Gender Awareness

Orientation Game Design Contest
to promote gender awareness
Gender? What is it?
What do you think? Agree or disagree?
Women are beautiful like flowers.
What do you think? Agree or disagree?
Women can be as good engineers as men
What do you think? Agree or disagree?
Men can take care of babies as well as women.
What do you think? Agree or disagree?
Men are the elephant’s front legs and women
are its hind legs.
What do you think? Agree or disagree?
What determines your views about the above
Your own value judgment?
Your teachers’ and parents’ teaching?
The cultural tradition?
Are women and men
born to be different?
Sex vs. Gender
What is Sex?
Biological differences between females and
What is Sex?
Female have XX chromosome, while males
have XY chromosome
Females have vagina, while males have penis
Females could bear babies
What is Gender?
Socio-cultural differences between women
and men
the roles (mother/father, husband/wife)
characteristics (values, personality traits,
behaviours, attitudes and interests)
in different societal institutions (the family,
schools, workplaces and governments).
What is Gender?
When you say that you are a man/woman, what
are you actually implying?
What should be your job?
What should be your hobbies?
Should you go rock-climbing?
What should be your character?
Should you be a nurse?
Should you be emotional?
What should your wear?
Should you wear pink?
What is Gender?
Gender roles and characteristics:
learned and transmitted through socialisation;
changeable over time; and
have wide variations both within and between
societies and cultures.
Socialisation of Gender
Socialisation is the process which an individual
acquire, through interaction with other people, the
knowledge about various attitudes, values,
behaviours, roles, social and cultural skills
It is the process which we become self-conscious,
knowledgeable and skillful so that we could live
our lives under a specific environment.
This process is at work continuously through all
phases of our lives, especially when we move in a
new environment.
Socialisation of Gender
During the socialisation process, the
following parties play an important part in
shaping your concepts about gender :
School Education
Working Environment
Socialisation of Gender
Think about the following:
What is the meaning of your name?
Who tells you what kind of toys you should have for
your birthday?
Why did you choose your major subject in University?
Why are you assigned your tasks at the Christmas
party at your workplace?
Who tells you what body figure you should have?
Myths and Facts about Gender
Women are weaker than men.
Leg strength relative to the individual’s lean body
weight is equal for men and women
Men have faster neuro-muscular response time: great
force production
Women have a greater portion of shored elastic
energy than men during activities in which muscle is
pre-stretched, e.g. counter movement prior to
Myths and Facts about Gender
After getting married, women do not need to work.
In Hong Kong, women constitutes 44% of the labour
force. Their labour participation rate is 52%.
Of those people who are heavily involved in
housework, 80% were women.
Women homemakers spent 6.8 hours a day on
housework, women with dual role spent 3 hours,
while men spent 1.1 hours on average.
Myths and Facts about Gender
Women are worse in decision-maker than men.
In the HKSAR Government, women constitutes 7
among the 17 Permanent Secretaries, the most senior
officials in the civil service,.
In the administrative officers grade, which is a corps of
multi-skilled professional administrators who form the
backbone of the government's policy, 53.4 % were
Of all the top/ senior management positions in private
and non-government sector in Hong Kong, women are
now holding about a quarter (26%) of them.
What is Gender Stereotyping?
Gender Stereotyping emerges when preconceived ideas about one sex are applied
indiscriminately without considering any
personal, social and cultural factors.
For example:
"Men are aggressive while women are
Proliferation of Gender Stereotyping in our daily life
Have you ever:1. made use of women's body and /or portraying
women as sex objects to draw other people’s
2. made fun of women's body or their particular parts?
3. associated certain ability, like analytical skills and
physical strength, to a specific sex?
4. confined certain family roles, like breadwinner and
housekeeper, and occupations, like nurse and
engineer, to a specific sex?
Who are the Women in Hong Kong?
Who are the Women in Hong Kong?
Life Expectancy
Female: 84.3
Male: 78.5
Labour Force Population
Female: 1.6 million (44%)
Male: 2.0 million (56%)
Total: around 3.6 million
Who are the Women in Hong Kong?
Percentage of Female Students in Universities
in 2002/03
Female: 16,300 (55%)
Male: 13,089 (45%)
Total: 29,389
Who are the Women in Hong Kong?
Choice of subjects
Female dominating
Arts & Humanities
Male dominating
Engineering and
Technology 72.4%
Education 74.2%
Sciences 61.9%
Social Sciences 65.1%
Who are the Women in Hong Kong?
Public Life and Decision Making
Members in Legislative Council
Female: 11
Male: 49
Members in District Councils
Female: 90
Male: 412
Members in Government Advisory and Statutory
Female: 1,357 (23.4%)
Male: 4,434 (76.6%)
Who are the Women in Hong Kong?
Women’s Roles in the Family
Sharing of Housework
Responsible for 20% and less
Female: 36.2%
Male: 68.3%
Time Spent on Unpaid Activities
Female: 3.3hrs
Male: 1.1hrs
Some questions for thought
Have you ever felt uncomfortable
during certain games/activities in
the O Camps because of some sexrelated elements?
When you are planning for
the coming O-camp, will
you like to make some
changes to these
Will you like to design an
orientation game to promote
gender awareness among
participants ?
Act Now!
Come and join the Orientation Game
Design Contest!