Heart to Heart E-pistle January 9, 2015 Welcome, J

Heart to Heart E-pistle
January 9, 2015
Welcome, J-P Channels and family!
J-P, Amy, and Erica have arrived! Thanks to
those who helped with the unloading of their
moving trucks and made freezer meals. Here are
a few more opportunities to say, "We're glad
you're here!"
Sunday, January 11: Bring a dish to share
for a potluck lunch at noon. You're invited
to bring cards of welcome and/or gift cards
to your favorite grocery store or restaurant
in town.
Saturday, January 24: Service of
Installation for J-P at 2 p.m. Reception to
Recognizing our Leaders
This Sunday, January 11, in both services, we'll say thanks to our outgoing Elders,
Stewards, Board and Cabinet members and bless and commission our 2015 leaders.
Monday Nights: Together at Heart begins January 12
New year, new opportunities to learn and grow! Disciple I and Whole book study
begin. More information here. (Note: Whole book study is also being offered at Loveland
First Christian Church on Wednesdays from 10:30-12 noon, starting the week of January
Pastoral Transition Update
Our pastoral transition continues according to plans recommended by the Personnel Team
and approved by the Board in conversation with our HeartMinistry team leaders (mailed in a
letter to the congregation in October). J-P, our new associate minister, has arrived, and
Melissa has been installed as our senior minister. As of January 1, Jeff has been working
from his home office, sorting through twenty years of church records/files, and visiting with
members and friends, but not attending administrative meetings, starting new counseling
relationships or leading in worship. He can be reached on his cell phone (970-217-3065)
and he is also at Gib's Bagels (on Harmony) every Monday, from 9-noon. Please call him to
make an appointment to meet at Gib's or another location. In worship on March 1, we'll
share in a covenant of separation. That afternoon, we'll celebrate Jeff and Janet's ministry.
Congregational Meeting
The Board has called a congregational on Sunday, January 25, at 9:50 a.m. At this
meeting, the 2015 budget will be presented and voted on. A letter will be sent that will
include a summary of the budget for your review prior to the meeting.
E-Giving is Here!
Electronic giving is a convenient way to provide consistent financial support to the
ministries of our church. Setting up electronic funds transfer (direct debit from your
checking or savings account) is easy and secure. Click here.
Life is Good
Madison Wood, a student at CSU and an active participant in our congregation, had a photo
of her featured on the front page of the Coloradoan and in a Life is Good ad. Life is Good is
a brand of t-shirts and other apparel. Way to go, Madison!
Board & Cabinet Orientation
On Saturday, January 17 from 9 a.m. - 12 noon. Board & Cabinet members, learn more
about your role for the coming year and how our Board and Cabinet work together to share
in the leadership of our congregation's ministry.
Living the Word Day of Service
Living the Word, an all-church day of service to honor and thank Jeff and Janet Wright for
their legacy of community service will be held on Saturday, February 21. We will be
volunteering with the Homeless Gear Children in Need Program. Many volunteers are
needed to assist several hundred families receive clothing, supplies and services, such as
eye exams, health screenings, and haircuts. A lunch at the church will be served to the
volunteers following the morning service project. Save the date - more details and signups
will be available soon!
Faith Family Hospitality
What a joy to hear the sounds of children, tweens and teens enjoying shelter and
hospitality in our church this week! What a blessing to be a part of such a wonderful
ministry. And an even greater blessing was given by God on Tuesday night to one of the
families. Beau, Carla and Tori welcomed baby Eligh, who entered this world a few weeks
early. We're happy to report that the 5 pound, 7 ounce boy is doing well, and so is
mom! The family could use preemie and newborn clothing and diapers - please bring any
donations to church the next two Sundays, and we'll make sure the family receives them.
Two of the families staying with us this week have jobs and enough savings to move into
their own homes. The catch - they have not been able to find suitable affordable
housing. Please let the church know if you are aware of any homes or apartments for rent.
The FFH Day Center (located at the Fort Collins Mennonite Fellowship, 300 East Oak) needs
volunteers! The center provides a place for families to go during the day to get out of the
heat or the cold and to access resources such as showers and laundry facilities. Volunteers
are needed to help ensure that the FFH Center is a welcoming and restful place. You are
welcome to bring your children with you during the two-hour volunteer shift. Day center
hours are 9 to 5 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. To volunteer, go
to http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0549a9ab28a31-daycenter.
Youth Ministry Updates
Youth Sunday is coming to both worship services on Sunday, February 8.
Club 456 (for 4th, 5th and 6th graders) returns this Wednesday, January 14. Join us
from 5:30 to 7 p.m. for games, grub, and great discussion.
Youth Fellowship (grades 6-12) returns this Sunday, January 11, from 4:30-6:30
p.m. We'll welcome our new pastor, J-P!
Mid-Winter Retreat - Youth grades 6-12 will gather at La Foret Camp from February
13-16 to grow in relationship with God and one another through fellowship, fun,
worship, and keynotes. Paper forms in lobby. Registration also available
online. Forms and payment are due on Sunday, January 11.
CYF (grades 9-12) Mission Trip - Planning to participate in our July 2015 mission
trip to Mexico through BorderLinks? Forms and $150 deposit are due this Sunday,
January 11. Copies available in the lobby.
Scholarships for youth spiritual journeys (retreats, mission trips, etc.) are available. See JP or Melissa.
Visit from author, speaker, musician Christian
We'll host Christian in Sunday School on Sunday,
January 18, as he talks about his new book PostChristian. Copies of his book will be available for
sale at the church, and he'll be signing copies after
worship. He'll also lead us in Beer & Hymns that
evening from 7-8 p.m. at Mulligan's Pub (2439 S.
College, Fort Collins). Invite a friend or neighbor to
experience church in a way that's both new and ancient - hymnody and brewing have both
been around for centuries.
Sunday School is back!
Sunday School for all ages resumes this Sunday, January 11, at 9:50 a.m.
Worship & Wonder: Pre-K - 3rd grade - Room 1 - a unique way to hear the stories of
Scripture that offers children opportunities to make space to be with God and allows
time for wondering through their own questions. Led by Erin Tyler and others.
Fruits of the Spirit: 4th-8th grade - Modular - Learn more about the fruits of the
spirit while preparing a musical with the hopes of presenting it in late spring. Led by
Carrie and Barry Broughton, Jaden Adamson, David Weeks.
Adult classes - Modular
o Fully Faithful, Fully Flawed: What has been God's role throughout our lives
and the history of our faith? Led by Rachel Chappell.
o Act-ing as Church: Studying the book of Acts to explore what it means to be
church. Led by Melissa St. Clair.
Treasurer's Trove
Thank you, God! Thank you, congregation! Thank you to all of the members over the past
6 years of my tenure as treasurer of the Finance Team, Council, Board and Cabinet. The
role can sometimes be a challenge, but the consistent generosity and commitment to God's
wishes for us here by this family has made it a joy, and I feel blessed to have been able to
act in this role.
As of the end of October, we were operating at an almost $47,000 deficit in our general
fund, we had called a new associate pastor, and we've got a lot of transitions and extra
costs coming up in 2015. And then wow. WOW! What a year end response.
I'm thrilled to say that through November and December, we turned that $47,000 deficit
into an $18,500 surplus in our general fund reserve! WOW! Oh, and guess what? You
were also so generous to contribute another $624 to the Christmas Disciples Mission Fund
(DMF) special collection, on top of the $507 we collected for the Thanksgiving DMF special
collection. And let's not forget the record (at least in my history) collections of $5440 for
the Homeless Prevention Initiative at our Christmas Eve services! And all of that (and
more!) is only in the months of November and December.
As of this writing, we're working on our budget for 2015, which will be presented and voted
on at the congregational meeting on January 25. Plan to join us in celebration of what we in partnership with God and one another - have been able to accomplish and to understand
how your generosity will take us through this "year of transition" and beyond. Thank you
again for making this a pleasure, and thanks to David Hartley for taking the reins of
treasurer. I'm confident that he'll have just as many opportunities to be awed and grateful
as I have been. Blessings all!
Care Center Worship Team
Each third Sunday of the month at 10:15 a.m., a team brings love and communion to the
residents of Rehabilitation Nursing Center of the Rockies (next to PVH). Our team needs a
few new folks. The time commitment is small; the reward is huge. Contact Betsy DavisNoland (689-7173; bdavisnoland@q.com).
Take Note
James Mahon invites his church family to his Eagle Scout Ceremony on Saturday,
January 17, at 5 p.m. at Heart of the Rockies Christian Church, to celebrate with him
and to thank you for your ongoing support.
If you take prayer seriously and keep a confidence, our Prayer Chain invites you to
join the team that lifts up prayers on behalf of our church community. Call Judy
Mitchell (206-9084) for more information and to join the team.
Heart of the Rockies' JustFaith group has collected thousands of items over the years
to meet the everyday needs of the children at the Disciples Tennyson Center for
Children at Colorado Christian Home. January's list includes: Toilet paper, Kleenex,
small bottles liquid hand soap, Glade air fresheners, Ziploc bags (gallon), deodorant
(travel size), dandruff shampoo, batteries (AA, AAA, 9V, C,D) and hair bands, ties
and barrettes. A box is located in the church lobby to collect these gifts. Thank
Dear Heart of the Rockies church family,
Thank you so much for the generous money gift. I am so grateful to be a part of this family
who focuses on so much more than just worship on Sundays. It is a privilege to share
music with you and to grow with you over the course of 18 years. Thank you!
Ruth Meyers
Oh my goodness! You are so good to your church staff. My family and I are grateful for
your generosity of our Christmas gift. We love you!
Katie Hinojosa
Dear Church Family,
Thank you for your generous Christmas gift, and for your care and prayer for our entire
staff. I'm giving thanks to God for having served as one of your pastors for so many
years! We've grown a good thing together.
Grace, peace,
Jeff Wright
God's Beloved,
Thank you so much for the generous Christmas gift and for the love and support you offer
in a variety of ways throughout the year. Thanks also to all who prepared and participated
in worship on Sunday, January 4. What an amazing day of celebration and hope that, truly,
as Jeff always says, "Our best years are still ahead of us." I look forward to the years of
ministry we'll share together - Loving God. Serving others. Changing lives.