Nobu Makishi Wendy Good Coding Analysis Toolkit (CAT). Developed in the summer of 2007 by University Center for Social and Urban Research at University of Pittsburgh. Updated 3/26/08. “CAT was designed to use keystrokes and automation to clarify and speed-up the coding, validation, or consensus adjudication process.” Free access to the CAT program. Opened under a General Public License in 2009. Go to the website: CREATE USER NAME AND PASSWORD PROVIDE REQUIRED BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Upload a xml file 2. Upload a text file (.txt) 3. Upload a zip file Text file Song space Zip File Song.txt Song.txt Song space Song Song.txt Song.txt Party in the U.S.A by Miley Cyrus 2. Down by Jay Sean featuring Lil Wayne 3. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga 4. Whatcha Say by Jason derulo 5. Sweet Dreams by Beyonce 6. Use somebody by Kings of leon 7. You belong with me by Taylor swift 8. Run this Town by Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West 9. Love Drunk by Boys like Girls 10. Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson Source from on 11/2/09 1. When you leave it unchecked, at the end it will bring up all the choices you made, so you can verify that you did everything correctly If you check this box, you can re-define codes after they have been uploaded into the database. Default is one code per codeable unit (song) Catpac, Galileo, and Oresme are made by the Galileo Company. ThoughtView is made by Joseph D. and Joseph K Woelfel. Catpac can analyze the texts in Chinese, French, Hindi, English, or Spanish. “CATPAC is an intelligent program that can read any text and summarize its main ideas. It needs no precoding and makes no linguistic assumptions. It has a distinguished record of research with publications in many of the world's foremost journals worldwide.” Our data set: DATA use from Cleveland State University president inauguration speech on October 16, 2009. e/.