Nutrition Power Point

The Dietary Guidelines For
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans
1. Eat a variety of foods.
2. Maintain a healthy weight.
3. Choose a diet that is low in fat, saturated fat, and
4. Choose a diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and
grain products.
5. Use sugars only in moderation.
6. Use salt and other forms of sodium only in
7. For adults who drink alcohol, do so only in
4 Good Nutrition Keys
Dr. Covert Bailey’s 4 Keys to Good
Nutrition ( all nutritionists usually agree
with these 4 things):
• 1. Eat a balanced diet.
• 2. Eat less fat.
• 3. Eat less sugar.
4. Eat more fiber
Calories Needed
• A calorie is a unit or measurement of
energy available in certain nutrients
(Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins).
• Daily Caloric Requirement For
Teens: 1800 – 2500 per day
Basal Metabolic Rate
• Calories Needed To Maintain Basal Metabolic
Rate = 950 per day
• The basal metabolic rate is the energy needed
to fuel the body’s on-going processes while the
body is at complete rest.
• Going below 950 calories per day on a regular
basis will do serious physical damage to your
body. Eventually you would stave to death.
Calories In The 6 Nutrients
Calories Found In Nutrients:
Fat = 9 Calories per gram
Carbohydrate = 4 calories per gram
Protein = 4 calories per gram
Vitamins = 0 calories
Minerals = 0 calories
Water = 0 calories
For your information, alcohol has 7 calories per
Daily Reference Values
Daily Reference Values: Based on a 2000 calorie/day diet
1. Total Fat = 65 grams/day
2. Saturated Fat = 20 grams/day
3. Cholesterol = 300 mg/day
4. Total Carbohydrate = 300 grams/day
5. Dietary Fiber = 25 grams
6. Protein = 50 grams/day
7. Potassium = 3500 mg/day
8. Sodium = 2400 mg/day
Most of these values can be found in the nutrition facts portion of
a food label.
Recommended Daily Intakes
Recommended Daily Intakes (RDI’s)
Calcium = 1 gram/day
Iron = 18 mg/day
Magnesium =400 mg/day
Copper = 20 mg/day
Vitamin A = 5000 IU/day
Vitamin C = 60 mg/day
Vitamin D = 400 IU/day
8. Vitamin E = 30 IU/day
The Food Pyramid
The Food Pyramid:
Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta = 6 – 11 servings
per day
Vegetables = 3 – 5 servings per day
Fruits = 2 to 4 servings per day
Milk, Yogurt, Cheese = 2 to 3 servings
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, Nuts =
2 to 3 servings
6. Fats, Oils, Sweets = use none or use sparingly
Eating Better
• If your favorite foods are high in
sugar, calories, and fat, or low in
fiber and other essential nutrients,
you may need to make some changes
in your diet to increase its
nutritional value and to follow the 7
dietary guidelines.
Why People Gain Weight
Poor eating habits.
Poor exercise habits.
Poor self-image and self-esteem.
Metabolism changes or problems.
Starvation Response (metabolism slows down due to calorie
• Overeating.
• Poor family eating habits.
• Genetic predisposition.
• Weight-loss-diet induction (Yo-Yo Dieting)
Eating Problems
Five Eating Problems That Cause Overweight:
1. Too much fat in the diet.
2. Too much sugar and other simple
3. Inconsistency in food choices over time.
4. Skipping meals, with subsequent catching
5. Eating 3 fairly healthy meals, but then
adding a fourth meal, usually at night, and
often a fast food or high calorie/high fat meal.
• Gaining or Losing Weight Is Simple, But Not
• 1. You need 1800 – 2500 calories per day.
• 2. Every extra 3500 calories you consume =
1 pound of body weight gained.
3. Every extra 3500 calories you burn off
through activity and exercise = 1 pound of body
weight lost
1. Calories In = Calories Out
2. To lose weight burn off more calories than
you eat.
3. To gain weight eat more calories than you
burn off and do
4. Anaerobic muscle building type exercise.
5. It’s not easy, because burning off calories can
be difficult, and not overeating can be
How To Lose Weight
3 Healthy Ways To Lose Weight:
• 1. Reduce total caloric intake to a healthy level.
• 2. Lower the amount of fat in your diet as a
means of lowering caloric intake.
• 3. Engage in regular exercise as a way to burn
up excess calories stored in body fat and as a
way to raise your resting metabolic rate.
4. Doing all 3 of these will help you lose weight.
How To Gain Weight
3 Healthy Ways To Gain Weight:
• 1. Eat 2500 to 3500 calories/day.
• 2. Increase the amount of anaerobic exercise
you do (weight lifting, pushups, pull-ups, sit
ups) You want to gain muscle, not fat.
3. Eat more complex carbohydrates and protein
rich foods. However, be careful not to eat many
high-fat foods.
Fat Eating
1. A low fat diet is one that has less than
30 grams of fat consumed per day.
2. A high fat diet is one that has more than
70 grams of fat consumed per day. Avoid
high fat diets.
3. Remember, fat grams have more than
twice the calories per gram than
carbohydrates and proteins.
Improving Your Diet
• How To Make Your Diet Better:
1. Follow the Food Pyramid Guidelines.
2. Follow the 7 US Dietary Guidelines.
3. Eat more fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and fiber.
4. Decrease total calories consumed per day.
5. Be careful when you diet. Get a doctors advice first. Avoid fad
diets or quick weight loss programs.
6. Eat more fresh foods and less packaged, pre-prepared and
fast foods.
7. Increase water intake.
8. Decrease junk foods, sweets, and pop consumption.
• 1. Synthetic vitamins are identical to the vitamins found in
foods. The body cannot tell the difference and gets the same
benefits from either type of vitamin.
• 2. Vitamins have no calories so they provide no energy or extra
• 3. Taking excess vitamins is a waste of money. Some vitamins
(fat soluble) build up in the body and become toxic. Others are
removed from the body (water soluble) by urination. “Americans
have the most expensive urine in the world”
4. Anyone who eats a varied, balanced diet should normally never
need to take supplemental vitamins.
Worst Foods To Eat
• 10 Killer Foods You Should Never Eat:
1. Quaker 100% Natural Oats and Honey Granola
2. Gwaltney Great Dogs and Chicken Franks
3. Entenmann’s Rich Frosted Donuts
4. Nissin Cup Noodles with Shrimp
5. Frito-Lay’s Wow Potato Chips
6. Oscar Mayer Lunchables
7. Burger King French Fries
8. Campbell’s red-and-white-label Soups
9. Bugles
10. Contadina Alfredo Sauce
Top 10 Foods
• 10 Super Foods You Should Always Eat:
Sweet Potatoes
White-Grain Bread
Spinach and Kale
• 10. Fat-Free or 1% Fat Milk (but not 2%)
Problems From Poor Diet
Medical/Health Problems Related To Poor Diet:
A. Short Term Problems:
1. Fatigue and tiredness
2. Bad moods/moodiness
3. Depression
4. Headache
5. Nausea
6. Hunger
Long Term Problems From Poor Diet
Long Term Problems:
1. Obesity
2. Heart Disease
3. Stroke
4. Adult Onset Diabetes
5. High Blood Pressure
6. Cirrhosis of the Liver
7. Tooth Decay
8. Cancers
Dietary Deficiency Diseases (scurvy, rickets)