Test AIA Document A201_ver012312

ACT 380 --- Specifications & Contract Documents
AIA-A201 --- General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
Provide the page numbers, the article numbers, and give the correct answer to all
questions. NO points will be given for answers without articles cited. Each question
is worth .794 points.
Name: ___________________
Score: ____________
1. This document is published by?
2. May this document be freely copied and used by Architects?
3. How many articles are there in this document?
4. What are included in the Contract Documents?
5. Define Modification?
6. Can “Work” mean completing a part of the Project?
7. What does the “Project Manual” include?
8. Who signs the Contract Documents?
9. Who is responsible for visiting and knowing the conditions of the Project site?
10. Who owns the Contract Documents?
Developed by Doris A. Kemp
Rev 012913
Page 1 of 7
ACT 380 --- Specifications & Contract Documents
AIA-A201 --- General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
11. How is the Owner referred to in the Contract Documents? In a singular or plural
12. Who must provide evidence that they can pay the Contractor?
13. Who must provide surveys of the property on which the Project will be
14. Who pays for the Contract documents that the Contractor uses to complete the
15. Under what circumstances may the Owner issue a written order to the Contractor
to stop the Work?
16. How much time does the Contractor have to correct Work?
17. Who controls construction means, methods, techniques, and procedures?
18. Who is responsible for problems and omissions committed by subcontractors?
19. Who must approve all substitutions?
Developed by Doris A. Kemp
Rev 012913
Page 2 of 7
ACT 380 --- Specifications & Contract Documents
AIA-A201 --- General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
20. What must the Contractor warrant the Owner related to material and equipment
used to complete the Project?
21. Who pays the sales, consumer, and use taxes for the Work?
22. Who acquires and pays for the building permit?
23. Is it the Contractor’s responsibility to ascertain that the Contract Documents are
in accordance with applicable laws?
24. If a Contractor performs Work knowing it is against the law, the Architect and
Owner assume responsibility for paying for corrections. Is this a true statement?
25. Who does a superintendent on the Project site represent?
26. Do the Owner and Architect approve the construction schedule prepared by the
27. What are Shop Drawings?
28. What are Product Data?
Developed by Doris A. Kemp
Rev 012913
Page 3 of 7
ACT 380 --- Specifications & Contract Documents
AIA-A201 --- General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
29. What are used to show materials, equipment and workmanship by which the
Work will be judged?
30. Is the Contractor required to perform any services that would be considered
practicing architecture or engineering?
31. What is indemnification?
32. Who does the Architect represent?
33. Does the Architect have to make a certain number of required visits to the site
where the Work is performed?
34. Who issues Certificates for Payment due the Contractor?
35. Who has the authority to reject Work that does not conform to the Contract
36. Who determines the dates of Substantial and final completion?
37. Who can make a Claim? Owner, Architect, Contractor?
38. Can the Owner stop making payments to the Contractor?
Developed by Doris A. Kemp
Rev 012913
Page 4 of 7
ACT 380 --- Specifications & Contract Documents
AIA-A201 --- General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
39. To whom are claims sent to make a decision?
40. When are claims subject to arbitration?
41. Is the Contractor responsible for providing the Architect a written list of all
42. Does the Owner have the right to award separate contracts for other portions of
the Project Work?
43. Which parties are involved in the following changes in the Work: Change Order,
Construction Change Directive, minor change?
44. What does Contract Time mean in terms of time?
45. The term “day” means only those days on which work is performed not calendar
days? True or False?
46. What is a schedule of values? Who submits them?
47. How long does the Architect have to respond after receiving the Contractor’s
Application for Payment?
Developed by Doris A. Kemp
Rev 012913
Page 5 of 7
ACT 380 --- Specifications & Contract Documents
AIA-A201 --- General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
48. What are the reasons an Architect may withhold a Certificate of Payment?
49. After the Contractor considers the Work is complete what occurs prior to final
50. Who is responsible for safety of persons and property of the Work?
51. What should the Contractor do if he encounters hazardous materials on the site?
52. Who is responsible for purchasing and maintaining worker’s compensation and
liability insurance in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located?
53. Who is responsible for purchasing and maintaining property insurance for the
Project property location?
54. Does the Owner have the right to require the Contractor to furnish performance
and payment bonds?
55. In your own words explain the purpose of the performance and payment bonds.
Developed by Doris A. Kemp
Rev 012913
Page 6 of 7
ACT 380 --- Specifications & Contract Documents
AIA-A201 --- General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
56. How long after the date of Substantial Completion of the Work is the Contractor
obligated to correct any deficient Work NOT in accordance with the Contract
57. Which laws govern the Project?
58. Under what circumstances may the Contractor terminate the Contract?
59. Under what circumstances may the Owner terminate the Contract?
60. Does the Owner have the right to suspend the Work for convenience?
61. If the Owner suspends the Work, does he still have to pay the Contractor?
62. Can the Owner terminate the Contract without cause?
63. If the Owner terminates the Contract without cause what does he owe the
Developed by Doris A. Kemp
Rev 012913
Page 7 of 7