bulletin 12-13-15 - First Randolph Christian Reformed Church

December 13, 2015 - 9:30 AM Worship
Moment of Silence:
Call to Worship: Psalm: 33
*The Lord’s Greeting:
*Song Service
*Hymn: PH 340 Angels from the Realms of Glory
Hymn: PH 341 O Come, All Ye Faithful
Hymn: RB 772 When We All Get to Heaven
Advent Reading: Linda and Jamie Kok
Law – Inside cover PH - Responsive
Assurance of Pardon:
Pastoral Prayer/w Special Requests
*Hymn of Assurance: RB 262 Away In A Manger
Scripture: John 1:1-19 (p. 1645)
Sermon: “Love Revealed: To Give Life”
+ Regarding God’s Word
+ Recognizing God’s Word
+ Receiving God’s Word
Theme: The ways that we avoid the Life God offers, and how Advent
can help us.
Prayer of Application:
Offering & Offertory: General Fund
*Closing Hymn: RB 250: 1-3 O Little Town Of Bethlehem
*Doxology: RB 250: 4 O Little Town Of Bethlehem
*Moment of Reflection
Serving our Church Today
Organist: Diane Kok
Song Service: Jaimie Kok
Scripture Reader: Nancy Nehring
Greeters: John Douma family
Ushers: Justin Mulder and Steve Hoffman
Nursery: Vanessa Katsma and Caitlyn Budzinski
Driver: Christopher Alsum
Librarian: Mary Katsma
Satan doesn’t know what to do with somebody who just won’t give
up. Be constant in prayer and keep the faith!—pk
Evening Worship: 6:30 PM
Call to Worship: Psalm 15
*The Lord’s Greeting:
*Opening Hymn: RB 277 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
*Apostle’s Creed
*Hymn of Response – Glory Be to the Father
Pastoral Prayer with Special requests
Offering and Offertory: General Fund
Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 (p. 1048)
Sermon: “Meaningless!”
+ Vanity
+ Epilogue
+ Fear God
Theme: The purpose of man’s life as given to Israel as well as
Christians today.
Prayer of Application
*Hymn of Response: RB 253: 1-3 Silent Night! Holy Night!
*Doxology: RB 253: 4 Silent Night! Holy Night!
*Moment of Reflection
Serving our Church Next Sunday
Organist: Jean DeBoer
Song Service: Caylee Alsum
Scripture Reader: Linda Kok
Greeters: Jason and Katie Grahn and family
Ushers: Gerhardt Alsum and Brett Kemink
Nursery: Chantell Alsum and Marcia Rataczak
Driver: Cody Katsma
Librarian: Sharon Sjoerdsma
Offering: Gideons
November offerings:
World Renew: $543
General Fund: $1844
Bible League: $340
Thanksgiving: $2073
Budget: $18,671
Prayers and Praises
Continue to pray for those in nursing homes:
Evelyn Douma-Continental Manor
Irene Heeringa-Christian Home
Alice Hoffman-Golden Years
Jim Douma-Portage Nursing Home
Happy birthday:
December 16: Dave Sjoerdsma
December 17: Evelyn VanderGalien
Congregational Meeting will be held on December 20,
immediately following the service.
Budgets will be handed out following the service today.
Officebearers will be chosen by lot (as previously decided).
Elder Nominees (2 will be chosen):
Allen Bronkhorst
Chuck DeBoer
Brad Kemink
Bernie Oosterwyk
Deacon Nominees (1 will be chosen):
Justin Mulder
Kevin Tillema
Mike Westra
Vote of affirmation: Rob Sjoerdsma has agreed to serve a second
term of two years. We are especially grateful for Rob's sacrificial
service. This will give us some continuity in following through with
Natural Church Development Process.
Rob Sjoerdsma and Dave Katsma were appointed as co-chairs of the
Long Range Planning Committee.
The Agenda for the Congregational Meeting will include an open
discussion about the realities concerning the evening worship service.
If you have an idea, or any thoughts on this, please share those with
us. You may also put it in writing and give to a council member at or,
prior to the meeting.
Worship and Fellowship opportunities
If you would like your name to be added to or removed from the song
service and scripture reading lists, please let Jean DeBoer know as
soon as possible.
Thank you!!!
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Dodge-Watertown is looking for
volunteers for future reference. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin
Board for more information.
In the Library:
Overview of: The Breaking Point by Karen Ball
Volunteers are needed for the candlelight service.
Please contact Diane Kok if you are interested in
helping out by reading or sharing special music for the
Volunteers are still needed or Advent Readings/Candle
Lighting through Christmas Day. See Pastor Ken if you
are willing to take part in this.
The CWC Music Department would like to invite you to our upcoming
Christmas Concert. The middle and high school students will
share their music on Tuesday, December 15th at 6:30 pm in the
Crusader Centre. What a wonderful way to begin celebrating Christ’s
Love this season!
RCS is sponsoring a tree of light memorial. Each light will be
available for a suggested donation of $3 and will illuminate a tree at
RCS during the Christmas season. Forms are on the table in the
back. Deadline is December 15.
You’re invited! Come join the students of the Randolph Christian
School as they “Sing A Song of Christmas”. The program will be
held in the RCS gym on Friday, December 18th at 2 and 7pm. The
RCS Junior High Band will be providing music before the program.
Bethel Reformed Church, 305 W Main St, Brandon, WI schedule
for the Christmas season.
Sunday, December 13
6:00 Choir Cantata “Emmanuel, God with Us”
Sunday, December 20
9:30 a.m. Children’s Christmas Program &
Choir Cantata “Emmanuel, God with Us”
Wednesday, December 24
4:00 & 9:00 p.m. Candlelight Services
Caught in a blizzard, they expected to fight for their lives. What
they didn’t expect was a miracle…
Renee and Gabe Roman are on the edge—relationally and
spiritually. Both believe they are followers of Christ who know
God. So why is their marriage so difficult? After years of struggle,
they wonder if it’s all been for nothing.
Then, on an anniversary trip to a remote resort, their truck hurtles
down the side of a mountain. Suddenly, they find themselves at
the mercy of the rugged Oregon wilderness, forced to fight for
survival by relying on each other. But both must surrender their
last defenses if they are to come home at last—to God and to
each other.