the ground hug

The Ground HUG allows a Guardrail system to be
installed onto metal or conventionally constructed
buildings on landings or roofs with, or without, an
The Ground HUG quickly allows Guardrail post to be
installed on virtually any structure in minutes.
The Ground HUG GH1002 Kit includes 2 each 72”
extensions (E72), 1 each 42” post (ST42), 1 each wall
arm bracket (WAB1001) 1 each ground mounted
bracket (GMB1001), the kit works on heights from 2’
4”to 14’4”.
The Ground HUG can be extended to accommodate
two story structures by adding extensions.
The Edge Mounted Bracket
The roof or deck edge attachment is the (EMB1001) edge
mounted bracket.
(EMB1001) can be screw mounted over existing roofing,
and tear off can begin right up to the bracket. Simply
unscrew and reattach to sheathing where it can be roofed
over and remain for future use, simply cut off, or unscrewed
and reused.
On new construction simply attach to sheathing, and roof
over it where it can remain for future use.
The edge mounted bracket is bent offset so you can slide
drip edge metal underneath.
The edge mounted bracket is available in galvanized metal
or stainless steel.
The Ground HUG stands alone in fall prevention.
The Ground Mounted Bracket
(GMB1001) is a bracket which can be driven into terra
The (GMB1001) is convertible from ground stake to deck,
slab or wall mount.
The wall arm bracket (WAB1001), providing extra safety on
units taller than one story, rests against, or may be anchored
to the wall.
The wall arm bracket (WAB1001) is adjustable for different
size overhangs.
The wall arm bracket can be padded to prevent any damage
to the structure.
Hugs One LLC
Toll Free: 1-888-448-4723
Cell: 813-966-7238
Fax: 813-681-9238
Joe Martinez
Vice President, Operations