Introduction to ACT-R Tutorial 21st Annual Conference Cognitive Science Society John R. Anderson Christian Lebiere Psychology Department Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ACT-R Home Page: Dieter Wallach Institut fur Psychologie Universitaet Basel Bernoullistr. 16 CH-4056 Basel Tutorial Overview 1. Introduction 2. Symbolic ACT-R Declarative Procedural Learning 3. Subsymbolic Performance in ACT-R Activation (Declarative) Utility (Procedural) 4. Subsymbolic Learning in ACT-R Activation (Declarative) Utility (Procedural) 5. ACT-R/PM Note: For detailed (40-100 hrs) tutorial, visit ACT-R Education link. For software visit ACT-R Software link. For models visit Published ACT-R Models link. Unified Theories of Cognition ACT-R exemplifies what Newell meant when he spoke of a unified theory of cognition – i.e., a single system within which we can understand the wide range of cognition. Arguments against Unified Theories 1. Modularity – behavioral and neural evidence. 2. Need for specialization - Jack of all trades, master of none. Argument for Unified Theories 1. System Organization - We need to understand how the overall mental system works in order to have any real understanding of the mind or any of its more specific functions. 2. Mental plasticity – ability to acquire new competences. Newell’s Constraints on a Human Cognitive Architecture (Newell, Physical Symbol Systems, 1980) + 1. Behave as an (almost) arbitrary function of the environment (universality) + 2. Operate in real time + 3. Exhibit rational, i.e., effective adaptive behavior + 4. Use vast amounts of knowledge about the environment + 5. Behave robustly in the face of error, the unexpected, and the unknown + 6. Use symbols (and abstractions) + 7. Use (natural) language - 8. Exhibit self-awareness and a sense of self + 9. Learn from its environment + 10. Acquire capabilities through development - 11. Arise through evolution + 12. Be realizable within the brain The Missing Constraint: Making Accurate Predictions about Behavioral Phenomena. ACT-R is explicitly driven to provide models for behavioral phenomena. The tasks to which ACT-R has been applied include: 1. Visual search including menu search 2. Subitizing 3. Dual tasking including PRP 4. Similarity judgements 5. Category learning 6. List learning experiments 7. Paired-associate learning 8. The fan effect 9. Individual differences in working memory 10. Cognitive arithmetic 11. Implicit learning (e.g. sequence learning) 12. Probability matching experiments 13. Hierarchical problem solving tasks including Tower of Hanoi 14. Strategy selection including Building Sticks Task 15. Analogical problem solving 16. Dynamic problem solving tasks including military command and control 17. Learning of mathematical skills including interacting with ITSs 18. Development of expertise 19. Scientific experimentation 20. Game playing 21. Metaphor comprehension 22. Learning of syntactic cues 23. Syntactic complexity effects and ambiguity effects 24. Dyad Communication A priori ACT-R models can be built for new domains taking knowledge representations and parameterizations from existing domains. These deliver parameter-free predictions for phenomena like time to solve an equation. History of the ACT-framework Predecessor HAM (Anderson & Bower 1973) Theory versions ACT-E ACT* ACT-R ACT-R 4.0 (Anderson, 1976) (Anderson, 1978) (Anderson, 1993) (Anderson & Lebiere, 1998) GRAPES (Sauers & Farrell, 1982) PUPS (Anderson & Thompson, 1989) ACT-R 2.0 ACT-R 3.0 ACT-R 4.0 (Lebiere & Kushmerick, 1993) ACT-R/PM (Byrne, 1998) Implementations (Lebiere, 1998) ACT-RInformation : Information Flow ACT-R: Flow ACT-R Goal Stack (Frontal Cortex) Pop Push Conflict Resolution Current Goal Retrieval (Cortical Result Activation) Transform Popped Goal Goal Production Procedural Memory (Basal Ganglia & Frontal Cortex) Action Compilation Declarative Memory Retrieval Request (Hipp ocampus & Cortex) Perception OUTSIDE WORLD ACT-R: Knowledge Representation Declarative-Procedural Distinction Declarative Knowledge: Chunks Configurations of small numbers of elements addend1 Three sum Addition-Fact Seven addend2 Four Procedural Knowledge: Production Rules for retrie ving chunks to solve problems. 336 +848 4 IF the goal is to add n1 and n2 in a column and n1 + n2 = n3 THEN set as a subgoal to write n3 in that column. Productions serve to coordinate the retrieval of information from declarative memory and the enviroment to produce transformations in the goal state. ACT-R: Assumption Space Performance Declarative Symbolic Subsymbolic Retrieval of Chunks Application o f Production Rules Noisy Activ ations Control Speed and Accuracy Noisy Utili ties Control Choice Learning Declarative Symbolic Subsymbolic Procedural Encoding Environment and Caching Goals Bayesian Learning Procedural Compilation from Example and Instruction Bayesian Learning Chunks: Example ( (N CHUNK-TYPE NAME SLOT1 (F EWCHUNK SLOT2 SLOTN ACT3+4 isa NAME isa ADDITION-FACT SLOT1 Filler1 ADDEND1 THREE SLOT2 Filler2 ADDEND2 FOUR SLOTN FillerN SUM SEVEN ) ) ) Chunks: Example (CLEAR-ALL) (CHUNK-TYPE addition-fact addend1 addend2 sum) (CHUNK-TYPE integer value) (ADD-DM (fact3+4 isa addition-fact addend1 three addend2 four sum seven) (three isa integer value 3) (four isa integer value 4) (seven isa integer value 7) Chunks: Example ADDITION-FACT 3 VALUE 7 isa ADDEND1 THREE VALUE SUM FACT3+4 SEVEN ADDEND2 isa FOUR isa INTEGER 4 VALUE isa Chunks: Exercise I Fact: The cat sits on the mat. Encoding: proposition (Chunk-Type proposition agent action object) (Add-DM (fact007 isa proposition agent cat007 action sits_on object mat) ) isa cat007 agent fact007 action sits_on object mat Chunks: Exercise II The black cat with 5 legs sits on the mat. Fact Chunks (Chunk-Type proposition agent action object) (Chunk-Type cat legs color) cat (Add-DM (fact007 isa proposition agent cat007 action sits_on object mat) (cat007 isa cat legs 5 color black) proposition isa isa legs 5 cat007 fact007 agent color ) black mat object action sits_on Chunks: Exercise III (Chunk-Type proposition agent action object) (Chunk-Type prof money-status age) (Chunk-Type house kind price status) Fact The rich young professor buys a beautiful and expensive city house. proposition prof agent money- prof08 status age young house isa isa rich Chunk fact008 action buys expensive price isa object status beautiful obj1001 kind city-house (Add-DM (fact008 isa proposition agent prof08 action buys object house1001 ) (prof08 isa prof money-status rich age young ) (obj1001 isa house kind city-house price expensive status beautiful ) ) Productions set of productions, organized through reference to goals procedural memory • • • • productions Structure of productions ( p modularity abstraction goal factoring conditional asymmetry name <Goal pattern> <Chunk retrieval > condition part delimiter ==> action part ) <Goal Transformation> <External action> Psychological reality of productions Taken from: Anderson, J.R. (1993). Rules of the mind. Hillsdale, NJ: LEA. Error rates: Data & Model Taken from: Anderson, J.R. & Lebiere, C. (1998). The atomic components of thought. Hillsdale, NJ: Add-numbers (p add-numbers head/slot separator = fact > variable prefix production name =goal> isa add-column num1 =add1 num2 =add2 result nil goal pattern =fact> isa addition-fact addend1 =add1 addend2 =add2 sum =sum chunk retrieval = => =goal> result =sum ) action description Add-numbers 3 +4 ? (p add-numbers IF the goal is to add numbers in a column and =add1 is the first number and =add2 is the second number and you remember an addition fact that =add1 plus =add2 equals =sum Then =goal> isa add-column num1 =add1 num2 =add2 result nil =fact> isa addition-fact addend1 =add1 addend2 =add2 sum =sum ==> note in the goal that the result is =sum =goal> result =sum ) (first-goal isa add-colomn num1 three num2 four result nil) (fact3+4 isa addition-fact addend1 three addend2 four sum seven) (first-goal isa add-colomn num1 three num2 four result seven) Pattern matching left-hand side negation — addend1 =goal> isa find-sum addend2 =num2 sum =sum =fact> isa add-fact addend1 zero addend2 =num2 sum =sum goal (goal1 isa find-sum addend1 nil addend2 two sum four ) declarative memory (fact2+3 isa add-fact addend1 two addend2 three sum five) (fact3+1 isa add-fact addend1 three addend2 one sum four) (fact0+4 isa add-fact addend1 zero addend2 four sum four) (fact2+2 isa add-fact addend1 two addend2 two sum four) Counting Example First-Goal 0.000 isa COUNT-FROM start 2 end 5 (P increment =goal> ISA count-from start =num1 =count> ISA count-order first =num1 second =num2 ==> !output! ( =num1) =goal> start =num2) (P stop =goal> ISA start end ==> !output! !pop!) count-from =num =num ( =num) (add-dm (a ISA count-order first 1 second 2) (b ISA count-order first 2 second 3) (c ISA count-order first 3 second 4) (d ISA count-order first 4 second 5) (e ISA count-order first 5 second 6) (first-goal ISA count-from start 2 end 5)) Web Address: ACT-R Home Page Published ACT-R Models Counting Example Goal Stack G3 G1 Initial state G2 G1 !push! =G2 !push! =G3 G2 G4 G1 G1 !pop! !focus-on! =G4 stack-manipulating actions Tower of Hanoi Demo Start-Tower IF the goal is to move a pyramid of size n to peg x and size n is greater than 1 THEN set a subgoal to move disk n to peg x and change the goal to move a pyramid of size n-1 to peg x Final-Move IF the goal is to move a pyramid of size 1 to peg x THEN move disk 1 to peg x and pop the goal Subgoal-Blocker IF the goal is to move disk of size n to peg x and y is the other peg and m is the largest blocking disk THEN post the goal of moving disk n to x in the interface and set a subgoal to move disk m to y Move IF the goal is move disk of size n to peg x and there are no blocking disks THEN move disk n to peg x and pop the goal Web Address: ACT-R Home Page Published ACT-R Models Atomic Components of Thoughts Chapter 2 Model for Ruiz Tower of Hanoi: Data & Models Taken from: Anderson, J.R. & Lebiere, C. (1998). The atomic components of thought. Hillsdale, NJ: LEA Subsymbolic level Summary Computations on the subsymbolic level are responsible for • • • • which production ACT-R attempts to fire how to instantiate the production how long the latency of firing a production is which errors are observed As with the symbolic level, the subsymbolic level is not a static level, but is changing in the light of experience to allow the system to adapt to the statistical structure of the environment. Chunks & Activation A DDITION -F A CT isa (p add-numbers =goal> isa add-column num1 =add1 num2 =add2 result nil =fact> isa addition-fact addend1 =add1 addend2 =add2 sum =sum THREE Wj addend1 Sji F A CT 3+4 Bi Sji sum Sji addend2 F OUR (goal1 isa add-column num1 Three num2 Four result nil ) Wj S Ai=Bi+ WjSji S EVEN Chunk Activation Context activation activation = base activation + ( Ai = Bi + source activation SW j j * associative strength ) * Sji Activation makes chunks available to the degree that past experiences indicate that they will be useful at the particular moment: • • Base-level: general past usefulness Context: relevance in the current context Base-level Activation activation = Ai = + base activation Bi ( + source activation * associative strength SW * Sji j ) The base level activation Bi of chunk Ci reflects a contextindependent estimation of how likely Ci is to match a production, i.e. Bi is an estimate of the log odds that Ci will be used. Two factors determine Bi: • frequency of using Ci • recency with which Ci was used Bi = ln ( P(Ci) P(Ci) ) Base-Level Activation & Noise Basel-level activation fluctuates and decays with time initial expected base-level activation decay with time, parameter d denotes the decay rate B(t) = - d * ln(t) + 1 + 2 random noise in initial baselevel activation 1 at creation time transient noise 2, reflecting moment-to-moment fluctuations Source Activation activation Ai = = base activation Bi + + ( source activation SW j j * associative strength * Sji The source activations Wj reflect the amount of attention given to elements, i.e. fillers, of the current goal. ACT-R assumes a fixed capacity for goal elements, and that each element has an equal amount (W= S Wi = 1). (1) constant capacity for source activations (2) equally divided among the n goal elements: constant/n (3) W reflects an individual difference parameter ) Associative strength activation Ai = = base activation Bi + ( source activation * SW + associative strength j * ) Sji The association strength Sji between chunks Cj and Ci is a measure of how often Ci was needed (retrieved) when Cj was element of the goal, i.e. Sji estimates the log likelihood ratio of Cj being a source of activation if Ci was retrieved. Sji = ln ( P(Ni Cj) P(Ni) ) = S - ln(P(Ni|Cj)) Retrieval time Chunks i to instantiate production p are retrieved sequentially Retrieval-timep = S Time i ip Time to retrieve a chunk as function of match score Mip and strength of matching production Sp -f(Mip + Sp) Timeip = Fe Retrieval time is an exponential function of the sum of match score of the chunk and the production strength Retrieval time Fan effect Lawyer Park In Church Fireman Doctor Bank Fan Effect Demo Retrieve-by-Person If the goal is to retrieve a sentence involving a person and a location and there is a proposition about that person in some location Then store that person and location as the retrieved pair. Retrieve-by-Location If the goal is to retrieve a sentence involving a person and a location and there is a proposition about some person in that location Then store that person and location as the retrieved pair. Mismatch-Person If the retrieved person mismatches the probe Then say no. Mismatch-Location If the retrieved location mismatches the probe Then say no. Match-Both Web Address: If the retrieved person and location both match the probe ACT-R Home Page Then say yes. Published ACT-R Models Atomic Components of Thought Chapter 3 Fan Effect Model Fan Effect Threshold Chunks with an activation lower than threshold can not be retrieved Retrieval probability = 1 -(A-)/s 1+e (A- )/s Equivalently: Odds of recall = e recall is an exponential function of the distance between Activation Ai of Chunk Ci and threshold , scaled by activation noise s. odds of recall decreases as a power function of time Partial matching Errors of Omission These occur when the correct chunk falls below the activation threshold for retrieval and the intended production rule therefore cannot fire. ==> Errors of Commission These occur when some wrong chunk is retrieved instead of the correct one and so the wrong instantiation fires. ==> Partial matching partial matching is restricted to chunks with the same type as specified in a production’s retrieval pattern an amount reflecting the degree of mismatch Dip to a retrieval pattern of production p is subtracted from the activation level Ai of a partially matching chunk i. The match score for the match of chunk i to production p is: Mip = Ai - Dip Dip is the sum for each slot of the degree of mismatch between the value of the slot in chunk i and the respective retrieval pattern Probability of retrieving chunk i as a match for production p: eMip/t Mjp/t Se j t= 6 = 2 s SUGAR FACTORY SUGAR FACTORY Sugar productiont = 2 * workerst - sugar productiont-1 [+/- 1000] Negative correlation between knowledge and performance workers 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 s u g a r p r o d u c t i o n 1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 2000 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 3000 1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 4000 1000 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 5000 1000 1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 12000 12000 12000 12000 6000 1000 1000 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 12000 12000 12000 7000 1000 1000 1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 12000 12000 12000 8000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 12000 12000 9000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 12000 12000 10000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 12000 11000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 12000 12000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Similarities: example 12 2 11 Ratio Similarities: sim(a, b) min a, b max a, b 10 .09 0.1 .08 3 0.5 0.33 1 0.11 9 0.25 0.125 0.2 0.16 8 4 5 0.14 7 6 D = Mismatch Penalty * (1-sim(a, b)) Retrieval of encoded chunks (p retrieve-episode ==> ) =goal> isa transistion state =state production =production (GOALCHUNK isa transition state 2000 production 9000 worker nil) =episode> isa transition state =state production =production worker =worker (Episode007 isa transition state 1000 production 8000 worker 5) goal> worker =worker) Match Partial Match Lebiere, C., Wallach, D. & Taatgen, N. (1998). Implicit and explicit learning in ACT-R. In F. E. Ritter And R. Young (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pp. 183-189. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press. Control performance 25 Target States 20 Trial 41-80 15 10 Trial 1-40 5 0 ACT-R Experiment D&F Concordance Transition from computation to retrieval Conflict resolution In general, conflict resolution gives answers to two questions: Which production out of a set of matching productions is selected? Goal factoring Success probability Costs expected gain Which instantiation of the selected production is fired? Sequential instantiation No backtracking activation Conflict resolution Expected Gain = P * G – Probability of goal achievement Goal value goal-specific production-specific C Cost of goal achievement Selection of Productions Expected Gain = P * G Probability of goal achievement q • r Goal value C – Cost of goal achievement a + b Probability of Goal Achievement q P * probability of the production working successfully Production's matching/actions/subgoals have the intended effect r probability of achieving the goal if the production works successfully Goal accomplished and popped successfully. Achieving a goal depends on the joint probability of the respective production being successful and subsequent rules eventually reaching the goal. Costs of a production a amount of effort (in time) that a production will take Production's costs of matching/actions/subgoals C + b estimate of the amount of effort from when a production completes until the goal is achieved Costs of future productions Production costs are calculated as the sum of the effort associated with production pi and (an estimate of) the effort that subsequent productions pj..n take on the way to goal achievement. Conflict resolution P q * { { { a … { Intended next state current state r + C b goal state Goal value G=20 p3 !push! p3 parameters: q: 1 r: .9 a: .05 b: 1 G'=17 G' = rG-b = .9 * 20 - 1 = 17 ACT-R values a goal less the more deeply it is embedded in uncertain subgoals ACT-R pops the goal with failure if no production above the utility threshold (default: 0) can match (goal abandonment) Noise in Conflict Resolution Remember: Evaluation Ei of production i = P(i)*G-C(i) Boltzmann Equation Probability of choosing i among n applicable productions with Evaluation Ej Ei/t e Ej/t Se j t = 2 2-person Matrix Game Players Player1, Player2 Actions Actions A, B ... Payoff matrix A1 B1 A2 3, 7 4, 6 B2 8, 2 1, 9 Data sets Erev & Roth (1998) “ There is a danger that investigators will treat the models like their toothbrushes, and each will use its own model only on his own data.” Diverse data sets re-analyzed 2x2 4x4 5x5 Suppes & Atkinson (1960) [SA2, SA8, SA3k, SA3u] Erev & Roth (1998) [SA3n] Malcom & Liebermann (1965) O'Neill (1987) Rapoport & Boebel (1992) [R&B10, R&B15] Model (p player1-A =goal> isa decide player1 nil ==> =goal> player1 A ) Productions Chunk game12 isa decide player1 A player2 B (p player1-B =goal> isa decide player1 nil ==> =goal> player1 B ) 24 33 60 15 1/3 2/3 1 0 1/2 1/2 1/6 5/6 Best Fits – Random Games 1-Parameter Reference Erev & Roth (1998) point=xmin Parameter S(1)=15 Data set Random games 100*MSD game game game game game game game game game game #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 1.3 0.304 0.89585 0.8994 0.28565 2.0305 0.6485 2.201 0.4287 3.589 1.7195 Reference point =0 1.087 0.4725 0.4403 1.235 0.4074 1.181 1.298 0.6303 1.18 2.523 1.504 Model ACT-R; Average Par. Data set 100*MSD game game game game game game game game game game priors=53 Random games 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.471 0.288 0.163 0.289 0.325 0.447 0.903 0.626 0.204 1.006 0.546 Conflict resolution (1) selection (2) (3) Goal test goal pattern Match Ep = 13.95 evaluate conflict set Ep = 18.95 Ep = 17.30 Ep = 18.95 Match (4) retrieve chunk(s) fire production Learning as Subsymbolic Tuning to the Statistics of the Environment 1. Lael Schooler: Statistical structure of the demands on declarative memory posed by the environment. 2. Christian Lebiere: Consequences for 20 years of practicing arithmetic facts. 3. Marsha Lovett: Selection among production rules is also sensitive to both the features of the current problem and the rule’s past history of success. Lael Schooler Declarative Memory: Statistical Tuning 1. The goal of declarative memory is to m ake most available those memory chunks that are most likely to be needed at a particular point in time. 2. The probability of a memory chunk being relevant depends on its past history of usage and the current context. n d tj j1 3. Log Odds = Log + Context Odds = .14 T -.73 Log Odds= - 1.95 - 0.73 Log Days R^2 = 0.993 0.2 -1 (a) New York Times Retention (d) New York Tim es Retention Log Need Odds Probabilitity on Day 101 -2 0.1 -3 -4 -5 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 Days since Last Occurrence 100 -6 0 1 2 3 Log Days 4 5 Odds = .18 T -.77 Log Odds = - 1.70 - 0.77 Log Utterances R^2 = 0.984 0.12 -2 (b) Parental Speech Retention (e) Parental Speech Retention -3 0.08 Log Need Odds Probability in Utterance 101 0.10 0.06 0.04 -5 0.02 0.00 -4 0 20 40 60 80 Utterances since Last occurrence 100 -6 0 1 2 3 Log Utterances 4 5 Odds = .34 T -.83 Log Odds = - 1.09 - 0.83 Log Days R^2 = 0.986 0.3 0 (c) Mail Sources Retention (f) Mail Sources Retention 0.2 Log Need Odds Probability on Day 101 -1 0.1 -2 -3 -4 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 Days since Last Occurrence 100 -5 0 1 2 3 Log Days 4 5 Parameter learning: n log(S tj-d) j=1 Lael Schooler’s Research p(AIDS) = .018 New Y ork T imes Associates virus spre ad patients health p(AIDS|associate) .75 .54 .40 .27 p(AIDS|associate) p(AIDS) 41.0 29.4 21.8 14.6 Parental Speech p(play) = .0086 p(play|game) p(play|game) p(play) .41 47.3 Environmental Analyses of Context and Recency (b) New York Times standard (a) CHILDES standard 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.30 need odds need odds 0.35 strong context weak context 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 retention in utterances 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 retention in days 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 log need odds log need odds 0 (d) New York Times power (c) CHILDES power -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -6 -6 -7 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 retention in log utterances -7 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 retention in log days Lael Schooler Retrieval Odds Mirrors Odds of Occurring Conclusions from Environmental Studies: Log Odds = Log n d t j j1 + Context Proposal for ACT-R’s Declarative Memory: - Activation reflects Log Odds of Occurring Eight W j addend1 S ji addit ion-fact B i S ji sum Twelve S ji addend2 Four W j - Learning works as a Bayesian inference scheme to try to identify the right values of the factors determining odds of recall. Declarative Equations Activation Structure Ai = Bi + Wj Sji j n d t j j1 Activation Equation Bi = ln Base-Level Learning Sji= S - ln((P(i|j)) Strength Learning Performance Structure Mi = Ai - Dp Match Equation e Probability = M /t i e M /t j Chunk Choice j Timei = Fe-fMi Retrieval Time What happens when the probabilistic world of information retrieval hits the hard and unforgiving world of mathematics? Christian Lebiere’s Simulation of Cognitive Arithmetic Over 100,000 problems of e ach type (1+1 to 9+9; 1x1 to 9x9) over 20 years. Retrieve Compute Addition IF the goal is to find a + b and a + b = c THEN the answer is c Multiplication IF the goal is to find a * b and a * b = c THEN the answer is c IF the goal is to find a + b IF the goal is to find a * b THEN set a subgoal to count THEN set a subgoal to add b units past a a for b times Critical Phenomena: Transition from computation to retrieval Errors due to partial matching and noise Errors due to retrieving wrong answers Effects of frequency distribution 1+1 is about three times more frequent than 9+9 Problem Size Effect over Time Model Problem Size Effect (Data) Problem Size Effect over Time 10 10 8 Response Time (sec) 8 1st 4th 7th 10th College RT (sec) 6 4 2 0 1st 6 4th 7th 10th College 4 2 Small Large 0 Small Large Problem Size Problem Size Effect of Argument Size on Accuracy For Addition (4 year olds) Data Model Percentage Correct for Addition Retrieval in the First Cycle (1000 Problems) Addition Retrieval 80 80 Augend Addend 60 60 50 40 30 20 Augend Addend 70 Percentage Correct Percentage Correct 70 50 40 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 Operand Percentage of Correct Retrieval per Operand 6 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 Operand Percentage Correct in Simulation 6 Effect of Argument Size on Accuracy For Multiplication (3rd Grade) Data Model Error Percentage for Multiplication Computation in Cycle 3 (~4th Grade) Multiplication Computation 50 50 Multiplicand Multiplier Multiplicand 40 Error Percentage Error Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 Multiplier 30 20 10 0 2 4 6 Argum ent 8 10 Percentage of Correct Computations per Operand 2 4 6 Argument 8 10 Percentage Errors in Multiplication Simulation Conclusions about Cognitive Arithmetic Subsymbolic learning mechanisms that yield adaptive retrieval in the world at large are behind the 20 year struggle that results in the mastery of cognitive arithmetic. Part of the reason why it is a struggle is that there is n oise in the system. However, more deeply, two things about the arithmetic domain fail to match up with the assumptions our memory system makes about the world: 1. Precise matching is required. 2. High interference between competing memories. Procedural Learning Making Choices: Conflict Resolution P is expected probability of success G is value of goal C is expected cost Expected Gain = E = PG-C Probability of choosing i = e Ei /t e E /t j t reflects noise in evaluation and is like temperature in the Bolztman equation j Successes P = Successes + Failures Successes = + m Failures = + n is prior successes m is experienced successes is prior failures n is experienced failures Building Sticks Task (Lovett) INITIAL STATE desired: current: building: a c b possible first moves desired: current: building: a desired: current: c b UNDERSHOOT Looks Undershoot building: a desired: current: b c building: a OVERSHOOT b c UNDERSHOOT Undershoot Overshoot More Successful More Successful 10 Undershoot 10 (5) Undershoot 0 Overshoot 10 (15) Overshoot Looks 10 (15) Undershoot Overshoot 10 (5) Overshoot 0 Undershoot 10 Overshoot Proportion Choice More Successful Operator Lovett & Anderson, 1996 Observed Data 1 3 1 0 0.8 3 1 0.7 0.6 3 1 3 0.3 1 0.2 0 3 3 0 1 0.9 0.8 0 0.5 0 3 3 1 0.4 1 1 0 3 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.1 3 1 1 0 0.3 0.2 0 0.1 0 Proportion Choice More Successful Operator (5/6) 1 0.9 0.4 Extreme-Biased Condition (2/3) Biased Condition 0 0 0 High Low Neutral Low High Against Against Toward Toward Test Problem Bias High Low Neutral Low High Against Against Toward Toward Test Problem Bias Predictions of Decay-Based ACT-R 1 1 0.9 3 1 0 0.8 0.7 3 1 0.6 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 3 1 0 3 1 3 1 0 0 0.1 3 1 0 0.9 0.8 3 1 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 3 1 0 3 1 3 1 0 0 0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 High Low Neutral Low High Against Against Toward Toward Test Problem Bias High Low Neutral Low High Against Against Toward Toward Test Problem Bias Build Sticks Demo Decide-Under If the goal is to solve the BST task and the undershoot difference is less th an th e overshoot difference Then choose undershoot. Decide-Over If the goal is to solve the BST task and the overshoot difference is less than th e undershoot difference Then choose overshoot. Force-Under If the goal is to solve the BST task Then choose undershoot. Force-Over If the goal is to solve the BST task Then choose overshoot. Web Address: ACT-R Home Page Published ACT-R Models Atomic Components of Thought Chapter 4 Building Sticks Model ACT-R model probabilities before and after problem-solving experience in Experiment 3 (Lovett & Anderson, 1996) Production Force-Under More Successful Prior Final Value Probability of Success 67% Condition 83% Condition .50 .60 .71 .50 .38 .27 .96 .98 .98 .96 .63 .54 Context Free Force-Over Less Successful Context Free Decide-Under More Successful Context Sensitive Decide-Over Less Successful Context Sensitive Decay of Experience Note: Such temporal weighting is critical in the real world. Credit-Assignment in ACT-R • But, what happens when there is more than one critical choice per problem? -How is credit/blame assigned by human problem solvers? -How well does ACT-R's learning mechanism handle this more complex case? -In ACT-R all choices leading to goal resolution are equally weighted. -But, is there evidence for a goal gradient? Building Sticks Task 2 Levels INITIAL STATE desired: current: building: a add b b c add c 75% OVERSHOOT UNDERSHOOT desired: current: desired: current: building: a b building: a c desired: current: desired: current: delete a MAINTAIN building: a building: a c b c building: a b c add a desired: current: b c building: a building: a b c c building: a building: a b c delete a desired: current: desired: current: b c desired: current: add a desired: current: b add c add a REVERSE MAINTAIN 75% desired: current: desired: current: delete a building: a b delete c 75% REVERSE desired: current: c add c delete c building: a b b c building: a b c Choice Learning Adapting to a Variable and Changing World It would be trivial to create a system that would do well at this task simply by eliminating the noise and getting rid of the discounting of past experience. However, this again makes the error of assuming that the human mind evolved for optimal performance at our particular laboratory task. In the real world noise is important both to explore other options and to avoid getting caught in traps. The discounting of experience also allows us to rapidly update in the presence of the changing world. Christian Lebiere and Robert West have shown that these features are critical to getting good performance in games as simple as rocks-papersscissors. ACT-R/PM Martin-Emerson-Wickens Task Perform compensatory tracking, keeping the crosshair on target (Dual-) Task Respond to choice stimuli as rapidly as possible Choice stimulus appears at various distances from target (vertical separation) Zur Anzeige wird der QuickTime™ Dekompressor “Photo - JPEG” benötigt. Model Tracking requires eye to be on the crosshair Eye must be moved to see stimulus Martin-Emerson & Wickens (1992): The vertical visual field and implications for the head-up display Choice response & tracking movements are bottlenecked through single motor module MEW Productions Find-Target-Oval IF the target hasn't been located and the oval is at location THEN mark the target at location Attend-Cursor IF the target has been found and the state has not been set and the pointer is at location and has not been attended to and the vision module is free THEN send a command to move the attention to location and set the state as "looking" Attend-Cursor-Again IF the target has been found and the state is "looking" and the pointer is at location and has not been attended to and the vision module is free THEN send a command to move the attention to location Start-Tracking IF the state is "looking" and the object focused on is a pointer and the vision module is free THEN send a command to track the pointer and update the state to "tracking" Move-Cursor IF the state is "tracking" and the target is at location and the motor module is free THEN send a command to move the cursor to location Stop-Tracking IF the state is "tracking" and there is an arrow on screen that hasn't been attended to THEN move the attention to that location and update the state to "arrow" Right-Arrow IF the state is "arrow" and the arrow is pointing to the right and the motor module is free THEN send a command to punch the left index finger and clear the state Left-Arrow IF the state is "arrow" and the arrow is pointing to the left and the motor module is free THEN send a command to punch the left middle finger and clear the state Schedule chart for Schumacher, et al. (1997) perfect time-sharing model. VM = visualManual ask, AV = auditory-verbal task, RS = response selection. ACT-R/PM simulation of Schumacher, et al. (1997) perfect time-sharing results.