men´s health: diabetes complications

Diabetic eye disease is the umbrella term for a number of medical conditions—including diabetic
retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma—that can result from type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common eye disorder affecting diabetics. In 2005, nearly 7 million
people had diabetic retinopathy, and that number is expected to triple by 2050. The condition is
characterized by damaged blood vessels in the retina, the light-sensing area at the back of the eye.
Blood vessels either swell and leak fluid, or grow abnormally on the retina, blurring and obstructing
vision. Both eyes are usually affected. Diabetic neuropathy is the leading cause of blindness in
American adults.
Cataracts are cloudy optical lenses. And their incidence is on the rise: According to a study
published in the Archives of Ophthalmology, there will be a 235 percent increase in the number of
diabetics with cataracts by 2050.
Glaucoma is a broad term for several conditions that put excessive pressure on the eye, causing
damage to the retina and optic nerve. Glaucoma eventually leads to eyesight problems such as
blurry vision, peripheral vision loss, or blindness. People with diabetes are 40 percent more likely to
develop glaucoma than the general population.
Gum disease describes gingivitis and periodontitis, two infections that can cause tooth loss. Both
are more common in diabetics because higher levels of harmful, infection-causing proteins are
found in the gum tissues of people with diabetes. Diabetics also have fewer of the beneficial
proteins that help heal infected gums. A diabetic person with gum disease should see a dentist for
treatment options. Tooth decay may occur if gum disease isn’t treated.
Thrush, also known as oral yeast infection, is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus candida
albicans (a.k.a. yeast) that is naturally present in most of our mouths. In people with diabetes,
however, the yeast feeds on the glucose present in diabetic saliva, making an infection more likely.
Plus, diabetics’ compromised immune systems are less likely to attack and kill the infection. Thrush
may cause white, cottage cheese-like growths to appear on the tongue, cheeks, or gums. These
may become sore or bleed if removal is attempted. An antifungal regimen is the most effective
Alzheimer’s disease is more likely to develop if you have diabetes, according to a 2004 study from
Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. After giving neurological exams to 824 people over a
period of 9 years, researchers found that those with type-2 diabetes were 65 percent more likely to
develop Alzheimer’s disease than those without runaway blood-sugar levels. The likely explanation
for the finding: Out-of-whack blood chemicals. “Altered levels of glucose and insulin can affect the
brain directly,” says lead researcher Zoe Arvanitakis, M.D. If you’re overweight, you can reduce
your risk of diabetes—and Alzheimer’s—by losing 5 percent to 7 percent of your body weight.
Dementia risk skyrockets in people with type-2 diabetes. A 2009 study published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association found that extreme blood sugar drops, called hypoglycemia,
might be the cause of increased dementia incidence in older diabetes patients. Those who were
hospitalized just once for hypoglycemia were 26 percent more likely to develop dementia than
people who never had hypoglycemia. Two hospitalizations increased dementia risk by 80 percent,
and three hospitalizations increased that risk by 94 percent.
Diabetic stiff hand syndrome is the layman’s term for diabetic cheiroarthropathy, a condition
characterized by tight, waxy-looking skin and limited joint mobility. Excess glucose and fat in the
bloodstream cause the tiny veins in the hands to become clogged, decreasing circulation. Poor
blood flow limits movement and flexibility in the fingers, making it difficult to grip or flex. Stiff hand
syndrome affects up to 50 percent of people with type-1 diabetes. The risk for developing other
complications, such as retinopathy (vision loss) and proteinuria (nutrient loss due to kidney
damage), is 50 percent in diabetics with cheiroarthropathy, compared to 11 percent in diabetics
without the syndrome.
Heart disease causes 65 percent of all diabetes-related deaths, while just 35 percent of the general
population dies of the disease. High blood pressure, the most common risk factor for heart disease,
is twice as common in diabetics than in others.
Gastroparesis is a disorder in which nerve damage prevents the stomach from emptying its
contents quickly enough. This can result in heartburn, abdominal pain, vomiting, bloating, and
insufficient absorption of nutrients by the stomach and small intestine. The underlying nerve
damage is most often caused by diabetes. High blood sugar limits blood flow and changes the
chemicals in the nerves, eventually rendering them useless. A 2005 study found that more than 50
percent of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes have gastroparesis.
Kidney disease develops when the kidneys are no longer able to remove waste products and extra
water from the blood through the urine. If the kidneys no longer function, toxins and other excess
waste build up in the body, eventually poisoning you and potentially resulting in death. A 2007 study
found that 44 percent of people with kidney failure also have diabetes. Kidney failure usually occurs
between 5 and 7 years after the onset of kidney disease.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects about 5 percent of all 40-year-old men. But a 2009 study
published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that more than 83 percent of men with type 2
diabetes have erectile dysfunction. In an unrelated study, research showed that men with high body
mass indexes, which are common in type 2 diabetics, were more likely to have low testosterone
levels and ED than those with low body mass indexes.
Diabetic foot disease results from peripheral neuropathy, the medical term for the irreparable
nerve damage in the hands and feet that affects 60 percent of all diabetics. High blood sugar
causes the small blood vessels in the extremities to thicken, decreasing circulation and eventually
limiting nerve function. Peripheral neuropathy may cause the patient’s hands or feet to feel tingly,
painful, or numb. The lack of sensation in the extremities can leave a diabetic unaware of any sores
(such as blisters or hangnails) or growths (bunions, warts, or corns) on their feet. If left untreated,
these conditions can lead to ulcerations, or festering open wounds, which account for more than 80
percent of all amputations in the United States. Diabetics are up to 46 times more likely to have a
lower extremity amputation than the general population.