Major higher educational programme Field of study: 010500.68

Major higher educational programme
Field of study: 010500.68 Mathematical Support and Administration of Information
Specialty: Multidimensional information models in management of industrial
Degree: master.
Study mode: full-time.
The period of study specified by the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher
Education is 2 years.
The study load of the bachelor’s programme specified by the Federal State Educational
Standards of Higher Education is 120 ECTS points.
The programme is meant to develop the students’ faculties in
 methods, tools and technologies to integrate heterogeneous data into a single
information model;
 modern technologies and modeling and design systems of industrial facilities and
 modern means of visualizing complex information models;
 modern technologies to organise human-machine interfaces;
 modern telecommunication facilities and skills to use them to build distributed
information systems;
 modern architecture of an industrial enterprise and its engineering systems.
The list of courses included in the curriculum of 010500.68 Mathematical Support
and Administration of Information Systems. Specialty: Multidimensional information
models in management of industrial facilities.
Fundamental general scientific courses.
History and Methodology of Computer Sciences
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 2,
Hours: 72
The course aims to form competences in the history and methodology of computer
sciences, including the technology to introduce information systems at an enterprise.
The objectives of the course are to learn the basic stages in the development of computer
sciences and their relationship with other sections of natural science; role of computers in
modern life and development of sciences; to build skills in creating and developing specific
Computer Sciences Teaching Methodology
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 2,
Hours: 72
The course aims to study the fundamental issues and current problems of higher
education in the field of computer science teaching, trends in higher education in terms of
training highly qualified IT specialists, content, teaching technology, methods of forming the
systematic professional thinking.
The objectives of the course are to study the fundamental principles of higher education,
professional education; methods of organising an effective system in the field of IT education,
ability to motivate and ensure the competitiveness; to study and understand the corporate
standards in training IT professionals in leading IT brands.
Innovation Management
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 2,
Hours: 72
The course aims to develop modern approaches to managing changes in organisations
and territorial entities that are focused on high-tech products and services; to provide
administrative and legal knowledge in the field of innovation.
The objectives of the course are to study the methodology of innovation management; to
develop a systematic thinking that allows solving effectively practical problems in the
management of innovation processes at an enterprise in accordance with its industry branch and
scientific and technological development trends in society.
Second Foreign Language
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 2,
Hours: 72
The course aims to develop professional competence that involves the ability and
willingness to use a second foreign language in the process of intercultural interaction in typical
situations of oral and written professional communication.
The objectives of the course are to study professional vocabulary; to develop the skills in
reading and understanding specialized literature; to develop skills in oral and written
communication as a result of mastering the professional terminology.
Compulsory general scientific courses.
Architecture of Industrial Enterprise and its Engineering Systems. Life Cycle of
Industrial Facilities
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 4,
Hours: 144
The course aims to study the historical basics of architecture and construction technology
as the foundation of the science of design and construction, in particular, enterprise architecture
and its engineering systems; to study the tools and systems of automation and control for various
purposes, including the lifecycle of industrial facilities and its quality.
The objectives of the course are to study the forms, styles and trends in architecture,
industrial enterprises, as well as planning and design decisions for buildings, the methods of
designing buildings and structures; to develop the skills of proper selection and evaluation of
materials, design and space - planning decisions for buildings and structures; to teach investigate
to ensure highly efficient operation of the equipment and systems of automation, control,
inspection and testing under the requirements specified in the rules of operation and safety.
Structure of the Modern Market of Programme Systems and Management Solutions
at an Enterprise
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to study the possibilities and offers of the modern market of programme
systems, including quality system and ERP-systems.
The objectives of the course are to familiarise students with application of programme
systems of enterprise management both in Russia and abroad; to study the computer-oriented
technology of modern enterprise management (MRP, CRP, MRP II, ERP, CRM, CSRP, SCM);
to learn use the programme systems for solving problems of the resource management in a
production company.
Systems of Digital Archive of Engineering and Design Documentation
Semester: 3,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to familiarise students with existing digital archive systems, their
features and functions.
The objectives of the course are to teach use digital archive for storing large files of
engineering and design documentation, as well as for storing drafts and documents.
Elective general scientific courses.
Engineering Modeling, 3D-Models of Industrial Plants
Semester: 3,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to master the basic techniques of engineering modeling and
methodology of creating 3D-models of industrial facilities.
The objectives of the course are to study the principles of calculation and planning of
three-dimensional models, possibilities of their application in the industrial sector as a way to
optimize company's expenses.
Interfaces of Information Systems
Semester: 3,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to form a systematic understanding of construction and use of
telecommunications facilities and their interfaces to store and search remote databases; to
familiarise with the main architectural constructions of local and global information networks; to
teach the techniques for access to distributed information resources through appropriate
interfaces; to familiarise in practice with the search systems in information networks.
The objectives of the course are to give an idea about the network interfaces, network
software and hardware, as well as standardization and interoperability of information networks;
to form an understanding of the principles of construction and use of information networks.
Simulation Modeling and Virtual Simulator
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to acquire a modern theoretical knowledge about methods of simulation
modeling and virtual simulators; to develop the practical skills in building models of real
economic, social and technological production systems in order to conduct research in
mathematics, the skills in making and implementing management decisions.
The objectives of the course are to form the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
creating and using simulation models of complex organisational systems, as well as work on
virtual simulators.
System Analysis
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to form a theoretical notion of a systemic approach; to develop skills in
systems analysis and systematic approach to the study of organisational, social, economic and
technical systems; to study the latest tools to support the procedures of the systems analysis.
The objectives of the course are to develop skills in using systems analysis when
considering complex research facilities; to reveal the potential of a systemic approach to
research, analysis, engineering and management activities; to master some techniques of the
systems analysis and apply them in practice.
Fundamental field-oriented courses.
Scientific Seminar “Project Management”
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 5,
Hours: 180
The course aims to form a system of knowledge and skills related to the understanding of
the role of the project at an organisation, modern concept of project management, project
management techniques with the use of economic mathematical methods.
The objectives of the course are to study a market-based approach in the system of
economics planning of project implementation; to examine the techniques of decisions analysis
and synthesis for making effective management decisions; to study methodological principles of
project risk management.
Metrology of Software Quality
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 2,
Hours: 72
The course aims to provide theoretical and practical training in the field of programming
to such an extent that students can choose relevant approaches to the organisation of
programming as a production process and exercise effective control over this process by
providing the highest quality software tools of various profiles.
The objectives of the course are to learn about the nature of the measurements related to
the development of programmes; basic principles and methods of the measurement programme
in the production process of programming; to develop practical skills in assessing the quality of
the software correctly.
Economic and Legal Basics of the Software Market
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 2,
Hours: 72
The course aims to form a systematic knowledge about the legal framework that
regulates work at all stages and phases of the life cycle of software development.
The objectives of the course are to study the Russian legislation on the protection of
intellectual property; to form a basic knowledge on the software market: evaluation of
information technology facilities; evaluation and maintenance of the competitiveness of products
and services in the field of information technology; promotion of information technology
Extra Chapters of Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic
Semester: 3,
ECTS points: 4,
Hours: 144
The course aims to develop professional competencies in using the basic laws of
mathematical logic in the professional activities and applying methods of discrete mathematics
to solve different problems.
The objectives of the course are to study the basic concepts and methods of discrete
mathematics: logical calculations, functional systems with operations, discrete structures
(graphs, networks, codes), disjunctive normal forms and schemes of functional elements,
combinatorics, basics of the theory of algorithms; to learn apply mathematical symbols to
express qualitative and quantitative relationship of objects, to apply the theory of algorithms for
making and analysing project decisions.
Compulsory field-oriented courses.
Calendar Project Management
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to familiarise with the calendar network forms that allow inputting data,
calculations and reporting forms on the basis of the international project management standards.
The objectives of the course are to teach students to apply the methods of calendar
project, namely to create a calendar schedules, calculate the critical path, to carry out multiversion scheduling, filtering and grouping; to learn how to apply project management software.
Management and Control Systems of the Engineering Infrastructure at an
Semester: 7,
ECTS points: 7,
Hours: 252
The course aims to provide knowledge in the field of management activities and design
of management and control systems.
The objectives of the course are to study the types and forms of management and control
systems at an enterprise (organisation) as a whole and its engineering infrastructure; to study the
basic management techniques; to develop the ability to assess the effectiveness of management
activities of enterprises and organisations.
Management System of Capital Fund
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 5,
Hours: 180
The course aims to familiarise with the existing management systems of capital fund and
to develop skills in using these systems at an enterprise.
The objectives of the course are to study the types of tangible assets; to study the ways to
automate management systems of capital funds; to teach to analyse the parameters of the
equipment, vehicles, buildings and structures, to identify the causes of failures and to plan work
to remove them; to teach how to conduct audit business processes for maintenance of capital
Elective field-oriented courses.
Basics of Patent Law and Intellectual Property Protection
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to study the rules to manufacture innovative products in accordance with
the requirements of quality, environment and safety.
The objectives of the course are to teach make decisions concerning the development of
innovative products at the stage of design and technological preparation of production in
accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, ecology and the latest achievements
of science and technology; to teach carry out a patent search, prepare documents for the
protection of intellectual property, exercise intellectual property protection during its launch in
Architecture and Software of High-Performance Clusters
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to study the fundamental knowledge in the field of architecture and
software of HPC; to master the techniques of parallel computing.
The objectives of the course are to study the architecture of multiprocessor computers,
the techniques of parallel computing and algorithms; to develop the practical skills in
programming of multithreaded applications by means of C++, MPI on high-performance cluster
of IKBFU, programming graphics cards using the CUDA architecture, CAD and CAE packages
on HPC.
Modeling Techniques and Tools for Engineering Systems and Technological Process
Semester: 3,
ECTS points: 8,
Hours: 288
The course aims to familiarise with modern techniques and tools for modeling, preparing
a mathematical description, evaluation of its accuracy, with algorithmic, software, information
and technical means of computer-aided design and optimization of engineering systems and
The objectives of the course are to study the principles of making mathematical
descriptions of the processes and the use of computers in computer-aided research and design; to
learn how to use modern computer technology to solve practical problems.