inventory litigation ISA 501 - additional specific considerations completeness ISA 510 - initial engagements - opening balances ISA 540 - audit of accounting estimate / fair value occurrence specific ISA procedures ISA 550 - related parties accuracy transaction & events classification ISA 600 - work of component auditor (groups) cut-off Other considerations ISA 610 - work of internal auditor ISA 620 - work of an auditor's expert relevant assertions? completeness ISA 550 - related parties procedures year end balances always consider whether any Co's Act requirement needed to be met - procedure would then need to be conducted to ensure complied with existence valuation rights & obligations Companies Act presentation & disclosure usually applicable (but not always?) and need to be specific... "audit procedures" what needs to be done? obtain the relevant schedules cast / re-calculate schedules agree totals to general ledger obtain written representations include... "outstanding procedures" general procedures what is required? "additional procedures" ensure that accounting policies are consistent year on year Substantive procedures Summary consider analytical review procedures inspect observe enquire confirm how do we get the evidence? recalculate How / What / Why re-perform documents describing procedures identify the account balance(s)? differentiate between approach to auditing the balance? activities etc... what else still needs to be done asset vs liability overstatement vs understatement concern transactions? identify the key transactions have a debit and a credit side... consider specific IFRS requirements substantive what are we doing / looking at? usually relates to a specific situation / problem year end position? assets people what still needs to be done? combined no tests of control solely substantive tests tests of control and reduced substantive tests why are we doing it? / what are we trying to prove? "Using the computer", do your normal procedure... Consider CAATs planning what are you going to do? nature when are you going to do it? timing Interim procedures how much are you going to do? linked to audit risk model Substantive procedures summary.mmap - 2010/04/19 - Graeme O'Reilly stages during which evidence is planned & obtained fieldwork Early verification at year end after year end extent finalisation always with roll forward