January Monthly Report

FC Progress Reports
Winter/Spring 2014-2015
Please complete and send to Susan Albertine at albertine@aacu.org by the following dates:
January 30th; March 27th; April 24th; May 29th; June 26th
Please indicate in your email if we may post your report to the public Toolkit.
Date submitted:
January 30, 2015
Submitted by:
Kathy Johnson
Progress toward goals for current reporting period:
NovemberDecember 2014
Indiana University Leadership Conversations; TJ Rivard appointed Hub Director; TJ will be
supported by a small “hub committee” including Margie Ferguson, Becky Torstrick, Robin
Morgan (IU FACET Director) and Kathy Johnson, at least until a steering committee is up
and running. Margie Ferguson and TJ Rivard meet regularly with Ken Sauer and will keep
him apprised on our activities.
Early January 2015
Chief Academic Officers at public 2- and 4-year institutions provided with notification
regarding project and asked to nominate steering committee members. A second
communication went out to faculty networks associated with the transferable general
education core, single articulation pathways, and other transfer-related initiatives
explaining the project and soliciting nominations for steering committee.
January 24, 2015
Steering Committee appointed, including the following individuals:
Indiana University: TJ Rivard, co-chair and hub director
Ivy Tech Community College: Marcus Kolb, co-chair
Ivy Tech Community College: Lacie Couzin
Ivy Tech Community College: Brenda Ragle
IUPUI: Jennifer Lee
Ball State University: Marilyn Buck
Indiana University, Bloomington: Dennis Groth
Indiana University, East: Hitesh Kathuria
Indiana University, Southeast: Angela Salas
Indiana University, Kokomo: Kristen Snoddy
FC Progress Reports
Indiana University, South Bend: Hope Smith Davis
Purdue, West Lafayette: Teresa Taber-Doughty
Purdue, North Central: Vanessa Quinn
Purdue, Calumet: Kathleen Tobin
Indiana State University: Linda Maule
Vincennes University: Michael Gress
Hub Leadership Team: Margie Ferguson, Becky Torstrick, Robin Morgan
State Liaison: Kathy Johnson
Institutions not yet represented (nominations still being sought): Indiana UniversityPurdue University Fort Wayne, University of Southern Indiana, Indiana University,
In addition, there are eight additional people interested in our faculty network and ten
people interested in applying as fellows. We plan to recruit a small group of faculty that
have been engaged in Tuning and the Quality Collaboratives, as well as Ken Sauer, to join
a state advisory committee for the project.
January 27, 2015
Solicitation of Faculty Fellows letter drafted
Please describe any current challenges you are facing in meeting your FC Project goals:
One challenge with launching this initiative has been the need to dispel concerns about what the “real”
(hidden) agenda is associated with this project, and the concern that it is being driven by the Commission for
Higher Education. On the bright side, once people have been reassured, they seem very excited about the
work and are eager to get involved!
Another challenge is that Indiana has few existing faculty networks (other than those associated with recent
state higher education legislation implementation, which leads to the challenge mentioned above) and
existing networks involve only public institutions. The leadership hub determined that it would be best to
start by focusing on public institutions in year 1, and to then expand in year 2 to include private/independent
FC Progress Reports
Suggestions or Questions for AAC&U FC Staff:
None at this time.
Please update your goals for the next reporting period:
Disseminate call for faculty fellows (by first week of February)
Create basic/informational website
Convene steering committee in February to share information about the project and to prepare for the review
of faculty fellow applications
Explore with colleague from UITS options for web presence (meeting scheduled for 2/5/15)
Finish drafting action plan for Indiana in advance of national meeting