R Sand (Agua) 150 16 67 1.61E+09 Santos Shale Bloemer/Belridge 64/Gibson 400 14 67 3.75E+09 Lower Santos Shale Y Sand 75 15 67 7.54E+08 Cymric Shale Potential CO2 target zones and seals for Belridge North Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Paloma Discovered in 1939 28 wells as of 12/2006 TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Structure contour map for the upper Miocene of the Paloma oil field TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Cross section of the Paloma field (DOGGR, 1998) TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Stratigraphy for the Paloma field TTI TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley TARGET ZONE THICKNESS (ft) POROSITY (%) AREA (mmft2) PORE VOL (ft3) SEAL Paloma (Stevens) 250 20 50 2.5E+09 Antelope Shale and Reef Ridge Shale Lower Stevens 200 16 47 1.5E+09 Antelope Shale Potential CO2 target zones and seals for the Paloma field Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options TTI San Joaquin Valley CONCLUSIONS Extensive regional shales and thick, lenticular sand bodies in multiple fields Based on potential storage volume estimated from pore volume for producing zones at >5000ft depth, candidate fields for CO2 sequestration include: Elk Hills Belridge North Paloma Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley TTI